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Messages - Ruldra

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
0.9.9 / Re: 0%/1/AoHa/M/YASD I suck big time.
« on: February 02, 2010, 05:00 »
I like the fact that OP had hellrunner as his first trait but it didn't help him one bit.

And LOL at the second mortem. Nethack shows a special message if you die before you can even move; DoomRL should have that too.

"His journey was a bit shorter than expected."

2 / Re: [U|AoMC|YAAM] My Specialty: MAD Carnage
« on: January 18, 2010, 11:17 »
I see there's a new monster in the beta. I wonder that it looks like.

Bug Reports / Re: N! Spiders Lair
« on: January 12, 2010, 09:28 »
This also happens in the mortuary and I think it happens in every other level. In fact I thought the monsters NOT rezzing in hell's arena was a bug.

Requests For Features / Re: Late game shotgun boost
« on: January 12, 2010, 09:25 »
Pain Elemental caves will probably demonstrate the power of MAD.

Double shotty + shottyman is already more than enough to manage pain elemental caves.

Bug Reports / Re: Nuke kills count as melee kills
« on: December 15, 2009, 09:32 »
I noticed that nuke kills counts as if you killed them with whatever weapon you're holding in your hands at the moment. Since you had none, it probably counted as fist kills.

I only managed to kill JC once with Angel Arm, and in my player history it's listed as a pistol kill.

Nightmare! / Re: [N|AoSh|81%|YAFW] Shottyman diamond!
« on: December 15, 2009, 09:26 »
I envy you so much right now...shottyman diamond is my ultimate goal in doomrl. I doubt I'll get it anytime soon.

0.9.9 / Re: [UV|11%|YAVP] Strongman Diamond, and other shinies!
« on: December 15, 2009, 09:21 »
Even Dervis considered this badge to be impossible to get. Congratulations on proving him wrong =p

So after 572 games this is your first time ever in the mortuary?

Discussion / Re: The little tips and tricks topic.
« on: December 11, 2009, 19:31 »
@Fanta: Do you have time to run to the teleporter before the spiders can shoot? The BFG will probably kill the spiders to your right side but there are some spiders to the left as well.

EDIT: This tactic is probably viable even on N!, since you can pile up most of the corpses in one spot.

Century Lounge / Re: [M/Ao100/100%/YAAM] in BETA 1
« on: December 09, 2009, 13:07 »
What exactly is the difference between exotic and uniques? The former can be modded, the latter can't?

Requests For Features / Re: Balance- Plasma Weapon Damage
« on: December 09, 2009, 09:23 »
Is something going to be done about revenants? Someone suggested that their missiles should behave like a homing lost soul instead of a rocket with 100% accuracy. I like this idea.

Even in angel of max carnage, a former commando will not kill a well-equipped player in 1 turn, unless you define turn as 25 turns (2.5 ingame seconds) rolled up together while I reloaded my BFG/doubleshotgun while standing in grope range of a commando, in which case the mistake isnt that of Kornels, its the players.

Yesterday I got killed by a commando in an AoMC game with 100% health and intact blue armor. I took one step forward, and because my move speed was slightly above 1,00 second a commando from beyond my LOS could shoot me 2 times. Game Over.

Discussion / Player data compatibility
« on: December 07, 2009, 16:45 »
Will our current player data be compatible with future versions or are we going to lose all our progress again at some point?

Nightmare! / Re: [N!|AoMC|MAc|61%|YAVP] Destroyer Diamond
« on: December 07, 2009, 16:12 »
Nice! Good work!

I was going to ask why the game crashed so much on you but I'm seeing it's the beta version.

Does juggler really work when you switch weapons from the inventory? I'm guessing this is why you're carrying 3 shotguns.

Discussion / Re: Berserk, DiabloRL or AliensRL?
« on: December 07, 2009, 13:24 »
Hey guys, Berserk =/= Berzerk. The latter is a crappy arcade game.

Discussion / Re: Berserk, DiabloRL or AliensRL?
« on: December 06, 2009, 22:01 »
From the readme.txt of DiabloRL:

Code: [Select]
If I would (only if I get enough motivated by you ;-)) ever make a full
version it would have:

 -- the full range of Diablo items, monsters, uniques, prefixees and spells
 -- catacombs, caves and hell -- each with a unique level generator
 -- all the original Diablo quests with the original texts
 -- all the hidden quest locations and uniques
 -- additional quests that by Blizzard that didn''t appear in Diablo
 -- full spell and missile weapon system
 -- six classes -- Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Monk, Bard and Barbarian
 -- maybe additional Hellfire content -- spells, items, quests, uniques.
 -- Programmer''s edition -- how the author himself see''s the world of Diablo
 -- proper shops, and special rooms in dungeons

Remember that Berserk has a lot less stuff to work shops, spells, quests and so on. It's a much simpler project.

Discussion / Re: Berserk, DiabloRL or AliensRL?
« on: December 06, 2009, 21:46 »
I'd vote either DiabloRL or BerserkRL, both of them are good. But to make a proper DiabloRL you'd need to invest a lot of time in it, probably more than you ever did in DoomRL. To add six classes, skills, a lot of spells, massive number of quests, huge amounts of magical items and enemies plus the amount of playtesting needed to make everything work means this is a really big project and god knows how long it'd take to finish. Definitely not suited for a "playground".

On the other hand, BerserkRL is a rather simple game, since it's basically an arena where you fight nonstop. All the equipment is already there, so work is only needed on the skills, enemies and some other details. Much easier to work with and shouldn't take long to complete.

So my vote goes to BerserkRL.

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