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Messages - khiijol

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Post Mortem / [0.9.3b|N!|AoMr|Te|YAVP] Anomaly Diamond
« on: September 28, 2020, 10:18 »
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second attempt at this run - first time the only useful item near the archreaver spawn point was a full heal, but unfortunately got mobbed by unlucky spawns. this time i got a nice revolver that i carried to the end, and was able to hide behind a pillar and stave off all the archies, fortunately nothing respawned so when they were dead i was out of the level

cri laboratories was kind of a pushover here, i didnt encounter any keycards before the level, so i only had the one from the boss cri bot, and got lucky to open the healing room, which at that point was the only thing really useful as all my gear was more or less maxed out. plasma pistols are certainly far less useful in N! than UV, but are decent enough for picking off turrets to save a bit of ammo here and there

Post Mortem / [0.9.3b|N!|Te|YAVP] - jovisec diamond
« on: September 27, 2020, 11:20 »
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this got quite intense at points! i had started playing N! with angel of carnage, which is quite easy during callisto, but becomes much harder during europa as launchers don't deal quite enough damage to gib bigger enemies like ravagers, so i thought i'd try a sharpshooter build. this is harder to get started but once you get going you're pretty hard to stop. JS revolver is enough to blow apart exalteds, and its certainly satisfying to watch those big chunks go everywhere. one of the main problems with io in normal difficulties - namely the cri steals a lot of your experience by infighting, its partially resolved here, as they rarely have enough power to gib enemies. exalted soldiers that spawn from dead cri marine corpses are much easier to deal with than the regular monsters - same goes with much of the exalted reavers that spawn from archreavers, due to the lack of annoying acid attack

Bug Reports / health chest spawns nothing
« on: September 27, 2020, 08:15 »
on valhalla spaceport, nightmare difficulty, seed 4725, i found a health chest that when opened didn't spawn any items

Post Mortem / Re: [0.9.3b|H|AoLt|Te|YAAM]
« on: September 16, 2020, 07:38 »
very nice run

I built a Sharpshooter. I don't know how people play melee in JH.

do a marine vampyre build and camp two squares away from a door. you cant gift drop like DRL so it takes a bit of patience - formers have weak melee attack so when they come into the doorway, you move to the square diagonal from them and give them a good whack. play it slow and try not to enter big rooms, picking off enemies one at a time

General Discussion / Re: Jupiter Hell 0.9.3 - Nightmare - RELEASED!
« on: September 08, 2020, 16:08 »
tried to duplicate the stabbing thing and while it wasn't consistent, i did stab myself quite a bit on this run - mostly while mashing f when in the proximity of multiple enemies. i also didnt get a red key card for the vahalla command generate - one of the levels had the lockdown event, maybe this makes the end reward inaccessible?

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General Discussion / Re: Jupiter Hell 0.9.3 - Nightmare - RELEASED!
« on: September 08, 2020, 15:43 »
same! some minor issues, i saw on this weird run - regened nightmare enemies give xp, so is possible to xp farm on calisto 1. i was trying this on angel of berserk to see how far i could get, when i accidentally stabbed myself (?) pressing F a bunch of times when i was near a beefed up exalted soldier

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Post Mortem / [0.9.2a|U|Ma|YAAM] army of darkess win
« on: August 29, 2020, 09:02 »
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once it gets going, army of darkness skill is awesome, i got a great shotgun at valhalla command that carried me through the rest of the game. did not find any rocket launchers after callisto though, which has never happened before. noxious hollow is delightfully cruel, especially on first playthrough and i burned through all my medkits and the last few levels of the game (especially gateway) were on the skin of my teeth

mimir l1, seed 3239 - found an av2 basic helmet that had worse stats than the regular one - durability was 600/600, and allowed mod slots were 2 instead of 3, no extra bonuses for it

Bug Reports / chest spawning inaccessible medkit, callisto 2
« on: August 03, 2020, 11:07 »
seed 9803 - a med chest is in an adjacent square to one of those pits, opening it spawned the powerup but not the medkit, which i think went into the pit

some general feedback:

- friendly cri bots are all too eager to melee (and often one shot) lower tier friendly bots if they accidentally get in the way. they'll also melee barrels as well
- likewise, if you accidentally get in the way of your friendly cri bot, you can get meleed for huge damage
- thought i stabbed myself in the mimir trap - but can't duplicate this? is it possible to accidentally melee yourself during the trap here where the enemies aren't quite showing up as enemies?

Bug Reports / Re: game crash when picking up helmet
« on: July 30, 2020, 17:28 »
sorry, put this in the wrong forum by accident, should be in the jupiter hell crash report not drl

Bug Reports / game crash when picking up helmet
« on: July 30, 2020, 17:27 »
relevant lines from crash report:

00:02:34.55 [NOTICE  ] Level (id = level_callisto/2) #2 seed : 6769

00:07:17.84 [INFO    ] Loading material mat_player_trousers_01_B...
00:07:17.94 [INFO    ] Loading material mat_player_body_naked...
00:07:17.95 [INFO    ] Loading material mat_player_armor_01_B...
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 0: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000B5C4A[000000694498DB20,000000694498DD30]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 1: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000BF00E[000000694498DC30,000000694498DDE0]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 2: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000BF263[000000694498DDF0,000000694498DFA0]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 3: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000BF263[000000694498DFB0,000000694498E160]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 4: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000BF263[000000694498E170,000000694498E320]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 5: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:000000000008356C[000000694498E330,000000694498E390]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 6: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:000000000008C6E5[000000694498E3A0,000000694498E490]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 7: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:000000000005C36C[000000694498E4A0,000000694498E550]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 8: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:000000000008B75D[000000694498E560,000000694498E630]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 9: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000FCE1C[000000694498E640,000000694498E6F0]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 10: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:0000000000117808[000000694498E700,000000694498E760]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 11: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:000000000011E93E[000000694498E770,000000694498E890]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 12: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000EF3E9[000000694498E8A0,000000694498E900]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 13: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000EC64C[000000694498E910,000000694498EA10]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 14: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:0000000000116DBA[000000694498EA20,000000694498EC40]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 15: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000111BA[000000694498EC50,000000694498ECC0]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 16: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:0000000000092469[000000694498ECD0,000000694498ECF0]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 17: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:0000000000016714[000000694498ED00,000000694498ED90]
00:07:18.54 [DEBUG   ] 18: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:00000000000D833B[000000694498EDA0,000000694498F8C0]
00:07:18.55 [DEBUG   ] 19: jh: 00007FF6B16E0000:000000000026F4D6[000000694498F8D0,000000694498F900]
00:07:18.55 [DEBUG   ] 20: KERNEL32: 00007FF962C60000:0000000000017BD4[000000694498F910,000000694498F930]
00:07:18.55 [CRITICAL] Game has crashed! Please send this crash report to chaosforge team!

Discussion / Re: Another Journey to 100%
« on: July 24, 2020, 09:53 »
switch it up with some jupiter hell!

General Discussion / hellrunner and waiting
« on: July 21, 2020, 17:42 »
quick question about mechanics - does hellrunner affect the amount of time you wait when you hit the "." key to wait or just when you move? i got wrecked during a melee run by a nasty combination of exalteds (soldiers + reavers) that both had the fast characteristic and they both seemed incredibly fast when trying to camp in a good spot

tougher and more balanced than the cathedral i think - you can't just brute your way through the swordsman like you can with AOD, as he can very easily one shot you (or eat up all your meds) if you're not careful

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