Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Post Mortem => Topic started by: Tormuse on April 25, 2016, 14:47

Title: [U|ArchAoRA|84%|20|YASD] Someone wanted a Gunrunner?
Post by: Tormuse on April 25, 2016, 14:47
I'm in a bit of a rush right now, so I don't have time to notate this properly, but someone (,7838.msg65786.html#msg65786) recently requested a game with a Gunrunner build.  I didn't succeed, but I got to show off the trait for a few levels.  I'm still waiting for the videos to upload and process, but I'll post the links soon.  EDIT:  In the meantime, here's the mortem:

EDIT:  Here are the videos:

Part 1, ( featuring Hell's Arena, Chained Court, Phobos Anomaly, Deimos Lab, and Containment Area

Part 2, (  featuring City of Skulls, Gunrunner trait!  :D  Abuse of the Plasma Shotgun bug, (not as effective with Reloader 2, oh well) Tower of Babel, and Unholy Cathedral

I played an Ultraviolence Archangel of Red Alert game, trying to get at least 80% kills to get the Quartermaster Angelic badge.  (Since that kind of game benefits the most from all the extra speed of a Gunrunner build)  It wasn't quite as effective a showcase of the Gunrunner trait as I had hoped, especially since the Gunrunner trait was partially responsible for my defeat in the end.  :P  I hadn't found the exit and was pinning my hopes (probably a bit too heavily) on reaching an invulnerability sphere so I could survive the nuke, but there was an Arch-Vile/Mancubus pack in the way.  My effort to get to the invulnerability was further confounded by the fact that there was a napalm barrel next to it, so I had to be *very* careful about where I fired.  In the end, I reached the invulnerability with 3 seconds left.  I was running, so on that last, fateful step, thanks to Gunrunner, the Double Shotgun I was wielding targeted a nearby Mancubus and blew up the barrel, destroying the invulnerability sphere.  I didn't have a chance after that.  :(

It's too bad; the run was going very well up to that point.  Oh well, maybe I'll try again some day.  :)

EDIT2:  I notice it says I completed one of the levels even though I didn't complete any of them!  :o  Is that a bug?  Does the game consider it complete if the Red Alert effect nukes it?  Or is it perhaps because I didn't trigger the ambush in the Containment Area?  (In which case, why does it say I "gave up against the overwhelming forces?")  Hmm...

 DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Tormuse, level 11 Hell Knight 2nd Lieutenant Scout,
 nuked himself on level 4 of Hell.
 He survived 35161 turns and scored 204497 points.
 He played for 3 hours, 47 minutes and 12 seconds.
 He was a man of Ultra-Violence!

 He killed 755 out of 892 hellspawn. (84%)
 He was an Archangel of Red Alert!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 11
  Levels visited   : 6
  Levels completed : 1

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Cyberdemon's Head
  UAC Star (silver cluster)

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 0/60   Experience 56634/11
  ToHit Ranged +0  ToHit Melee +2  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +3

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Scout

    Ironman          (Level 1)
    Finesse          (Level 1)
    Hellrunner       (Level 2)
    Reloader         (Level 2)
    Brute            (Level 1)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Dodgemaster      (Level 1)
    Shottyman        (Level 1)
    Gunrunner        (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   red armor [6/6] (50%) (P)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   double shotgun (10d3)x2 [0/2] (P1)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   shell box (x91)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] tactical shotgun (8d3) [1/5]
    [b] rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1]
    [c] plasma shotgun (7d3) [30/30]
    [d] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]
    [e] blue armor [4/4] (100%) (P)
    [f] chainsaw (4d6) (T)
    [g] shotgun shell (x16)
    [h] shotgun shell (x50)
    [i] shotgun shell (x50)
    [j] rocket (x4)
    [k] power cell (x34)
    [l] small med-pack
    [m] large med-pack
    [n] large med-pack
    [o] envirosuit pack
    [p] rocket box (x15)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Fire       - internal 0%    torso 25%   feet 0%   

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    59 former humans
    60 former sergeants
    26 former captains
    116 imps
    101 demons
    251 lost souls
    28 cacodemons
    18 hell knights
    11 barons of hell
    7 arachnotrons
    17 former commandos
    16 pain elementals
    8 revenants
    22 mancubi
    12 arch-viles
    2 bruiser brothers
    1 Cyberdemon

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He saw, left a present and left.
  On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
  On level 9 he entered Deimos Lab.
  He decided to nuke the forbidden Lab.
  On level 10 he assembled a tactical boots!
  On level 11 he arrived at the Containment Area.
  He broke into the Containment Area, but gave up against the overwhelming forces.
  On level 12 he found the City of Skulls.
  He fled the City in terror!
  On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
  On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
  He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
  On level 18 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
  On level 20, hell froze over!
  On level 20 he finally nuked himself.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 The mancubus hits you.
 You hit the mancubus.
 You hit the mancubus. Warning! Explosion in 5 seconds! The mancubus hits you.
 The mancubus hits you.
 You see : a mancubus (heavily wounded) | floor | [ m ]ore
 You start running!
 The mancubus dies.
 The mancubus dies. Warning! Explosion in 4 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 3 seconds!
 The barrel explodes!
 You use a phase device. You feel yanked in a non-existing direction! Warning!
 You see : a Large Health Globe | floor
 Warning! Explosion in 1 seconds!
 You see : stairs leading to The Mortuary
 The barrel explodes! The former sergeant dies. You feel relatively safe now.
 You die!... Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 117 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 65 of those were killed.
 43 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 2 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 7 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 2 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 4 killed the bitch and survived.
 1 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.

Title: Re: [U|ArchAoRA|84%|20|YASD] Someone wanted a Gunrunner?
Post by: Evilpotatoe on April 29, 2016, 13:21
Nice run (and Tormuse-esque ending, indeed.  Are you cursed, or something ?)

I still see Gunrunner as a terrible pick.  Sure, killing the cyberdemon was ridiculous, and shooting the 4 hell knights (deimos 6?) was nice too, but the blocked skills weaken the player soooo much !
Worse : the skill itself, while it seems to have potential, also has big drawbacks (your death is just an example of how careful one has to be with bareels, using RL, or not beeing able to choose a target)

But while I have big doubts about its current efficiency, I must agree that MGr brings something unique to the game experience, and I like the skill itself (I just won't pick it because of the blocks).
It even seems to make the double shotty valuable.  I think shottyman is enough for that, but "just having to run" seems sweet (and it's RL-compliant too !)

Here are a few advices :

Anyway, AAoRA seems to produce very fun runs.  I hate ascii, but watching is easier than playing, so its ok.

What is that plasma shotgun for, only for the bug exploit ?  or did you plan to use it as a shotgun ? (I put aside the dozen of skulls you shoot with.  I'm not sure it was used outside of that)
Title: Re: [U|ArchAoRA|84%|20|YASD] Someone wanted a Gunrunner?
Post by: Tormuse on April 30, 2016, 00:08
Nice run (and Tormuse-esque ending, indeed.  Are you cursed, or something ?)

Probably.  It would explain a lot.  :P

I still see Gunrunner as a terrible pick...

I certainly wouldn't pick it in a normal game, but for this kind of challenge, it's quite useful.  It requires a unique playstyle and (as I demonstrated) you have to be very careful, but it can make a run very interesting once it gets going.

  • Commandos have good armor and HP, use your Nuclear plasma to kill them !  It doesn't only save time, it also gives you chances of grabbing some precious medpacks

Most of the Commandos I faced were at long range and I didn't have Eagle Eye.  I don't think it would have saved time; my build wasn't really geared to make proper use of the Nuclear Plasma Rifle.

  • Your fight in the open in the cave after deimos lab (~47') was a very bad idea.

Agreed.  That was a mess.  I could've handled that way better.  :|

  • If I'm correct, you reload manually your RL in containement area, while shottyman could do it for free.

You are correct.  I forgot about that.  Oops!

  • In Deimos 4, spending some rockets on the formers on your right (revealed by the tracking) could have been an idea.  Just a few kills, but quite free, and easy.

Correct again!  I didn't think of that.  I probably shouldn't play while tired; I think I was looking forward to taking a break at that point.  :P

  • you DROPPED a nuclear plasma rifle ? !  I... I don't have words for that.  it's a f*cking crime !!! (especially when you have juggler)

Guilty as charged, your honour.  :P  I normally wouldn't throw away a Nuclear Plasma Rifle and in all honesty, it felt weird to do it,  (That's why I held on to it as long as I did) but I just wasn't getting any use out of it because my build was based around shotguns and by that point, I had tons of shells.  The fact that I had Juggler didn't even really factor into it, because I needed the shell box in my prepared slot.  And, as I noted in the video, I couldn't use the nuking feature either, because every level was already being nuked.  It was a tough decision, but in the end, I decided there were other things that I needed that inventory slot for.  (Like the Missile Launcher and rocket box)

  • Double shotty is bad at long range, and shotties are bad vs mancubi.  So why did you use your double shotty at long range vs mancubi in the last level ?  It looks like a waste of time and shells.  I think you'd better use rockets, or your plasma gun. (or at least, your tactical shotgun)

*Rewatches last level of video*  Yeah, pretty much any time I was shooting anyone at range with the double shotty, it was because I forgot I had it out.  :P  (And for the last few seconds, I really, *really* should've been using any weapon except for the double shotty; at that point, I wasn't trying to shoot anyone, so much as get to the invulnerability at any cost)  I generally save that weapon for when I'm at point-blank range if I use it at all.  Actually, if I was going to do that level over again, I would've made sure the invulnerability was secure right from the beginning and not let the Vile/Mancubus pack swarm around it in the first place.

What is that plasma shotgun for, only for the bug exploit ?  or did you plan to use it as a shotgun ? (I put aside the dozen of skulls you shoot with.  I'm not sure it was used outside of that)

I intended to use it as a shotgun, but I was wary about accidentally destroying cover with it.  (That's why I used it in City of Skulls, where there's no worry of that)  I mostly wanted it around as a backup in case I got low on shells.  (And come to think of it, I should've used it to destroy those Mancubus bodies so the Arch-Vile couldn't revive them!)  Just another case of me forgetting what resources I have, I guess.  :P
Title: Re: [U|ArchAoRA|84%|20|YASD] Someone wanted a Gunrunner?
Post by: Evilpotatoe on April 30, 2016, 11:52
I rarely pick EE, but even without it, plasma remains quite efficient.  (I think I use it at 3/4 range.  Further, I just "call" monsters with it).
Maybe you're right about the distance, if you were running and they weren't in your way, but I think you tend to walk back and shoot them at 8 distance, so in that case, rushing into melee seems more time-efficient to me. Commandos are freaking dangerous, but no matter, when running+dodging with HR, Doomguy is stronger :)
And even at long range, one advantage of plasma is that it doesn't knockback, so you'll quickly manage to hit your target
Also, I may value the importance of saving medkits on those dudes more than you (they are tough-enough already without this, ... and I like medkits).

@dropping it
My build are always based on shotguns, but plasma remains cool to quickly get rid of commandos and mancubi.  I put my shotty aside when I can get a shambler's head, and the usually associated nano bundled with it, but until the thing is nanomachic, the shotty often remains my main weapon.  If I find 2 nuke plasma rifles, I just fill 2 weapon slots with them :)
And having juggler, even with the shell box in prepared, you may switch to your nuke-weapon everytime you're not fighting.  Not as comfortable as having it in prep slot, but you could still reload it for 0 time.

About the fact that this pick is good for such challenge... it may, but I still have doubts.
I "stopped" picking HR when trying to get the AoRA/100% badge, and noticed that I spent more time when picking HR than with SOB (I felt sad :( ).
I could probably save more by using less shotty and more chaingun, but considering weapon switches, the 2.5 reload of the chaingun, and more importantly, the fact that it doesn't hit enemies when you run, I still have doubts.
It must be why I love my shotgun, and hate the weakness of this early game "poor man's plasma-gun".

But of course, the use of double shotty when running in melee is great.  I discovered only recently that double shotty may have a use (I guess I only tried it as a main weapon before...)
I still see it as a bad weapon (way too situationnal) , but am now concious that it can deliver tremendous damages against a big group, which can be useful in the early.
Yet, I still don't want to spend a whole slot for it, so... I keep not-using it, most of the time, but one-shotting 8 or 9 demons in one single turn is fun

About the other little-or-not mistakes, I guess playing such challenges just requires attention.  Fatigue > doomguy :p