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Messages - Zephyre Syx

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Game Developement is a ungoing journey, and you'll discover many things within your travels.  I wish I have more to say, but you've picked a wise career path, and wish the best of luck.

This is definitely overpowered.  What you're asking for is basically a rocket launcher that always hits.  No, it never *exactly* hits, and the effect can be mimicked when the enemy is near a wall/inside a room that you're blasting a hole in with the rocket launcher, but you will always do damage with this gun, and at least with the rocket launcher you take the risk of destroying items you might want to keep when blowing holes in rooms (but then, you might not if you saw what they were)
My brain has blown a fuse and I can't seem to fully understand about the overpowerness.  With triple penalty that the grenade limits the number of targets and the inaccuracy of getting all targets in the blast(assuming that the blast will randomly occur in one of the 9 spaces around the idea target area), has a blast radius of a imp fireball, and a short range.  But that the gun alway hit I can understand, when its targeting a single target.  If 3 hell critter are aligned with the wall, 3 or 2 will hit, but the one in the center will always get hit.
Does sounds cool on typing though.  It's a good idea effort that's just thrown out in the wind, lobsterboy.

You don't mind explaining more or reparaphrase what you said could you, BDR?  I tend to annoy people saying that. =/

By the way.  Since when doom requires math, and physics?  Rocket + demon = shattered parts

Requests For Features / Re: Tactics!
« on: February 22, 2007, 16:44 »
Haha, only chickens survive hell, apparently.

Oh, throw this in a bucket - Traits having impact with tactics, and availability of tactics.

Requests For Features / Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« on: February 21, 2007, 18:02 »
Eeck!  You put gun kata in DoomRL, then you pretty much damn mirror my Threshold project. =((.
Eh...I kidden.  I'm not mad.  Might not even finish after I've done started, but I know exactly what y'all guys talking about.

I have the movie, and pretty much read about gun k...darn it, let me just tell you about it.

Well, the way I've emplemented in Threshold, it's two guns which you can target two enemies at once, and can pistol whip at a fast rate.  Also when you reload, you perform a clip toss, which you target two enemies and discharge your clip and do damage as you would when you attack.  I also added deflect which is a badass move I got from 'ONE' where you send a bullet back with the butt end of your gun.

*sigh* I like to finish with the game so I could show you guys, but I pretty much dropped the project.  If I can, I'll try.

..but screw that, back to whatever y'all chitchattering about.

Requests For Features / Re: Corpse degradation
« on: January 08, 2007, 17:39 »
But, a very good idea no less.

Here's the thing though, when archvile revives dead corpse on doom, they are already to shreds and are brought back brand spanking *smack* mmm, mmm, good, new so there's hardly any degration taking place...And there is this doomRL where anything can jump off traditions.
The others have no problems with the insane difficulty of Nightmare, but even so the idea sounds like a good add-on to the strategy element, where you have to deside what to bring with you when going down farther in Hell on Nightmare.  This does, however hampers the core of what made nightmare, a nightmare.

I'm so-so with the idea, but it does add strategy to gameplay.  Do you have any idea that can make this work some kind of way and still keep it nightmare?

Requests For Features / Re: Gameplay Recorder
« on: January 04, 2007, 17:45 »
Somebody should try - perhaps you can record DoomRL with Demo Workshop (It's an old recorder used mostly for ADOM  -but it might work, at least for dos version :P)
It does.  But it's kinda chunky when the blood starts rolling down the screen.  At least you can add comments.  "This is the part I got my ass handed to me"

Okey, how small can we get those if doomrl is the player, it can get extremely small, because if it knows commonly use compression parts, it can heavily tinify the b!tch, and can easily squeeze in with a package, mortem, and all into latter sites.  Wait wait, I'm jumping ahead of myself.  I'm thinking if the file itself is compressed.

Uh, how will it work?

Discussion / Re: AoD
« on: January 04, 2007, 17:09 »
Heh, I read AoD as Army of Darkness...

(, nevermind.  Those crappy EvilDead game kinda ruined it.)

DiabloRL / Re: Building a feature list for DiabloRL 0.5.0
« on: January 04, 2007, 16:54 »
Who's nice enough to list all the suggestions so far to include in 0.5.0?  That way we could organize and see what we have.

DiabloRL / Re: Suggestion for difficulty levels and game restart
« on: January 04, 2007, 16:50 »
I'm beginning to understand.

*crosshandz*  You want and Everlaster mode and HardCore mode.  OH CRAP, I just figure it out. \m/
If anyone played ToMEnet like I do, everlaster are guys that don't die.  They just loss there's sh@t in there inventory, and are revived at towns.  Unworldly, and Hellish(stats penalty is halved), are hardcore characters that once they die, THEY DIE!

But, uh...

Really though, while this is an nice idea.  Let's wait awhile and make the HardCore mode as a default, before moving on into other modes.  That way, we can see what we could work with before making additions, and balancing.

DiabloRL / Re: Suggestion for difficulty levels and game restart
« on: January 03, 2007, 16:54 »
So many viewpoints...

So officially we have but a few choices to do with difficulty level, and level restarts.  I'm gonna list them cause reading this thread is making my head hurt.

1 - Using a hardcore single character and going up in difficulty;normal,nightmare,hell.

2 - Using a hardcore single character that will unlock later difficulties, but can play previous one before proceeding.

3 - I don't really like the others...

While it's true DiabloRL should remain towards the RogueLike roots and the traditions of Diablo, but what are the benefits from those options.  Number two I rather not go with.  RogueLike is all about risk, and because you completed the normal difficulty, why do you want to replay it with that strong character?  Because really not only that your character not grow, but also deprive her from getting some kickass shtuff.  Plus, it make your char look cheap.
In my opinion, I don't think there should be any looking back.  Once you beat hell difficulty, she won, she's done.

And there's this other option I don't know if y'all already said it or not, but regardless, I'm sticking with option one.

4 - Using option two while other difficulties got more sh!t and more rewarding and juicy.  Okey that is option two but whatever...

Edit:four posts started when I was typing.  But I like DaEezT's last comment, the phrase is "away from traditions".
From Kornel's readme file..."Programmer''s edition -- how the author himself see''s the world of Diablo".  It going which away from the start, so what's done to DoomRL, the same goes with DiabloRL.

Discussion / Re: How did you get to playing DoomRL?
« on: December 29, 2006, 18:16 »
At the rgrd where the wild things are.  It's where I lerk and stand in wait, for something awesome to bloom in the mist.  OH CRAP, I'm missing a lot since ;_;.

I forgot when though, somewhere at '04 or '05 or something, because I used to shatter about it on LJ.

Discussion / Re: What's your crawling playlist?
« on: December 29, 2006, 17:07 »
Basic Dungeon Crawl...

It depends on really the RL itself that kinda varies here, it's finding midis and mods that fits them.  It ranges from a bunch of hard rock, horror ambiance, and occational hiphop in towns, and some parts of the dungeons.

Incountering Pits and Vaults...

Metallica - Disposable Hero
Metallica - Frantic

Imminent death situations...

(none yet)

Angband got those music and sound file that sometimes work but pluh.  But I do wonder if some folk made apps for certain RLs to custom playlist instead of finding and searching in junk.  I'm shutting up.

Discussion / Re: Missing pictures?
« on: December 29, 2006, 16:31 »
*glance down* is that uh...

Requests For Features / Re: Stop savescumming
« on: December 29, 2006, 16:25 »
Savescum?  What's that?!?!

I think it's too much trouble in itself to worry about someone greasing up their mortems.  Because mortems shows how hard you've worked and earned to get to where ever.  It's like school paper.  It could go either way but honesty, and determination is where everything is.  It represents the player, and for the player to represent himself.

DiabloRL / Re: Building a feature list for DiabloRL 0.5.0
« on: December 28, 2006, 16:19 »
I'm trying to DL the mp3 files, but the page doesn't seem to be coming up. Anyone else facing that?
Save target as is your best option.  But due to the nature of cutting short from the full download (if you got dial-up) you might have to try a couple of times.

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