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Bug Reports / Re: [0997G] Visual failure INT2 - again
« on: March 21, 2013, 15:11 »
I was pretty fine with int2 not working in berserk - shouldn't it become a feature?
If you've grown up to int2, then berserk will make you nearly invulnerable anyway, so it might need some tradeoff.
If you've grown up to int2, then berserk will make you nearly invulnerable anyway, so it might need some tradeoff.
Bug Reports / [] Wrong Character Info level on AoCn
« on: March 20, 2013, 14:58 »
I started on Deimos base, but char screen says I'm on Phobos L1.
I didn't get my starting modpack as a Technician AoMr+AoCn - is this a bug?
Shouldn't we have a "quick bugreports" thread, like the "quick questions" one?
I didn't get my starting modpack as a Technician AoMr+AoCn - is this a bug?
Shouldn't we have a "quick bugreports" thread, like the "quick questions" one?
Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: March 19, 2013, 05:33 »
I did find a second one, but I already shifted to energy pistols.
I guess I won't carry bullets around anyway, unless I find a combat pistol, so no double-sniper gun anyway. Unless I run into another blaster in the nearest time :D
I am a Scavenger, btw.
I did find a second one, but I already shifted to energy pistols.
I guess I won't carry bullets around anyway, unless I find a combat pistol, so no double-sniper gun anyway. Unless I run into another blaster in the nearest time :D
I am a Scavenger, btw.
Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: March 19, 2013, 04:34 »
What can I gain from a single Sniper mod, if I already have EE2 (and SoG5)?
I'm carrying it around now, but feel like dumping it.
I'm carrying it around now, but feel like dumping it.
Requests For Features / Re: Balance suggestions
« on: March 15, 2013, 03:57 »
Maybe the right answer will be to nerf the tactical boots.
Say, to remove the speed bonus and only leave dodge and (spoiler).
Three great bonuses feels like too much for a basic assembly.
edit: other idea: Leave assemblies' mod requirements as is, but make bonus SIZE randomly variable.
Like, dungeon can generate +3 sword or +5 sword - you can assemble +5% speed tactical boots, or +15% tactical boots (and +0% or even -5% dodge).
Say, to remove the speed bonus and only leave dodge and (spoiler).
Three great bonuses feels like too much for a basic assembly.
edit: other idea: Leave assemblies' mod requirements as is, but make bonus SIZE randomly variable.
Like, dungeon can generate +3 sword or +5 sword - you can assemble +5% speed tactical boots, or +15% tactical boots (and +0% or even -5% dodge).
FPC Valkyrie / Re: Samples broken in trunk?
« on: March 10, 2013, 13:46 »
A pity IDEA doesn't support FPC. It would empower it so much, maybe even more than the expected C++ linking.
I'm afraid I'm going for rot.js, sorry.
I'm afraid I'm going for rot.js, sorry.
FPC Valkyrie / Re: Samples broken in trunk?
« on: March 10, 2013, 02:52 »
Thanks a lot!
Indeed this is a good, simple and playable example.
Tried it. Free Pascal IDE is so nostalgic and so outdated...
Inventory screen is empty in the Downfall I built from trunk, whatever I pick up.
Now trying how complex is it to debug it...
Indeed this is a good, simple and playable example.
Tried it. Free Pascal IDE is so nostalgic and so outdated...
Inventory screen is empty in the Downfall I built from trunk, whatever I pick up.
Now trying how complex is it to debug it...
FPC Valkyrie / Samples broken in trunk?
« on: March 08, 2013, 15:55 »
I'm tempted by 7drl and Kornel's 7-year old rant in R.G.R.D., so trying Valkirye now.
Though, I cannot compile valktest.pas - it uses a bunch of outdated modules.
I expected to find a working and playable example there, is this the case?
I'm tempted by 7drl and Kornel's 7-year old rant in R.G.R.D., so trying Valkirye now.
Though, I cannot compile valktest.pas - it uses a bunch of outdated modules.
I expected to find a working and playable example there, is this the case?
Century Lounge / Re: [H|Ao100|100%|100|YAAM] Dualgunner Tech blew the build but won
« on: March 08, 2013, 14:48 »
I can argue that.
With EE2, missing is apparently not a problem.
And still, in single-shot mode
Well, I still agree Energy Combat Pistol on WK2 is more ammo-efficient.
- GCB does have a single-shot mode, in which it deals 2d6 (7 on average), which is better than 3d3 (average 4.5, 5.5 if it's P-modded) of a Combat Pistol.
- Optional burst mode gives you more flexibility.
- Burst fire is great when I need to sweep a nearly-spawned bunch of enemies, normally of 3x3 size. In this case, only last of them gets knocked back, which means I already swept out two Barons or Viles or Mancubi.
- I also take some levels in SoB.
With EE2, missing is apparently not a problem.
And still, in single-shot mode
Well, I still agree Energy Combat Pistol on WK2 is more ammo-efficient.
Century Lounge / [H|Ao100|100%|100|YAAM] Dualgunner Tech blew the build but won
« on: March 08, 2013, 02:48 »
I was curious if I can pass it using only guns, and it worked surprisingly well.
Well, I was happy to find GCB early, and it did help a lot.
Well-modded Combat Pistol is maybe even more effective, but GCB is so much more fun, and its volleys sometimes help, if I need to tank a whole pack of Arachnotrons :D
At about character L14/dungeon L25, this becomes pretty monotone: you can just tank on, no one will stand a 0.1s gunfire. At about L40, with SoG5 and Sob3, I was able to just shoot down a Mancubi/Vile packs I spawned nearby.
In fact, I didn't need a Dualgunner, and should have taken a Scavenger. Now I was just leaving Jackhammers and such behind.
Intuition2 + Phaseshift set makes you virtually invincible. Sometimes I was forgetting you shouldn't push barrels into lava.
Well, I was happy to find GCB early, and it did help a lot.
Well-modded Combat Pistol is maybe even more effective, but GCB is so much more fun, and its volleys sometimes help, if I need to tank a whole pack of Arachnotrons :D
At about character L14/dungeon L25, this becomes pretty monotone: you can just tank on, no one will stand a 0.1s gunfire. At about L40, with SoG5 and Sob3, I was able to just shoot down a Mancubi/Vile packs I spawned nearby.
In fact, I didn't need a Dualgunner, and should have taken a Scavenger. Now I was just leaving Jackhammers and such behind.
Intuition2 + Phaseshift set makes you virtually invincible. Sometimes I was forgetting you shouldn't push barrels into lava.
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
sogo, level 22 Hell Baron 2nd Lieutenant Technician,
completed 100 levels of torture on level 100 of Hell.
He survived 455890 turns and scored 1188652 points.
He played for 13 hours, 33 minutes and 38 seconds.
He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty.
He killed 2482 out of 2482 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He was an Angel of 100!
He saved himself 4 times.
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 0
Levels visited : 0
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Experience Medal
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 50/50 Experience 520684/22
ToHit Ranged +4 ToHit Melee +4 ToDmg Ranged +5 ToDmg Melee +5
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Technician
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Son of a bitch (Level 5)
Son of a gun (Level 5)
Eagle Eye (Level 2)
Dualgunner (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Whizkid (Level 2)
Triggerhappy (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] cerberus phaseshift armor [0/0] (84%) (A)
[b] [ Weapon ] Grammaton Cleric Beretta (1d8)x3 [18/18]
[c] [ Boots ] phaseshift boots [4/4] (100%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] energy combat pistol (3d5) [12/15] (P1)
[b] minigun (1d6)x8 [200/200]
[c] minigun (1d6)x8 [439/439] (B3)
[d] Lava Armor [4/4] (100%)
[e] 10mm ammo (x100)
[f] 10mm ammo (x100)
[g] 10mm ammo (x100)
[h] 10mm ammo (x100)
[i] 10mm ammo (x44)
[j] power cell (x50)
[k] power cell (x50)
[l] power cell (x50)
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] homing phase device
[r] shockwave pack
[s] Enviroboots [0]
[t] 10mm ammo chain (x250)
[u] power battery (x120)
[v] power battery (x120)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Melee - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Acid - internal 0% torso 70% feet 0%
Fire - internal 0% torso 70% feet 0%
Plasma - internal 0% torso 50% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
203 former humans
198 former sergeants
282 former captains
91 imps
41 demons
159 lost souls
47 cacodemons
98 hell knights
316 barons of hell
158 arachnotrons
9 former commandos
16 pain elementals
126 revenants
234 mancubi
225 arch-viles
40 nightmare imps
50 nightmare cacodemons
102 nightmare demons
35 nightmare arachnotrons
4 nightmare arch-viles
30 bruiser brothers
8 shamblers
5 lava elemental
3 agony elementals
2 Cyberdemons
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
On level 6 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
On level 14 he assembled a storm bolter pistol!
On level 15 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 16 he ran for his life from acid!
On level 23 he ran for his life from acid!
On level 23 he found the Medical Powerarmor!
On level 27 he stumbled into complex full of arch-viles!
On level 34 he stumbled into complex full of arch-viles!
On level 36 he stumbled into complex full of former humans!
He sounded the alarm on level 36!
On level 36 he assembled a cerberus armor!
Level 38 was a hard nut to crack!
He sounded the alarm on level 43!
He sounded the alarm on level 44!
Level 45 was a hard nut to crack!
On level 47 he assembled a energy pistol!
On level 48, hell froze over!
Level 50 blasted him with unholy atmosphere!
On level 54 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
On level 58 he found the Lava Armor!
He nuked level 60!
On level 61 he encountered an armed nuke!
On level 62 he ran for his life from acid!
On level 64 he assembled a energy pistol!
On level 70 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
On level 73 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
Level 74 was a hard nut to crack!
He nuked level 79!
On level 80 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
On level 82 he ran for his life from acid!
On level 85 he stumbled into complex full of mancubi!
On level 86 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
On level 89 he encountered an armed nuke!
On level 91 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
On level 99, hell froze over!
On level 99 he found the Enviroboots!
On level 100 he finally completed 100 levels of torture.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
There is a napalm launcher (7d7) [1/1] lying here.
There is a homing phase device lying here.
You picked up a homing phase device.
There is a napalm launcher (7d7) [1/1] lying here.
There is a Invulnerability Globe lying here.
You feel invincible!
You use a homing phase device. You feel yanked in an non-existing direction!
There are stairs leading downward here.
There is a homing phase device lying here.
You picked up a homing phase device.
There are stairs leading downward here.
You did it! You completed 100 levels of DoomRL! You're the champion! Press
You found 30 of 10mm ammo.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
279 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
271 of those were killed.
2 of those were killed by something unknown.
6 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
4 killed the bitch and survived.
2 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
Requests For Features / Re: ARMED nuke!
« on: February 27, 2013, 04:00 »Blechh. If you have Invuln running, why are you disarming the free XP generator?!To take it with me to a lower level?
Requests For Features / Re: ARMED nuke!
« on: February 26, 2013, 10:09 »
Or WK1 will just destroy it, and WK2/Scavenger will pick it up then.
Discussion / Re: Is this some kind of forshadowing???
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:23 »
Dammit. I wonder if donating $3 is sufficient and not just offensive.
Requests For Features / ARMED nuke!
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:20 »
Why cannot I carry it around, after all?
Most I can do is to take it to a lower level or two - as far as homing phases and luck permit.
And why cannot WK2/Scavenger disarm it? I know, AoRA and stuff.. BTW an AoRA nuke doesn't have to lie NEAR you at the level entry, so you still have a chance to explode.
Most I can do is to take it to a lower level or two - as far as homing phases and luck permit.
And why cannot WK2/Scavenger disarm it? I know, AoRA and stuff.. BTW an AoRA nuke doesn't have to lie NEAR you at the level entry, so you still have a chance to explode.
Requests For Features / Re: Add a using direction for usable items (medpacks, phase devices)
« on: February 23, 2013, 07:21 »
I just thought that a pet or another doomguy that will fight for you is maybe even possible in the current mods system.
Hmm, I could try that.
Using a medpack only if friends are near would ask for a direction, like closing a door.
Hmm, I could try that.
Using a medpack only if friends are near would ask for a direction, like closing a door.