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Messages - Sylph

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 [20]
Hi folks...
I've been playing nightmare difficulty recently. It seems the common concensus from the post mortem boards is that ammochain is the easiest nightmare build, so I'm giving that a try. However, I figure I need the agility mods from the chained court in order to do this, and that means a rocket launcher. Without agility mods from chained court, I've not even managed to get into hell (furthest I got was level 13)

Reading the mortems, it seems players are clearing the arena (I assume for the rocket launcher)... I just can't for the life of me figure out how to tackle this. My closest game managed to kill 1 baron, but there was another baron, and a handful of other demons, still in there, and it cost me 5 medikits and 200 shotgun shells (plus a bunch of 10mm)... I still died.

I'm here to ask if anyone has a video, or a decent set of guidelines, on how to clear the arena on nightmare difficulty. Without even spending a turn waiting for anything to happen, I still spend nearly all my turns shooting monsters, and end up running out of ammo...

Discussion / Re: Master Traits
« on: November 15, 2009, 10:12 »
One of my favorites again, just because it will make killing big pile of enemies much easier. After finding LS, this will truly shine in Berserk games. It will make the nightmare pain elemental caves easy

You should try Vampyre with that level - I came out with 200% health and enough berserk to last me 2 more levels! With vampyre, pain elementals are basically a replenishing supercharge.

Discussion / Re: Couple of questions
« on: November 15, 2009, 10:08 »
Cheers folks. After reading this I switched to easy and got the badge first time. Guess I mist have made a mistake firtst time. (perhaps a thermo bomb or something - I don't remember)

Discussion / Re: Master Traits
« on: November 14, 2009, 10:25 »
My impressions, as a fairly new player to doomRL (about a month, got 7 gold badges), is that *all* the master traits I've tried, with the exception of vampire, are grossly overpowered. The game is some 3-4 times easier once you get a master trait.

My basic breakdown:

Ammochain: incredible. Allows safe spamming of your weapon indefinately. If you're patient enough, you could do a lot of levels without ever getting to see an enemy. Plasma spam is a horrendously powerful, free attack. Loads of fun though!

Cateye - The most powerful of them all, by a massive degree. This is more down to intuition 2, really, but seeing an arch vile among a crowd of baddies without him seeing you is amazing. Still, the combination of intuition 2 and cateye is even better than ammochain - you can kill just about anything without it getting a chance to see you.

Vampyre: Seems reasonable

Blademaster:Not bought this yet - berserker and tough as nails feel too important for a melee build.

Fireangel:Not bought this yet, but I'd imagine it's amazing due to the 10 rockets per inventory space.

Gunkata - Again, incredible. Only downside is it trying to special reload unique pistols, but free reloads and gauranteed dodges with free shots after each dodge, in a real game, basically translates to instant flawless wins against any single opponents.

Having said the above, they are all rendered more reasonable when time is a factor. It seems to me the traits are very well balanced for nightmare difficulty.

Requests For Features / Re: NDS Lua
« on: November 14, 2009, 10:13 »
Just to note - I'd happily plough a little money into such a project - or even do it myself were sourcecode for doomrl available. DS roguelikes can be great (I play nethack a lot on my DS), but the biggest hurdle is all those command menus, which the simplicity of doomrl skips past. :)

Discussion / Re: Gawd I hope practice makes perfect...
« on: November 14, 2009, 07:22 »
I started on hey, not too rough. Took me about 15 tries, but then I went straight to ultra violence and got another win almost straight after.... So I guess once you do it on lower skills, you can rise up quickly.

Discussion / Re: Couple of questions
« on: November 10, 2009, 14:21 »
I failed the 'knives and fists' challenge on ITYTD - you sure you can do it on that skill level?

Discussion / Re: Armor breaks too easily
« on: October 30, 2009, 04:25 »
I personally don't find anything wrong with the rate of decay of armour - I always finish with a few spare suits of blue and red in my inventory (on UV).
Sure, it gets damaged quickly, but that adds interesting inventory economics strategy to the game.

That'd be awesome if you did Kornel. :)

Discussion / Re: What mobile gaming device do you have?
« on: October 27, 2009, 16:53 »
Haha, no, it's text-only, and you need a memory expansion to run it.

That being said, the DS is an absolute beast for emulation. You can emulate anything up to and including a neogeo pretty much flawlessly. Ports are impressive too - check out the quake 2 ds port on youtube for one of the most impressive examples.

Discussion / Re: What mobile gaming device do you have?
« on: October 27, 2009, 07:05 »
I'd absolutely love to see DoomRL on the Ds. I have a linux emulator on my DS, but I've had no luck getting doomRL to work with it, so just bear in mind you've got people going to large lengths to get your game on their DS, and failing... I'd buy DoomRL on the DS in a heartbeat.

I just noticed that 'z' is a bad key for it - since it's the 'swap weapons' key.

I've changed it to v, which should be less problematic. Feed free to download again.

I modified the program to work in a manner you requested. Now the .exe produces 3 keys if doomrl is the current active window:

left mouse:
- Fires a shot at the mouse pointer (as before)
right mouse:
- Reloads current weapon (as before)
- Enters 'mouse aiming' mode, which allows a user to steer the aiming cursor with the mouse. During 'mouse aiming' mode, the arrow mouse pointer is made invisible, and the 'X' is steered using the mouse. (As you requested)

If you (or anyone else) wants the program to work in any other fonts (since it's only lucida console 24pts at the moment), then just PM me.
I really hope you're happy with the modified program Aki. Let me know if it's what you were after. New download link:

I guess you could acheive that effect by using the 'quickedit' function of an MSdos shortcut, but it would be ugly, and, to be honest, unnecessary....
If you just toy around with the program on the first level, you'll quickly see that it follows the mouse pointer just fine. I can understand that it would be nice to see the whole of the target square lit up (particularly considering fullstops being 'the floor' in doomrl, and thus rather off-center)... However, I can't think of a good way of having the target square highlighted without detracting from the 'one click, one shot' functionality of the program.

Perhaps if a left-click displayed the target square, and a right-click fired at said square? Would that suffice?

Edit - thinking further, I guess the program could detect when a user presses the 'f' key, and when they do, makes the 'X' follow the mouse pointer, until the user fires (with f, space, or mouse 1), or cancels (escape). If you want this, I'll tinker with it on monday and try to get it out.

Hiya folks,
My first post here. I've only been playing doomRL for a week or so (only won on HNTR so far). I'm an old-time ADOM player though, and love doomRL.

Anyway, I got fed up of having to re-steer the target X when firing round corners, so I made a little utility that would let me do it with the mouse.

This only works if you play doomRL in a window, in windows Vista (will probably work for other OSes, but hasn't been tested), using Lucida console 24pts non-bold font.

Provided you play it in those conditions, this little program will make the mouse work for targetting. double-click the .exe, and you'll get a little S in your system tray to tell you it's running. Simply left-click on the doomrl screen to fire a shot at that location, or right-click to reload.

I'm posting it here because I swear I saw a few people mention wanting mouse aiming, and figured this could be a decent solution for some users. I find it indespensible, so I'm already happy, and if anyone here gets joy from it, I'm a double-happy camper.

Here's a download link:
(modified as per Aki's suggestions)

ps. If anyone wants notes on how to modify it to work with a different OS, different font, etc, you can send me a PM and I'll talk you through it - it's not too technical. :)

pps. Sorry for double-posting this. I tried to delete the post in the 'request for features' area, but I couldn't.

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