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Messages - yaflhdztioxo

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 18
Releases / Re: Jailbreak
« on: April 06, 2013, 18:37 »
To anyone downloading: there's an obvious mistype in the module.lua file that must be corrected before running.  Hopefully it will be fixed fast.

I have this happen to me on an irregular basis.  But DoomRL's always worked the second time I tried running it.

Intermittent problems with fmod probably cannot be fixed :(

Modding / Re: Changing the ammo system?
« on: April 06, 2013, 11:59 »
No, and that is something many of us have lamented for as long as modding has existed :(

I don't think a nuke should detonate if you dropped it in lava.  Nukes do not work that way.  I think we should count this as a win anyway >(

Requests For Features / Re: Traits in player.dat
« on: April 05, 2013, 18:05 »
I am yafl and I endorse this product and/or service.

Modding / Re: About traits, doc needed
« on: April 02, 2013, 05:12 »
nid would be the numeric ID, which is what the pascal engine underneath the lua tends to use to index things.  We've tried to remove most mandatory references to it since you can always look up the prototype by text id but apparently we've missed thataone.  Don't worry too much about it; it's functionally equivalent to the text id in most cases.

To modify the player's max HP without modifying their existing bonuses or demerits I would suggest simply adding or subtracting from it.  hpmax = hpmax + 10.  No need to complicate matters if you just want to add or remove a few points.

Modding / Re: About traits, doc needed
« on: April 02, 2013, 04:45 »
To check for traits you would call player:get_trait( traits["trait_id"].nid ).  That returns an int corresponding to how many levels of that trait a player has.

But one look at your code tells me that whatever you are trying to do you are going about it the wrong way.  The player's max HP can be modified outside of the ironman trait.  Tell us what you are thinking, and keep in mind that outside of a TC you are limited in what you can do with traits, klasses, and other similar objects.

Requests For Features / Re: Continue Option on Ending Episode
« on: April 01, 2013, 18:35 »
Sounds reasonable, but how to implement in a way that is unobtrusive...?

Discussion / Re: On exploiting dualangels...
« on: April 01, 2013, 15:34 »
I actually would like to chime in with the opposite perspective.  I would prefer to leave all but the most banal of abuses because I would like to encourage creativity when getting badges.

Modding / Re: Changing the ammo system?
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:20 »
We have custom item properties?  I thought that was beings only...

Unless it's been changed recently whenever a being dies--regardless of how--the kill is credited to whatever weapon you have equipped at the time.  So if you punch something to death while you have a pistol equipped (or nuke one) then you can kiss the badge goodbye.  It may not be fair but it's not a trivial change.

You can be invincible to fluids by either having an acid/lava resistance of 100% (no monsters have this to my knowledge) or by having the BF_ENVIROSAFE flag (which is meant to simulate flying creatures usually).

And thanks to Autoquark for experimenting in new and inventive ways :).  We need more of that.  And also more wiki love.

Post your current procedure as a non-jpeg so I can copy it in and see what happens.

And fer chrissakes, use indenting :/.  I cannot stress this enough for new coders.  It will make your life and by extension my life easier.

After the 'end' statement.

Code: [Select]
OnEquip = function (self,player)
player.res_acid = player.res_acid+50
OnRemove = function (self,player)
player.res_acid = player.res_acid-50

This is an assignment, just like hp = 50 is an assignment.  In that context there is no difference between the number 50 and the big block of text from function() to end; both are just objects being assigned to a table index.
What you are actually doing is creating a Lua table with a bunch of attributes which is then being passed to the register_item procedure.  Lua tables have a fairly simple set of rules.  One of them is that multiple assignments must be separated by a comma.  The last comma is technically superfluous but it's easy to forget to add it when you expand a definition so I suggest adding it anyway.

You are missing a comma.  The functions are just like the other attributes--they must be comma delimited.

I don't actually know if it is case sensitive.  I don't think so.  Never thought about it, which is a failing on my part really.

Weapons do in fact have resistance attributes.  I do not know if they have any effect though; must research.  If not, well there are ways to go about hacking it in, and you've found one so that's fine (unless teht knows better)

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