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Off Topic / Terran Marines vs Ultramarines
« on: June 03, 2014, 06:56 »
This is just something I'm gonna bring up-if it came to a straight up fight-do you think that the Terran marine corps, using everything in their arsenal-ie, Marine, Marauder, Firebat, Reaper, Hellion, Goliath, Thor, etc, would be able to beat an army of Ultramarines-just throwing this out their out of curiousisty
Off Topic / Tribes reserection project
« on: August 29, 2013, 06:25 »
With the advent of tribes ascend although I'm not quite sure if any of you care or not-I'm attempting to revive the original tribes-if anyone's interested-here's a few links:
Tribes was the first game to introduce squad-based combat and full on mobility-although by today's standards the graphics are crap, the gameplay-lightening fast and still on par with today's games, its also easy to mod-been thinking about doing a doom mod for it-if I can ever get the time.
Like I said-anyone who's interested-here you go and please, feel free to shoot me a few PM's if you have any questions.
New version I came across:
Tribes was the first game to introduce squad-based combat and full on mobility-although by today's standards the graphics are crap, the gameplay-lightening fast and still on par with today's games, its also easy to mod-been thinking about doing a doom mod for it-if I can ever get the time.
Like I said-anyone who's interested-here you go and please, feel free to shoot me a few PM's if you have any questions.
New version I came across:
Play-By-Forum / Tribes Adventure
« on: April 05, 2013, 08:53 »
Taking a note from our beloved Doom Text Adventure set up-I decided to create on of my own. Basing it off of the FPS multiplayer game tribes-which is really moddable by the way-wanted to test my self in creative writing.
Here's a break down-Armor determines your four basic stats. You have four base stats-Strength-nessicary to wield weapons, Mobility-this is how fast that particular armor can move, and of course, the traditional health and energy.
Health-how much punishment that particular armor can take before its breached-it runs out, so do you.
Energy-Nessciary to fire energy weapons and use jet packs-recovers over time.
Jumping-Light class armors can jump 30 ft per 1 energy, mediums 20, and heavies 10
Damage-weapons all inflict a certain, set amount of damage-hitting requires you to roll his mobility and your weapon accuracy. If less or equal-direct hit-if greater than-miss.
Now to do.
Mission Briefing: You are part of the Marauders-an Elite Mercenary unit operating in the Tribal Wilderzone, taking jobs from the various factions and otherwise making a pretty penny plus causing a little mayhem in the process.
Your team was sent on assignment after being hired by the Starwolves to investigate a loss of contact on an ice planet called Tyr’s Cradle-a frostbitten hellhole of a planet where temperatures can suddenly shift from 5 degrees to two hundred below. Since you’re the new guy, you got left on the ship to monitor the communication and secure the LZ-one boring job. After making sure that no one who wasn’t supposed to be there wasn’t there-not to mention you nearly froze your ass off-you went back into the nice warm cockpit and leaned over the console, a hot steaming cup of joe beside you.
Only funny thing is-you haven't been able to contact anyone since they left-and that was over two hours ago. Now its up to you-you need to find some way of reestablishing contact with the squad, or the very least find away off this rock-the ship's pilot went in with them, which makes you wonder what the intelligence of that was, but their is nothing you can do about it now.
Alrighty-let's do this
Semi-Powered Armor
Needle Pistol
20 Needle Shots
Repair Patch
What do you do?
Exits: comm room-south
Here's a break down-Armor determines your four basic stats. You have four base stats-Strength-nessicary to wield weapons, Mobility-this is how fast that particular armor can move, and of course, the traditional health and energy.
Health-how much punishment that particular armor can take before its breached-it runs out, so do you.
Energy-Nessciary to fire energy weapons and use jet packs-recovers over time.
Jumping-Light class armors can jump 30 ft per 1 energy, mediums 20, and heavies 10
Damage-weapons all inflict a certain, set amount of damage-hitting requires you to roll his mobility and your weapon accuracy. If less or equal-direct hit-if greater than-miss.
Now to do.
Mission Briefing: You are part of the Marauders-an Elite Mercenary unit operating in the Tribal Wilderzone, taking jobs from the various factions and otherwise making a pretty penny plus causing a little mayhem in the process.
Your team was sent on assignment after being hired by the Starwolves to investigate a loss of contact on an ice planet called Tyr’s Cradle-a frostbitten hellhole of a planet where temperatures can suddenly shift from 5 degrees to two hundred below. Since you’re the new guy, you got left on the ship to monitor the communication and secure the LZ-one boring job. After making sure that no one who wasn’t supposed to be there wasn’t there-not to mention you nearly froze your ass off-you went back into the nice warm cockpit and leaned over the console, a hot steaming cup of joe beside you.
Only funny thing is-you haven't been able to contact anyone since they left-and that was over two hours ago. Now its up to you-you need to find some way of reestablishing contact with the squad, or the very least find away off this rock-the ship's pilot went in with them, which makes you wonder what the intelligence of that was, but their is nothing you can do about it now.
Alrighty-let's do this
Semi-Powered Armor
Needle Pistol
20 Needle Shots
Repair Patch
What do you do?
Exits: comm room-south
Play-By-Forum / Wasteland Mechanic Ideas
« on: August 28, 2012, 07:13 »
Alright-what i've decided to do combat wise-but I'd like your guy's takes-is if you are fighting someone-another player-you simply roll a twenty sided die against each other-higher rollwins-armor wise I'm borrowing our beloved colonel's DoomRL system-armor just simple subtracts damage, nothing more.
As for the skills/traits system-I'm going to do a point based system-you get 50 points to customize-play with you char. The more points you put into something-the more expensive it gets to use it. I'm debating wether or not to put a level system in
So far I have a few Ideas
Basic Firearms Training-You know how to handle a gun, and you don't fumble when you reload, or flinch when it goes off
Medical Training-You have extensive medical knowledge
Cyborg-You have been enhanced with nanotechnology and machinery-parts will cost points-this is you building your character
Psionic-You possess psionic abilities-this is nesccary to play an Eldraen character.
Any one else got any ideas?
As for the skills/traits system-I'm going to do a point based system-you get 50 points to customize-play with you char. The more points you put into something-the more expensive it gets to use it. I'm debating wether or not to put a level system in
So far I have a few Ideas
Basic Firearms Training-You know how to handle a gun, and you don't fumble when you reload, or flinch when it goes off
Medical Training-You have extensive medical knowledge
Cyborg-You have been enhanced with nanotechnology and machinery-parts will cost points-this is you building your character
Psionic-You possess psionic abilities-this is nesccary to play an Eldraen character.
Any one else got any ideas?
Play-By-Forum / Wasteland 2099
« on: August 26, 2012, 04:36 »
This will be my last attempt at an RPG-then its curtains for me...
Wasteland 2099
The year is 2099, the planet-Earth. This once lush world is suffering, it lands barren. The air, poison, and seas are like acid. The source is not nuclear war, but pollution. Since the time of the industrial revolution, mankind harvested the earth’s bountiful resources with greed, burning fossil fuels and polluting her waters with toxic chemicals and debris.
A dying Earth
As the world’s ecosystems began to fall apart around us and the air became a poisonous fume, the most brilliant and dedicated men and women on the planet began to search for alternative power sources. The research, despite major breakthroughs, ultimately failed-but not because of flaws in the research, but man’s refusal to accept and use these alternate sources: instead the leaders of governments and corporations were too obsessed with the bountiful riches that the old ways brought.
Thus, this marked the beginning of the near destruction of the human race. It started in 2057, first as small towns, lacking safe water despite the best purification techniques available began to suffer outbreaks of virulent diseases thought long wiped out began to spread-then the real troubles began. Healthy children and adults began to suffer symptoms akin to an asthma attacks, and many died as a result. It was discovered later that the deaths were the result of the pollutants in the air that had built up in the lungs over time.
Immediately, the governments and corporations began to turn to the researchers, who had once been rejected and denounced by almost the entirety of man, but it was too little to late-plants, animals and people began to die all around. As the death toll rose, the researchers came up with a solution-a structure of glass and metal called a bio-dome. These devices would ensure the continued survival of man by providing purified water and air, as well as basic necessities. Thus, like earth, humanity began to slowly die within these domes.
Discovery and the Corporate wars
14 years passed without incident-it seemed that mankind had given up the struggle for survival and had resigned itself to simply spending its final days in peace. However, some were determined to reestablish contact with the rest of the world. During this time, they began to develop equipment that would allow them to survive the toxic environment. Despite several setbacks, they were able to successfully venture outside the domes. What they found there though…was a substance unlike anything they had ever encountered. A new material had formed under the harsh conditions-a greyish-green-blue substance that, given the proper chemical reaction, could become anything-paper, granite…even diamond.
This substance, which would be later called pollutanite, would prove to be both our salvation and our damnation…
One would think that this new discovery would begin a new era of cooperation and harmony among humanity. But sadly, this was not to be. Mankind’s darker natures, believed to be born of conflict since our creation, once again would be our undoing. It was greed, a hunger to control, to horde as much of this substance as possible. This led to what was known as the Corporate ward-dozens of multi-billion dollar businesses struggled to harness as much as possible-the local governments were powerless to stop them, as they were wholly dependent on them for the goods that kept their nations going. For the next 17 years, the wars would be waged, wars that was fought as much as with words as they were with soldiers.
Yet…some good did come of it. A corporation known as the Shimiaski Foundation built what is known as the Genesis Project-a star colony the hung in low earth orbit. One that was lush with life-the life that was once abundant on earth. Every ecosystem in existence had been created on the new haven-savannas, prairies, forests. An inhabitable land, yet to protect it, strict curfews were enacted, and kill teams of drones were sent out with the mission of terminating anyone who polluted the once chance that humanity had of survival. Desperate measures for a desperate time, as the Foundation had to ward off continuous attacks from the other corporations-two in particular-Al-tec, which was a major arms manufacturer, and Sixcorp-a major corporation that had only just recently exploded on to the scene whose forces were equipped with nano augmented technology beyond even the most advanced nano-tech that Shimiaski had. Little did they know that the world was about to face a new threat, one that would seek to dominate them all-the Alliance
Enter the Alliance
The Alliance was originally founded as a joint US-European Military Program nearly 50 years before the pollution had taken its toll on the earth. Their goal was simple-develop the most advanced weapon and armor systems known to man, however, they began to expand-first into nano technology, then into genetic engineering. After the world began to fall apart, the Program went rouge and no agency, whether government or independent was ever able to trace them. During this time, they began to create soldiers, cloned troops whose genetics had been purposefully manipulated to result in some of the fiercest warriors ever known to man. One species believed to be the result of these experiments was the offshoot race of humans known as the Eldraen-powerful psionsists and soldiers, they were perhaps the result of them trying to force humanities evolution along, but were unable to control them.
During the 17 year period of the Corporate Wars, the Alliance began to silently observe and recruit, ranging from strong arm bosses to military professionals. Their plan was to attempt to bring all of them under a single, unanimous entity-the Alliance itself. When the Shimisaki Foundation unveiled the Genesis Project, it decided it was time to strike. No faction, not even the mighty corporations themselves were prepared for what came next: the Genesis War, or as the Alliance called it, the Unification Crusade. The struck with a precision that could only be described as machine like, they utterly overwhelmed the governments and corporate armies in the initial years of the war…
The Genesis War
So named by the corporations for what triggered it, for the first time in their history, the corporations were unified, but not by common interests, but by a common foe. Despite the massive scale and extreme firepower that the Alliance struck with, they managed to pull themselves together and hit back with a ferocity that set their enemies back on their heels. For eight years, a bitter war of extermination was waged, with the corporation’s personal armies versing the superhuman army of the alliance-a mix of their enhanced clones and natural born troops augmented with superior technology. As the corporation’s hope of winning faded two years into the war, the planet’s two leading governments-the North American-pan African Federation, the Eurasian empire, and South American Coalition began to back them.
The cost was horrendous-millions dead on both sides. As the Alliance was seemingly being pushed back on all fronts, they unleashed a new fighter-the Liberator Class clone. Designed to a true warrior, they were enhanced with a special gland that pumped supercharged stimulants into their system. These new Shock Troops gave the Alliance the momentum it needed, but in releasing them, they made one fatal mistake-the Eldraen, who had long been kept under guard and cruelly treated, had escaped due to brief lapse of security during the Liberator clone’s development. Fleeing to the Corporations side, they gave vital intelligence that led them straight to their headquarters. A group of mercenaries, soldiers and Eldraen Warriors led the attack, and managed to succeed. With the destruction of their central leadership, their armies seemingly vanished overnight as many of them were over run. The final cost is unknown, but many know that at least 3 million lives were lost, if not more…
Three years later, humanity has slowly begun to recover from the war. The Collation has fallen apart, and the petty squabbles have resumed. Despite the lessons of the past, we still fight across the planet in our greed for the pollutnite. The Alliance, which nearly succeeded in bringing mankind under its leadership, is nothing more than a bad memory and lessons that they taught in war were lost. Rumors persist the somehow, members of their leadership survived; if this is true, then dark times may once again lie ahead.
You can play a corperation-just no mega corps-there's already three.
You can have up to two chars with supporing chars
There will be a tech limit-3 signature techs-theses cannot pe reproduced unless they are stolen-after that-regualr tech can be reproduced.
No godmodding, Metagaming-you get the picture.
Wasteland 2099
The year is 2099, the planet-Earth. This once lush world is suffering, it lands barren. The air, poison, and seas are like acid. The source is not nuclear war, but pollution. Since the time of the industrial revolution, mankind harvested the earth’s bountiful resources with greed, burning fossil fuels and polluting her waters with toxic chemicals and debris.
A dying Earth
As the world’s ecosystems began to fall apart around us and the air became a poisonous fume, the most brilliant and dedicated men and women on the planet began to search for alternative power sources. The research, despite major breakthroughs, ultimately failed-but not because of flaws in the research, but man’s refusal to accept and use these alternate sources: instead the leaders of governments and corporations were too obsessed with the bountiful riches that the old ways brought.
Thus, this marked the beginning of the near destruction of the human race. It started in 2057, first as small towns, lacking safe water despite the best purification techniques available began to suffer outbreaks of virulent diseases thought long wiped out began to spread-then the real troubles began. Healthy children and adults began to suffer symptoms akin to an asthma attacks, and many died as a result. It was discovered later that the deaths were the result of the pollutants in the air that had built up in the lungs over time.
Immediately, the governments and corporations began to turn to the researchers, who had once been rejected and denounced by almost the entirety of man, but it was too little to late-plants, animals and people began to die all around. As the death toll rose, the researchers came up with a solution-a structure of glass and metal called a bio-dome. These devices would ensure the continued survival of man by providing purified water and air, as well as basic necessities. Thus, like earth, humanity began to slowly die within these domes.
Discovery and the Corporate wars
14 years passed without incident-it seemed that mankind had given up the struggle for survival and had resigned itself to simply spending its final days in peace. However, some were determined to reestablish contact with the rest of the world. During this time, they began to develop equipment that would allow them to survive the toxic environment. Despite several setbacks, they were able to successfully venture outside the domes. What they found there though…was a substance unlike anything they had ever encountered. A new material had formed under the harsh conditions-a greyish-green-blue substance that, given the proper chemical reaction, could become anything-paper, granite…even diamond.
This substance, which would be later called pollutanite, would prove to be both our salvation and our damnation…
One would think that this new discovery would begin a new era of cooperation and harmony among humanity. But sadly, this was not to be. Mankind’s darker natures, believed to be born of conflict since our creation, once again would be our undoing. It was greed, a hunger to control, to horde as much of this substance as possible. This led to what was known as the Corporate ward-dozens of multi-billion dollar businesses struggled to harness as much as possible-the local governments were powerless to stop them, as they were wholly dependent on them for the goods that kept their nations going. For the next 17 years, the wars would be waged, wars that was fought as much as with words as they were with soldiers.
Yet…some good did come of it. A corporation known as the Shimiaski Foundation built what is known as the Genesis Project-a star colony the hung in low earth orbit. One that was lush with life-the life that was once abundant on earth. Every ecosystem in existence had been created on the new haven-savannas, prairies, forests. An inhabitable land, yet to protect it, strict curfews were enacted, and kill teams of drones were sent out with the mission of terminating anyone who polluted the once chance that humanity had of survival. Desperate measures for a desperate time, as the Foundation had to ward off continuous attacks from the other corporations-two in particular-Al-tec, which was a major arms manufacturer, and Sixcorp-a major corporation that had only just recently exploded on to the scene whose forces were equipped with nano augmented technology beyond even the most advanced nano-tech that Shimiaski had. Little did they know that the world was about to face a new threat, one that would seek to dominate them all-the Alliance
Enter the Alliance
The Alliance was originally founded as a joint US-European Military Program nearly 50 years before the pollution had taken its toll on the earth. Their goal was simple-develop the most advanced weapon and armor systems known to man, however, they began to expand-first into nano technology, then into genetic engineering. After the world began to fall apart, the Program went rouge and no agency, whether government or independent was ever able to trace them. During this time, they began to create soldiers, cloned troops whose genetics had been purposefully manipulated to result in some of the fiercest warriors ever known to man. One species believed to be the result of these experiments was the offshoot race of humans known as the Eldraen-powerful psionsists and soldiers, they were perhaps the result of them trying to force humanities evolution along, but were unable to control them.
During the 17 year period of the Corporate Wars, the Alliance began to silently observe and recruit, ranging from strong arm bosses to military professionals. Their plan was to attempt to bring all of them under a single, unanimous entity-the Alliance itself. When the Shimisaki Foundation unveiled the Genesis Project, it decided it was time to strike. No faction, not even the mighty corporations themselves were prepared for what came next: the Genesis War, or as the Alliance called it, the Unification Crusade. The struck with a precision that could only be described as machine like, they utterly overwhelmed the governments and corporate armies in the initial years of the war…
The Genesis War
So named by the corporations for what triggered it, for the first time in their history, the corporations were unified, but not by common interests, but by a common foe. Despite the massive scale and extreme firepower that the Alliance struck with, they managed to pull themselves together and hit back with a ferocity that set their enemies back on their heels. For eight years, a bitter war of extermination was waged, with the corporation’s personal armies versing the superhuman army of the alliance-a mix of their enhanced clones and natural born troops augmented with superior technology. As the corporation’s hope of winning faded two years into the war, the planet’s two leading governments-the North American-pan African Federation, the Eurasian empire, and South American Coalition began to back them.
The cost was horrendous-millions dead on both sides. As the Alliance was seemingly being pushed back on all fronts, they unleashed a new fighter-the Liberator Class clone. Designed to a true warrior, they were enhanced with a special gland that pumped supercharged stimulants into their system. These new Shock Troops gave the Alliance the momentum it needed, but in releasing them, they made one fatal mistake-the Eldraen, who had long been kept under guard and cruelly treated, had escaped due to brief lapse of security during the Liberator clone’s development. Fleeing to the Corporations side, they gave vital intelligence that led them straight to their headquarters. A group of mercenaries, soldiers and Eldraen Warriors led the attack, and managed to succeed. With the destruction of their central leadership, their armies seemingly vanished overnight as many of them were over run. The final cost is unknown, but many know that at least 3 million lives were lost, if not more…
Three years later, humanity has slowly begun to recover from the war. The Collation has fallen apart, and the petty squabbles have resumed. Despite the lessons of the past, we still fight across the planet in our greed for the pollutnite. The Alliance, which nearly succeeded in bringing mankind under its leadership, is nothing more than a bad memory and lessons that they taught in war were lost. Rumors persist the somehow, members of their leadership survived; if this is true, then dark times may once again lie ahead.
You can play a corperation-just no mega corps-there's already three.
You can have up to two chars with supporing chars
There will be a tech limit-3 signature techs-theses cannot pe reproduced unless they are stolen-after that-regualr tech can be reproduced.
No godmodding, Metagaming-you get the picture.
Requests For Features / Ailements
« on: August 18, 2012, 03:47 »
I'd like to see Ailements introduced-brutal in an alread brutally difficult game I know, but it might make people alittle more careful.
Of course, another idea that goes with this is that monster now can randomly-this means thay may not have it-deal out ailments in Nightmare. I just started playing Nightmare, and its well a Nightmare. This would make it even scary-Kudos to who ever could beat it.
Of course, another idea that goes with this is that monster now can randomly-this means thay may not have it-deal out ailments in Nightmare. I just started playing Nightmare, and its well a Nightmare. This would make it even scary-Kudos to who ever could beat it.
Off Topic / Heavy Thoughts
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:56 »
Every once in a while, I fall into a though heavy state-mainly when I'm listening to music, so I thought I'd share some of them.
The wieght of human life.
How does one weigh human life? Can we truly justify the death of any living being, regardless of the crimes they have committed? I have recently begun to ponder just what that means. What brings this up was an incident that happened nearly 4 years ago-as well as the fact I heard this question somewhere.
If we took it at face value-the convict who has murdered dozens, and those who have fought and died to secure our current way in life-heroes who deserve all the respect in the world-the convict would be hauled off to prison, the war heroes both living and dead would be honored-but what would happen if those roles were reversed-what would happen if the convict became the hero-doing what we could not-and the heroes cast out of our society? I say this-that while this situation is unusual and somewhat perverted by many people’s standards, it goes to show that even the lowest of humanity are capable for putting it on the line for the greater good and that the highest, most honorable men and women are capable of heinous crimes.
For some, perhaps race may be a good example-let’s say you saw some colored man hanging out with his homies, rapping and acting all tough and dressed in fancy clothing. What would you say? This man is a criminal-the scum of the earth with nothing to contribute to society? Perhaps this is true-that these men are a group of thugs-terrorizing the local people and otherwise making life a living hell. But yet, perhaps not-perhaps these people have simply adopted the looks, but are actually good people-doctors, police officers, and perhaps even business men. How they are perceived is not a world view but YOUR view-you taking what they are on the surface rather than within…or perhaps the opposite in hoping that things will turn out for the best.
And then comes the darkest part-the justification of the death of another. The weight this can bear on you is enough to break even the strongest sprit-what has this person or persons done to you that is so wrong that it justifies their death? Can you truly be so petty as to take the life of another over some slight-or have you become so blinded by rage over what they have done-whether for an insult or them killing another that you descend to their level, or below them? For those of you who have, and I should hope not-this opportunity, it was undoubtedly among the darkest hours of your life. The rage, the feelings of injustice towards yourself…enough to send cold shivers down your spine at what you may have done. My only words to conclude this is that we all have a dark nature, but it is our choice whether or not we acknowledge it.
The wieght of human life.
How does one weigh human life? Can we truly justify the death of any living being, regardless of the crimes they have committed? I have recently begun to ponder just what that means. What brings this up was an incident that happened nearly 4 years ago-as well as the fact I heard this question somewhere.
If we took it at face value-the convict who has murdered dozens, and those who have fought and died to secure our current way in life-heroes who deserve all the respect in the world-the convict would be hauled off to prison, the war heroes both living and dead would be honored-but what would happen if those roles were reversed-what would happen if the convict became the hero-doing what we could not-and the heroes cast out of our society? I say this-that while this situation is unusual and somewhat perverted by many people’s standards, it goes to show that even the lowest of humanity are capable for putting it on the line for the greater good and that the highest, most honorable men and women are capable of heinous crimes.
For some, perhaps race may be a good example-let’s say you saw some colored man hanging out with his homies, rapping and acting all tough and dressed in fancy clothing. What would you say? This man is a criminal-the scum of the earth with nothing to contribute to society? Perhaps this is true-that these men are a group of thugs-terrorizing the local people and otherwise making life a living hell. But yet, perhaps not-perhaps these people have simply adopted the looks, but are actually good people-doctors, police officers, and perhaps even business men. How they are perceived is not a world view but YOUR view-you taking what they are on the surface rather than within…or perhaps the opposite in hoping that things will turn out for the best.
And then comes the darkest part-the justification of the death of another. The weight this can bear on you is enough to break even the strongest sprit-what has this person or persons done to you that is so wrong that it justifies their death? Can you truly be so petty as to take the life of another over some slight-or have you become so blinded by rage over what they have done-whether for an insult or them killing another that you descend to their level, or below them? For those of you who have, and I should hope not-this opportunity, it was undoubtedly among the darkest hours of your life. The rage, the feelings of injustice towards yourself…enough to send cold shivers down your spine at what you may have done. My only words to conclude this is that we all have a dark nature, but it is our choice whether or not we acknowledge it.
Off Topic / Trait Ideas
« on: July 29, 2012, 22:11 »
Okay, so I've recently started on a Pencil-Paper Survial Horro RPG called Survivor: Fallen Earth
Heres the back Story:
You’re a survivor after some kind of horrific disease swept through the population of Earth, causing some people to turn into shambling zombies, or mutating into monstrous aberrations. No one knows the virus’s origins-some speculate it was a science experiment gone wrong, while others think it was an alien virus caused by a meteor. Religious types seem to think the End Times-Armageddon-is upon us at last and that God has cast his judgment upon us.
All that is known is that our world-the land of ease and relative peace is gone, and that mankind’s last battle, our final struggle for survival is now upon us. Whether we survive or fade into the ocean of time is our decision to make.
Now the RP book is somewhat insulting, including the guys who helped inspire(Including our beloved Korniel), and is providing useful information:
Herre are the stats, Rated 1-12, with 1 the weakest, 12 strongest
The trait sytem falls under three catagories: Combat, Technical, and Survial. I'm kind of taking a DoomRL approach to the traits but have been having brainfarts. So I'm coming to you guys for help. Any suggestions?
Heres the back Story:
You’re a survivor after some kind of horrific disease swept through the population of Earth, causing some people to turn into shambling zombies, or mutating into monstrous aberrations. No one knows the virus’s origins-some speculate it was a science experiment gone wrong, while others think it was an alien virus caused by a meteor. Religious types seem to think the End Times-Armageddon-is upon us at last and that God has cast his judgment upon us.
All that is known is that our world-the land of ease and relative peace is gone, and that mankind’s last battle, our final struggle for survival is now upon us. Whether we survive or fade into the ocean of time is our decision to make.
Now the RP book is somewhat insulting, including the guys who helped inspire(Including our beloved Korniel), and is providing useful information:
Herre are the stats, Rated 1-12, with 1 the weakest, 12 strongest
The trait sytem falls under three catagories: Combat, Technical, and Survial. I'm kind of taking a DoomRL approach to the traits but have been having brainfarts. So I'm coming to you guys for help. Any suggestions?
Play-By-Forum / Doom Hellholle equipment and stats
« on: May 26, 2012, 04:16 »
Weapon and Equipment Stats for Doom RPG
Apologies to the Kornel for using some of the mechanics from the RL. I give him full credit for it.
Combat Knife
Damage: 1d4+1
Number of attacks: 2 per round
Description: It’s a standard marine issue combat knife
Damage Type: Melee
Damage: 2d6*3
Number of attacks-1 per round
Description: Someone got the idea of strapping a couple of blades to a drill motor to grind stuff…go find some meat!
Damage type: Melee
Damage: Special
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Special: The stunner inflicts no damage but instead on a successful hit stuns the target for three rounds. Stacks up to 4 times
Plasma Blade
Damage: 3d8
Number of attacks: 3 per round
Special: Ignores Armor
Damage: Plasma
Damage: 2d8+3
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Reload time: 1 per round
Ammo: 6 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: Can be reloaded fully, but user unable to act next round.
Gauss Pistol
Damage: 10
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 8 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: This gun can hit multiple targets, but each penetrate brings the damage down by 1, up to a maximum of five targets.
Mob Gun
Damage: 2d3*5
Number of attacks: 3 per round
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo: 15 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Special: The mob gun inflicts melee type damage. Upon a successful hit, the mob gun can inflict an open wound, which causes bleeding at the rate of 1 hp per turn. Stacks up to 6 times. It fires five “blade shots” per attack
Burst pistol
Damage: 3d4*3
Number of attacks: two three round burst per round
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 21 shots
Ammo Type: bullets
Damage: bullet/fire(Fires High Explosive Rounds)
Damage: 4d5
Number of attacks Per round: 1
Reload time: none/ reloads while standing on lava or getting hit by a fireball
Ammo: 10 shots to begin with
Ammo type: fireballs/lava
Damage Type: Fire
Special: The incinerator requires you to get hit by a fireball or stand on lava to reload-halves fire damage
Laser Pistol
Damage: 3d6
Number of attacks: 2 per round/special
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 18 shots
Ammo Type: power cells
Damage Type: Plasma
Special: The users instead of firing a standard shot can fire a laser ‘pulse’ to cut multiple targets. Uses four shots.
(Note: Shotguns have a spread, and they can hit up to a maximum of 7 targets)
Auto Assault 12
Damage: 6d4
Number of attacks: 5(can all be shot off at once)
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 30 Shots
Ammo Type: Shotgun shells
Damage type: Shrapnel, Standard Spread
Damage: 5d12
Number of attacks: 1 every other round
Reload time: 3 turns
Ammo: 4 shots
Ammo Type: Uranium shards, power cell(used to power magnet)
Damage Type: Shrapnel-wide spread, Piercing
Special: The Impaler is a heavy duty, experimental weapon. Its shots require a full round to recharge and then it takes time to replace both the spent cell and shots. The weapon ignores armor and can hit multiple targets. The shards vary wildly in size. 10% chance of causing open wounds or cripple
PK-38 Enforcer
Damage: 4d6
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Relaod time: 1 turn
Ammo: 8 Shots
Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells(slugs)
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: The PK-38 Enforcer is a slug shotgun. It hit fairly hard and can stop a charging demon short. Has 40% chance of causing cripple(slows movement, can stack up to 2 times)
C-35 Gutbuster
Damage; 11d3*2
Number of attacks per round: 2 attacks(4 shells)
Reload Time: 2 turns
Ammo: 12 Shots(6 in each barrel)
Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells
Damage Type: Shrapnel-Focused
5A09S2 Combat Shotgun
Damage: 7d3
Number of attacks per round: 1
Reload time 1 round
Ammo:10 shots
Ammo Type: Shotgun shells
Damage Type: Shrapnel, wide spread
Special: 30% chance of stun on each target hit.
Submachine guns
G3 Commando
Damage: 2d5*3
Number of attacks per round: 2 three round bursts
Reload time:1 turn
Ammo: 30 shots
Ammo Type: Bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage: 3d3*7
Number of attacks per round: one 7 round burst
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 35 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
M3 Shredder
Damage: 6d3*4
Number of attacks per round: 2 four round bursts
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 24 shots
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: Can cause open wounds 25% chance
P90 Submachine Gun
Damage: 2d6*3
Number of attacks per round: 3 3 round bursts
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 50 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage type: bullet
Assault Rifle
damage: 4d10+6
Number of attacks per round: 2
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo: 20 shots
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: Cripple enemy target on successful hit, 30% chance of inflicting same status on user
GK36 Commando
Damage: 4d5(*3,*7)
Number of attacks per round: 3 shots per round, can opt to shoot 2 three round bursts or 7 full auto
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 30 shots
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Bullet
Pulse Rifle
Damage: 5d4*5
Number of attacks per round: fires one five round burst per round
Reload Time: 1 turn
Ammo: 50 shots
Ammo type: Power Cell
Damage Type: Plasma
K3 Carbine
Damage: 3d6*3
Number of attacks per round: 4 three round bursts
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 36 shots
Ammo Type: bullets
Damage Type: bullet
E3 General Purpose Rifle
Damage: 2d7
Number of attacks per round: 4 shots, can switch to a 8 round burst
Reload Time: 1 turn
Ammo: 35 Shots
Ammo type: Bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Sniper rifles(All sniper rifles, except the laser rifle inflict piercing damage, laser inflicts plasma damage)
Barret M2
Damage: 8d10
Number of attacks per round: 1 every 2
Reload time: 2 rounds
Ammo: 8 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Special: Slows marine by 40% when fired: stacks up to two times. Is also incredibly loud and has a 20% cumulative chance of attracting an enemy’s attention to the sniper’s position. Attraction can be negated by moving from position.
M8 sniper
Damage: 4d4
Number of attacks per round: 2
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 15 shots
Ammo Type: Bullets
Special: This gun is silence and thus does not attract enemy attention.
Laser Rifle
Damage: 5d7
Number of attacks per round: 1
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 10
Ammo type: Power Cell
Special: The beam gives away the sniper’s position, thus attracting attention. Best to move your ass after firing, and if you cannot hit anything with it you are a world class moron.
M45 Marksman
Damage: 3d6
Number of attacks per round: 3
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 15
Ammo type: Bullet
SSR-39 Recoilless
Damage: 6d8
Number of attacks per round: 2
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 16
Ammo Type: bullet
Heavy Weapons(Heavy weapons can take some time to reload
Damage: 3d7+5*8
Number of attacks per round: two 8 round bursts
Reload time 4 turns
Ammo: 90
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Piercing
Rolling Thunder
Damage: (AP rounds) 2d6, (HE Rounds) 3d7
Number of attacks per round: 4 ‘round’ burst
Reload Time: 3 turns
Ammo: 45 rounds
Ammo Type: Bullets
Damage Type: (AP)Piercing, (HE)Fire.
Swarm Launcher
Damage: 2d4*12
Number of attacks per round: can fire 1 swarm
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo: 1 swarm of rockets
Ammo Type: rockets
Damage Type: Fire
Damage: 6d6
Number of attacks per round: 1
Reload time: 3 turns
Ammo capacity: 15
Ammo Type: Disks
Damge Type: Fire
Grenade Launcher
Number of attacks per round:2
Reload time: 1 per turn, can be reloaded fully by sacrificing ability to act next round
Ammo capacity: 6(revolver type mechanism)
Ammo Type: grenades
Damage Type: Shrapnel, Fire
Damage: 7d12+8
Number of attacks per round: 1 every 4
Reload time: 3 turns
Ammo Capacity: 3
Ammo Type: Rockets
Damage Type: Fire
Plasma Gun
Damage: 8d6
Number of attacks per round: 1 every 2
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo Capacity: 7
Ammo Type: Power Cell
Damage Type: Fire
Has a 20% of igniting the target.
Hellfire Flamethrower
Damage: Special
Number of attacks: Special
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo Capacity: enough fuel for 30 rounds, doubled with ammo pack
Ammo Type: Power Cell
Damage Type: Fire
Special notes: The flamethrower, on successful hit, causes 1d12 points of damage initially, and then causes the same amount of damage for 5 rounds. The flamethrower burns targets in cone, approximately 7 feet wide and 5 feet in diameter-it can hit multiple targets. A second fire mode is available where the user can channel the flame onto a single target, causing double damage.
Armor Properties
Armor protection: 1
Move Speed: + 4
Damage Resistance:
Bullet: 10%
Shrapnel: 5%
Melee: 0%
Acid: 0%
Fire: -25%
Plasma: 0%
Special: the Scout armor has the option can use a set of built in jump jets for additional mobility
Reactive Armor
Protection: 2
Move Speed: -2
Damage resistance: See below
Special Property: Reactive armor doesn’t provide resistances, but rather it softens the blow, up to ten damage dice. It limits the damage to a maximum of 25 total points of damage
Assault Armor
Protection: 5
Movespeed: -3
Damage Resistance:
Bullet: 30%
Shrapnel: 25%
Melee: 25%
Acid: 10%
Fire: 35%
Plasma: 20%
Riot Shield:
Protection: 1
Movspeed: -1
Adds 10 to all resistances, in addition to the current armor’s resistance: can be used to supplement current armor.
Protection: 12
Movspeed: -6
Damage Resistance:
Bullet: 75%
Shrapnel: 60%
Melee: 50%
Acid: 40%
Fire: 60%
Plasma: 30%
Shield belt
Protection: Special
Shield belts can totally protect the user form enemy attacks, up to 10 times. The user can move while it’s active, but not attack. The user must also state that they are using the belt. It cannot be recharged and must be found.
Pack stats:
Ammo Pack: Doubles the ammo capacity for all weapons
MARS Pack: Missile damage: 7d10, Number of attacks: ¼, can be reloaded.
Repair Pack: Heals 5 health per round. Can do it for 10 rounds before it must spend an hour recharging-can remove ailments at the cost of 2 charges.
Turret pack: Each turret has 120 health, 30 resistance to all damage types, and has the same rate of fire and damage of its parent unit.
Stimpack: At the cost of ten hp, the marine moves faster and can get an additional attack per round.
Detpack: when activated, 5 turn timer and then detonates, casuing 10d10 points of damage in a 30 ft radius, fire damage
Probe: Deploys a remote probe with 25 hp and no attack. May be used to scout and will not survive any direct combat with the enemy
Snake Cam: Can deploy up to 30mm, allowing you to look around corners and under doors
Sensor Pack: Can detect anything within 120 yards. Quite useful but must be stated and requires a successful roll
Special Items:
Anti-Venom: Removes Poison
Bandage: Removes open wounds and restores 20 HP
Eye Drops: Removes Blindness
Bone Splint: Removes Cripple
Concussive: Inflicts 1d3 points of damage and can stun for unless the victim saves successfully.
Flashbang: Targets are blinded for 1d4 rounds
Frag Grenade: 15ft splash, 3d6 points of damage, Shrapnel type
Gas Grenade: Causes Poison
Incendiary: Bursts into flames for an initial 1d8 points of damage, then continues inflicting 5 points of damage for 5 turns. Blankets a 20 radius in a temporary sheet of fire that inflicts same as lingering flames.
Poison Damage: Poison is a nasty thing: upon the success of the attack roll, the victim must roll die against a third roll-the poison resistance roll. The roll of the victim must be lower than the roll of the attacker’s poisoning attempt-if higher, the poisoning is successful and the victim takes 2 points of damage every round for 3 rounds. This can kill the character. An anti-venom must be administered to remove.
Open Wounds: Open Wounds is when a character is bleeding everywhere. The soldier will lose 1 point of health every round until it is either bandaged or treated by a Repair. The roll is similar to the roll of the poison damage.
Cripple: The Character is suffering from fractured bones. The character suffers a -2 penalty to move speed and -1 to melee accuracy. It can be removed by characters possessing the Repair pack to restore status or the Bone Splint item. A character must make a 7 or higher on a1d20 die roll to avoid being crippled.
Blindness: This reduces the player sight by 3. It also causes players to suffer a -2 penalty to ranged accuracy. This can be especially crippling against players that rely on ranged attacks. Certain enemies can cause this effect-it can be cured with the Repair Pack, eye drops, or it wears off after 1d4 rounds. There is no saving throw-the only way to avoid this is to kill or avoid the creatures that cause this.
This is a nasty one-this causes the target to burn. The target receives whatever damage is prescribed and takes maximum damage from all fire based weaponry. It can only be removed by dousing yourself with water.
Target is unable to act for 4 turns. Successful save of 5 or higher is required to avoid being stunned.
Note: All chars have 100 hp, boostable to 200. Each enemy and plaer has a base numbe or five to hit on a 1d20, this can be adjusted or worsened depending the circumstance
Apologies to the Kornel for using some of the mechanics from the RL. I give him full credit for it.
Combat Knife
Damage: 1d4+1
Number of attacks: 2 per round
Description: It’s a standard marine issue combat knife
Damage Type: Melee
Damage: 2d6*3
Number of attacks-1 per round
Description: Someone got the idea of strapping a couple of blades to a drill motor to grind stuff…go find some meat!
Damage type: Melee
Damage: Special
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Special: The stunner inflicts no damage but instead on a successful hit stuns the target for three rounds. Stacks up to 4 times
Plasma Blade
Damage: 3d8
Number of attacks: 3 per round
Special: Ignores Armor
Damage: Plasma
Damage: 2d8+3
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Reload time: 1 per round
Ammo: 6 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: Can be reloaded fully, but user unable to act next round.
Gauss Pistol
Damage: 10
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 8 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: This gun can hit multiple targets, but each penetrate brings the damage down by 1, up to a maximum of five targets.
Mob Gun
Damage: 2d3*5
Number of attacks: 3 per round
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo: 15 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Special: The mob gun inflicts melee type damage. Upon a successful hit, the mob gun can inflict an open wound, which causes bleeding at the rate of 1 hp per turn. Stacks up to 6 times. It fires five “blade shots” per attack
Burst pistol
Damage: 3d4*3
Number of attacks: two three round burst per round
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 21 shots
Ammo Type: bullets
Damage: bullet/fire(Fires High Explosive Rounds)
Damage: 4d5
Number of attacks Per round: 1
Reload time: none/ reloads while standing on lava or getting hit by a fireball
Ammo: 10 shots to begin with
Ammo type: fireballs/lava
Damage Type: Fire
Special: The incinerator requires you to get hit by a fireball or stand on lava to reload-halves fire damage
Laser Pistol
Damage: 3d6
Number of attacks: 2 per round/special
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 18 shots
Ammo Type: power cells
Damage Type: Plasma
Special: The users instead of firing a standard shot can fire a laser ‘pulse’ to cut multiple targets. Uses four shots.
(Note: Shotguns have a spread, and they can hit up to a maximum of 7 targets)
Auto Assault 12
Damage: 6d4
Number of attacks: 5(can all be shot off at once)
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 30 Shots
Ammo Type: Shotgun shells
Damage type: Shrapnel, Standard Spread
Damage: 5d12
Number of attacks: 1 every other round
Reload time: 3 turns
Ammo: 4 shots
Ammo Type: Uranium shards, power cell(used to power magnet)
Damage Type: Shrapnel-wide spread, Piercing
Special: The Impaler is a heavy duty, experimental weapon. Its shots require a full round to recharge and then it takes time to replace both the spent cell and shots. The weapon ignores armor and can hit multiple targets. The shards vary wildly in size. 10% chance of causing open wounds or cripple
PK-38 Enforcer
Damage: 4d6
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Relaod time: 1 turn
Ammo: 8 Shots
Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells(slugs)
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: The PK-38 Enforcer is a slug shotgun. It hit fairly hard and can stop a charging demon short. Has 40% chance of causing cripple(slows movement, can stack up to 2 times)
C-35 Gutbuster
Damage; 11d3*2
Number of attacks per round: 2 attacks(4 shells)
Reload Time: 2 turns
Ammo: 12 Shots(6 in each barrel)
Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells
Damage Type: Shrapnel-Focused
5A09S2 Combat Shotgun
Damage: 7d3
Number of attacks per round: 1
Reload time 1 round
Ammo:10 shots
Ammo Type: Shotgun shells
Damage Type: Shrapnel, wide spread
Special: 30% chance of stun on each target hit.
Submachine guns
G3 Commando
Damage: 2d5*3
Number of attacks per round: 2 three round bursts
Reload time:1 turn
Ammo: 30 shots
Ammo Type: Bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Damage: 3d3*7
Number of attacks per round: one 7 round burst
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 35 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
M3 Shredder
Damage: 6d3*4
Number of attacks per round: 2 four round bursts
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 24 shots
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: Can cause open wounds 25% chance
P90 Submachine Gun
Damage: 2d6*3
Number of attacks per round: 3 3 round bursts
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 50 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage type: bullet
Assault Rifle
damage: 4d10+6
Number of attacks per round: 2
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo: 20 shots
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: Cripple enemy target on successful hit, 30% chance of inflicting same status on user
GK36 Commando
Damage: 4d5(*3,*7)
Number of attacks per round: 3 shots per round, can opt to shoot 2 three round bursts or 7 full auto
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 30 shots
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Bullet
Pulse Rifle
Damage: 5d4*5
Number of attacks per round: fires one five round burst per round
Reload Time: 1 turn
Ammo: 50 shots
Ammo type: Power Cell
Damage Type: Plasma
K3 Carbine
Damage: 3d6*3
Number of attacks per round: 4 three round bursts
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 36 shots
Ammo Type: bullets
Damage Type: bullet
E3 General Purpose Rifle
Damage: 2d7
Number of attacks per round: 4 shots, can switch to a 8 round burst
Reload Time: 1 turn
Ammo: 35 Shots
Ammo type: Bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Sniper rifles(All sniper rifles, except the laser rifle inflict piercing damage, laser inflicts plasma damage)
Barret M2
Damage: 8d10
Number of attacks per round: 1 every 2
Reload time: 2 rounds
Ammo: 8 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Special: Slows marine by 40% when fired: stacks up to two times. Is also incredibly loud and has a 20% cumulative chance of attracting an enemy’s attention to the sniper’s position. Attraction can be negated by moving from position.
M8 sniper
Damage: 4d4
Number of attacks per round: 2
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 15 shots
Ammo Type: Bullets
Special: This gun is silence and thus does not attract enemy attention.
Laser Rifle
Damage: 5d7
Number of attacks per round: 1
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 10
Ammo type: Power Cell
Special: The beam gives away the sniper’s position, thus attracting attention. Best to move your ass after firing, and if you cannot hit anything with it you are a world class moron.
M45 Marksman
Damage: 3d6
Number of attacks per round: 3
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 15
Ammo type: Bullet
SSR-39 Recoilless
Damage: 6d8
Number of attacks per round: 2
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 16
Ammo Type: bullet
Heavy Weapons(Heavy weapons can take some time to reload
Damage: 3d7+5*8
Number of attacks per round: two 8 round bursts
Reload time 4 turns
Ammo: 90
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Piercing
Rolling Thunder
Damage: (AP rounds) 2d6, (HE Rounds) 3d7
Number of attacks per round: 4 ‘round’ burst
Reload Time: 3 turns
Ammo: 45 rounds
Ammo Type: Bullets
Damage Type: (AP)Piercing, (HE)Fire.
Swarm Launcher
Damage: 2d4*12
Number of attacks per round: can fire 1 swarm
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo: 1 swarm of rockets
Ammo Type: rockets
Damage Type: Fire
Damage: 6d6
Number of attacks per round: 1
Reload time: 3 turns
Ammo capacity: 15
Ammo Type: Disks
Damge Type: Fire
Grenade Launcher
Number of attacks per round:2
Reload time: 1 per turn, can be reloaded fully by sacrificing ability to act next round
Ammo capacity: 6(revolver type mechanism)
Ammo Type: grenades
Damage Type: Shrapnel, Fire
Damage: 7d12+8
Number of attacks per round: 1 every 4
Reload time: 3 turns
Ammo Capacity: 3
Ammo Type: Rockets
Damage Type: Fire
Plasma Gun
Damage: 8d6
Number of attacks per round: 1 every 2
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo Capacity: 7
Ammo Type: Power Cell
Damage Type: Fire
Has a 20% of igniting the target.
Hellfire Flamethrower
Damage: Special
Number of attacks: Special
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo Capacity: enough fuel for 30 rounds, doubled with ammo pack
Ammo Type: Power Cell
Damage Type: Fire
Special notes: The flamethrower, on successful hit, causes 1d12 points of damage initially, and then causes the same amount of damage for 5 rounds. The flamethrower burns targets in cone, approximately 7 feet wide and 5 feet in diameter-it can hit multiple targets. A second fire mode is available where the user can channel the flame onto a single target, causing double damage.
Armor Properties
Armor protection: 1
Move Speed: + 4
Damage Resistance:
Bullet: 10%
Shrapnel: 5%
Melee: 0%
Acid: 0%
Fire: -25%
Plasma: 0%
Special: the Scout armor has the option can use a set of built in jump jets for additional mobility
Reactive Armor
Protection: 2
Move Speed: -2
Damage resistance: See below
Special Property: Reactive armor doesn’t provide resistances, but rather it softens the blow, up to ten damage dice. It limits the damage to a maximum of 25 total points of damage
Assault Armor
Protection: 5
Movespeed: -3
Damage Resistance:
Bullet: 30%
Shrapnel: 25%
Melee: 25%
Acid: 10%
Fire: 35%
Plasma: 20%
Riot Shield:
Protection: 1
Movspeed: -1
Adds 10 to all resistances, in addition to the current armor’s resistance: can be used to supplement current armor.
Protection: 12
Movspeed: -6
Damage Resistance:
Bullet: 75%
Shrapnel: 60%
Melee: 50%
Acid: 40%
Fire: 60%
Plasma: 30%
Shield belt
Protection: Special
Shield belts can totally protect the user form enemy attacks, up to 10 times. The user can move while it’s active, but not attack. The user must also state that they are using the belt. It cannot be recharged and must be found.
Pack stats:
Ammo Pack: Doubles the ammo capacity for all weapons
MARS Pack: Missile damage: 7d10, Number of attacks: ¼, can be reloaded.
Repair Pack: Heals 5 health per round. Can do it for 10 rounds before it must spend an hour recharging-can remove ailments at the cost of 2 charges.
Turret pack: Each turret has 120 health, 30 resistance to all damage types, and has the same rate of fire and damage of its parent unit.
Stimpack: At the cost of ten hp, the marine moves faster and can get an additional attack per round.
Detpack: when activated, 5 turn timer and then detonates, casuing 10d10 points of damage in a 30 ft radius, fire damage
Probe: Deploys a remote probe with 25 hp and no attack. May be used to scout and will not survive any direct combat with the enemy
Snake Cam: Can deploy up to 30mm, allowing you to look around corners and under doors
Sensor Pack: Can detect anything within 120 yards. Quite useful but must be stated and requires a successful roll
Special Items:
Anti-Venom: Removes Poison
Bandage: Removes open wounds and restores 20 HP
Eye Drops: Removes Blindness
Bone Splint: Removes Cripple
Concussive: Inflicts 1d3 points of damage and can stun for unless the victim saves successfully.
Flashbang: Targets are blinded for 1d4 rounds
Frag Grenade: 15ft splash, 3d6 points of damage, Shrapnel type
Gas Grenade: Causes Poison
Incendiary: Bursts into flames for an initial 1d8 points of damage, then continues inflicting 5 points of damage for 5 turns. Blankets a 20 radius in a temporary sheet of fire that inflicts same as lingering flames.
Poison Damage: Poison is a nasty thing: upon the success of the attack roll, the victim must roll die against a third roll-the poison resistance roll. The roll of the victim must be lower than the roll of the attacker’s poisoning attempt-if higher, the poisoning is successful and the victim takes 2 points of damage every round for 3 rounds. This can kill the character. An anti-venom must be administered to remove.
Open Wounds: Open Wounds is when a character is bleeding everywhere. The soldier will lose 1 point of health every round until it is either bandaged or treated by a Repair. The roll is similar to the roll of the poison damage.
Cripple: The Character is suffering from fractured bones. The character suffers a -2 penalty to move speed and -1 to melee accuracy. It can be removed by characters possessing the Repair pack to restore status or the Bone Splint item. A character must make a 7 or higher on a1d20 die roll to avoid being crippled.
Blindness: This reduces the player sight by 3. It also causes players to suffer a -2 penalty to ranged accuracy. This can be especially crippling against players that rely on ranged attacks. Certain enemies can cause this effect-it can be cured with the Repair Pack, eye drops, or it wears off after 1d4 rounds. There is no saving throw-the only way to avoid this is to kill or avoid the creatures that cause this.
This is a nasty one-this causes the target to burn. The target receives whatever damage is prescribed and takes maximum damage from all fire based weaponry. It can only be removed by dousing yourself with water.
Target is unable to act for 4 turns. Successful save of 5 or higher is required to avoid being stunned.
Note: All chars have 100 hp, boostable to 200. Each enemy and plaer has a base numbe or five to hit on a 1d20, this can be adjusted or worsened depending the circumstance
Play-By-Forum / Doom: Hellhole
« on: May 24, 2012, 13:48 »
Doom: The RPG
It was…I don’t know-18 hours ago? We were sent by the UAC to investigate a loss of contact with the Phobos Facility. Deimos had completely disappeared off the grid-nothing was there. So our all-knowing superiors figured that maybe the people on Phobos knew what had transpired. Only…they couldn’t raise anybody-and then we get a distress call from them. The message said that something “Frigging Evil is going on here” and that they needed help right away.
We preparing to leave-it was probably just another search and rescue mission-I remember listening to some of my buddies bitch about it. He was gonna be pissed about it, that was until someone responded that they didn’t give a damn what was going on so long as he got to kill himself something.
This brought up a cheer from my fellow marines, until we got the situation report: Extremely Hostile, threat level 5, heavy causalities are expected. Many of them were clearly nervous but confident they’d make it back.
Little did we know that most of us would never return…
Alright, what I’m going for here is something on the tactical end of the scale: you have several equipment slots-melee weapon, sidearm(can be dual wielded, at the cost of one primary weapon slot), Two primary weapon slots, grenades(4), and a pack. There are many different weapon and pack types available to you, in addition to your standard doom equipment.
Melee Weapons
Combat Knife: Well, it’s a combat Knife
Grinder: It essentially three serrated blades attached to a drill motor and turned into a vicious meat grinder. Very effective against poorly armored targets.
Stunner: The stunner is essentially a large stun baton that can be used to deliver 1,000,000 volts of non-lethal electricity into a target. ZAP!
Plasma Blade: A blade made of Plasma. Cool!
Magnum: A very Heavy pistol that shoots really big bullets
Gauss Pistol: Experimental pistol capable of hitting multiple targets-suitable for most combat situations.
Mobgun: The flare mouthed mobgun is a handgun with little stopping power, but it cuts like so many knives.
Burst Pistol: This gun fire three high explosive bullets in row-very high damage, and very high ammo consumption.
Incinerator: Pistol of unknown origin-seems to be made of flesh and bone-it fires bolts of hellfire.
Laser Pistol: Fires a beam of energy.
Auto Assault 12: Fires a lot of shotgun shells very, very fast.
Impaler: A “Big Daddy” Shotgun that fires shards of depleted uranium that are magnetically accelerated. Completely devastates flesh, bone and armor.
PK-38 Enforcer: High powered gun that fires shotgun slugs instead of shells. Good stopping power.
C-35 Gutbuster: A huge 8 gage semi-auto double barrel-brutally effective close-quarters gun, ineffective at longer ranges
5A09S2 Combat Shotgun: This shotgun has poor range but a lot of spread, also stuns smaller demons.
Sub-machineguns(YAY! The famed SMG makes into doom!)
G3 Commando: 45. Caliber submachine gun. Very potent
Mp5: The classic MP5, good rate of fire, low damage.
M3 Shredder: A powerful 10mm submachine gun that fires “fletched rounds”, sort of like an arrow head. Tends to shred most targets.
P90: Excellent weapon. Can be used in either hand and doesn’t have handles to snag. Also has some decent stopping power.
Assault Rifles:
Bonebreaker: This semi-auto rifle has the power to stop a truck, provided the recoil don’t break your shoulder.
GK36 Grumbar: Fires a 30-06 cartridge at a rate of 760 rpm. A very rugged and reliable weapon.
Pulse Rifle: Fires pulses of energy very quickly. Kind of useful, now that I think about.
K4 Carbine: Fires a three round burst. Highly accurate and can act as an sniper rifle in a pinch, tends to chew threw ammunition quickly though.
E3 General Purpose Rifle: A rifle with good performance, average damage, and about 500 RPM.
Sniper Rifles
Barret M2: A huge, 50. Cal sniper rifle that can penetrate armor completely, also weighs down the marine using it.
M8 Sniper: A sniper rifle with a built in silencer. Poor damage but it doesn’t attract a lot of attention.
Laser Rifle: A long range rifle with no recoil. Only an idiot can miss with this gun.
M45 Marksman: A highly accurate semi-automatic rifle. Effective against flying targets.
SSR-39 Recoilless: Essentially a hybrid sniper/assault, this semi-auto weapon has little recoil and pretty good stopping power.
Heavy Weapons
HMR 501 HMG: A huge, fifty caliber machine gun that is effective at mowing down the masses. Its high impact rounds will penetrate armor completely.
Rolling Thunder: A chaingun that fires explosive fletchetts. 1 ‘round’ is actually 5 rounds: 2 armor piercing, 3 high explosive. Very dangerous, very powerful and ammo is hard to come by.
Swarm Launcher: The swarm launcher fires a swarm of about a dozen lightweight, high explosive rockets. While it each one has a low splash area, it can be a very effective weapon in terms of crowd control.
Disker: Fires a medium speed explosive disk. Its damage is entirely thermal and concussive and has a splash of 5 meters.
Grenade Launcher: Well, its grenades have a timed fuse of about 3 seconds, but other than that-it’s what it says on the package. Splash of about 25 yards
Mortar: Fires a huge, incredibly powerful explosive shell. This is a heavy, hand held weapon-slows you down, a lot and can clear an entire room.
Plasma Gun: Fires a slow moving ball of explosive plasma. Good sweeping weapons
Hellfire Flamethower: Shoots a stream of plasma flame. Burns anything in its path.
Armor(I’ve included some power armors, so enjoy!)
Scout Armor: The scout armor essentially is an armor suit that allows for more movement through the use of micro-servos. Great movement, doesn’t last long under fire though.
Reactive armor: This armor reduces damage by softening the blow. Great if you need to take on a serious bad ass, but once it’s gone, it’s gone.
Assault Armor: A good, all-around armor. Decent protection, decent movement, and can take some serious hits.
Riot Shield: Well, it’s a riot shield. Good for covering the front, not so good for the back, also prevents the use of anything except SMGs and pistols.
Juggernaut armor: Extremely heavy, powered armor: Highly resistant to damage, but poor mobility.
Shield Belt: A belt that generates an energy field.
Ammo Pack: Allows you to carry lots and lots of ammo
MARS Pack: Multi Application Rocket System. Fires a plasma based shape charge that is far more powerful, not to mention bulkier, than a standard rocket.
Repair Pack: Can repair armor and heal companions
Turret Pack: Allows you to deploy any of the following turrets: Plasma, Laser, Chaingun, Shotgun, Rocket, and Flame Turret
StimPack: Injects you with powerful stimulants-you shoot and move faster, but it causes damage.
DetPack: A pack containing a high explosive charge: great to blast doors and cybies.
Probe Pack: Allows you deploy a remote controlled probe to scout areas: will not survive contact with the enemy.
Snake Cam: Used to peer around corners and under doors.
Sensor pack: Allows the tracking of enemy movement.
Concussive: Blasts opponets off their feet
Flash: Stuns enemies
Frag: A fragmentation Grenade
Gas: Tear gas grenade
Incendary: Its a grenade filled with flames.
It was…I don’t know-18 hours ago? We were sent by the UAC to investigate a loss of contact with the Phobos Facility. Deimos had completely disappeared off the grid-nothing was there. So our all-knowing superiors figured that maybe the people on Phobos knew what had transpired. Only…they couldn’t raise anybody-and then we get a distress call from them. The message said that something “Frigging Evil is going on here” and that they needed help right away.
We preparing to leave-it was probably just another search and rescue mission-I remember listening to some of my buddies bitch about it. He was gonna be pissed about it, that was until someone responded that they didn’t give a damn what was going on so long as he got to kill himself something.
This brought up a cheer from my fellow marines, until we got the situation report: Extremely Hostile, threat level 5, heavy causalities are expected. Many of them were clearly nervous but confident they’d make it back.
Little did we know that most of us would never return…
Alright, what I’m going for here is something on the tactical end of the scale: you have several equipment slots-melee weapon, sidearm(can be dual wielded, at the cost of one primary weapon slot), Two primary weapon slots, grenades(4), and a pack. There are many different weapon and pack types available to you, in addition to your standard doom equipment.
Melee Weapons
Combat Knife: Well, it’s a combat Knife
Grinder: It essentially three serrated blades attached to a drill motor and turned into a vicious meat grinder. Very effective against poorly armored targets.
Stunner: The stunner is essentially a large stun baton that can be used to deliver 1,000,000 volts of non-lethal electricity into a target. ZAP!
Plasma Blade: A blade made of Plasma. Cool!
Magnum: A very Heavy pistol that shoots really big bullets
Gauss Pistol: Experimental pistol capable of hitting multiple targets-suitable for most combat situations.
Mobgun: The flare mouthed mobgun is a handgun with little stopping power, but it cuts like so many knives.
Burst Pistol: This gun fire three high explosive bullets in row-very high damage, and very high ammo consumption.
Incinerator: Pistol of unknown origin-seems to be made of flesh and bone-it fires bolts of hellfire.
Laser Pistol: Fires a beam of energy.
Auto Assault 12: Fires a lot of shotgun shells very, very fast.
Impaler: A “Big Daddy” Shotgun that fires shards of depleted uranium that are magnetically accelerated. Completely devastates flesh, bone and armor.
PK-38 Enforcer: High powered gun that fires shotgun slugs instead of shells. Good stopping power.
C-35 Gutbuster: A huge 8 gage semi-auto double barrel-brutally effective close-quarters gun, ineffective at longer ranges
5A09S2 Combat Shotgun: This shotgun has poor range but a lot of spread, also stuns smaller demons.
Sub-machineguns(YAY! The famed SMG makes into doom!)
G3 Commando: 45. Caliber submachine gun. Very potent
Mp5: The classic MP5, good rate of fire, low damage.
M3 Shredder: A powerful 10mm submachine gun that fires “fletched rounds”, sort of like an arrow head. Tends to shred most targets.
P90: Excellent weapon. Can be used in either hand and doesn’t have handles to snag. Also has some decent stopping power.
Assault Rifles:
Bonebreaker: This semi-auto rifle has the power to stop a truck, provided the recoil don’t break your shoulder.
GK36 Grumbar: Fires a 30-06 cartridge at a rate of 760 rpm. A very rugged and reliable weapon.
Pulse Rifle: Fires pulses of energy very quickly. Kind of useful, now that I think about.
K4 Carbine: Fires a three round burst. Highly accurate and can act as an sniper rifle in a pinch, tends to chew threw ammunition quickly though.
E3 General Purpose Rifle: A rifle with good performance, average damage, and about 500 RPM.
Sniper Rifles
Barret M2: A huge, 50. Cal sniper rifle that can penetrate armor completely, also weighs down the marine using it.
M8 Sniper: A sniper rifle with a built in silencer. Poor damage but it doesn’t attract a lot of attention.
Laser Rifle: A long range rifle with no recoil. Only an idiot can miss with this gun.
M45 Marksman: A highly accurate semi-automatic rifle. Effective against flying targets.
SSR-39 Recoilless: Essentially a hybrid sniper/assault, this semi-auto weapon has little recoil and pretty good stopping power.
Heavy Weapons
HMR 501 HMG: A huge, fifty caliber machine gun that is effective at mowing down the masses. Its high impact rounds will penetrate armor completely.
Rolling Thunder: A chaingun that fires explosive fletchetts. 1 ‘round’ is actually 5 rounds: 2 armor piercing, 3 high explosive. Very dangerous, very powerful and ammo is hard to come by.
Swarm Launcher: The swarm launcher fires a swarm of about a dozen lightweight, high explosive rockets. While it each one has a low splash area, it can be a very effective weapon in terms of crowd control.
Disker: Fires a medium speed explosive disk. Its damage is entirely thermal and concussive and has a splash of 5 meters.
Grenade Launcher: Well, its grenades have a timed fuse of about 3 seconds, but other than that-it’s what it says on the package. Splash of about 25 yards
Mortar: Fires a huge, incredibly powerful explosive shell. This is a heavy, hand held weapon-slows you down, a lot and can clear an entire room.
Plasma Gun: Fires a slow moving ball of explosive plasma. Good sweeping weapons
Hellfire Flamethower: Shoots a stream of plasma flame. Burns anything in its path.
Armor(I’ve included some power armors, so enjoy!)
Scout Armor: The scout armor essentially is an armor suit that allows for more movement through the use of micro-servos. Great movement, doesn’t last long under fire though.
Reactive armor: This armor reduces damage by softening the blow. Great if you need to take on a serious bad ass, but once it’s gone, it’s gone.
Assault Armor: A good, all-around armor. Decent protection, decent movement, and can take some serious hits.
Riot Shield: Well, it’s a riot shield. Good for covering the front, not so good for the back, also prevents the use of anything except SMGs and pistols.
Juggernaut armor: Extremely heavy, powered armor: Highly resistant to damage, but poor mobility.
Shield Belt: A belt that generates an energy field.
Ammo Pack: Allows you to carry lots and lots of ammo
MARS Pack: Multi Application Rocket System. Fires a plasma based shape charge that is far more powerful, not to mention bulkier, than a standard rocket.
Repair Pack: Can repair armor and heal companions
Turret Pack: Allows you to deploy any of the following turrets: Plasma, Laser, Chaingun, Shotgun, Rocket, and Flame Turret
StimPack: Injects you with powerful stimulants-you shoot and move faster, but it causes damage.
DetPack: A pack containing a high explosive charge: great to blast doors and cybies.
Probe Pack: Allows you deploy a remote controlled probe to scout areas: will not survive contact with the enemy.
Snake Cam: Used to peer around corners and under doors.
Sensor pack: Allows the tracking of enemy movement.
Concussive: Blasts opponets off their feet
Flash: Stuns enemies
Frag: A fragmentation Grenade
Gas: Tear gas grenade
Incendary: Its a grenade filled with flames.
11 / [U|67%|2|YASD] I'm an asshole
« on: May 23, 2012, 17:49 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Asshole, level 2 Imp Corporal Marine,
was bit by a demon on level 2 of the Phobos base.
He survived 3963 turns and scored 6379 points.
He played for 2 minutes and 25 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 33 out of 49 hellspawn. (67%)
He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 0
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/80 Experience 1026/2
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Ironman (Level 2)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] green armor [1/1] (51%)
[b] [ Weapon ] shotgun (8d3) [1/1]
[c] [ Boots ] nothing
[d] [ Prepared ] nothing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] green armor [1/1] (86%)
[b] green armor [1/1] (100%)
[c] shotgun shell (x35)
[d] shotgun shell (x50)
[e] shotgun shell (x50)
[f] shotgun shell (x50)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 15% feet 0%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 15% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
17 former humans
7 former sergeants
5 imps
3 demons
1 lost soul
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he finally was bit by a demon.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You reload the shotgun.
You see : an imp (scratched) | shotgun shell (x29) | blood | [ m ]ore
The imp dies.
You reload the shotgun.
You see : a demon (almost unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore
You reload the shotgun.
You see : a demon (lightly wounded) | shotgun shell (x29) | blood | [ m ]ore
You reload the shotgun.
You see : a demon (heavily wounded) | shotgun shell (x29) | pool of blood | [
You see : a demon (heavily wounded) | shotgun shell (x29) | pool of blood | [
You reload the shotgun. The demon hits you.
You see : a demon (almost dead) | floor | [ m ]ore
The demon dies. The demon dies. The demon hits you.
You reload the shotgun. The demon hits you. The demon hits you. You die!...
Press <Enter>...
You see : a former human (unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
27 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
27 of those were killed.
12 / [U|96%|23|YASD] Finally got to hell.
« on: May 23, 2012, 17:48 » DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Tycus, level 10 Imp Lance Corporal Marine,
rode a mancubi rocket on level 7 of Hell.
He survived 129936 turns and scored 35535 points.
He played for 1 hour, 5 minutes and 4 seconds.
He was too young to die!
He killed 408 out of 424 hellspawn. (96%)
He held his right to remain violent.
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 7
Levels visited : 6
Levels completed : 6
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Hell Champion Medal
Armorer Bronze Badge
Gatekeeper Bronze Badge
Lava Bronze Badge
Arachno Bronze Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/90 Experience 44010/10
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Ironman (Level 3)
Finesse (Level 2)
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Badass (Level 2)
Survivalist (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] nothing
[b] [ Weapon ] tactical shotgun (8d3) [2/5]
[c] [ Boots ] Enviroboots [0]
[d] [ Prepared ] shell box (x97)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] napalm launcher (7d7) [1/1]
[b] BFG 9000 (10d8) [60/100]
[c] green armor [1/1] (100%)
[d] blue armor [2/2] (76%)
[e] Necroarmor [6/6] (86%)
[f] shotgun shell (x50)
[g] shotgun shell (x50)
[h] shotgun shell (x23)
[i] shotgun shell (x50)
[j] shotgun shell (x50)
[k] rocket (x5)
[l] thermonuclear bomb
[m] power mod pack
[n] power mod pack
[o] power mod pack
[p] agility mod pack
[q] agility mod pack
[r] lava element
[s] Arena Master's Staff
[t] power battery (x120)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Acid - internal 0% torso 0% feet 100%
Fire - internal 0% torso 0% feet 100%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
66 former humans
63 former sergeants
11 former captains
36 imps
34 demons
130 lost souls
21 cacodemons
3 hell knights
3 barons of hell
17 arachnotrons
5 former commandos
4 pain elementals
8 mancubi
2 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 lava elemental
1 Cyberdemon
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 4 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 12 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
On level 13 he found the City of Skulls.
He wiped out the City of Skulls.
On level 14 he encountered an armed nuke!
On level 14 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
Entering level 17 he was almost dead...
On level 19 he found the Enviroboots!
Level 21 blasted him with unholy atmosphere!
On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
On level 22 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 22 he found the Necroarmor!
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
On level 23 he finally rode a mancubi rocket.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You see : a mancubus (wounded) | blood | [ m ]ore
You hear the scream of a freed soul!
You quickly reload the tactical shotgun. Boom! The missile hits the mancubus.
The barrel explodes! You hear the scream of a freed soul! The missile hits
the arch-vile. The missile hits the arch-vile. Boom!
You see : an arch-vile (heavily wounded) | acid | [ m ]ore
The arch-vile raises his arms!
You see : an arch-vile (severely wounded) | acid | [ m ]ore
You hear the scream of a freed soul! You hear the scream of a freed soul! You
hear the scream of a freed soul! You hear the scream of a freed soul! You
hear the scream of a freed soul! You hear the scream of a freed soul! You
hear the scream of a freed soul! You hear the scream of a freed soul! You
hear the scream of a freed soul! You hear the scream of a freed soul! You
hear the scream of a freed soul! The barrel explodes! Boom! The barrel
explodes! You are hit! The barrel explodes! You die!... Press <Enter>...
You found 8 of shotgun shell.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
24 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
24 of those were killed.
Play-By-Forum / Possible Doom RPG
« on: May 23, 2012, 17:39 »
Okay-this is still a work in progress, but I was browsing my old files and I came across a half-finished and assed copy of a text based Doom RPG-it had its own assortment of new weapons and gear. I'm planning on finishing it, and if anyone is interested, then go ahead and sign up. It was essentally my own version of the doom storyline: It told the story of the Marine sqaud that was sent in doom 1 to investigate the loss of contact from phobos base, only once inside, shit flew. They took heavy losses, leaving only a handful survivors to report what had transpired. This group eventally found eividence of UAC experiments. Unfortunately I didn't exactly finish this story, due to time and family issues. I'm picking it up again, so if any of you are interested, just drop me a line.
14 / [U|68%|3|YASD] Fuckin' cheap kill
« on: April 12, 2012, 12:59 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Gunner, level 2 Former Human Lance Corporal Marine,
was splayed by a hell knight on level 3 of the Phobos base.
He survived 10424 turns and scored 9429 points.
He played for 5 minutes and 23 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 45 out of 66 hellspawn. (68%)
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 0
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
Fucking Hell Knights jumped me from three different directons....[thelaptop: Added mortem tags for you this time. =)]
Off Topic / Bad day all around....
« on: April 09, 2012, 12:52 »
Let me ask you all something-you ever have one of those increadably good days, where every day goes right and you have almost nothing go wrong and your increadably relaxed?
This wasn't one of them.
I was turning over the dirt in a garden I had dug recently, and guess what? I broke both the hoe-it's head came off when I was breaking up the large peices of dirt I had dug-and the shovel, which I have no fucking clue how I managed it. Digging gardens sucks.
This wasn't one of them.
I was turning over the dirt in a garden I had dug recently, and guess what? I broke both the hoe-it's head came off when I was breaking up the large peices of dirt I had dug-and the shovel, which I have no fucking clue how I managed it. Digging gardens sucks.
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