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Messages - drugon

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Discussion / Re: DooMRL Comics
« on: May 09, 2011, 01:51 »
Ha-ha it's like in Stronghold - On The Edge Of Chaos WAD for Doom 2. ASCII are really great.

Discussion / Re: Ammochain
« on: May 09, 2011, 01:46 »
Well I agree with that. But anyway I think that MAC is the strongest master trait in its current state. And it's not too hard to get good chain weapon. Talking about shotguns. Even now you can't get MAD if you want to get Whizkid. But with any other master trait you can.

Discussion / Re: Ammochain
« on: May 08, 2011, 04:13 »
Well now you need Reload (2) to get... hm MAC. ^_^ But with MAC you even don't need to reload your chain weapon. So it (Reload trait) becomes useless. Don't you think that it's kinda strange?

Discussion / Re: Ammochain
« on: May 08, 2011, 02:09 »
What is MAC?

Discussion / Ammochain
« on: May 07, 2011, 18:13 »
I'm thinking that this is too strong master trait. Maybe it should work only in Chainfire mode and Chainfire mode can be started only if there is at least one bullet in magazine even with Ammochain?

Discussion / Re: Assemblies and game balance
« on: March 17, 2011, 11:07 »
I think that there is a big problem with traits balance now. I mean - whizkid. With assemblies it becomes very useful trait (even more useful than earlier). More than that - you need it to take ammochain trait. And I think that ammochain is a very dishonest trait. Just infinite ammo for all chainfire weapons (and chaifire are the best weapons in the game in my opinion). More than that - you can't take army of the dead if you decided to take whizkid. I think that traits should be rebalanced somehow.

AliensRL / Re: AliensRL Beta Testers needed!
« on: April 10, 2010, 07:02 »
Me too. ^_^ Played original version but never completed it, because of fast exhausting ammo.

Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: March 30, 2010, 11:22 »
Lucky AoS! But it seems that The Vaults will become my tomb (three big medkits is a good deal, but only with one blue and one green armor...).

There is a super shotgun (9d4)x3 [2/2] lying here.                             
 There is a super shotgun (9d4)x3 [2/2] lying here.                             
      ##...###......###..## #..###......|.....##                               
      ##...###......###..## #..###..%...|.....##                               
 drugon                     Armor : blue armor [2/2] (100%)                     
 Health: 100% Exp:  9/20%   Weapon: assault shotgun (7d3) [6/6]                 
 cautious                                                    The Vaults         

Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: March 29, 2010, 11:56 »
You won't believe it, but it's just Terminal. ^_^

Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: March 28, 2010, 09:28 »
Maybe I'm not unique person, but definitely exotic one! At least this time.

Say "cheese"!

Screenshot created.                                                           
 Fire -- Choose target...                                                       
 drugon                     Armor : red armor [4/4] (100%)                     
 Health: 196% Exp:  8/8%    Weapon: missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]               
 cautious                                                    Phobos Hell  Lev2 

On this level all will be clear like first snow.

Everything seems clear now.                                                   
 Screenshot created.                                                           
 #     0                                                            ..........#
 #          +          0             0                 |        ..........0#
 # #####                   ##+###                       0          ..%........#
 # # & #                   #    #                              ............#
 # #   #  [                #    # #+###### #       +           =........@..#
 # #   #                        # #                       #####   ==..........#
 # +   #                   #    # #          #########    #       .=%.........#
 # #   # ######## ####          # #          #       #    #       #=#####.....#
 # #   # #           #          # #        # #       #    #    #  #.....#.....#
 # #   # #          0#  ;       # #        # #       #    #    #  #.....#.....#
 # #   # #      ^    # 0   ###### #        # #       #    ######  #.....#.....#
 # ##### #           +            #        # #       #            #...0./.0...#
 #   ^   #           #            #|      |# #       #            #.....#.....#
 #       #           #            ########## #       #            #.....#.....#
 #       #    0      #                   ^   #       #            #.....#.....#
 #       #           #                       #       #    +       #######.....#
 #       #############                       ###+#####                ........#
 #                          ;                             0         .>...}....#
 drugon                     Armor : onyx armor [2]                             
 Health: 64%  Exp: 11/47%   Weapon: modified laser rifle (1d9)x5 [52/52] (B1P2)
 running                                                     Phobos Hell  Lev9 

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: December 27, 2009, 19:45 »
New type of ammo for bolter?

AoM. Third Minigun... /me hysterically laughing
Same run. Later. Assault Shotgun. >_<

Off Topic / Re: Now Playing: ...
« on: December 27, 2009, 06:58 »
Air Pavilion - Big Beat, No Heart.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: December 27, 2009, 05:19 »
Well, uniques are rear things. So it can be that you won't find anything sometimes. As I said earlier, challenge can safe it difficulty, if uniques will be rarer while play it. On the other hand, current situation don't seems to me irrational. Cause, I think, one of the main feature of roguelikes is sneer of the player. "Alright, this AoSh I will definitely find Jackhammer or Assault Shotgun. OK, there is something really valuable here. Oh, come on baby, come on!.. F**k, F**K! Minigun! AGAIN!!!". ^_^

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: December 26, 2009, 04:16 »
 But don't you think, that challenge for now is more random because of that? Just as I said earlier, if you find another minigun, this will be useless. But if you get Pancor Jackhammer...

Off Topic / Re: Now Playing: ...
« on: December 26, 2009, 04:12 »
Queen - Sheer heart attack (just played and now Ninie Inch Nails - Please).

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