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Messages - 57E

Pages: [1]
Requests For Features / Re: Caged demons
« on: April 30, 2012, 02:45 »
I have been thinking that that, unlike the cage idea I originaly posted about, these fences shoud be just as hard to break as the normal walls.

As in if you realy need to get trough you would need BIG enough guns to tear the fence down. Or hope that nobody would come to bother you while move those explosive barrels from previous room to fence and shoot them to blow it up.

There should be some sort change depending on the shooter's accuracy that missile aimed at target behind a fence would hit the fence instead. And to shoot the fence on purpose you could just move the aiming reticle over that piece of fence and the hit/miss rate would be calculated like you were trying shoot a monster with dodge rate zero.

Also I fixed few bits to the fence tileset and added the monitor(s). See my previous post.

I originaly made the monitor sprites for shortcut icons. Don't know what you realy could use them for, but they were all over the place in Doom.
Perhaps have them display randomly choosen map data like:
- Amount of items on the level
- "[enemy count -former humans ] unauthorised personel on level [levelname]"
- Close and lock all doors on the level for random(10) turns.
- Show the stairs location.
- Explode on your face.
- Summon monsters?  D3 RoE's Bruisers were supposed to be disquised as interactive computer screens early on the development.

Requests For Features / Re: Caged demons
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:51 »
Did these as spriting practise:



Sprites are free to use, edit or ignore. No credits rerquired.

(The green pilar things were originaly supposed to be lamp-posts but I messed them up. Then they were supposed to be some sort of gate for the fence, but that didn't look right so now they are just waste of space.)

Some walls use wrong tiles on certain maps (or perhaps just on certain wall combinations).

Happens atleast on here (Phobos Lev6) and on Phobos Anomaly near the map's bottom.

Probably known bug, but thought I should post this just in case that there is something wrong in my system and everyone else sees the wall tiles fine.

Requests For Features / Re: Caged demons
« on: April 27, 2012, 08:55 »
Final try:

Restrict the possiblity of caged monster types.
Logical excuse would be that things like Cyber demon, Mancubus and Revenant would break the cage easily anyway.

(I have no idea what characters would be fitting or are avaible so they are just for example)

=  Empty cage OR caged Spectre
_  Broken OR open cage
i   Item in closed cage
1  Caged Imp OR caged player
2  Caged Demon
3  Caged Cacodemon

And perhaps few other monsters as well, but not the entire enemy list.

Requests For Features / Re: Caged demons
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:45 »
I don't have any better ideas (that havent been said) than:
Have one character for empty cage, second char for broken/open cage & and third one for closed cage just color it diffrently depending on whats/whos inside.
You could still use the look mode to find the contents out for sure? Like the way Nethack handles those endless possiblities of things you can see while hallucinating?

Requests For Features / Caged demons
« on: April 27, 2012, 04:40 »
How about adding cages to the game, like some of the Final Doom maps had?

Possible ideas would be:
- Enemies could still attack you if you are in their range. Demons for example would be able to maul you if moved near of their cages.
- Risk that when caged monster is attacked the attack would break the cage and free the monster.
- Similary change that the monster would manage to break itself free by hiting it's cage hard enough.
- Have cages contain items instead of monsters (in the mock up the cage on the left contains green armor).
- Risk that using a lever would open all cages in a map.
- Risk that using a lever would drop a cage on the marine and you would have to break it to escape.
- Have them pushable (if they're empty) and have them block movement, but not the projectiles so they could be used to block corridors.

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