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DiabloRL / Re: After 2 years of inactivity...
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:09 »
Lived long enough to become jaded A. F.
Besides hype trains tend to crash and burn more often than not - at least if you set your expectations in the pits the only way to go from there is up :P
Besides hype trains tend to crash and burn more often than not - at least if you set your expectations in the pits the only way to go from there is up :P
Discussion / New Doom 1 map by John Romero.
« on: January 16, 2016, 08:49 »
If you haven't heard already, after 21 years of not making Doom related stuff John Romero put out a Doom 1 map. To be specific it's a replacement map for E1M8. And he's still got the touch - the map is damn good and damn hard. You can find the download link on Romero's twitter (pinned tweet) or use a mirror I made for a friend (since John's dropbox seems to have been hit pretty hard and it barely loads): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15336046/e1m8b.zip
Rip and Tear!
PS. Watch out for the cracks on the floor.
Rip and Tear!
PS. Watch out for the cracks on the floor.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Hunter's Moon RPG - Work in progress
« on: January 12, 2016, 09:01 »Is it this kind of Hunter's Moon?Ooh! Majestic! A hunter is a hunter, even on an unrelated forum.
If it is, then it will be freaking awesome~
Off Topic / Re: Heroes of Might and Magic 3 ...and a little about one of it's mods
« on: December 12, 2014, 21:11 »Though in this case, I was surprised to discover after I finished the review, that ubisoft is releasing Heroes 3 HD next month. So I've accidently become modern without realizing it....huh, what? I didn't knew that O_o Edit: Reading up on it it seems it's only base campaign, no expansions. Eh, not sure if I'll bother seeing as I have original HoMM3 on GoG anyway
Edit 2: And it looks like Ubisoft is trying to bullshit people into believing that HoMM3 had much worse graphics than it had: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=949321
Nope, nope, nope...
Don't waste your money man, get the GoG one and free fan patch that gives higher res and 32-bit color support.
M&M 4 and 5 were the best.M&M 6 is da best.
Off Topic / Re: Now playing... (games)
« on: July 18, 2014, 07:49 »
Ahh. After about of month of waiting and snafu's finally got package I was waiting for:

Only one title in the series left to get...
Edit: As a side note. thelaptop, I saw your rig info in another thread and... 32 gigs of ram? The hell, what are you doing with that computer man? My new laptop has eight and two of those spend most of their time twiddling their thumbs. Can't imagine what would need 32 Gb of RAM O_O

Only one title in the series left to get...
Edit: As a side note. thelaptop, I saw your rig info in another thread and... 32 gigs of ram? The hell, what are you doing with that computer man? My new laptop has eight and two of those spend most of their time twiddling their thumbs. Can't imagine what would need 32 Gb of RAM O_O
Off Topic / Re: Now playing... (games)
« on: July 17, 2014, 10:52 »
I came to Diablo 3 after RMAH closed so can't comment on how it affected the game myself but a friend of mine that had the game from when it came out said it was, indeed a great improvement. And then patch 2.0 and expansion applied more improvements to go with that - the game is fine...
...the so-called community? Less so. In fact I'd say the official US Diablo 3 forums are downright caustic, with amounts of whine and rage aimed at Blizzard drowning out most of the actually constructive criticism. My (least) favourite topics that come back on and on are variations of "I played for 2000+ hours and I'm bored. Only 2000 hours for $80 game? What a disgrace, the game is crap" and "Blizzard should remake Diablo 2 with new graphics - it'd be next to no effort and would earn them millions!" (suuuuuuure it would). Ugh. I'm not sure why I browse those forums still, must be some form of masochism.
On more positive note I must agree that Diablo 1 is a great game that aged pretty well (*coughunlikediablotwocough*). In fact few months ago I re-played it with help of a mod allowing for windowed play in modern systems (finally!) and a fanmade patch for some of the outstanding bugs and had good time.
Aside from that I decided to dig out Fallout New Vegas... again... and after showing 50+ mods/compatibility patches down it's throat I think it's ready to play \o/
...the so-called community? Less so. In fact I'd say the official US Diablo 3 forums are downright caustic, with amounts of whine and rage aimed at Blizzard drowning out most of the actually constructive criticism. My (least) favourite topics that come back on and on are variations of "I played for 2000+ hours and I'm bored. Only 2000 hours for $80 game? What a disgrace, the game is crap" and "Blizzard should remake Diablo 2 with new graphics - it'd be next to no effort and would earn them millions!" (suuuuuuure it would). Ugh. I'm not sure why I browse those forums still, must be some form of masochism.
On more positive note I must agree that Diablo 1 is a great game that aged pretty well (*coughunlikediablotwocough*). In fact few months ago I re-played it with help of a mod allowing for windowed play in modern systems (finally!) and a fanmade patch for some of the outstanding bugs and had good time.
Aside from that I decided to dig out Fallout New Vegas... again... and after showing 50+ mods/compatibility patches down it's throat I think it's ready to play \o/
Off Topic / Re: Now playing... (games)
« on: July 10, 2014, 21:56 »Sweet! Now you can try Torchlight II and tell us what you think between the Old Blizzard Team vs New Blizzard Team!Already did. T2 still suffers from the same glass canon syndrome that T1 did, and in fact it appears sooner. So no thanks, I'll pass.
Off Topic / Re: Now playing... (games)
« on: July 10, 2014, 11:03 »
Unlocking this (yaaay, mod power "abuse") just to say that after finally getting a computer upgrade I got a chance to play some Diablo 3. And in my opinion, despite all the whining, hatred and huge amount of D2 nostalgia goggles running in the so-called "diablo community" the game is pretty enjoyable. So that's that, now use this thread to breathe some life back into the forums maybe?
Off Topic / Re: Terran Marines vs Ultramarines
« on: June 03, 2014, 07:34 »
Ultramarines declare Exterminatus on the planet the fight happens - gg, no re. Hell, even if we discount fantastic nukes, SMurfs still have space superiority on account of WH40k spaceships being in the "ludicrously powerful" range from what I recall. If we discount *that too* it might be a closer battle but only on account of Terrans possibly having higher numbers. And even than I'm not sure I'd bet on them.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: April 25, 2014, 14:31 »
My first and best run lasted over a year before it pewtered out. But yeah fickle they tend to be. Maybe I'll just stick to board games next time. Battletech anyone? :P
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: April 22, 2014, 09:36 »
Uuuuh, so I guess the game died I guess? Not much reaction from people other than LuckyDee lately and I'll admit my own heart wasn't much into it with other things drawing my attention away.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: April 14, 2014, 08:48 »
- "So you claim to have been summoned to return a stolen thing - thing that you're trying very hard not to mention by name - yet at least one time you tried to claim responsibility for freeing us from our icy prison..." - Ravide half-smiles and continues - "...and Bortek might've been a hothead and a bit of an idiot but he was loyal to a fault. Mister Thray. I'm not an idiot, only a bit brain-chilled from what I've been through. I suspect there is much you're not telling me, and that Bortek had - or at least thought he had - a good reason to attack you. Putting this together I should probably try to subdue you and your friends now... but having just regained my life I don't feel like risking it just yet."
- "So I'll cut you a deal: let us pass and me and my companions will leave..." - dwarves start to protest but a stern glare from Ravide cuts them off - "...and don't interfere with whatever you might be trying to do here. Hell, if you can spare a hundred gold pieces I can even give you an interesting bit of information about this keep"
- "So I'll cut you a deal: let us pass and me and my companions will leave..." - dwarves start to protest but a stern glare from Ravide cuts them off - "...and don't interfere with whatever you might be trying to do here. Hell, if you can spare a hundred gold pieces I can even give you an interesting bit of information about this keep"
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:36 »
Roll me a history check.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: April 11, 2014, 09:05 »
- "And for what reason were you summoned then?" - asks Ravide