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  • February 09, 2025, 18:05
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Messages - TNT

Pages: [1]
Fair enough on the ammo problem. Given that after a lot of firing, chainguns are super hot and keep on spinning a bit, maybe you could have the resistances last a couple of turns after you stop the chain fire be it voluntarily or if you ran out of ammo midway

I remember on the server we brought up maybe having it auto-reload which could be good/nice to also have but is also gated by having ammo - that can't really be addressed without something ultra drastic like ammo-chain sadly. You could try and move slightly in that direction by having so that while chain firing, you require less ammo to fully reload. Assuming that's doable you could even tie it to how many turns you've spent on chain fire.

Related to Chain-Fire, Entrenchment could remove the current limit of 3/2 number of shots after the third turn. Just how far the number would go may need to be tested.

I suppose it could be done as just a general buff to chainfiring even outside of Entrenchment as Khashishi suggests

Thanks for the compilation, Tyrant.

A small U/X suggestion based on my recent experiences with DRL:
It would be convenient if we had a way to show how much ammo is left in your inventory for the current weapon you're wielding. Feels like there's space to the right of the weapon itself, at least.
I know you can open the menu to look, but not having to stop the action to look and keep track may make gameplay flow better, especially with ammo-hungry stuff like rapids.

There's a lot to go through and respond to here, but for the moment, +1 to having an upgrade to the basic pistol that isn't a special drop you could never see in a given run.

EDIT: Also, after once again staying up until almost 3 AM playing the game, I think it'd be -extremely- helpful to have a clock display somewhere >~<
It can maybe be toggled or something but it'd certainly help with keeping track of time, especially when playing in fullscreen.
ToME has this as an add-on and it's probably the only reason I don't stay awake playing until ungodly hours

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