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Discussion / HereticRL
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:43 »
Was GameHunter still working on this mod, because i would like to see it.
AliensRL / Re: How to make AliensRL fun
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:38 »
Am i the only one who heard "AliensRL" and thought back to the Aliens theme where people are setting up turrets and guarding hallways to survive? I always thought the game would be, rather than an extermination mission, a survive as long as possible mission, to give it a feel more like the movie aliens where there was no chance of defeating all of them, they were just trying to hold on as long as possible. I always thought a couple of human encampments in a building complex and you are traveling between them getting supplies, and keeping the encampments alive, with each wave getting stronger and stronger until you can't hold out anymore.
Requests For Features / Re: Stairs = elevator?
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:22 »
the game itself is roguelike in genre, you don't have to worry that removing references to rogue would dilute what the game fundimentally is. So since the setting is doom, I think they have priority in any flavor dispute
Requests For Features / Re: Stairs = elevator?
« on: January 14, 2012, 04:12 »
to be fair, it also had stairs, lots of them e1m1 had them right to the left of the starting area. but i think elevator is more flavorful, yes. However, if we wanted to be most accurate, it would change from location to location, starting off as a caspile to bring you from one base to another (or that's what i assume the end of level lever does since you move from one base to another every time you pull it)
Requests For Features / Knife Thrower
« on: January 09, 2012, 19:57 »
I have no idea of Kornel is planning any new classes ever, or an alternative weapon master trait for each class (marine rocket launcher specialist for example), but if he does, we should totally get a knife throwing build.
Requests For Features / Re: "Smarter" Enemies (If I can call that)
« on: January 09, 2012, 19:54 »
if you want to make them smarter still, an easy way would be to change ranged enemies' pathing to approach your last known location. For example, to approach you when corner shooting them, they should attempt to follow a path something like this:
X . X
. X . . . O
that way shooting enemies get in sight to shoot, and are harder to hit when blind chaingunning.
X . X
. X . . . O
that way shooting enemies get in sight to shoot, and are harder to hit when blind chaingunning.
Bug Reports / Re: []Chainfire bug
« on: January 09, 2012, 16:45 »
for that matter, if you are tired at the end of the cyberdemon fight, you remain tired at the start of the next level
Discussion / Re: Balance Discussion
« on: January 09, 2012, 16:32 »
ohh i guess the stairs are reveiled in angle of pacifism with computer map as scout (and probably for eveyone else). I still think it is wierd that some missions block aspects of the scout that makes him awesome, but nothing does the same for marine or technician.
Bug Reports / Re: [] About those aiming paths...
« on: January 08, 2012, 22:10 »
until then, for cat eye, just pull the aiming back until it is straight and it will just keep going straight, with the added bonus that you can sometime "bend bullets" to hit people (this comes up alot for me when i play cateye/have light amp)
Bug Reports / [Solved][]Chainfire bug
« on: January 08, 2012, 21:54 »
After killing the cyberdemon with a chain fire plasma rifle, i spawn in an arachnitron cave. it treated my as being in chain fire still, with my last target location as its current facing (for purposes of rotation for chain fire).
Bug Reports / Re: [] Melee Enemy AI Bug
« on: January 08, 2012, 15:26 »
Ok, i just saw it for 2 demons in a narrow hallway, I believe it is the demons are trying to move into each other's squares and they are just blocking each other, and they just repeat that action infinately
Bug Reports / [] Melee Enemy AI Bug
« on: January 08, 2012, 15:23 »
Melee enemies roam around as normal until there are 2 of them diagonally apart from each other, then they just stop until they are made aware of the player.
Discussion / Balance Discussion
« on: January 08, 2012, 14:40 »
I was wondering what everyone thought of the current balance.
From what i hear, for advanced traits, intuition 2 and wizzkid are the best advanced traits (which may not be all that bad if badass was up there with them).
Ammochain and Cateye are great master traits but entrenchment is somewhat lacking.
I also hear the technician is pretty much the best class (despite entrenchment not being as good).
Scouts are my favourite, but they seem to struggle before their master trait if you don't get int2.
Marines seem to be great comapired to technician no wk and scout no int2, but i'm not sure he is on par after wk int2 vs badass
I also think it is wierd that scouts get nerfed on every mission they are inherently good at, but the technicians and marines don't for the missions they are good at (Ao100 and AoHumanity). Maybe the scouts should have it so stairs are revealed if they get a computer map (where as they remain unrevealed for the marine and technician) so it isn't just them straight up losing one of their bonuses.
anyways, I'm excited to see what everyone else thinks.
From what i hear, for advanced traits, intuition 2 and wizzkid are the best advanced traits (which may not be all that bad if badass was up there with them).
Ammochain and Cateye are great master traits but entrenchment is somewhat lacking.
I also hear the technician is pretty much the best class (despite entrenchment not being as good).
Scouts are my favourite, but they seem to struggle before their master trait if you don't get int2.
Marines seem to be great comapired to technician no wk and scout no int2, but i'm not sure he is on par after wk int2 vs badass
I also think it is wierd that scouts get nerfed on every mission they are inherently good at, but the technicians and marines don't for the missions they are good at (Ao100 and AoHumanity). Maybe the scouts should have it so stairs are revealed if they get a computer map (where as they remain unrevealed for the marine and technician) so it isn't just them straight up losing one of their bonuses.
anyways, I'm excited to see what everyone else thinks.
Bug Reports / Re: [] Can not Dualreload with Combat Pistol in Front
« on: January 07, 2012, 16:06 »
it would also fix the rather arbitrary gameplay function that you can fire the gun in front when the back gun is out of ammo, but not the reverse.
Also, since it isn't clear (and i didn't want to waste my mods combat pistol the game i got it), does the speedloader build only work on a normal pistol, or anything in the pistol category? I assumed the prior, but it'd be nice if they always refered to the category as a plural or something to differentiate. (the shotguns category vs a shotgun, the pistols category vs a pistol) though not really necessary.
Also, since it isn't clear (and i didn't want to waste my mods combat pistol the game i got it), does the speedloader build only work on a normal pistol, or anything in the pistol category? I assumed the prior, but it'd be nice if they always refered to the category as a plural or something to differentiate. (the shotguns category vs a shotgun, the pistols category vs a pistol) though not really necessary.
Bug Reports / [Solved][] Can not Dualreload with Combat Pistol in Front
« on: January 06, 2012, 01:28 »
Like it says, can't dualreload if the combat pistol is in the front slot. everything works when combat is in the prepaired slot, and shooting works. just reloading give me the message "no special reload"