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Bug Reports / An amusing, yet minor bug
« on: May 03, 2007, 23:22 »

You found 20 of 10mm ammo.                                                     
 You close the door.                                                           
                                    .....      ...............................#
                                    ####      ................................#
 Timo Viitanen              Armor : none                     Phobos Base Entry 
 Health: 100% Exp:  1/0%    Weapon: pistol (2d4) [6/6]                         

If you can't tell from the screenshot, I was able to close a door on myself.  :)

 DoomRL (v. Beta 3) roguelike post-mortem character dump

 John Romero, level 9 Imp Lieutenant, killed by a arachnotron
 on level 22 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 144829 turns and scored 44949 points.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 370 out of 397 hellspawn. (93%)
 He held his right to remain violent.
 He was an Angel of Marksmanship!

 He stormed the Chained Court.
 He found the Hell's Armory.
 He invaded Spider's lair.
 He was caught in the Mortuary!

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health -3/50   Experience 38025/9
  ToHit +0  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Finesse        (Level 2)
    Tough as nails (Level 1)
    Son of a gun   (Level 3)
    Dualgunner     (Level 1)
    Whizkid        (Level 2)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   blue armor [2/2] (51%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   advanced pistol (2d8) [2/10] (D3R2S2M2)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   nothing
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   fastload pistol (2d4) [0/6]

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] blue armor [0/2] (10%)
    [b] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [c] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [d] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [e] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [f] 10mm ammo (x39)
    [g] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [h] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [i] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [j] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [k] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [l] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [m] large med-pack
    [n] large med-pack
    [o] large med-pack
    [p] plasteel boots [8/8] (96%)

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    58 former humans
    46 former sergeants
    21 former captains
    36 imps
    19 demons
    43 lost souls
    44 cacodemons
    14 barons of hell
    9 hell knights
    35 arachnotrons
    2 former commandos
    8 pain elementals
    11 arch-viles

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the suface of Phobos.
  On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 10 he found Hell's Armory.
  On level 19 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
  On level 19 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
  He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
  On level 22 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
  On level 22 he finally was killed by a arachnotron.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Your weapon is empty.
 You reload the pistol with 10mm ammo. The arachnotron fires! You are hit!
 You are hit! You are hit!
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the former human. The former
 human dies. The cacodemon fires! You are hit! The cacodemon loses blood.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon. The cacodemon
 dies. The cacodemon suddenly rises from the dead! The arachnotron
 fires! You are hit! You are bleeding! You are hit! You are hit! You are
 hit! You are hit! You die!...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 183 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 173 of those were killed.
 5 of those were killed by something unknown.
 And 4 couldn't handle the stress and commited a stupid suicide.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 1 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 killed the bastard and survived.


This was the craziest game I've ever played.  You know how usually there's only about 3 or 4 randomly dropped special weapons in a game, if not 1 or 2?  Well, in this game I found 9 special weapons.

Before level 7: fastload and extended pistol.
Level 7: advanced pistol (unfortunately I couldn't take advantage of the spoilies due to the fact that they are only applicable to the primary weapon... :sniff:)
Around level 12: rapid pistol.
Around level 18: advanced double shotgun.
Around level 22: two (not kidding, two!) advanced rocket launchers.

Then I entered the mortuary, thinking that those two advanced rocket launchers were my sign that I was supposed to win this one.


Instead, it seems that the universe is just telling me not to go into the Mortuary again, or to learn how to use medpacks.  I was swarmed by cacos and arachs, and even with my lovely pistol firing all by itself it simply wasn't enough.  That, and I didn't use my full medpack when I really should have.  I really need to figure out how to force myself to use medpacks when things that might kill me easily are around....

Bug Reports / A couple insectoids that require squashing.
« on: April 11, 2007, 02:52 »
These both are doable in the current beta.

1. It seems that if something dies by bleeding directly after you kill it, you'll get the experience for the kill, but not if it bleeds to death anytime after (it looks like if it gets to do something before dying that the bleed damage isn't associated with you anymore).  I'm not saying this is the problem; in fact, I like it.  What is the problem (or rather, my problem) is that bleed damage is only attributed to you in this singular instance.  Either it should be always attributed to you (which would be really, really nice... can you please try and make it possible?) or never (not as nice, but at least would be consistent).

2. If you run into a wall, the game counts it as a move.  This is not a good thing as enemies will then feel free to do what they like, which usually means shooting you.

Discussion / :O The pain elemental hit me!
« on: March 31, 2007, 00:54 »
;) I thought they didn't have any other attack besides lost soul spawning...

Code: [Select]
Fire -- Choose target... There is a lever here.
 The pain elemental hits you.
 Adrian Carmack             Armor : blue armor [2/2] (77%)   Phobos Base  Lev10
 Health: 30%  Exp:  4/96%   Weapon: advanced pistol (2d4) [5/6] (R1S1)

Bug Reports / Well, this is new (although a bit minor).
« on: March 31, 2007, 00:32 »
Apparently enemies can spawn on top of teleporters.  I'd have a picture, but unfortunately the most I'd have is two pics; one before killing the enemy and one after its death showing a teleporter under where it was.  The enemy in question apparently never moved, and I was shooting too fast for it to do anything before dying, at which point I noticed that it was sitting on top of the teleporter without disappearing.

On second glance... Corpse:

Code: [Select]
You open the door.
 You close the door.
 #???????????????????????????????????????====??      ?????????????????????????#
 ###############################################     ##########################
 Adrian Carmack             Armor : blue armor [2/2] (52%)   Phobos Base  Lev9
 Health: 96%  Exp:  4/83%   Weapon: advanced pistol (2d4) [6/6] (R1S1)


Code: [Select]
You open the door.
 You close the door.
 #???????????????????????????????????????====??      ?????????????????????????#
 ###############################################     ##########################
 Adrian Carmack             Armor : blue armor [2/2] (52%)   Phobos Base  Lev9
 Health: 96%  Exp:  4/83%   Weapon: advanced pistol (2d4) [6/6] (R1S1)

-- AliensRL (DAY 7+) Post Mortem -------------------------------------

  Name     : Ellen Ripley
  Class    : Scout
  Rank     : Experienced
  Result   : Deceased
  Died on  : Military Tower, level 7

  Total Experience : 6420
  Experience left  : 1380
  Game length      : 78042 truns

  Armor   : Flak armor [2]
  Sidearm : M4A3 pistol (8/12)
  Primary : M41-A pulse rifle (45/60)
  Medpacks: 5

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
  Sidearms      : expert
  Light weapons : basic
  Heavy weapons : untrained
  Technical     : untrained
  Medical       : untrained
  Fitness       : untrained
  Perception    : untrained

-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------

  9mm ammo      : 353/400
  .44 ammo      : 41/150
  M309 ammo     : 340/500
  M250 ammo     : 150/500
  60mm gren.    : 4/40
  12g. shells   : 156/200
  frag grenade  : 5/5
  inc grenade   : 0/5
  krak grenade  : 5/5

-- Kills (289) -------------------------------------------------------

  128 juveniles
  14 workers
  57 warriors
  66 hunters
  24 elites

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 You let go of your weapon and grab
 the sidearm!
 You hit the juvenile!
 You lightly hit the juvenile! The
 juvenile dies.
 You perfectly hit the elite! The
 elite shreds you!
 You perfectly hit the elite! The
 elite shreds you! You die. Press

I was low on health, but was hoping that I could kill the elite with just a few more 9mm shots instead of using up a lot more pulse rifle shots.  Unfortunately this did not happen the way I was hoping it would, as you can see. :/

Why'd I use the 9mm instead of the .44?  Simple, I was running low on .44 bullets and wanted to be sure I'd not run completely out, and I was getting annoyed at all the 9mm ammo I kept running across that was just sitting there which I had in spades (what annoys me more is that it seems as though the 9mm ammo and .44 ammo are the same color, making it impossible for me to at a glance know which is which, and making life using the .44 and trying to find more ammo for it annoying as heck).

Only one level away from level 8.. now if I can hit that area and make sure to find the Main Tower, it shouldn't be a long leap to the Queen and then to the finish line.

Pre-0.9.9 / [M|98%|22] Gah! I was so close.......
« on: March 11, 2007, 02:15 »
 DoomRL (v. Beta 3) roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Joseph Hewitt, level 9 Imp Lieutenant, killed by a arachnotron
 on level 22 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 111637 turns and scored 38024 points.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 286 out of 291 hellspawn. (98%)
 He held his right to remain violent.
 He was an Angel of Marksmanship!

 He stormed the Chained Court.
 He fought on Hell's Arena.
 He became a champion of Hell's Arena!
 He wandered into the Unholy Cathedral.
 He defeated the Angel of Death.

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health -1/50   Experience 32054/9
  ToHit +3  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Finesse        (Level 2)
    Son of a gun   (Level 3)
    Eagle Eye      (Level 1)
    Dualgunner     (Level 1)
    Whizkid        (Level 2)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   blue armor [0/2] (15%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   advanced pistol (2d5) [6/8] (D1R3S3M1)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   nothing
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   pistol (2d4) [0/6]

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] red armor [4/4] (92%)
    [b] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [c] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [d] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [e] 10mm ammo (x19)
    [f] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [g] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [h] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [i] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [j] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [k] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [l] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [m] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [n] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [o] large med-pack

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    37 former humans
    12 former sergeants
    5 former captains
    22 imps
    45 demons
    18 lost souls
    37 cacodemons
    5 barons of hell
    9 hell knights
    25 arachnotrons
    13 former commandos
    11 pain elementals
    10 arch-viles

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the suface of Phobos.
  On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He left the Arena as a champion!
  On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 16 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
  He nuked level 16!
  He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!
  On level 22 he finally was killed by a arachnotron.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the arachnotron.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the arachnotron.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the arachnotron.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the arachnotron.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the arachnotron. The arachnotron
 is bleeding!
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the arachnotron.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the arachnotron.
 Your weapon is empty.
 Your weapon is empty.
 You reload the pistol with 10mm ammo.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the arachnotron.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the arachnotron. The arachnotron
 fires! You are hit! Boom! You are hit! You are hit! Your blue armor
 is damaged! You are hit! You are hit! You die!...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 178 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 168 of those were killed.
 5 of those were killed by something unknown.
 And 4 couldn't handle the stress and commited a stupid suicide.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 1 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 killed the bastard and survived.


The only reason I died was because I didn't find a good place to duck out of sight to reload at.  I would have thought getting the spoilies I did would have made this not a problem, but I took on three at once.... very bad idea even with the spoilies that make pistols oh so sweet enough to take down multiple viles.  They managed to shoot at me while I was shooting at them with aggressive tactics instead of when I was reloading on coward tactics... which obviously resulted in massive ouchies.  I probably should have chucked my blue armor once it got damaged as well.... but I rather think the big mistake was what I already covered.  UC I went to just because I found a spare nuke and inv globe right nearby the stairs, so I said "Why not?"  Didn't visit the HoC because I wouldn't have been able to clear it completely.

Pre-0.9.9 / [E|98%|Win] ..At last, YAFVP
« on: March 02, 2007, 21:16 »
That is 'Yet Another First Victory Post', if you don't get it right away... On with the mortem!

 DoomRL (v. Beta 3) roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Ilya Bely, level 9 Imp Corporal, defeated the Cyberdemon
 on level 25 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 170411 turns and scored 29819 points.
 He was too young to die!

 He killed 395 out of 405 hellspawn. (98%)
 He held his right to remain violent.

 He found the Phobos Arena.
 He stormed the Chained Court.
 He ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
 He fought on Hell's Arena.
 He became a champion of Hell's Arena!
 He faced The Wall.
 And he cleared it completely!.
 He was caught in the Mortuary!
 And he managed to clear it!

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 38/50   Experience 38987/9
  ToHit +6  ToDmg Ranged +3  ToDmg Melee +3

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Finesse        (Level 1)
    Son of a bitch (Level 3)
    Eagle Eye      (Level 2)
    Intuition      (Level 3)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   red armor [2/4] (41%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   advanced rocket launcher (4d4) [0/1] (R2S2)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   nothing
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   chaingun (1d6)x5 [50/50]

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [b] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [c] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [d] Angelic Armor [6/6] (100%)
    [e] advanced BFG 9000 (8d9) [0/130] (D1M1)
    [f] BFG 9000 (8d8) [0/100]
    [g] 10mm ammo (x44)
    [h] rocket (x10)
    [i] rocket (x2)
    [j] small med-pack
    [k] large med-pack
    [l] large med-pack
    [m] large med-pack
    [n] large med-pack
    [o] large med-pack
    [p] large med-pack
    [q] large med-pack

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    50 former humans
    31 former sergeants
    16 former captains
    24 imps
    51 demons
    38 lost souls
    81 cacodemons
    10 barons of hell
    1 Cyberdemon
    31 hell knights
    6 arachnotrons
    7 former commandos
    8 pain elementals
    6 arch-viles

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the suface of Phobos.
  On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He left the Arena as a champion!
  On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 8 he witnessed the Wall.
  He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
  On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 22 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
  He managed to clear the Mortuary from evil!
  Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
  On level 25 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 You feel excited!
 There is a Small Health Globe lying here.
 There is a Small Health Globe lying here.
 You swap your weapon.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 Fire -- Choose target... You hear an explosion!
 Fire -- Choose target...
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You wear/wield : a advanced rocket launcher (4d4) [1/1] (R2S2)
 Fire -- Choose target... You hear the scream of a freed soul!
 Congratulations! You defeated the Cyberdemon! Press <Enter>

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 163 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 154 of those were killed.
 5 of those were killed by something unknown.
 And 4 couldn't handle the stress and commited a stupid suicide.


Yes, I used the Intuition path (otherwise known as the cheaty snipervision).  I did it mostly just to prove to myself that I actually *could* beat the game (see how many unsuccessful games I've had? I had about 100 more just like them on the vanilla 9.8.5 release, and these stats are for the beta, which is actually *easier* in some ways).  I would have had 100% kills, but I was getting seriously low on ammo by the end and I started right next to the stairs leading to the Phobos Arena, so I skipped the level and went for Cybie.  I fired three shots from my lovely advanced BFG, then hit Cybie again with a single rocket and got him to pop.  Now I just have to beat AoMr on NTR and I'll be pretty happy (actually, most of those deaths in the beta resulted from AoMr runs.. I like the pistols only challenge but I sometimes forget things like medkits and when to use them).

EDIT: Ah, yes, almost forgot... most of my special level visits weren't too special, except for one; being berserk helps a lot in the Mortuary.  I was able to clear most of it while seeing red, and was able to get a Supercharge Globe after clearing one side (the vile that attacked me on that side fortunately left some sight-deterring walls standing for me to hide behind >:D), which allowed me to take down the other with few problems.  Of course, the Intuition path also helps... but it's going to be nerfed so I won't talk too much about it.. >_>;

Bug Reports / Now this is an interesting sight...
« on: March 02, 2007, 18:22 »
You reload the chaingun with 10mm ammo.
 Fire -- Choose target...


                                           .                    =???
                                             .    .           ???=????
                                      .                   ??#?? ===?????
                               .    .                    ?=???#?===???===
                                    .                   ?=???#?=?=?=====?=
 Ilya Bely                  Armor : blue armor [2/2] (98%)   Phobos Hell  Lev1
 Health: 96%  Exp:  6/*100%*  Weapon: chaingun (1d6)x5 [50/50]

Aren't I supposed to level up now?

Requests For Features / Levers and the map
« on: March 02, 2007, 15:31 »
Why aren't levers shown on the map (sans pickup of Computer Map) after you're done exploring?  They seem a lot like barrels and level exits to me, and it's a bit of a pain to go searching for them after finishing the level...  I can understand not tracking ammo and such since enemies pick that stuff up, but they can't use the levers, and the only other thing that might be a concern is that people will use them for bait, and people can already do that anyway even without them showing up after you walk away...

Bug Reports / Can't run on Phobos rock (red floor on level 1)
« on: January 26, 2007, 22:00 »
If it's not a bug, then it's a really irritating 'feature'...  there's a lot of ground between the spawn space and the building leading to Hell.

Discussion / Heh. Heh heh heh...
« on: January 20, 2007, 18:17 »
As I was collecting information to try getting more precise information (I should probably be using a tool to read the code or at least take notes, but I'm not for now >_>) on the less tested enemies, a thought occurred to me.  A very.. evil thought.  Possibly only Blade would be interested in this, but the challenge is this:  Complete AoMr *without* taking Son of a gun.

>_> I know, it'd probably be a very luck-based game, but it would be interesting to see anyway.

Today I found quite possibly the most barrel-laden map ever.  Bear in mind that the two areas where the walls have gaps were made by explosions (one of which nearly killed me and which did in the unseen foes responsible and the other partly my fault):

You reload the pistol with 10mm ammo. You reload the pistol with 10mm ammo.


 Adam Ring                  Armor : blue armor [2/2] (98%)   Phobos Base  Lev5
 Health: 96%  Exp:  3/42%   Weapon: pistol (2d4) [6/6]

This topic brought to you by a double shotgun and 6 rockets found on dlvl 2:

You dropped rocket (x6). There is rocket (x6) lying here.

 #????????#????????????????                              ? ?
 ########+#????????????????           ###############+##===#
 #?????0?%#????????????????           #???????????%??====???
 #????????#??0?????????????           #???????????????===?=??
 #???????#????????????0??            #?????????????????=????
 #???????%#???????????????            #?????????????????????
 #????????#???????????????            #?????????????????????
 #????????#??????????????             ###/#######/#########
 #???????????????????????             #???????????????????/?
 Bobby Prince               Armor : green armor [1/1] (73%)  Phobos Base  Lev2
 Health: 28%  Exp:  1/56%   Weapon: double shotgun (6d3)x2 [2/2]

>_> It *was* on ITYTD, though....

Basic concept: Enemies respawn like in N! but only a certain number of times depending on the level of difficulty.  However, you must have a 100% kill count on all ordinary levels or else you will not be able to go down the stairs ("You feel the presence of life drawing you up and away from the stairwell..").  Special levels will need to be handled differently; I'm thinking that a good policy might be that if you kill one enemy in an area like the UC or the Wall then you must go on to kill them all, or you can avoid them entirely by simply going to the stairs ("You quickly descend to the next level before the stench of life overwhelms you..").  Of course, for a perfect game you'll avoid them altogether, but some may want to visit different areas anyway.  It could also be that you have to choose between killing everything or avoiding everything on all the levels, but that doesn't seem to have quite the same bite as needing a 100% kill count even with only limited respawning to proceed. :P


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