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Topics - Karry

Pages: 1 [2]
Discussion / Damage comparison
« on: May 04, 2007, 13:12 »
Why does RL (4-16 dmg) seems to be much stronger than Double Shotgun (12-36 dmg) ?

I experimented with a demon, with DS at point blank he took between 2 and 3 shots, with RL he took only 1 shot in 90% cases.

Bug Reports / The real data [NOT A BUG]
« on: December 08, 2006, 12:24 »
I noticed one thing in the mortems : all pluses are 3s. So if someone has Eagle Eye (1) - his +ToHit will be +3, when it should be +4, from description.

So there are :
1) an error in mortem generation.
2) an error in the code that gives you +3 instead of +4.
3) an error in traits descriptions.
4) all of the above.

Which one is it ?

Discussion / Shottyman
« on: December 08, 2006, 07:45 »
I have a q : if you get shottyman (very weird and unfitting word, btw) - is there any benefit of getting reloader (3) for a shotgun user ?

Bug Reports / Two staircases
« on: December 07, 2006, 04:45 »
I was on level 6 on HMP. There were two staircases. Near the white one i took a berserk pak, and went for the other stairs. I cant say exactly what color it was, coz of berserk, but there already was one white, wasnt there ? So i came down the other stairs, and got to the ordinary level 7, only it said "you feel there is something special here".

Is that a hidden area or a bug ?

Bug Reports / Relatively safe now.
« on: December 06, 2006, 02:31 » Win.

Once, i got the "safe" message, but later just happened to stumble upon a lost soul, after killing it i didnt get any more "safe" messages.

Discussion / The Official Angel of Death thread
« on: December 05, 2006, 15:45 »
How do you people kill the damn thing ?
I had :

3 Tan.
3 Brute.
A Chainsaw.
Red Armor 80%.
5 Large med-kits.
Was agressive.

And only got him to "Wounded" before dying ???

Requests For Features / Highscore small mod.
« on: December 04, 2006, 15:11 »
When shown your highscore after you die - i also want to know my exact place, i.e. how far i was from the top. 15th ? 192th ? And so on.

Discussion / Strategies
« on: December 04, 2006, 15:05 »
Playing on Ultra-Violence is uber-cool !
However, it seems the only actually useful weapon is double shotgun.
On easier difficulties you can get away with using chaingun, but on Ultra-Violence you cant, coz the amount of monsters is huge, and chaingun only shoots at one monster at a time. Sometimes two. And some shots will miss anyway. Plasma rifle is better, but still only one monster at a time, and cells are RARE !
And double shotgun will kill whole rooms of small fry with one shot, and tougher monsters can be herded together and killed in a pack, all at once. Not only that, it will auto-reload itself just for a small cost of 3 traits (and on Ultra-Violence you will probably get the third trait at the second map !!! and there will still be someone left to kill.)

What is left...BFG, well, i cant quite understand how it works. Once i sent a shot in a big hall full of cacodemons, right in the center, the one in the very center was almost dead, the ones near the walls were wounded, but the ones in between center and the walls were unhurt.

And rocket launcher is a must for when the wall needs demolishing, or sniping someone from a great distance, but not as a main weapon.

Any comments ?

Discussion / How is experience calculated ?
« on: December 04, 2006, 09:10 »
Lets take level 1.

Enemies are fixed.
Their weapons are fixed.
Your level is fixed.
Your weapons are also fixed.

Then how come you receive the amount of experience ranging from 17% to 25% ?

Requests For Features / Tactics breakdown
« on: December 04, 2006, 02:13 »
Logically thinking, shouldnt it be a little different ?
Coward - you're carefully striding along, dodging everything, but you also aim carefully as well !
Agressive - okay, you're madly rushing at the enemy, you're faster, the damage is higher, but to-hit is lower ! Since you just flailing those arms of yours in anger.

Discussion / Rank
« on: December 03, 2006, 15:23 »
Ok, it looks like gaining army ranks open up new challenges.
What does monster rank do, if any ?
Killing 40 Cacodemons in melee ? Ehh...will take a while.

Discussion / Levers effects
« on: December 03, 2006, 11:15 »
What does "smell of blood" lever do ? Its listed as beneficial, but does it actually do anything ?

Another, are NOT-summoned monsters counted to the total kills in the mortem ? I.e. "you killed 10 out of 999".

Discussion / Water
« on: December 02, 2006, 12:16 »
Wanted to ask for a long time - i dont understand whats the point of having water in the game.
What exactly it is for ? Is it slowing you down or something ?

Requests For Features / Shell
« on: December 02, 2006, 08:49 »
Since there are actually useful items in the main menu now, and lots of things to do, too, challenges, etc, i think it would be better to drop the player in the main menu after death, instead of kicking him off entirely.

Why not insert it as an option to .ini ?
Along with an option to start in fullscreen, if desired.

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