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Messages - Jarkko

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Discussion / Re: DoomRL LP
« on: May 17, 2010, 12:10 »
Haha, you died on level 1 :D

Are you going to keep going until you win or are you going to savescum to get the win or what's your goal?

How about this for Ammochain:

-Remove infinite Ammo
-Increse amount of ammo per inventory slot for 10mm and plasma to x4, or whatever seems like a good number for balance
-Still no reload required

I think this would be good. Remove the "OMG inf ammo overpowered!", and would add more of a "holy shit I'm guzzling through ammo like crazy" feeling, but let's you hoard the amount of ammo needed for constant chainfire shootings. Having LOTS of ammo instead of INFINITE ammo just means you can't clear all levels just shooting monsters out of your LOS without retaliation.

Requests For Features / Re: Extensions for the new player
« on: January 15, 2010, 08:23 »
No grinding elements into DoomRL please. If you want to grind go play WoW or another MMORPG. If you want to grind in a roguelike play ADOM.

The only unlockable things should be difficulty settings and challenges. Things that make the game harder. Not things that make the game easier like uniques, and absolutely not (master) traits. Forcing the player to play suboptimal builds for the first 50 games, what fun.

Oh hey,  I just got an idea for an unlockable. A cheat/options menu where you can change player/monster hp, monster/item/powerup spawn rate and stuff like that. This would be an actually nice reward for playing but wouldn't affect normal gameplay.

Discussion / Re: Angel of Berserk and Large Health Globes
« on: January 04, 2010, 16:35 »
I voted yes. More berserking and less luring.

Well, sadly, giftdropping was badly nerfed in last version, so your point is no longer very valid.

It wasn't nefred too bad. You can no longer lure monsters with everything, they won't go for combat knives and 10mm ammo too much. Medpacks and phase devices work, but you should be careful to lay them down so that monsters only see them and won't pick them up. Damaged armours are also great to lure stuff out, even if they pick them up those sub 50% greens and 25% blues don't help them at all.

Discussion / Suggest a character build for me
« on: December 31, 2009, 08:02 »
Angel of Purity game, HNTR. I was thinking of a basic ammochain build, but on lvl 4 I bumped into an advanced combat shotgun, so I thought maybe I could use that for something. The Finesse I already took blocks army of the dead - too bad, adv. combat shotty is the perfect weapon for it pretty much. Give me some good ideas.

Traits: Finesse 2, Juggler. Weapons: chaingun, rocket launcher, combat shotguns, shotgun. Plenty of armours, green and blue.

I Saved after 4 levels and will continue sometime next year. Happy new year everybody! Don't blind yourself with explosives while drunk, it's harder to play DoomRL without eyesight.

Discussion / Re: Math! Formulas! Yay! (Speed&Accuracy)
« on: December 31, 2009, 07:44 »
1. Tech mods set base to round(0.85 * base), where base is integer deciseconds.  Remember that round(0.85 * 10) = 8, not 9.  After that, it's Base * (1.00 - 0.15*finesse) * (1.00 - 0.20 * SoG).  If dualgunning, take the average and multiply by 1.2.  Aimed shots multiply by 2; Gun Kata divides by 10 after a successful dodge.

Ok, so there's rounding after tech mods, is there a rounding off at the end? Are game turns counted as tenths of a second? Is a firing time of, say, 0.42 on the @ screen is as good as 0.46, both acting as 0.4?


Looks like I'll have to be more careful checking the wiki. Thanks for the clarification.

Bug Reports / Finesse doesn't work with melee. Bug or feature?
« on: December 31, 2009, 06:39 »
Going for strongman silver using knives, picked finesse (for whizkid). @ screen still says fire speed is 1.00/sec. Is this intended? Using 0.9.9 for windows.

Discussion / Math! Formulas! Yay! (Speed&Accuracy)
« on: December 31, 2009, 04:50 »
Comparing agility/power/tech mods' usefulness on weapons, such as plasma, is kinda hard. So anyone know:

1)How is firing time calculated? Is it






or something completely different?

2)Accuracy, how does it work? I remember reading somewhere it's calculated with dice rolls but couldn't find the discussion. How much does range decrease accuracy? How does range work, are the squares surrounding the player range 0 or 1, are diagonals worth more than going straight N-S or W-E and how does that effect the squares surrounding the player?

I'm not sure if anyone knows the specifics of the accuracy calculation and whether Kornel would like to tell us the exact formulas but I'd be pleased with someone explaning just the speed part.

Discussion / Re: New DoomRL guide...
« on: December 31, 2009, 04:32 »
Great guide:

+It has probably the best explanation of shooting around corners I've seen. I liked the part where you made a hole in the wall to make a corner from which to shoot the monsters in the middle of the level.

+The arena tips.

+Fun to read.

+/- Running gives armour bonus? WTF, why, since when, and why hasn't anyone told me before? :O

-Surely power mods give more than +1 damage :) With a plasma rifle on AoMC it's more like +8. In a normal game tech mods might still be more useful, but it's still balancing a chance to kill with less shots vs shooting those shots faster.

-The range of throwing knives is 5 squares, not 4. I think the explosion radius of the barrels is 4 so this might be a significant difference on AoB :P

Other than the numbers I don't have much to complain. Reading your guide gave me the inspiration to finally tackle Ao100. My god was it boring, but thanks, now I don't have to play it again for a while.

Discussion / Re: Current goals
« on: November 25, 2009, 04:50 »
I'm trying to complete UV and challenges on that difficulty. It shouldn't be much harder than HMP right, just more stuff to kill? Still it gets me.

I'm also trying to summon up the courage to try Ao100 again. Last couple of times my careful style of playing suddenly became less careful after 50 levels of gaming, which got killed by walking around a corner. Suddenly standing next to a barrel with tons of stuff shooting at me at the same time tends to have an instakilling type of effect. Now that it has happened twice I'll be sure to shoot every single barrel I see, and not walk around any corner in maze levels but make them nice open cavernous levels with rockets.

The DoomRL addiction has been reduced a little since the new version release craze, but I'm still trying to cram in at least a game a week.

Requests For Features / Re: Rifle- new weapon & assorted traits
« on: November 25, 2009, 04:40 »
And there we have it.

Voice of God himself has spoken.

No I think it was Kornel.

Gargulec, you should really try Doom and Doom 2 just to get an idea what the game's all about. The shareware versions at least should still be around if the full versions aren't freeware yet.

Requests For Features / Re: New weapon type : Gauss Weaopn
« on: November 25, 2009, 04:36 »
The Railgun is not a Gauss gun(coilgun). A railgun uses current running through the rails and projectile for acceleration. A coilgun has current running through coils around the projectile which make the projectile accelerate. Then again the Doom chaingun is actually a gatling gun so the Railgun might be anything :P I agree with Silhar though that the general idea of gauss weapons is already represented in the game in the form of the Railgun.

Plasma rifle and BFG probably already are "Gauss weapons". They throw around hot plasma, which is likely to be controlled and accelerated to shooting speeds with magnetic fields. Rocket launcher's rockets kill stuff by exploding, accelerating rockets with electromagnets instead of fuel burning to make them go faster wouldn't increase the deadly force a lot I think.

All the "regular" guns, the ones using bullets could have Gauss counterparts, but I think these "Double damage weapons" should be called something else, like some sort of experimental martian tech utilizing the powers of hell combined with technology. Magic like this could enhance all weapons including the RL and BFG. This would be kind of similar to how fantasy games have different materials like steel and mithril. Might not be a bad idea, unless you want to avoid that similarity to fantasy games. It would also require careful balancing. Whether they're more or less powerful/rare than unique weapons for example.

PS. Reading about guns on wikipedia is kind of fun. Also here's a real railgun if you haven't seen one, it's pretty cool:

The knockback might be hard (or simple, but crazy) to achieve as I *think* in DoomRL it's simply more damage=more knockback, with 10 damage done as a threshold. I'm all for making Viles less dangerous with a slower attack though :P

Requests For Features / Re: Larger font?
« on: November 16, 2009, 14:35 »
If you're really desperate change to a lower screen resolution so the pixels get bigger :)

Yes, so what? That's a different thread. Am I to blame for having a suggestion? Denied ideas are more creative than no ideas, why are you being unfriendly about that?

Sorry about that, I guess I didn't choose my words well. What I meant to post was that I completely share your feelings on the matter and don't want overly complicated things disturbing the very nicely working balance of DoomRL.

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