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Messages - ChaoticJosh

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Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: April 21, 2010, 17:33 »
Is there are story to gleen somewhere in there?

I don't know, this seems to run on flawed assumptions. This is assuming that everyone ranks these traits similiarly, and that everyone has the same playstyle to accommodate this. In my opinion, Cateye doesn't seem useful enough to warrant the level of caution you're treating it with. Yeah, it increases LOS, and allows sniping, but that's it, and it blocks TaN (a very useful trait), and it doesn't seem to be even half as gamebreaking as Mac is. So I'm thinking that saying everyone will jump over to it seems exaggerated.

I didn't mention the 'make everything else more powerful to be on par with Ammochain' idea was because it seems like a bloated and unnecessary suggestion. It'd be much easier to nerf ammochain, see how the community's strategies develop, and then make any changes if further problems develop rather than attempting to preemptively anticipate and fix meta problems.

And even if you're right, and cateye is as powerful as you claim it to be, couldn't you level that out by modifying monster AI to respond better to being shot at?

So wait, you tolerate the overpowered Mac because then people would just hop over to the overpowered cateye? How is having two overpowered abilities better than having one?

Though, for the sake of accuracy in this discussion, since I've only ever played around with catye like once, can you elaborate on what cateye does that makes it overpowered and would inspire this very meta argument of yours?

I'm gonna have to ask Garg to come here personally and recite what his stance on the issue is again, as I think it'd be rude to just take your word for it.

I'll just quote what I said in a very similar thread which is occurring as of this moment, regarding my stance on the issue:

I think it's a universal agreement that ammochain is overpowered....

It's simple, simply require that automatic weapons require no reloading. What I mean: instead of having to reload, ammochain simply does what it's name implies, that is it "chains" your ammo together. So, put simply, when your gun hits zero ammo, it doesn't need to be reloaded, it'll simply start shooting ammo straight from your inventory. This would help it retain value as a master trait, and would improve the lasting power of the chainfire ability. You wouldn't need to worry about the long reloading times of chainguns or plasma rifles, but you'd have to especially conscious of how much ammo you might be blasting recklessly. Also, it wouldn't negate the ammo collecting or conservation aspects, and you'd still need to reload after the battle's over in order to conserve inventory space. I think that would make it excellently balanced.

Now, I can't take credit for this idea, as I remember hearing about it in a similar discussion. I just can't remember who said it or where. It deserves mentioning though.

So in other words, I'm in agreement with you Trixr. There seems to be some disagreement regarding the actual usefulness of this, that this change would make it not worth it, but I've yet to hear an even semi-plausible reason of why this nerf would be too much. To me, it seems just perfect.

AliensRL / Re: AliensRL Beta Testers needed!
« on: April 09, 2010, 10:36 »
I'll admit, I've never played AlienRL, but if you're willing to accept a non-donator, then I'll glad sign up.

Should I just send you an email address or what?

Discussion / Re: How do i get past damn hell gate?!?!?!?
« on: April 09, 2010, 10:24 »
Yeah, doing the Wall and getting the missile launcher, then stockpiling a couple stacks of rockets, will make Hell Gate a breeze. With enough rockets it's more than possible to get through while taking almost no damage at all.

Discussion / Re: Some Ammochain thoughts
« on: April 08, 2010, 17:37 »
I think it's a universal agreement that ammochain is overpowered. I think Kornel uses a 255 bit system for inventory management, so I don't think stacks could become larger than 255. However, I think that something similar could be implemented that would help even the playing field among the traits.

It's simple, simply require that automatic weapons require no reloading. What I mean: instead of having to reload, ammochain simply does what it's name implies, that is it "chains" your ammo together. So, put simply, when your gun hits zero ammo, it doesn't need to be reloaded, it'll simply start shooting ammo straight from your inventory. This would help it retain value as a master trait, and would improve the lasting power of the chainfire ability. You wouldn't need to worry about the long reloading times of chainguns or plasma rifles, but you'd have to especially conscious of how much ammo you might be blasting recklessly. Also, it wouldn't negate the ammo collecting or conservation aspects, and you'd still need to reload after the battle's over in order to conserve inventory space. I think that would make it excellently balanced.

Now, I can't take credit for this idea, as I remember hearing about it in a similar discussion. I just can't remember who said it or where. It deserves mentioning though.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: April 08, 2010, 17:11 »
Yeah, the DS doesn't get mentioned ever in any practical way. In fact, finding it has more of an achievement value than actually doing anything with it.

What if one of the unique levels gave you an item you're specced for?


You do make an interesting point, but I still feel that the other traits give you a benefit regardless of the situation, while Whizkid is more at the mercy of the RNG than usual. To tell you the truth, I've never had a superbly modded out weapon in all my victories, so I honestly can't comment on how useful a fully modded one can be.

You see, the point I'm trying to make is that you can make a strategy and playstyle around other traits, but you can't make a strategy around whizkid because it involves so much chance that it's impossible.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: April 08, 2010, 14:47 »
How could've I forgotten about the chainsaw? Oh yeah, because it's a normal item that got upgraded to exotic status, that's why. I don't mind it, but some variety would be nice.

I don't mind the sounds of the plasma knife.

Discussion / Re: The 2nd most dangerous non boss enemy?
« on: April 08, 2010, 12:23 »
Arachnotrons. I don't care what anyone says, because they have their own caves, which usually plots you in the middle of the level, completely surrounded, and then they all converge on you peppering you in a neverending cloud of plasma. With Revenants and Mancubi, I can atleast outwit them and use tactics and stuff. There is no strategy in arachnotron caves besides raw desperation tactics and being VERY well-prepared.

Now, when revenant/mancubi caves get implemented...

Don't blast'em just because you're a nonbeliever.

I know that there's some correlation between the rarity of the orbs and the difficulty that one's playing on. When you're playing on a higher difficulty, every individual level has a higher difficulty, and thus alots more orbs per level, or something. So on higher difficulties you're more likely to find megaspheres.

I say this because I routinely play on HMP and I get alteast one megasphere each game.

Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: April 08, 2010, 12:10 »
I'd bet Kornel as a special button which will remotely make anyone's copy of Doomrl have an irredeemably cruel RNG for a couple minutes. I'd think he'd call it the "Ruin someone's day" Button or something.

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