Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Requests For Features => Topic started by: Potman on October 05, 2007, 08:22

Title: A coupla little things
Post by: Potman on October 05, 2007, 08:22
Well they told me to make a thread, so I do:

Y'know how in DoomRl, when you pick something up, you get a message like "You have found 8 shotgun shells"? Well, for another piece of nostalgia, I suggest that this'll be changed to "Picked up 8 shotgun shells", as it was in the original. Especially, since it's not exactly that you've just "found" those shells if, say, you had dropped them to the ground just a while before.

And another thing, for a bit of nostalgia: How about, when you'd shoot an enemy or move to its sight range or something, it could do that one authentic battle-cry thingy it had in the original game? Like the "Halt!" or whatever those nazi guys went in Wolfenstein 3D - if anyone here remembers it.
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: DaEezT on October 05, 2007, 11:29
Well they told me to make a thread, so I do:
Make me a sandwich!

Point one is seconded.

Point two is, well, I don't remember any of the standard Doom enemies saying anything interesting :p
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: Potman on October 05, 2007, 12:14
Point two is, well, I don't remember any of the standard Doom enemies saying anything interesting :p

No, but they've said something, and I think they'd still acknowledge someway that they've seen you, instead of just silently lurching onward. You'd think bloodthirsty demons would be a bit more loud.
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: DaEezT on October 05, 2007, 12:18
No, but they've said something, and I think they'd still acknowledge someway that they've seen you, instead of just silently lurching onward. You'd think bloodthirsty demons would be a bit more loud.
Ye. I remember a few grunting(former human) and screeching(imp) sounds as well as a few others.

btw: where is my sandwich?
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: Potman on October 05, 2007, 13:25
Oh, and speaking of voices: Hell Knights need to sound like Hell Knights. This is imperative.

Edit: And a few of the music tracks are missing. It'd be nice to have those in the game as well, so there'dn't be any need to loop after the second hell level or whatnot.
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: 007bistromath on October 05, 2007, 15:58
Huh. That's funny. I thought monsters in DoomRL already had "on-sight" noises. They sure say something different when they start shooting at me.
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: Potman on October 13, 2007, 12:13
More classic Doom: Methinks Lost Souls should be reworked, making them much slower normally and removing their normal attack, and replacing them with a charge attack straight from the original Doom. Like, making them living projectiles, instantly charging even through long distances straight at the player and doing damage as well.
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: Zeb on October 26, 2007, 15:24
How about Pain Elementals exploding into 3 lost souls when they die, and having lost souls, PEs, and Arch Viles not leave corpses? That would not only make it more like DooM, but would also get rid of those annoying Arch Vile and Arch Vile-Pain E. combos.
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: Const on October 26, 2007, 16:44
How about Pain Elementals exploding into 3 lost souls when they die, and having lost souls, PEs, and Arch Viles not leave corpses?

In original, arch-viles leaved corpses. So, this must not be changed.
Lost souls in DoomRL not leaves corpses.
What about Elementals - their exploding had proposed earlier, but Kornel is busy by more significant features, I think. And their resurrection isn't a problem - resurrection of Barons, Arachs or Mancubuses is worse. Have you seen Baron with BFG?
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: BDR on October 26, 2007, 17:11
Have you seen Baron with BFG?

Have you seen Baron with Red Armor?  It is *not* fun, though I admit BFG would be.. worse (but then, I'm not sure when a Baron would get the chance to snag one, either).
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: Potman on October 27, 2007, 02:06
In original, arch-viles leaved corpses. So, this must not be changed.

In the original, they also couldn't resurrect each other. I'm not sure how it is in DoomRL, tho.
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: BDR on October 27, 2007, 05:46
I believe I once fought three Viles which decided to rez each other; I've not seen it happen again but it was kinda frightening.  Fortunately the super-speed of AoMr allowed me the strategy of lowering the health of the various Viles before killing them in the time between their actions (such that they could neither fry me nor rez the fallen).
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: Const on October 27, 2007, 12:03
I'm not sure when a Baron would get the chance to snag one, either.

He would. (

What about Viles resurrecting each other, I don't see such events, even they had such possibility.
Title: Re: A coupla little things
Post by: BDR on October 28, 2007, 00:41
Ah, the Mortuary.  IME, letting the rezzed army get big enough that they can snag the corner loot is pretty much damning anyway.