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Messages - Sambojin

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Requests For Features / Re: Light amp visor
« on: February 27, 2011, 18:06 »
Yeah, I guess that's right. But do you think it's just an accuracy nerf for the daemons and maybe dodge bonus thing? Or would knocking off a square or two of sight range for the baddies make it feel a lot stealthier?

With two levels of hellrunner you're already dodging about 50% of stuff when running as it is, it might get a little bit too high with another big boost. But other builds will need about a 20% boost to make them feel stealth-ninjary enough for the bonus to be up there with supercharges and berserk packs.

What are peoples thoughts? And what are some other good ideas for alternative envirosuits (or headgear)?

Requests For Features / Re: Light amp visor
« on: February 27, 2011, 17:57 »
I wonder how it will be implemented?

I guess it's just a sight range thing for the goggles(maybe only vs invisible critters), and it could be a reverse of that for the spectres. Negative cateye that's specific to that monster. Seeing daemons from only 5 squares away would be a pretty scary thing, especially if you don't know why your shots aren't killing that vile or mancubus at the edge of the room. Then the remaining spectres swarm you.........

Invisibility is just negative sight radius for the monsters for a short time.

It would also make for some pretty nice special levels. The Spider Lair springs to mind. Lower vision radius by 1-2 for that level, slap in a Master Arachnotron (the spider queen) after the other critters are dead and instantly the level is unique. It feels a little bit too much like just a slightly boosted arachnotron cavern otherwise. Or maybe the deeper in hell you go, the lower your vision becomes. Then no one would complain about cateye as a master trait.

It will be interesting to see how Kornel does decide to do the invisibility thing. It could either be an excellent little addition to the game or a game breaking gimmick. I've got faith that he'll get it pretty much right, first go. He tend to be pretty spot on with these things.

Discussion / Re: What the...the Arena Master? *SPOILERS*
« on: February 27, 2011, 09:13 »
Yep, it might not look like a good thing (fighting an arch-vile type thing with heaps of support on level 3-5) but it is. Not only do you have all the cool weaponry from the arena to do it with, you also get some new toys. Oh, and a damn near guaranteed assembly, which I currently rate as the most powerful of the new batch. Just because you get it here, nice and early, and it's so good for so many characters.

You'd be surprised how easy it can be if you just chuck on some fresh armour, grab the chainsaw and the berserk packs and just run at him swinging. Or just combat shotty walk at him to make sure your damage remains high while your berserk armour lets bullets ping off you. Chaingun sniping doesn't seem to work too well for me, but rockets don't go to badly. I guess it depends on your build and difficulty level/challenge mode.

The amount of room that question mark saves in your backpack for a later level is amazing as well. Keep it if you can.

Requests For Features / Re: Light amp visor
« on: February 27, 2011, 07:47 »
I'm not so sure it should be only related to headgear though (although it would work just as well as that). I'm also a little bit against an item working along the lines of a master-trait (though it's still debatable whether INT2 should be the master trait and cateye the advanced trait).

But still, it's a great idea. Pretty much just different envirosuit-style, limited-time power ups that you could carry. You could extend it to a few different sorts.

1: Enviro suite : No enviromental damage.
2: Sniper scope : +5 accuracy, 2% less drop-off on shotguns.
3 : Long range visor : +1 vision range.
4: Structural analyzer : 1/2 armour effects vs ammo (effectively limited plasma ammo for your weapon).
5: Stim Pack : Movement and fire speed boost (without the berserk vision/armour/melee or run dodging and anti-melee effects).
6: Daemon Spirit Sense : Limited INT2 for a short time.
7: Combat Drugs : Carryable berserk pack, losses 5-10 max-health after use.

Pretty much in that order of rarity too I'd think.  Envirosuits are still somewhat common, with combat drugs and spirit sense right up there with nano mods and uniques in rareness terms.

I wonder if it would get too random or just a nice little boost from time to time. It's not as though there's all that much space left over in our packs as it is and the amount of berserks and invulnerabilities I've wasted over the months due to poor positioning is amazing. As long as it doesn't make it too easy I'd be all for it.

I myself would like to see just a nice set of "basic" assemblies for each commonly available item. By commonly available I mean accessible in a normal game, so exotics are still in the list. Nothing extraordinary, and not even necessarily as powerful as a WK modded version, just something that adds options for different builds. It might also be nice to get something to make the "wall-breaker" special levels more doable on AoMr, AoS and AoB. Just so they're possible to try, although the medals might have to be re-jigged.

Here's a list of weapons/armours that you will more than likely to run across in a normal game without a basic assembly in version "High power weapon" not-withstanding.

Blue Armour(stacks, can already be nanofibre armour, but no unique assembly for it)
Protective Boots(stacks)
Plasteel Boots(stacks)
Chainsaw (1 available)
Combat Shotgun (stacks)
Double Barrel Shotgun (stacks)
Assault Shotgun (1 available)
Missile Launcher (1 available)
Plasma Rifle (stacks)
BFG 9000 (2 available)
Nuclear-BFG 9000 (1 available)

I've also given a basic idea of the minimum you'll receive of each weapon if you complete all special levels. You also are guaranteed to receive at least 3 agility mods, 2 bulk mods, 1 power mod  and at least another 2-3 random mods from the special levels. You may also be awarded a power mod on AoMa or a random mod on AoMr.

This should give people an idea of what's truly available out there for either WK based builds or any build to construct their basic assemblies.  Remember, these weapons and mods are guaranteed unless you blow them up, so people CAN in fact bank on any assemblies requiring them. A simple tech mod requirement in an assembly adds an element of randomness in whether you'll get it by end-game. Requiring a sniper and a nano mod is probably far too random for a basic assembly though.

I'll come up with some thoughts for these (I love the idea of a solid slug firing combat shotgun, like a hunting rifle kind of thing). I'm not thinking so much "super-powertastic-death-stick", just either useful, different or adding the ability of the player to use the weapons in other builds or other ways than is commonly thought of as normal.

Anyway,  any ideas for "I used an agility mod and a sniper mod on my combat shotgun" style weapons? It'd  have to do something, otherwise I'll just slap a power mod on and leave it be.

edit: forgot the boots. But with tactical boots or normal modded plasteel ones, do we need more? I guess blue armour comes into this category as well. Still, lightning armour would be cool :)

Discussion / Re: NOOBTIP:
« on: February 27, 2011, 05:32 »
Making a Micro Launcher for any reason ever is a stupid mistake.

1 tech mod = good rocket launcher.
Any 1 mod = good rocket launcher.
2 tech mods = bad rocket launcher.

The maths of DoomRL 101............

Discussion / Re: Assemblies thoughts
« on: February 27, 2011, 04:23 »
I haven't played with all the assemblies yet, but I have used quite a few (I save-scummed the armoury level quite a few times to check out how common the mods gained were). I'm a cheater I know, but it wasn't so much to cheat as to check out the new stuff. To tell you the truth, I've never played games of DoomRL where mods were so common as now. I've legitimately found 6 firestorm packs over probably 15 games. That's more than I found in 6 months of :).

Note: some assemblies are obviously build and game/challenge dependant. I've noted this where I can. These are only my views, are probably wrong, and only represent my thoughts on the game. Assemblies really aren't required to win as it is, just normal modding will do it. To tell you the truth, un-modded knives and fists will do it, so assemblies are just bonuses. Some let you try new things and some are just plain good. Some let you waste your mod packs or are redundant anyway. This is my list in a vague order of kickarse-ness. Some are about equal on the list, so will be numbered the same. Assemblies requiring whizzkid levels tend to rate lower because they're build dependant.

So here's my review of mods used or wanted to use thus-far:

#1 Tactical Armour and Boots. The pick of the bunch, easily. One or the other are guaranteed in a normal game (chained court mods) and they are incredibly useful. The boots especially, I make them first every time. Both together are lovely. They save space, they regen and they make you run very quickly. Think 0.45 secs a move when running, WITHOUT hellrunner, and even quicker with it. They're VERY good. They make blademaster as good as vampyre for melee runs, fireangel as good (or maybe better) than AotD for shotty runs and they make vampyre absurdly good for anything. Try a fireangel build in a normal game, where a big tactic is just running closer and closer to the enemy, blasting them to pieces with your shotty all the while. Then out comes  the missile launcher :)

#2 Speedloader Pistols. Awesome, just awesome. Makes pistols all the better for any build, although MGK or finesse+tech modded pistols may still be better. They just add more options for using pistols as your main weapon with a lot more builds. Great addition to the game that doesn't penalise you for trying something out.

#2 Power armour. I still haven't gotten a nano-mod at the time I could have used this, but it sounds friggin amazing. Slightly better regen'ing Angelic Armour with no WK requirements or anything annoying. It just sounds like great armour all round. Who can't wait ~20 turns between encounters to keep strength 8 armour? You could ditch the rest of your armour inventory and still feel OK (except your tactical armour, always keep the tactical armour).

#3 Stormbolter Pistol. I haven't used it, but I certainly plan to. It's not as though 10mm ammo is exactly rare, and the extra damage would be handy. I actually got two firestorm mods in a AoB game, and so couldn't use them, but I would have absolutely loved to make a pair of these and build for dualgunner. A berserker marine of Armok would be insane fun to play as, just to go all WH40k in DoomRL :). The guns are rare and build dependant (for WK), but they look very, very good. Twin wielded, fire-storm modded, "high-power chaingun" kind of good :D

#3 Assault Cannon. A nice gun, but how nice? The best chaingun assembly is how nice. But it still fires bullets and not plasma, so if you want to not rely on plasma you can use it. It's nice. Especially if you're making a non-ammo-chain (and non-TH) build. Otherwise the mods would be better on a plasma rifle or a host of other things.

#4 Nano-fibre armour. It's good in that it's a reasonably reliable strength 3 onyx armour. It's bad in that it makes you move slowly. And there's usually a few more vital things to do with power mods than debuff your armour. It's probably one of the better options, but I'm getting too used to the speed of tactical armour, and two power modded red armours will probably be better for you in the long run. Good with tough as nails or for AoLT, otherwise I'll be power-modding something else.

#4 Elephant gun. Nice for any shotgun related build or play-style. If you've got shottyman and a couple of power mods then make one. It's a very-long-range, high-spread scouting tool. Nice-ish damage close up, but a DB is probably better. I'd still be tempted to bung one power-mod on the DB, and one on my combat shotty and skip the elephant gun entirely. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned though. Oh, and is it just me, or do shotguns of all sorts have a little more knockback now? My combat shotgun pushes quite a bit of stuff back now, even without a power mod......

#5 Gatling gun. Nice, and lets you try out a bullet led rapid fire run. But there's a guarantee of plasma rifles anyway (and fairly early on in the game usually) along with the ammo to go with them. If you get bulks very early I'd try it, but really a plasma rifle still beats it with damage output AND damage type, and is as accurate with just one agility mod.

#5 Energy Pistol. It deals plasma damage and never misses (assuming you build it the RIGHT way, sniper mod first). If you're a pistol user you'll love it. Especially if you can find a blaster or other unique pistol (or any assembled pistols). Otherwise I can think of other weapons I'd be putting a sniper mod on. If you're building a pistol build, its the second best pistol assembly, so build one as soon as you can.

#6 Plasmatic Shrapnel. I tend to do my shotgun runs as AotD but I am starting to lean towards fireangel.  You're almost an AotD soldier with this but still get all the fireangel benefits. As fireangel under AoS this is the mutts nuts. For everything else it's just a bonus. I mean, it's a nano mod. What can't you use it on that makes you superman, with any build? Good, but only useful for AoS runs when you're trying out build ideas, and far too random to rely on.

#7 VBFG9000. The extra splash is good (as it sets off even more secondary explosions) and the regen in ammo is great. But it's one shot per clip. Think of it more like a non-damaging mini-nuke once per level. Start level, fire gun, wipe out everything in area and then be happy in the knowledge that you've got a nice little safe zone. By the next floor it should have regenned enough ammo to rinse and repeat.

#8 Tactical Rocket Launcher. It's a sweet weapon, it really is. But so's a missile launcher. Except a missile launcher does more damage, is more accurate and can still be modded up the wazoo. If you don't get the missile launcher and backpack from The Wall, then make one of these. It's your only semi-reliable option for rockets in a100 games if you don't find a ML early, and bulk packs are pretty common. Otherwise a totally redundant weapon that is outclassed in every field by a guaranteed weapon from a quite nice special level.

#9 Double Chainsaw. You need WK and I very rarely take that on melee runs. It's a good weapon, and it even swings quite quickly with the 2x finesse levels, but you'd have to build for it and hope you get the power mods. The longinus spear is guaranteed later in the game and a bulk-modded chainsaw will see you through up to that point. If you get the mods and want to go slicy on a gunning run, then for sure. Otherwise I guess it's really an a100 or "no-special-levels-allowed" option.

#9 Assault Rifle. I've made this just for a laugh in an ammo-chain run to use up my spare agility mods. It does dish out a good whack of damage with enough levels of triggerhappy, but is it really needed? Maybe in an AoLT without ammo-chain, but other than that I can't see the use. Everything with a level or two of WK and mods dishes out damage anyway, and with triggerhappy being necessary to make it properly powerful you'll probably be going for ammo-chain as it is. And modded ammo-chain plasma rifles rock anyway.........

#10 High power weapon. Nope, don't like it. I can't think of a single weapon that a power or bulk by themselves wouldn't be more useful on. If I need more DPS I'll use a tech-mod or build for it. Maybe good as a backup plasma rifle or BFG, especially if I'm rolling in mods on an ammo-chain run and am just mucking about. But really, you could mod something else up that's more useful, and with WK in ammochain, most guns come out better than this anyway. I guess as a last ditch "I need a better weapon NOW!" option, but it's still kind of cludgy.

#10 Micro Launcher. It takes a perfectly good weapon and makes it a bit crappier. One tech mod makes a rocket launcher better, but two makes it crap. Who knows why? It does have it's good points (fast reload and smaller splash) but it comes with bad points as well(less damage and smaller splash). The bad outweigh the good, by quite a lot in my mind. Some walls (The Vaults spring to mind) also become indestructable to this weapon as well. This, combined with the fact that the rocket launcher is guaranteed in The Arena - which you then take to The Wall and get a guaranteed missile launcher, makes this a totally redundant weapon. The missile launcher out-classes it in every way(and comes with a free Doom-guy(tm) backpack), and a normal launcher is probably better anyway. Especially with just 1 tech/bulk/power or agility mod. Anything other than two tech mods really.......

#Infinity. Really, everything else on the assembly list is just gravy. I don't care if you get the Biggest Fucking Gun. With two levels of WK and all those mods you could mod up a kit that would make you industructable anyway. I'm not saying master assemblies aren't cool, you just don't need them. A sniper, nano or firestorm mod often turns whatever weapon or armour you put it on into end game material without any other mods at all. Master assemblies are like that, but more so.

I really hope we get more basic assemblies. The advanced and master ones are great, but they require at least 2-3 levels of experience to try out these new options. And going for levels in whizzkid has a tendency to draw people towards ammo-chain. Many of the assemblies also lend themselves very well to either triggerhappy or not requiring ammo under chainfire mode. Which makes a common problem in DoomRL (ammo-chain being essentially easy mode) even worse, where you're halfway to the master-trait just so you can try out all the new whizzbang things in  I know you don't HAVE to go for MAc, and the new assemblies offer a lot of new options to not go the modded-plasma-rifle route, but it does make a good thing even better. A lot better actually, and it was already the best. Yep, ammo-chain is now undeniably THE BEST, EASIEST, CHEESY BUILD EVER! NO-ONE CAN DENY IT! EVER!!!!!!............


My rant is over, I hope you read through all that gibberish. You don't have to agree, they're just my thoughts....

Discussion / Re: Favourite Master Traits?
« on: February 15, 2011, 20:23 »
Oldish post, and now that has come out, a few things may have changed a bit........

1: Ammo-chain. It's overpowered in it's synergy. It's too customizable. With 1 level of experience offset (for Juggler) it's too easy to overcome any situation without thought. Now with advanced assemblies it's even better. The only problem is........ it's friggin fantastic. In any game of DoomRL you never know what you're going to get. With Ammochain you do. You get a good (great) gun that doesn't need ammo. You get more backpack space because you can usually use all your mods straight away. You almost always get through the first few levels, even on N!, just because of shotgun juggling. It's just nice to know, you'll always be armed, always dish out damage, and will usually have some pretty spiffy armour to back you up. This just gets better with assemblies in the new version.

2: AotD. Shotguns, what's not to like? Area effect, no item destruction, corner shooting shotguns. And armour piercing shotguns at that. While some of the build seems a little redundant once you have it (Reloaderx2) the beauty of a power modded shotty is amazing. Any power modded shotty. You get good armour, never have to worry about just when to grab health, and a single/double/combat-barrel full of kick-arse. I haven't gotten around to trying out the new elephant gun, but it just makes this build even more beautiful. BOOM-click-click...........

3: Vampyre. It gets you SO many badges. It gets you SO many ranks. It changes the way you play the game. Running is a way of life, doors and spare green armour your friend. It's a totally different game, and it teaches you how to play the game with any other build, safely. Between being berserk most of the time, having good armour anyway, regen'ing health as you kill, doing sweet H2H damage and allowing you to have all this while still firing bullets is amazing. On AoB it's great. On just a normal game it kind of makes it a cake-walk sometimes. With one question, do you want to gun or do you want to run. And kill, Kill, KILL!!!!

For I can see a few real standouts though. They've been considered a bit weaker up until now, and you now need to hope for mods (new Chained Courts runs essential), but Blademaster and Fireangle should be all the more powerful now. For two reasons. Tactical armour and boots. 40% faster regen'ing armour, with nice anti-knockback. How fast are you running/dodging? That's fast.

Of course, Vampyre might go a bit spastic with the chainsaw/mods/tactical armour or chainsword thing from the Chained Court in any case. What Arena Master??????

Announcements / Re: DoomRL RELEASED!
« on: February 15, 2011, 19:42 »
Yeah Kornel, project planned and completed on-time, and only slightly over budget. She was happy :)
Ahhhh, St. Valentine, you devil.............

I'm hoping that as the additions continue with new versions we get some more basic assemblies for all weapons. The nano (and firestorm) based ones are sweet, but I'm finding that just the basic ones give a huge variability to play-style. Still random enough on finding the mods, but with good basic options to give the game a new feel. It's allowing me to use a few different play-styles with differing builds that's drawing me back into "under-powered" builds, as well as really cranking a few others up a notch.

Just a few more shotty/pistol or generic weapon assemblies and  a couple more armours and I think this baby will fly to 1.00. Expect a donation within the fortnight. I still play this more than most commercial games..............

This is probably the most minor whinge I can think of. But did you pack the cool little "bronze skull" icon in with the .exe? Mine doesn't show (under WinXP). Unless we're getting a new one (my hand's up bagsying the design :) )

Announcements / Re: DoomRL RELEASED!
« on: February 11, 2011, 18:18 »
Excellent work Kornel. I've been waiting for a new update for what seems like ages. The only problem is, my girlfriend just asked what are we going to do today? The weather is beautiful, the surf's great, it's a perfect weekend and I have the day off work. How am I going to explain to her that I'm going to sit at the computer playing DoomRL all day?

Requests For Features / Re: Suggestion: Slam-Firing
« on: November 02, 2010, 01:25 »
A double post, but continuing on from the last.....

Would a wall-breaching single-barrel shotgun alt-fire be worthwhile? Just as a broad thought?

Ingame: Shotgun alt-fire. Costs 5 shells, takes 5(?) seconds fire time and has a 70%(?) drop-off. High damage (damage=wall hit-points). May have to use plasma damage to destroy walls. Possibly destroying weapon (% or not?).

Explanation: I'm kind of assuming all shells in DoomRL have progressed to the point of being case-less ammunition. So therefore there is no base-collar on shells (or bullets for that matter, regardless of the original doom graphics), perhaps only priming charges to be pumped out/cleared. So this represents the marine "over-charging" a single-barrel shotty with five shells, ramming extra ones down the barrel, holding it against the wall and blasting them through. Maybe even just like a normal "over-charge" in that it destroys the weapon (or a percent chance to destroy it). A breach charge, slow to load/fire and of limited use with high drop-off. You can breach-charge a wall right next to you, but anything further is foolish. If damage was made to be just over wall hitpoints on average (small random modifier) but very high drop-off (and weapon destruction %) it would be useless for combat, but very useful out-of-combat. Too slow, too costly, but very handy to have. Just a good thing to make rockets as not your only wall breacher (I'm aware there's others). But it also stops early game deaths via acid pits/extreme monster room, etc.

I'd carry a shotgun through hell for corners/breaching. Otherwise, I'll just keep carrying my combat shotty for corners/scouting as always.........

Requests For Features / Re: Suggestion: Slam-Firing
« on: October 13, 2010, 21:34 »
I can't say I'd agree with slam-firing. The combat shotgun is jack-of-all-trades weapon for most builds anyway, and I often bring one along with a clip of shells even for just it's scouting abilities. No matter the build/difficulty level or play-style I'm aiming for. And the assault shotgun is a nice up-grade to that (and the one in a later special level makes sure a shotgun build is always possible in late game).

The only thing that really needs to be changed is the normal shotgun. I've got some ideas (many quite stupid) for an alt-fire mode to keep them useful and practical weapons all game. Once I've refined my thoughts a little I'll post them.

Discussion / Re: Dual guns and mods
« on: October 13, 2010, 20:46 »
I actually might add that to the trainer save post I've got going. A MGK save and a non-master build for both the Hellgate and the Mortuary (oh boy is the mortuary one going to be hard to put together, I'm not that crash-hot at pistol builds myself).

Probably on HMP, AoMr (UV might be a bit out of my league for a decent savegame for people to practice with). A standard game is a bit of un-conventional door making practice and you're done. Pistol build or not.

On mods, a tech or power or agility or bulk is usually best. In that order of preference. No bulk for MGK builds though. And I agree with the "run-for-the-door" technique in the Hellgate. There's armour, life and a little bit of ammo to help you out in the start area. With MGK try and get the occaisional free reload off skulls/daemons, otherwise just run and defend your little base at the start area.

Discussion / Re: Mortuary and Arena training 101, with saves
« on: October 09, 2010, 23:57 »
The first save for mortuary is meant to be easier than easy. Almost to the point of not being able to lose. It's a confidence builder really. I don't think I'll EVER get that setup of equipment in another game. It always happens when you don't need it......

I guess you're right with the second mortuary save. It's not easy, but it's not actually that hard. Most other builds than shotgun/AoS aren't that bad in the mortuary. A few extra (homing) phases and armour or easier difficulty would make it a lot simpler.  Then again, I find it a bit better to learn shotgun skills on HMP or UV as they're about the level that shotguns start to become tricky to use. ITYTD and HNTR tend to be blast, kill, repeat. There's a fair bit of skill in fighting in the open or mini-base defending on higher difficulties. The skills transfer for the arachnid lair as well. Just hit "run" with every health-pack/globe you use, the assault shotgun is amazing speed/ammo/reload wise and the DB really does pack the damage/spread you need if you start getting swamped. There's health and armour aplenty on the level, so go get it (with that probably being the hard part). Of course, if you do use your phase and end up next to some Viles, the firestormed DB shotgun does wonders.

Other than having the jackhammer and some more phases/armour I can't think of an easier shotgun run for the mortuary. What Fireangel does for damage prevention, AotD does for damage causing. And you need to cause damage in the mortuary to stop getting swamped. Just press "run", move a bit and pretend you have fireangel anyway. The amount of dodging you do is pretty amazing, with a lot of baddies dying to friendly fire :)

The arena save isn't the perfect save, but it gives you a few options for how you want to fight (EE for chaingun, juggler for shotguns). It just lets people give quite a few things a go to see what works and what doesn't. That's the main thing, finding your own style. I'd whack a nicer one up, but you've done so anyway. Cheers

I hope this isn't against the forum rules, and if it is feel free to remove this post.

This post is to help the newbie player (which I am myself in a way) get used to/practice a couple of the more bitched about levels in DoomRL. It's not to show how great I am (I'm not) or to let people cheat their way through ranks/player profiles. It just gives a new player the equipment and abilities to practice these levels so that they can feel less intimidated by them when they go for their own runs through the game. I suggest that you use these saves in a fresh install of DoomRL, in a different directory from your normal copy to stop these saves destroying your own personal player profiles.

Each save is called save_*level_*difficulty_*buildtype.  Remove everything after "save" in the filename to use these. Keep a copy somewhere if you want to practice them a few times. You'll only be able to use one at a time, just select "Continue Game" on the main menu.

Firstly a save for Ultra-Violence Hell's Arena.

Filename:  save_arena_hard_intuition.
Hell's Arena on Ultra-Violence

You start with two combat shotguns, some spare shotguns for switching/corner shooting, a chain-gun, some health and a bit of ammo. It's quite easily do-able, just grab some cover and blast away. The build is aiming for intuition (cheap and cheesy) with juggler already gotten to make it a little easier on you. Or go for a non-master build if you want. You start on 60% health, so that's the only real downside to it.

No things to do, no glory to win. And a funny/weird build to make it easy.

Things to Learn: Juggler/corner shooting, and learning how to hit multiple targets with a shotgun. And maybe which targets it is/isn't worthwhile using a chaingun on. I wouldn't bother continuing through the game with this one.......


Secondly a very easy save for the Mortuary

Filename:  save_mortuary_easy_AoMC_ammochain.
The Mortuary on Angel of Max Carnage with an Ammo-chain build.

It doesn't get any easier than this. You start with 20+ turns of invunerability. And a firestorm packed Plasma-Rifle. And power/agility-modded Onyx Armour. And a missile launcher. And a bulk modded BFG. And alot of ammo. And a combat shotgun just for giggles. This is just to get rid of the fear that a lot of players seem to have of the Mortuary. You can actually take out the level with just the combat-shotty if you want. It really makes you cry when the game throws this much good stuff at you on an easy difficulty.

For bonus points, clear the Mortuary and take out the rest of the game with a non-AotD assault shotgun. Still very doable. Or go completely close combat for the rest of the game. You should get level 12 easily by the end. 16 hours of play time too. I went out for a day and left it running.............

Things to Learn: No fear. The joys of weapon/armour modding. Restock-retool-rebuild your character mid/late game if you want.  Just how good exotics/uniques are. You CAN take on the end-game with fists/knives and some health packs.


Thirdly the Mortuary on Angel of Shotgun with an Army of the Dead build. Hurt Me Plenty difficulty.

Filename:  save_mortuary_med_AoS_AotD
The Mortuary on Hurt Me Plenty, Angel of Shotgun, Army of the Dead build.

Again, it can't get much easier for a shotgun build. You have an assault shotgun already (which you can abuse with the shotty-man trait full reload) and a firestorm packed double barrel shotgun. 2-3 turns of invunerability (to phase if you want) and some ammo/health. You don't have much armour though, there's plenty on the level though.

Just to practice both open area shotgun fighting and let people REALLY learn the spread of their shotgun. It also highlights just how beautiful a level the Mortuary is for restocks of virtually anything you could need late game. You should never skip the level in my opinion. No 100% possible, I went to the Wall without thinking.

Things to learn: not much. A little bit of shotgun work. Taking out groups, learning how handy the "Run" button is in an active combat environment. Working monsters against each other.  Target priority. If you finish off the game then you'll learn a good bit about shotguns in late game and what you can take on with health/armour defence and what you'll need "active" defense against (moving/running like hell).


That's it for now. These are meant to be easy, just for training/learning purposes. You've got just about everything you could ever need. Don't abuse them for kill-counts/mode-unlocks. They're not that good for that anyway.

Have fun, learn lots.

PS I've never even seen a firestorm pack before these games. Then I got them both for these saves. You REALLY don't need them, but it doesn't half make these easier training tools.

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