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Messages - konijn

Pages: [1] 2
Forum / Re: Forum Ranks
« on: December 05, 2012, 12:06 »

Can I propose 'Maecenas' instead of supporter ?
From the senator Gaius Maecenas, a generous benefactor; specifically, a patron of art or literature.

People might even get curious and learn something :P


FPC Valkyrie / Re: Compile Errors
« on: March 02, 2009, 20:19 »

you said that 2 years ago !!!

fpc -Mobjfpc srmain.pas

Compiling vstream.pas
vstream.pas(160,9) Error: No matching implementation for interface method "IOutputStream.Write(const LongInt, Pointer);"


FPC Valkyrie / Need to be able to create voutput buffers
« on: March 21, 2007, 19:29 »
That sounds cryptic , but is quite simple ;)

I want to be able to have the map draw to the output, and then for example the inventory writer to an output buffer, and then first I draw the map, and then overlay with the inventory screen buffer.

Also, in my grep results I saw you have a dungeon generator and drunk walking, you need a tutorial on that ;)


FPC Valkyrie / Re: Some Pascal Object help
« on: March 17, 2007, 06:32 »

My RL ( I undid my decision for WesnothRL ) is advancing slowly, but it feels good to do Pascal again. The habits are slowly returning. Where are the days I did Pascal homeworks for money ;)
I'm sorry I didn't update Valkyrie before the 7DRL :(. I feel kinda' guilty :(.

Eh, no worries, I would most likely still not have made it ;)
Also, I was compiling from my USB stick so that I could work on several laptops,
once I started compiling on my hd, it flies ;)

I have a fixed, map, @ walking around, things to pick up, doors, so all I need now is some monsters and los / AI ;)

For TNode I was going to propose the method Has( child: TNode ) but really one could also say
if child.Parent = whoeverIthinkMyParent is. It is up to you ;)


FPC Valkyrie / Re: Some Pascal Object help
« on: March 15, 2007, 13:06 »
Thanks Kornel!


responding with a quote that quotes a post is tough ;)

- Doors in HaH are in a flat structure, the entity just changes closed door to open door, since I didnt want too many flags in my flat structure ( I am now tempted to undo that )
- Flags : [TF_NOMOVE,TF_NOSIGHT] is really interesting, what would be the type of Flags ? a set ?
- Casting , if you get an object x of class TNode, but you know that really it is also of class TPlayer, how do I force it into a variable y of class TPlayer ? just y := TPlayer(x)?

My RL ( I undid my decision for WesnothRL ) is advancing slowly, but it feels good to do Pascal again. The habits are slowly returning. Where are the days I did Pascal homeworks for money ;)

He Who Sheds Light,

FPC Valkyrie / Some Pascal Object help
« on: March 15, 2007, 07:15 »
I could find it on Google I guess,
but my questions here could illicit some design advice as well.

I am planning to have door tiles with a door Entity, so that when the player bumps into the door , the door knows it should change the tile it is on to 'open door' and remove itself from the map ( destroy itself ? ).

Now ( starting from the roguelike tutorial ):

- Is it possible to assign 1 door entity to several different cells to save memory ( in that case I would not destroy the entity )
- How do I know if object x is an instance of class y ? What is the keyword in other words ?
- How do I pass the bumper to the entity ( do I use self or this or still some other keyword ? )

if Cells[tx,ty].Entity <> nil then
  Cells[tx,ty].Entity.bump( this or self or myself or what ? )

-How does one do casting of an object ?


FPC Valkyrie / Re: TimeLine
« on: March 15, 2007, 05:51 »
Valkyrie has it's own speed system, tough I don't know whether it's in the official distribution, by using a EventQueue.

Just FYI , it is not in the official distribution ;)

He Who Sheds Light,

FPC Valkyrie / Re: I want a lua tutorial
« on: March 15, 2007, 05:49 »
E:\Maze>fpc maze -S2 -OG -vnhwi
Hint: Start of reading config file E:\wesnoth\fp\bin\i386-Win32\fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file E:\wesnoth\fp\bin\i386-Win32\fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.4 [2006/08/21] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2006 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling maze.pas
Compiling mazemap.pas
Compiling mazemap.pas
mazemap.pas(91,37) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
mazemap.pas(92,30) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
Linking maze.exe
162 Lines compiled, 28.2 sec <- Half a minute !!!

996 Mhz, 512 Mb RAM

He Who Sheds Light,

Yeah, I never ever use other screen sizes, so I tend to forget about them :). To be honest I am surprised it works with other screen sizes :D

It works perfectly on 80*50 ;)

He Who Sheds Light,

FPC Valkyrie / I want a lua tutorial
« on: March 14, 2007, 13:51 »
The compilation speed of fp is driving me nuts!

Its 1992 all over again !

So an alternative I want to look into is lua script plugging ;)

He Who Sheds Light,


did I mention that I can get prolific and drive people nuts ;)

Code: (delphi) [Select]
vtextut.pas:  if Sub   = '' then Output.DrawString(3,25,LightGray,'@BArrows, PgUp, PgDown, Home, End, Escape')
vtextut.pas:                else Output.DrawString(3,25,LightGray,Sub);
vtextut.pas:  if Sub   = '' then Output.DrawString(3,25,LightGray,'@BPress <Enter> or <Escape>...')
vtextut.pas:                else Output.DrawString(3,25,LightGray,Sub);

I modded Valkyrie to work with 50 lines and grep told me that these lines should not use 25 but Output.ScreenSizeY instead ;)

He Who Sheds Light,

Edit : use "delphi" syntax highliting, I modded it so it looks fine on the forum

FPC Valkyrie / TimeLine
« on: March 14, 2007, 10:23 »

every RL after a bit of tinkering has different speeds, effects that work after a while, and effects which only last a certain amount of time.

So a standard valkyrie object with 2 add methods :
timeline.add( actor , howmanytimeunitsfromnowwillitact? );
timeline.add( actor , whenwillthetimedeffectstartexpressedinunitsoftimefromnow? , whenwillthetimedeffectendexpressedintimeunitsfromthestartofthetimedeffect? )

The first method would add the actor to the timeline-slot, once the timeslot is reached it would call the 'doYourThing' method of the actor

The second method would also add the actor to the timeline-slot, also call 'doYourThing' but then once the actor should stop it would call 'stopYourThing'.

Ofcourse I leave the naming up to you ;)

then finally I would need a or something to call from the main method ;)

He Who Sheds Light,

FPC Valkyrie / Re: Issues with vutil.pas
« on: March 14, 2007, 06:41 »
Instead of polluting your entire valkyrie forum,
I will just post my troubles on this thread ;)

So, it seems that Output.EnableColor; is nowhere to be found in vtoutput nor voutput,
except of course that it is mentioned in the comments ;)

Looking at the code it seems you assume always color support and support for @ strings,
which is a good design decision. Why would people not want to use goodness ?

( Can you tell I will make you update a lot of stuff ;)

He Who Sheds Light,

FPC Valkyrie / Re: Issues with vutil.pas
« on: March 14, 2007, 06:23 »
Compile with the -Sc switch (enabling C style expressions ":+" ":-" ":/" ":*"), or turn it on in the ide :).

;) This should be in the readme, together with the proper object oriented flag (  do you compile with -S2 or  -Sd ?)

In fact you might want to review your makefile and update the readme with it ;)

He Who Sheds Light,

FPC Valkyrie / Re: Compile Errors
« on: March 14, 2007, 06:21 »
For completeness sake,

all instances of 'Done' must be replaced with 'Destroy'.


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