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Topics - Jorge Alonso

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Playing DoomRL 0989
« on: February 11, 2008, 00:02 »

- Playing A100, no music in first level, and this text :-)

"Welcome to the Doom Roguelike... The smell of a massacre... In the
State of Denmark there was the odor of decay..."

I save the game and play another day, and at restored, level 32, no music in this level. In level 33, no music; in 34, no music...

- The evolution of traits in the postmortem of A100 gets out of the screen.

- Look to this strange way of LoF: There are an * that appear out of the line!:
Code: [Select]
······%# ··•··
····%%•#   %·
I had cateye level 1.

Requests For Features / A coffeebreak game
« on: January 17, 2008, 08:53 »
I think DoomRL is too long, 25 levels + special levels, so it isn't a coffeebreak game. I would like a shorter game... for a coffeebreak. Maybe only 6 levels, full of action, and PX-levels must grow faster.

Requests For Features / New system of icons for monsters
« on: January 17, 2008, 03:25 »
By "icon", I mean the letter and color asigned of every monster. I wish a icons' system in which I can see directly the health state of every monster, instead using the look command. I think in two posibilities:

- A normal human is "H", and when he has <50% of health, his icon change to "h".

- A normal human is "h" (or "H"), and his color depends of his health state: Less health, more red his color is.

Requests For Features / Get experience by doing
« on: January 17, 2008, 02:58 »
I know that this idea, at actual state of the code, will be hard to implement, but it could be useful if someone try the 7-days-RL. The *crazy* idea is:

- You shoot to your enemies with the pistol, then you get experience in "son of a gun".
- You reload your shotgun with enemies in your LoV, then you get experience in "reloader".
- You run when there are enemies in your LoV, then you get experience in "hellrunner".
- You carry so much mods in your inventory, then you get experience in "whizkid".
- And so on.

Between levels, the experience screen is show and then you see:

- Son of a gun: 120%
- Reloader: 100%
- Hellrunner: 10%
- Whizkid: 0%
- Etc.

So you know you can level up "son of a gun" or "reloader", but only one trait (or nothing).

Requests For Features / Colors in inventory screen
« on: January 16, 2008, 02:25 »
Whit so many type of items in the inventory screen, and with prefixes like advanced and modified, it becomes hard to find quickly the item you want, so why not give them colors according its type (armor, weapon, ammo, medkit, mod, etc.)?

As the title says, why not a map whit "buildings" like the "city" levels, and inside of every "building", a "maze of rooms"? Mini-example:

Code: [Select]
#                    #
#        ########### #
# ####+# #     +   + #
# # #  # ########+## #
# # +  # #   #     # #
# ###### #   +     # #
#        #+######### #
#                    #

Requests For Features / Maps in darkness
« on: June 07, 2007, 01:54 »
Maps in darkness: the long of the line of sight is divided by a value.

Requests For Features / Traits stadistics
« on: May 25, 2007, 00:11 »
1) Highscores screen with the traits of each brave marines.

2) Player screen with stadistic of use of traits.

Requests For Features / Map wtih teleporters
« on: May 24, 2007, 11:35 »
Take a new map, divide it in (for example) 4 parts by unbreakable walls, without doors. Make a normal map in each part, so we have 4 independent submaps. Then, put unbreakable teleporters (maybe two-ways teleporters) in each part for conect each others.

1) new challenges:

angel of cowardice
- you always are in coward mode
- you have an extra bonus in dodge and run
- you don't get xp for killing monsters
- at leave a level, you get xp for monsters you left alive

angel of pain
- you only get xp for every hurt you get
- when you get big hurts, there is a % that you get berserk

angel of apprentice
- you need more xp for advance an xp level

angel of exploration
- if you don't explore completily a level, you loose xp

angel of madness
- every time you advance one level, another ``angel of ...'' challenge is selected

2) rooms with acid or lava, and strech passages:

Code: [Select]

3) keys:
- keys are invulnerables
- monsters can pick up keys, so you need kill them for get that keys
- in early levels, you don't need keys
- in next levels, you need one key for activate the exit stairs
- in next levels, you need two keys
- in last levels, you need three keys
- normal exit and red exit can or can not need same keys for activation

Pages: [1]