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Messages - flecks

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: DoomRL featured on Roguelike Radio!
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:43 »
Now i found why im here.
i can't believe they can just all not play the new version.. But i guess it is only concepts they are trying to be sad about.
Well, at the very least. I for one would like to find a way to play the older versions of DOOMrl.. Maybe creator or others can help.  Maybe there is a cry for help or maybe not. it was snuffed out. Evolution of projects, projecting.  Anyways. Since i only started playing within the last to releases.  I can really only say i am impressed.  And alot of other RL i dont think hold a candle to this sort of progression.   And well this is all ranty and partish time, but its not like i can find many RL anyways that work and are unique.   

I feel they really bashed you, sir.  But there is no thing as bad publicity i spose. hahAHA.  Anyways. Good days and nights.

I just think its cool what you've done with the genre as a whole. 


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