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Play-By-Forum / Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« on: October 25, 2012, 07:53 »Do headphones exist in the world of Shadowrun?Yes, its old-tech, though
Play-By-Forum / Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« on: October 23, 2012, 00:29 »
Sorry for the delay. Busy as all hell.
We can play this with two players if needed. Its up to you guys.
We can play this with two players if needed. Its up to you guys.
DiabloRL / DiabloRL 0.4.5: Rogue [YAVP]
« on: October 19, 2012, 08:25 »
This was a great run. The rogue is easier to play than the warrior, way easier. The start off was good, with me gaining levels quick and pumping those points into Dexterity. Aside from 5 points in Vitality and Strength all points went into Dex. Before I knew it I was a demon sniping machine! So much looking forward to the update. Now only need to finish this game with a sorcerer...
DiabloRL v 0.4.5 roguelike postmortem character dump
AJ, level 11 rogue, entered Catacombs,
after 8218 turns.
She scored 241873 points, killing 750 hellspawn.
She advanced to level 11 gaining 96853 experience.
She amassed 3821 gold coins.
She purified the town water supply.
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Strength 29/25
Magic 24/20
Dexterity 74/70
Vitality 29/25
Life 76/62 Mana 53/53
Armor 18 ToHit 87
-- Spells ----------------------------------------------------
Healing level 2
Town Portal level 1
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[ Head ] helm [5]
[ Neck ] nothing
[ Body ] leather armor [13]
[ Wpn ] bow of the Moon (1-6)
[ Shld ] nothing
[ RRng ] nothing
[ LRng ] nothing
-- Quickslots ------------------------------------------------
[ Slot 4 ] potion of healing
[ Slot 5 ] potion of healing
[ Slot 6 ] potion of full healing
[ Slot 7 ] potion of full healing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
scroll of town portal
3821 gold coins
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
corpse axe 25
corpse captain 38
devil kin 86
horror captain 7
burning dead 1
dark one 16
flesh clan archer 1
skeleton 71
hidden 31
overlord 4
plague eater 41
shadow beast 38
bone gasher 33
burning dead captain 14
carver 72
skeleton captain 52
zombie 13
fiend 29
blink 12
flesh clan 3
fallen one 52
skeleton archer 2
gloom 12
scavenger 67
ghoul 23
Gutshank the Quick
El Chupacabras
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
But there is nothing here!
the dark one shouts! A pile of 37 gold coins is lying here.
You got 37 gold coins.
You hit the dark one.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience.
A pile of 56 gold coins is lying here.
You got 56 gold coins.
You hit the dark one.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience.
You read the scroll of town portal. You feel the presence of strong magic
around you...
Unknown command. Read the help file!
A portal appears!
You feel yanked in a direction that never existed! Press <Enter>...
Griswold says : "What can I do for you?" You sold a short bow (1-4) for 25
gold pieces
Ogden says : "Greetings good master. Welcome to the Tavern of the Rising Sun."
You feel yanked in a direction that never existed! Press <Enter>...
A small axe (2-10) is lying here.
A small axe (2-10) is lying here.
Congratulations! You have won the Demo version! Press <Enter>...
Play-By-Forum / Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« on: October 19, 2012, 03:31 »
I will reply tonight!
Discussion / Re: Reasons for text-mode interface
« on: October 16, 2012, 01:45 »I don't think it would matter much to me. The console mode has a certain technical coolness factor, but pseudoconsole can look visually cool enough to be worth it.Windows 7 seems to be bothering alot of software. Luckily I only have to work with it when I'm at work. The lack of a clipboard also pisses me. If you have no reason to run it, you might want to think about installing an older version of Windows. Otherwise it will probably take a couple of month for all things to sort itself out.
Unfortunately ChaosForge non-console versions don't run on my computer (Win7, Intel graphics). I think it's a driver issue, because they work when I switch to software rendering (although it makes DoomRL unplayably slow). There are a lot of games that don't run (and a lot of games that do run), so this problem is in no way specific to ChaosForge.
No, it's not as aesthetically pleasing as the graphics and tiles, but I for one find Console mode to be a more responsive than Graphical mode. No lag while I'm waiting for all the sprites to slide around.I have no lag and love the DoomRL tiles so I just go with the standard of the version. I would not mind eitherway, really. I would like a tileset for AlienRL or DiabloRL so people have a choice. But the work that goes into that must be extensive. I think it would pull more of the mainstream into the RL genre which would be great.
And now I'm wishing POWDER came in a true Console mode.
Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: October 15, 2012, 02:01 »I think that the fire time for that double rocket weapon should be about 1.5 times as long as the rocket launcher.That would be hilarious!
Will its alt+fire be one rocket at a time, or a massive rocket jump?
DiabloRL / DiabloRL 0.4.5: Warrior [YAVP]
« on: October 13, 2012, 03:11 »
Ok, so I finished my first game of DiabloRL. It was a great run. I started off just by going into the dungeon and slicing some demons and grabbing loot; clearing out level 1 entirely. Gained 4 levels and put 10 points in Strength and 5 in Dexterity and Vitality. I slogged back up to the town, sold every thing and got Griswold to sell me a Quilted Armor [10]. I cleared out the room outside of the Butcher's Office and cleared to other rooms to get another level which I put in Vitality. I went on to beat the stuffing out of the Butcher... Yesss, Fresh meat. Leveled again... BAM, Strength! Sold the cleaver and a bunch of other stuff I got together which allowed met to by the Scale Mail [24] and the Full Helm [7]. Go down another level and clear that out too; yields me money and 2 more levels. Back to town, this time with a scroll and our friend Griswold had a beautiful Broadsword for sale. I was set for the rest of the game. Stupidly forgot to give back the Tavern Sign before heading to the catacombs, though :-(
All in all a great run!
DiabloRL v 0.4.5 roguelike postmortem character dump
AJ, level 11 warrior, entered Catacombs,
after 10006 turns.
He scored 247511 points, killing 757 hellspawn.
He advanced to level 11 gaining 101611 experience.
He amassed 3422 gold coins.
He killed the Butcher.
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Strength 55/55
Magic 10/10
Dexterity 30/30
Vitality 40/40
Life 120/120 Mana 20/20
Armor 36 ToHit 65
-- Spells ----------------------------------------------------
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[ Head ] full helm [7]
[ Neck ] nothing
[ Body ] scale mail [24]
[ Wpn ] broad sword (4-12)
[ Shld ] buckler [5]
[ RRng ] nothing
[ LRng ] nothing
-- Quickslots ------------------------------------------------
[ Slot 1 ] potion of healing
[ Slot 2 ] potion of healing
[ Slot 3 ] potion of healing
[ Slot 4 ] scroll of town portal
[ Slot 5 ] potion of full healing
[ Slot 6 ] potion of healing
[ Slot 7 ] scroll of healing
[ Slot 8 ] scroll of healing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
maul (6-20)
bow of Might (2-5)
mace of Paralysis (1-8)
scroll of town portal
scroll of town portal
blade of Vim (2-8)
shield of Craftmanship [6]
potion of full healing
potion of full healing
potion of full rejuvenation
3422 gold coins
scroll of healing
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
rotting carcass 53
corpse axe 25
corpse captain 59
devil kin 27
horror captain 20
black death 14
dark one 97
skeleton 61
overlord 4
plague eater 60
shadow beast 59
burning dead captain 33
skeleton captain 53
fiend 18
zombie 13
fallen one 52
skeleton archer 29
horror 30
scavenger 46
the Butcher
Bonehead Keenaxe
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience. A blade
(2-8) is lying here.
You put the blade (2-8) into your backpack. the dark one shouts!
The dark one misses you.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience.
You miss the dark one. the dark one shouts! You block the blow of the dark
one. The dark one hits you.
You hit the dark one. The dark one misses you. The dark one misses you.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience. The dark
one misses you.
You criticaly hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience.
You hit the dark one. The dark one misses you.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience. The dark
one misses you.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience.
You criticaly hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 153 experience.
You drink the potion of healing. You feel better.
Congratulations! You have won the Demo version! Press <Enter>...
All in all a great run!
AliensRL / Re: Which Tower To Go In First
« on: October 12, 2012, 06:34 »Are we playing the same game? Military doors (and walls) take a maximum of 3 krak grenades to be destroyed.I always forget that this is an option :')
Security ones seem to be even less armored and can be damaged (and destroyed after some time) by a non-infinite amount of inc, frag grenades, or even shots from a typical FN SCAR (shotting at point blank range) rifle.
You can check the state of door / wall with a (l)ook command.
AliensRL / Re: alienRL for Android in the near future?
« on: October 12, 2012, 02:19 »
I like that idea, altough it would come with some compatibility problems.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« on: October 11, 2012, 06:10 »I am probably going to be a pure battle mage, since I do not picture hackers as direct fighters much, I would be the main muscle - the guy who's job is to break in, torch everything with a fireball or whatever, and quietly whistle away. That might change though as I still do not completely understand the magic yet. Still reading the core book. God that thing is hefty.I know, right. Its a burden now, but it give you a load of flexibility and atmosphere which makes up for that ;-)
Play-By-Forum / Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« on: October 11, 2012, 00:43 »
You can be an excentric War Mage none the less ;-)
Some inspiration: Drone Riggers are awesome!
Some inspiration: Drone Riggers are awesome!
Discussion / Re: Reasons for text-mode interface
« on: October 11, 2012, 00:13 »Damn, having a plasma rifle and modded red armor to do the wall with would kick ass. Can't do that in this version. Fucking Barons eat way too many shells. You're lucky at dlev7 to even have a double shotty.I just go with the Ammochain build... Cells for days
AliensRL / Re: AlienRL Wiki: How do we start one?
« on: October 11, 2012, 00:12 »Looks like I read a minus when it was a plus. My bad!I would like a knife, too. Just to give people a chance in hell when out of ammo... Although just a slight one!
I was actually starting to like the idea that shooting too close throws off your aim (maybe not as severe as three tiles away, but melee distance messing with aim could be something).
AliensRL / Re: Which Tower To Go In First
« on: October 11, 2012, 00:10 »I can attest to that. I'm in the middle of a game where all of the elevators on level 1 are broken except the one in the Military Tower! :P Unfortunately, I used up all my security keys, so unless there's a way to fix elevators, I don't think this one is winnable, which is too bad, because it's the best I've done so far and the first attempt in which I was able to (at least partially) explore all seven of the towers. :(So, Technician, Storage Tower and than Military Tower :-P
Off Topic / Re: The opinion of a guy who still plays doom2....
« on: October 10, 2012, 05:08 »Anyway you were really, really lucky to find this in a random pastebin post, because I think you'll get really hooked to DoomRL, since it's so fun that despite killing a lot of hours that could've been spent into productive things, it'll feel like time of your life well spent. :P It's in my top 5 best games I've ever played, so you totally found a gem there.Being productive in life is relative ;-)