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Requests For Features / Re: Request for Ideas : Unique Items
« on: December 29, 2007, 08:49 »
The Double Shotgun of El Diablo
This shotgun was used by one of your fellow marine, known as "El Diablo" for his lust for blood. More than 400 demons have been killed by this gun, both in melee or in firefights.
The weapon is perfectly balanced, smooth while functioning and nearly impossible to jam (El Diablo made some mod on this weapon to make it better suited for Demon Slaying).
Basic item: Double Shotgun
Double damage Vs lower level demons (imp, demon, formers)
Standard damage against all other enemies
Double Melee damage against all enemies
Speed: fast (maybe like 1 speed mod?)
Magazine increased: 6 (so 3 shot before reloading)
Do mean something like this? This is just a random idea..
This shotgun was used by one of your fellow marine, known as "El Diablo" for his lust for blood. More than 400 demons have been killed by this gun, both in melee or in firefights.
The weapon is perfectly balanced, smooth while functioning and nearly impossible to jam (El Diablo made some mod on this weapon to make it better suited for Demon Slaying).
Basic item: Double Shotgun
Double damage Vs lower level demons (imp, demon, formers)
Standard damage against all other enemies
Double Melee damage against all enemies
Speed: fast (maybe like 1 speed mod?)
Magazine increased: 6 (so 3 shot before reloading)
Do mean something like this? This is just a random idea..
Discussion / Re: Blasting imps? Yeah! With... who?
« on: December 23, 2007, 08:20 »
I prefer hard/nrg trance :P
Discussion / Re: Doomprayer
« on: December 23, 2007, 08:20 »
Wanna try with Latin version?
Latin Translation (Vulgata)
Pater Noster qui es in caelis:
sanctificétur Nomen Tuum;
advéniat Regnum Tuum;
fiat volúntas Tua,
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum
cotidiánum da nobis hódie;
et dimítte nobis débita nostra,
sicut et nos
dimittimus debitóribus nostris;
et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem;
sed líbera nos a Malo.
Latin Translation (Vulgata)
Pater Noster qui es in caelis:
sanctificétur Nomen Tuum;
advéniat Regnum Tuum;
fiat volúntas Tua,
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum
cotidiánum da nobis hódie;
et dimítte nobis débita nostra,
sicut et nos
dimittimus debitóribus nostris;
et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem;
sed líbera nos a Malo.
Bug Reports / Re: Ordinary chaingun with ammo 85/50
« on: May 20, 2007, 01:50 »
Some problem here, but no crash (using lastest version avaible to public).
Chaingun with 75/50 ammo, no advanced or extended.
Dropped by a former human captain.
Chaingun with 75/50 ammo, no advanced or extended.
Dropped by a former human captain.
Discussion / Re: Greetings and a Backpack Question
« on: May 07, 2007, 11:21 »So no double ammo? No plasma bunches of 100 and 10mm bullets of 200?
+40% ammo per stack.
Discussion / Re: Greetings and a Backpack Question
« on: May 07, 2007, 11:20 »Wait, so it's in the Wall? No wonder I never found it
Yes, it is... I found a Backpack there also :)
Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [E] Stupid death :|
« on: May 05, 2007, 06:14 »Maybe you shouldn't get that close. Just stay far away and pick them one by one.
I know, I know.. I was just rushing for playing the new version I downloaded yesterday night. ;)
Pre-0.9.9 / [E] Stupid death :|
« on: May 05, 2007, 06:09 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Getix, level 4 Human Soldier, killed by a hell knight
on level 9 of the Phobos base.
He survived 38799 turns and scored 7633 points.
He was too young to die!
He killed 117 out of 129 hellspawn. (91%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He stormed the Chained Court.
He fought on Hell's Arena.
He became a champion of Hell's Arena!
He faced The Wall.
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health -1/50 Experience 4977/4
ToHit +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Eagle Eye (Level 2)
Intuition (Level 2)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] blue armor [2/2] (77%)
[b] [ Weapon ] rocket launcher (4d4) [1/1]
[c] [ Boots ] steel boots [2/2] (66%)
[d] [ Prepared ] nothing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
[b] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[c] chaingun (1d6)x5 [50/50]
[d] 10mm ammo (x85)
[e] 10mm ammo (x100)
[f] 10mm ammo (x100)
[g] 10mm ammo (x100)
[h] rocket (x5)
[i] rocket (x10)
[j] power cell (x50)
[k] power cell (x50)
[l] small med-pack
[m] small med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] large med-pack
[r] phase device
[s] weapon magazine mod
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
41 former humans
17 former sergeants
9 former captains
11 imps
12 demons
11 lost souls
7 cacodemons
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 9 he witnessed the Wall.
Entering level 9 he was almost dead...
On level 9 he finally was killed by a hell knight.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You feel uneasy.
You prepare the rocket launcher!
Fire -- Choose target... You hear an explosion!
You reload the rocket launcher with rocket.
Fire -- Choose target... Boom!
You reload the rocket launcher with rocket.
Fire -- Choose target...
You reload the rocket launcher with rocket.
Fire -- Choose target...
You reload the rocket launcher with rocket.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the hell knight.
You reload the rocket launcher with rocket. The hell knight fires! The
missile hits the hell knight. The hell knight hits you. You die!...
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
He's the first brave soul to have ventured into Hell...
Bah, another Stupid death..
Anyway, tried the new version of DoomRL.
Weapons mod.. O_O' .. WTF are those? :D
New level generation, I suppose.. found a strange.. "arena" level, with many critter ONLY in the middle of a square in the middle of the level.
Nice also to see some new "labyrinth" level :)
(I still SUCK @ DoomRl, anyway :D)
Discussion / Re: Doom: Semper Fidelis
« on: May 04, 2007, 10:12 »
I'm going to take a look at it..
Announcements / Re: Official DoomRL IRC channel opened!
« on: May 04, 2007, 10:09 »
I'm up for the first time now ;)
Discussion / Re: doom soundtrack remix album
« on: January 31, 2007, 16:57 »I'd like a good remix of "Running from evil" please :D
Uhm.. no, I sent him E1M8 e E1M7... :( ...
Discussion / Re: doom soundtrack remix album
« on: January 31, 2007, 04:20 »I'll ask Manuel Le Saux if he is interested in remixing that.. Yesterday I was speaking with him after the TranceGate here in Milan..
Well, I'll ask.. we will see. :)
Manuel agreed to make them as remixes... Stay tuned :)
Great game... Deep Elf Reaver or Deep Elf Stalker.* Kornel Kisielewicz kills Supernaut.
My first win(*) was a Deep Elf Conjurer.. at the beginning, vulnerable like a Former Human Soldier and deadly as a Pea Shooter(cit.)...
In the end, more dangerous than a bunch of ArchViles :D ...
(*) .. and last.. :( .
Requests For Features / Re: drowning in water
« on: January 28, 2007, 04:59 »I agree with Valkeera :)
But having them cause rusting damage to boots sounds like it might be a good idea.
Problem is that realistically, it takes much longer for boots to start rusting than a step in a puddle would grant, especially in the intense heat that must surround that dungeon. That, together with the facts that protective and plasteel boots might not have any reason to rust and that this is not NetHack (where steel boots would rust and protective boots would prevent interaction with foocubi), makes this seem to me as a bad idea after all.
It seems to me not a so good idea to "rust" the boot on water..
Ok, it is a roguelike.. but we are also in 2xxx, not in 1xxx.. I suppose that a properly created/crafted metal item, in 2xxx, does not rust when being immersed in water... :-S