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Messages - Pootan

Pages: [1]
Berserk! / Some Strategies
« on: November 10, 2011, 12:44 »
After watching GameHunter's videos on youtube, I ended up playing this obsessively for over a week.

I made it to night 7 using the following build:

Night 1:
Str 10
Dex 13
End 12
Wil 10

1 point in running

It felt like Wil was a weak stat, and dex was the most powerful, as it increases your hit rate and decreases enemy chance to hit.  I took 2 points in End so I can take running (best skill for my play style).

Night 2:
Str 11
Dex 13
End 12
Wil 10

2 points in running

I am going to max out running asap, and go towards sweep attack, because later on I will inevitably become swarmed.

Night 3:
Str 12
Dex 13
End 12
Wil 10

3 points in running

Night 4:
Str 12
Dex 13
End 12
Wil 10

1 point saved

3 point in running
1 point in sweep

I am saving up a point to pump my dex to 14

Night 5:
Str 12
Dex 14
End 12
Wil 10

3 points in running
2 points in sweep

Night 6:
Str 13
Dex 14
End 12
Wil 10

3 point in running
3 points in sweep

Now I'm going toward impale.  This is a useful skill for adding extra damage.

Night 7:
Str 14
Dex 14
End 12
Wil 10

3 points in running
3 points in sweep
1 point in impale

Night 8:
*I died here

Str 14
Dex 14
End 12
Wil 10

1 point saved

3 points in running
3 points in sweep
2 point in impale

I am now saving points for 15 dex.  If I survived longer I would have continued putting points in to impale, then jump, and then pump str to 16, and start on whirlwind.  After 16 str, I would put the rest of the points in to dex.

Equipment studies.  This is how much items you recover/produce every day.  I didn't actually write down notes, this is from memory and may be off.  You also recover a seemingly random amount of hit points every night.

36 bolts, up to 72
1 cannon shot, up to 4
2 knives, up to 10
2 bombs, up to 5
1 dust, up to 4

I would like to hear some strategies or builds that work well.

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