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Messages - AStranger

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 16
...24% kills and clevel 7 is sad but the 13m time...
I disagree. A winning N! game in under fifteen minutes is what I would call the opposite of sad. Who cares what the kill count looks like, UAC diamond sure doesn't.

Some minor things, one major, though really rare: did you know that overloading nuclear weaponry could overwrite stairs, thus resulting in a level that is impossible to exit? Me neither. And now, no one will be able to see this critical, yet strangely never reported bug.
Wait, does that mean... I'm actually invisible?!? They all said I was crazy, but now I finally have proof:,4451.0.html. Or maybe I've just been awake for way too long, it's hard to tell.

33 / Re: [H|96%|YAVP] Finally!
« on: July 31, 2011, 13:24 »
And some bug with chrome prevents me from seeing them at all :<
So I'm not the only one that happens too. I had figured it was something I had done, turns out it's just Chrome. Luckily you can make tweaks to the current page, so inspecting the element and setting the height to 300px or so makes it much more readable than 20px. Not the optimal solution but it works.

Very impressive. Did you get lucky with level generation or do you have a strategy for 'impossible' levels that makes them survivable? By impossible I mean spawning in the middle of an arachnatron cave or surrounded on all sides by B/M/R/V. I think it'd be interesting to try for near 100% kills, but I don't have the patience to spend a half an hour on the first few levels just to get murdered by the RNG.  Either way it'd be quite interesting to watch a video of run like this, even if it did take ~30 hours or so.

The level-specific awards use entirely separate code however.  For the Vaults, Gold+ badges will not be awarded if the level has been nuked.  The same goes for Hellgate, Unholy Cathedral, and The Mortuary.
That makes sense. That down grades this to just the AA not entering the mortem, but this was already known had I been paying attention. To be honest this is one of the few times I've even used AA, and definitely the first time using it and reading the mortem.

He opposed the Nightmare!

 He killed 2421 out of 2427 hellspawn. (99%)
Damn. Even with MAc and AoMC that is still very impressive, I definitely don't have that kind of patience. Well done, it'll be interesting to see some of your other diamonds (you could post the GK, but it's the easiest and I'm far more impressed by mortems like this one). I'd bet money you could hit at least Blade if you felt like it.

I just finished an AoVash challenge and a lucky invulnerability or two let me go on a nuking spree. After checking the morterm to try to count actually how many nukes went off, I discovered two things. Using the angel arm doesn't add an entry for nuking the level in the mortem and it does count as clearing the vaults. The mortem lists 4 visited special levels, 1 completed and there is no way I completed either the CC, City of Skulls or the Lava pits but I did nuke the Vaults to raise the nuke count, so that one must be it. Here is the mortem:
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A nuke went off every regular floor from 18-26, then another in the Vaults. I used the Angel Arm eight times, one encountered nuke and my initial nuke (on floor 23) for a total of 10 nukes, but only the encountered and my initial made it to the mortem. I did get the Fallout platinum, though. I'm assuming nuking the Vaults is bad since it'd make the scavenger diamond a lot easier.

Wait, I found both the Trigun and GCB? Damn, too bad it wasn't an AoMr game...

38 / Re: [H|AoLt|YAAM] This is so ridiculous it hurts
« on: July 09, 2011, 21:51 »
I wasn't expecting to actually get a badge for clearing the Mortuary without a scratch. How is that one even supposed to be possible?
Play HNTR, grab Intx2 and MCe. If you enter the Mortuary not invulnerable you'll need a homing phase to get a corner to stay safe. Movement/firing speed is very important, since even getting hit once ruins it. Don't bother bringing any medpacks, since you should be able to leave with 3-4 large and you'll need the inventory space for ammo. Shoot straight down the middle as long as ammo allows so corpses will stack, but be careful that you are using ammo efficiently. Nuclear weapons help with this. When I got the Angelic Badge I did a run specifically for grabbing it and was lucky to get the Railgun, which is the best usage of firing cells in the dark. It's not the worst challenge in the world, I think I got it on the second try.

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Discussion / Delete pages of the wiki
« on: July 08, 2011, 14:59 »

Did I mention how much I dislike playing N!?
This is pretty much the reason I try to stick to melee during N!, it severely reduces the amount of brutal unfariness. The two things that I find get really unfair are mobs raising almost instantly after killing them and levels that start you in sight of an impossible army. Berserking really helps in both cases, since taking a hit on purpose to destroy corpses hurts way too much without berserk, running by a freshly raised mob also can hurt too much and neither of those hold a candle to some of the levels that get generated. Picture the Spider's Lair, but without teleporters and the stair placement is unknown... on dlevel 5... Often times without berserk/invulnerability there is absolutely no chance of even making it to cover and no amount of healing can save you from that much damage per turn.

Sorry about the rant, you said 'dislike' and 'N!' which kinda got me going. Good job on N! AoPc, I remember it being rather aggravating.

Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: July 01, 2011, 14:57 »

You enter Phobos Base, level 2. You need to taste blood!                       
 Screenshot created.                                                           
Sandy Peterson             Armor : none                                       
Health: 114% Exp:  2/6%    Weapon: shotgun (8d3) [1/1]                         
berserk                             Phobos Base  Lev2 

The RNG has to be playing some sick joke on me... all those '+' are small medpacks. What sort of twisted plan does it have in store for me that I'll need an additional six medpacks on level 2? UV isn't that hard...

42 / Re: [H|97%|YAVP] One Jackhammer to rule them all!
« on: July 01, 2011, 13:00 »
Nice run. The Jackhammer does a great job just chewing through enemies, but you are dead on with the amount of ammo it chews through. As for the Acid Spitter, I have only found it a couple of times and have never bothered figuring out a use for it. I'm not convinced it's even that usable normally, but gothic boots probably help with it (makes a less painful reload).

For diamond challenges I'd recommend starting with either Gatekeeper, Destroyer, Berserker or Veteran. Gatekeeper was probably my first diamond in, since it can be obtained before N! is unlocked, but it's a good choice for a first target. Clearing the Hellgate without damage actually isn't as bad as it sounds if you have Intx2 and/or a napalm launcher (for the viles). I think I did it with Intx2 and a pistol that could shoot through walls (blaster? energy pistol? I forgot). Either way the Viles will be the problem area.

I have a feeling most people would recommend Destroyer over Berserker, but the really hard part about Berserker is making it to the CC. You won't guarantee a win by making it there, but it won't be nearly as much of a struggle after you do. Destroyer is great since you don't have to worry about accuracy or damage, but things do hurt a lot more. Most people use ammochain for it, but I went Intx2. EEx2 is a waste, but shooting in the dark pretty much always hits as long as something is in the bullets path. Just remember to corpse stack/doorway stack. I wouldn't go for the Veteran diamond first, but it is quite do-able and not that rough after you get used to N!.

Game Hunter also has a guide and some videos around. Definitely worth looking into since he's done a much better job explaining most of what I've already said. They may seem impossible at first, but almost all of the (non-fist) diamonds are 'reasonably' possible (hell even UAC). Unfortunately some require more luck than skill (AoPc), so patience is still very important.

Discussion / Re: More intro-level layouts needed!
« on: June 30, 2011, 15:27 »
...As much as I love scheme racket, I think it will be easier for most people to directly use a sandbox mod...
Actually I'm amazed someone else actually likes scheme (still not really comfortable calling it racket). I remember being a rare minority enjoying scheme when I took the class at WPI. It may have helped that I was perpetually drunk back then, but it was still a lot of fun.

Well done on the sandbox, I was unable to figure a few things out since the wiki is kinda sparse when it comes to documentation. After looking at yours I found out how to do what I couldn't yesterday:
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All I was able to figure out about Level.place_tile was that the first argument was a table and that strings were valid in the table. I couldn't find any examples that used more than strings, but I figured there was a way. I would have just looped over the map string, had I been able to figure out how to reference specific chars. That was the point were I just gave up and used racket. Alas my plan to create more scheme users has been foiled :).

For the maps, I've only played tehmi 4. I was a little worried about AoB and if shotgun quirks would be a problem, but play testing shows I have nothing to worry about. Last run a UV AoB finished with 4 medpacks and 80% health, so it looks good.

Discussion / Re: More intro-level layouts needed!
« on: June 30, 2011, 01:37 »
We don't have a circle, so here is a quick attempt at one.
Code: [Select]
UV Version:
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Edit: Swapped 2 and 3, so mobs clump less on lower difficulties.

Discussion / Re: More intro-level layouts needed!
« on: June 29, 2011, 20:19 »
So I woke up this morning, saw this thread and thought, 'Hey it'd be cool if I could actually play the levels posted here'. I figured I could make a sandbox level that I could just paste into and be able to test the level. Unfortunately I couldn't get Level.place_tile to work with items and mobs, which got me thinking about writing a script to do the conversion. At that point I realized that more than just linux users might want to try this out so I settled on using racket, here is what I've come up with:

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Simply save the code to a .rkt file and run it with DrRacket. The interface should be pretty straight forward. There is a text area for the level, buttons for changing the difficulty level, a button for front/back toggling, a file name text area and a generate button. Simply paste in the level, select your options and hit generate.

DrRacket runs on Linux/OSX/Windows, but you'll need it installed because I was way too lazy to create/post binaries. You can get it here
I wrote this under Linux but briefly tested it under a virtual Windows. It seems to work correctly. It was written with DrRacket v5.0.1 but tested with v5.1.1(current). They both seem to work.
I didn't do the greatest error checking in the world, there is a rough check to see if the map is the right size and it doesn't check the filename, it just assumes it is correct.
If you use any other symbol than the ones already defined, I'm not sure what will happen. It should still generate a playable level, but I never tried.
I think I lined up the map/player placement correctly, but I could be wrong.

Here is some sample output from the second map from General Patton's post:
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