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Requests For Features / Re: Rewards and unlockable things : introduce unlockable levels ?
« on: June 25, 2008, 00:48 »Lol, right on; God forbid you're rewarded for your hard efforts, right?
I don't necessarily agree with removing unlockable Challenge Modes, but it is a pain in the ass having to play through several Challenges that one has no interest in-- AoP and AoLT come to mind-- in order to unlock the one or two game modes that one is interested in playing through. Easy to understand how someone would get extremely frustrated with it, especially if they're not as obsessive as the typical Roguelike player.
Discussion / Re: Arrrgh. Challenge Modes. Arrrgh.
« on: June 19, 2008, 03:18 »
Good luck with that. It's encrypted and the game looks at the checksum to detect editing.
Berserk! / Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« on: June 12, 2008, 20:21 »Code: [Select]
-- Berserk! (0.8) Post Mortem ----------------------------------------
Character name : Korimyr
Game type : Endless
Nights survived : 6
Monsters killed : 550
STR: 16 DEX: 13 END: 10 WIL: 10
Speed: 108 HP: -1/100 EN: 12/100
Base damage: 2d6+7 Weight: 10
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------
Crossbow (9/39) Knives (10) Bombs (4) FairyDust (1)
-- Kills (550) -------------------------------------------------------
29 bulldemons
321 beasts
30 mandagores
1 defiler
52 imps
18 phasehounds
69 skeletons
3 wraiths
1 spore
19 scavengers
3 foresters
4 treants
-- Skills (6) --------------------------------------------------------
Sweep attack (level 3)
Whirlwind attack (level 3)
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
You evade.
Choose target, b to
You hit the beast!
The beast dies!
The beast dies!
The beast dies!
The beast dies!
You die!...
Press <Enter>
-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------
Max kills in one turn : 9
Longest killing sequence : 10 kills in 2 turns.
Survived for : 1981 turns
Died on : Forest
Reason of death : suicide
Starting to show a little improvement here.
Discussion / Re: Can you play as a bad guy?
« on: June 05, 2008, 05:27 »1) The black/white-feeling how it's done. Like, bad guys are always child-eating, puppy-smashing, granny-kicking assholes who spit on everyone's face and always get negative reaction from everywhere.
Yeah, I hate this. It's cartoonish, stupid evil and it's boring. If I have the chance to play an evil character, I want to be manipulative and ruthless, but more than anything, I want to be effective. I want to be a Magnificent Bastard, not some sneering obnoxious punk.
I just can't play with that kind of character, not without being sick of my own evilness at least. Hell, I can't even understand why they'd ever be interested in avenging their father or stuff like that, which is what you usually do in RPGs.
Even bad men love their Mamas. And if you're the ambitious, ruthless kind of evil instead of the omnicidal maniac kind... well, the world is where they keep all their stuff, and they're not interested in ruling a pile of rubble.
2) Good guys always get, not only the nice feeling of doing something that matters (that should be enough for any good guy), but also much much bigger rewards and loads more experience than the evil ones.
Hate hate HATE this. Some games actually give you more money for taking evil options... but those are typically games in which money just doesn't matter very much.
Even worse is games which allow you the evil option... but which provide you so much less plot coverage for taking it. You don't get to have evil quests, and taking the evil option usually shuts off several good quests. Not to mention (again) the lack of meaningful rewards for evil characters.
I want the most experience and the best stuff, you'll play with the Innocent Momma's Boy. I want my games for entertainment and escapism, not ethics education, thank you very much.
Yeah. I usually play the Evil path... but only after I've beaten the Good. I'd like to see a game that makes them equally compelling-- or offers you moral options besides "Good" and "Evil".
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