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Messages - Kornel Kisielewicz

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thelaptop, join us on Discord, that's where the Beta releases are tested :P

Bug Reports / Re: Typos and grammatical errors
« on: February 17, 2021, 10:06 »
Fixed the ones noted, will be included in 0.9.7 RC6 and 0.9.7.

General Discussion / Jupiter Hell 0.9.4 - Europa - RELEASED!
« on: September 28, 2020, 11:12 »
High time to attempt (no?) landings on Europa! 0.9.4 brings visual improvements to the snow-covered moon, along with revisiting of all it's generators, improvements to lighting and a brand new branch with a new special level! Additionally we added ice fiends and hyperblasters for ultimate splatter - read all about it below!

Asterius Habitat

New Europa branch has been added - similarly to Callisto's branches two out of three will be generated, but for this patch only we made Asterius Habitat guaranteed to appear. As all branches it comes with its own special level, and apart from variations of old Habitat generators it actually has two new generator types that are currently fully unique to the branch.

Ice fiends

Europa specific strain of the fiend has been added, pretty obviously cold-themed. This gives a nice counterpart to everyone's favorite cryoreavers and cryoberi :P


The addition of the cell-powered chainfire weapon leaves us with only one basic weapon that still needs to make an appearance (no cookie for guessing which, but it will come ;) ). The hyperblaster correctly works with all chainfire related traits.

Nightmare balance

We're generally pretty happy with how Nightmare turned out, it seems that almost all Diamond badges (apart from two) have already been acquired. However, two slight changes have been added. Respawned exalted will now only give experience on the first respawn (to prevent boring exp farming on level 1). To make the earlier levels more doable and less RNG-dependent, exalted soldiers on levels before Callisto L4 will now have worse equipment. This also applies to early regular game exalted spawns.

Masters and Traits

We buffed two underpowered scout masters - Ghost now reduces Stealth cost to 15 (10 at Level 2) and Assassinate keeps your dodge value after the attack (which makes spamming it much safer). We also are looking to buff Wizard and Fireangel, the former will get stronger with the hack changes coming next patch, the latter will need to wait for Fire related changes in an upcoming status effect related patch.

Marine's Furious now also generates +1/+2 Fury on kills that gib, making it a bit more useful and interesting trait, while Running cost is now 20 Fury independent of difficulty level.


Apart from the above we did some more balance and visual changes, full list below:

Code: [Select]
Beta   0.9.4 - Europa - September 28, 2020
NEW    #1201 - Asterius Habitat branch added to Europa!
NEW    #1202 - Asterius Breach special level!
NEW    #1200 - ice fiend added!
NEW    #1199 - hyperblaster, and ADV hyperblaster! (plasma chain)
CHANGE #1203 - ALL Europa generators revisted, improved visuals
CHANGE #1204 - increased amount of generated lootboxes
CHANGE #1198 - Refueling Base - better (weapon based) reward
CHANGE #1198 - AoNYR - all enemies drop weapons (except respawns)
CHANGE #1198 - weaker exalted soldier weapons pre-CalL4 (N! also)
CHANGE #1198 - Nightmare - only the first respawn gives XP
CHANGE #1198 - Scout - Ghost stealth costs now 15/10
CHANGE #1198 - Scout - Assassinate buffed and keeps dodge
CHANGE #1198 - Marine - Furious now generates +1/2 Fury on gib
CHANGE #1198 - Marine - Running now costs a flat 20 Fury
CHANGE #1198 - Europa L1 - less enemies on all difficulties
CHANGE #1168 - improved Callisto mines caves lighting
FIX    #1198 - Limbo - safe zone added for reaver spawn

What's next?

This was a slightly thinner release as we need some time to build up background tech for upcoming releases. Next up in 3-4 weeks we'll have 0.9.5 Terminal which will bring improvements to hacking and terminals in general, stay tuned!

General Discussion / Jupiter Hell 0.9.3 - Nightmare - RELEASED!
« on: September 07, 2020, 10:18 »
It's time to face the ultimate challenge in 0.9.3 Nightmare! Apart from the eponymous difficulty level, we have added Platinum and Diamond level badges, level events, gibbing (fun for everyone, life-saving in Nightmare), ADV AMPs and more - read all about it below!


The borderline unfair and punishing difficulty level from DRL returns! While the balance is close to UV (and there's no accuracy boost for the enemies), each biological enemy that dies leaves a summoning circle. Leave that circle alone and out of sight for a while, and the enemy will respawn... as a progressively-stronger, exalted variant.

This difficulty is not for the faint of heart, but is beatable. Different tactics need to be applied, gibbing enemies becomes a valuable tool, and exploring all of the map might become a death trap. You've been warned!

Platinum and Diamond badges

To make your Nightmare exploits count, we added a fourth and fifth tier of the badge system. While Platinum badges can be achieved on UV difficulty for some challenges, Diamond is all about Nightmare. Platinum badges are all achievable through careful and masterful play; Diamond ones, however... well, let's say that we're interested ourselves in how many of those are actually achievable! ;)


Borrowing the old Doom term, gibbing might happen when, you deal enough damage in a single attack to overkill an enemy. Depending on how much overkill happens, the gibbing chance goes up (damage equal to twice their health guarantees a gib). To quickly enjoy the lovely visuals, walk up to a former human and sell him a shotgun blast into the face. Note that some weapons (explosive ones and melee) have a hidden factor that makes gibbing easier!

Level events

Probably the most interesting addition for people who're afraid of the Nightmare are level events - modifiers that might happen when entering a regular level. There's currently 8 of them, ranging from simple ones (the level has many more barrels...) to ones that expect you to do something within a turn-based time limit to gain extra experience. Not all events generate on every level branch, and we will be adding more of them in further releases of the game!


While the initial idea was to ditch the old AMP system altogether, as the first step we're introducing ADV AMPs with random stats for pistols (inlcluding SMGs), auto weapons (rifles and chainguns), and shotguns. The perk pool for them is currently quite shallow; once we improve on it, we will probably remove the old regular AMPs.

Plasma grenade

The ultimate overkill tool, packing a whopping 200 plasma damage in a single grenade. Useful in Nightmare for gibbing, and in all difficulties for making sure that big dude dies. Don't bother saving them for the summoner though (see below).


The seed line below the level name has been changed. It now states the difficulty (by single letter), the challenge abbreviation (if present), and the general seed of the run. Apart from helping streamers not answer the basic questions each time, it will help us have all the needed information in a screenshot when reporting issues with level generation.

Additionally, as requested, we've added head slot durability to the UI, and removed the armor name, as usually you remember what you're wearing and you can always shift-compare with what's on the ground.

Balance changes

Summoner now has a damage gate - if you deal more than 80 damage before he takes his turn, all further damage is negated until that time. If you're faster than him, you might notice his health turning violet - don't bother shooting him then (later we'll add a nice shield effect once shields are in!).

Barrel damage has been increased - this makes for more gibbing fun, but also might prove fatal if you're not careful!

We've increased the amount of loot, too - common chests always drop at least 3 items, with special tier 1 chests and vaults appearing more often.

Finally some more minor changes and the regular supply of bugfixes which all can be summed up in the full changelog below:

Full changelog
Code: [Select]
Beta   0.9.3 - Nightmare - September 7, 2020
NEW    #1186 - Nightmare!
NEW    #1156 - Level events! 8 initial events, more to come!
NEW    #1188 - Gibbing! Overkill destroys corpses (useful in N!)
NEW    #1187 - Platinum and Diamond badges - requiring N!/UV
NEW    #1191 - plasma grenades - when a krak is not enough
NEW    #1192 - ADV AMP's - pistol, auto and shotgun
CHANGE #1194 - HUD - short armor info, added helmet info
CHANGE #1193 - challenge, diff, and world seed under level name
CHANGE #1190 - Summoner damage gate (max 80 damage between turns)
CHANGE #1188 - improved some death animation timing issues
CHANGE #1191 - increased barrel damage values (be careful!)
CHANGE #1191 - ADV helmets always have at least 3 mod capacity
CHANGE #1191 - special tier 1 chests more common
CHANGE #1191 - common chests drop at least 3 items
CHANGE #1191 - increased the frequency of vaults
CHANGE #1156 - player data skill ranks above "Captain"
FIX    #1191 - CAL L1 - removed some "not enough chests" cases
FIX    #1165 - Tyre Outpost headgear now properly AV3
FIX    #1165 - Entrenchment now displays proper resistance values
FIX    #1165 - fixed passing 100% kills for some requirements

What's next?

We're working on a bigger feature, but it's taking more time than anticipated, so in the meantime we'll do a smaller content-focused release next. In hopefully two weeks you'll get 0.9.4 Europa, with various additions to level generation and other new stuff to explore. Until then, try not to fall victim to the Nightmare!

General Discussion / Jupiter Hell 0.9.2 - Vision - RELEASED!
« on: July 27, 2020, 08:43 »
After a longer break (much needed since we've been crunching since launch), we present 0.9.2 Vision! The three biggest additions this time is the enabling of the head slot, with various associated items that have their ADV versions too, changing the vision range on some levels (lower or higher) and two new special levels!
Helmets, Visors and Gasmasks
The head slot is finally functional! While the base helmet just protects from critical hits (like the imp or reaver charge attack), stronger helmets carry a slight armor bonus. ADV versions come with a subset of armor perks. Visors and gasmasks however drop always ADV and have their own brand new pool of perks related to vision, scouting and hacking!
Vision range
Up until now vision range was hardcoded. Now you'll often encounter levels with reduced vision range - carry a shotgun and beware of melee enemies! Or, find a nice visor with Nightvision. Some caves have a higher vision range, giving more strength to long range weapons. Further along we might reduce the sight range of some enemies and make them operate on scent and sound alone, but that's for a future update! We took this occasion to tinker with the default camera settings too - the camera will adapt to vision range, and show stuff at a slightly better range.
New special levels
We've added one alternative level that can spawn instead of the Warehouse on Io, with a strong theme, new mechanics and an unique reward. On Europa, Refueling Base can also be swapped for a new level, The Pit. To avoid spoilers I'll end this paragraph here :).
7.62 sidearm got a damage buff, and assault rifle got it's range nerfed a bit. We've also significantly increased the duration of the EMP effect. Also melee weapon drops are now more common.
Other changes
Drones can now actually fly over gaps, so don't be surprised if you're flanked on Callisto Spaceport :). Also, while adding helmets we noticed that green/blue/red as a descriptor is kind of boring - both armor and helmets now follow a new naming - basic (green), marine (blue), combat (red).
Full changelog
Code: [Select]

Beta   0.9.2 - Vision - July 27, 2020
NEW    #1182 - head slot functional now!
NEW    #1182 - basic/marine/combat helmets (also ADV) added
NEW    #1182 - ADV gasmask added, ADV visors/headsets
NEW    #1182 - ADV visors/headsets have their own new perks
NEW    #0992 - new special level alternative to Warehouse
NEW    #1012 - new special level alternative to Refueling Base
CHANGE #1000 - flying enemies can now fly over gaps
CHANGE #1182 - green/blue/red armor -> basic/marine/combat
CHANGE #0337 - levels may have different vision distances
CHANGE #0337 - some caves have vision 8, dark places 5-6
CHANGE #0337 - camera zooms based on vision distance
CHANGE #0337 - improved default zoom
CHANGE #1180 - 7.62 sidearm damage 10->12
CHANGE #1180 - 7.62 assault rifle max range 10->8
CHANGE #1180 - increased EMP effect duration by 66%
CHANGE #1180 - Tyre lost one special lootbox (manufacture is op)
CHANGE #1180 - increased drop rates of melee weapons
CHANGE #1170 - Mimir Habitat reward is no longer guaranteed
CHANGE #1166 - lights/lamps are destructible (no gameplay effect)
FIX    #1124 - fixed visual gap in basalt levels

What's next?
This update is on the lighter side, the next one might be much beefier. 0.9.3 Nightmare is coming! Apart from obvious content for the high level players, we'll also add signifcant changes for everyone :). The update should land in 3-4 weeks from now.

MAD might be nerfed slightly, but only when we add more options in the shotgun department :P.

Post Mortem / Re: [0.9.1|E|Sc|YAAM] Gunslingin' Tourist
« on: June 12, 2020, 18:46 »
Damn, seeing that YOU have fun while playing JH makes me a lot relieved :). I know I've been on this path, but the goals were set. I knew many people from the old guard chimed in, but while being confident that new people will like the game, due to the numerous changes, I was always afraid if the old guard will still enjoy this new rendition. Makes me sleep a bit better.

AV props in mortem are just a question of time. Probably will implement them alongside Unique item descriptions. Impossible kill count is due to me trying to avoid the "killed them all but game didn't register" bug too eagerly. It will be fixed at some point, but it's way less frustrating than the opposite (btw, those extra kills come from CalSec Central).

General Discussion / Re: How to get my Steam key resent?
« on: June 03, 2020, 05:32 »
Just PM me via Kickstarter so I can ident the key sent and I'll sort you out!

After a longer break where we stabilized 0.9 and took a bit time off it's time to get back to scheduled releases! This time we look at the first episode of the game, adding a new enemy, new tileset, new branch and new special level. Read all about it below!

But before we do that, we're happy to announce that we're running an AMA on the r/Games reddit, that will be starting exactly an hour from now (11 AM PT/8 PM CEST), be sure to check it out!

Mimir Habitat

Probably the most noticeable addition this release is the new Callisto branch, Mimir Habitat, sporting a new civilian and very retro sci-fi flavored bright visual tileset, be sure to visit it as soon as you can! Next version two branches from the current set of three will be available each run, but this version we've set Mimir to always appear so you don't have to be on the mercy of the RNG to visit it. As all branches it is finished up with a new special level that shares similarities with Valhalla Command, but has its own unique twist.

Callisto all lit up

As the initial idea behind the tileset was to make Callisto more brighter, we also took care to improve lighting on all main branch Callisto generators - this is more or less noticeable depending on the generator, but you'll definitely notice it!


To improve early game we also have a new robotic enemy (yes, it's hackable :P), that power-wise sits in the gap between drones and security bots. As with all upcoming enemies it has variants and unique behavior twists (we'll be revisiting some old enemies later too) - speaking of the old security bots, they now slightly differ between their Callisto, Europa and Beyond variants - most importantly the Callisto ones are a bit easier to deal with.

Grenade buffs

In terms of dealing with enemies, our old friends, grenades got a very significant buff, and if you're not using them you'll be seriously missing out. Both frag and krak grenades got their damage DOUBLED, and all the other grenades got significant buffs also (be it duration, damage or strength).

Balance changes

Another set of 0.9 balance changes is also in, starting with inevitable nerfs to Wizard smoke cooldown and Entrenchment damage resistance values, but also removal of Onslaught accuracy penalty, a bugfix that significantly improves Onslaught and Gun Kata targeting and a new terminal (BTW, all terminals have a new model now) that appears rarely but also in set places that helps with ammo consumption issues. Some nasty spawn situations, like Anomaly and Containment in-your-face reavers, have been also improved.

UI improvements

When manual targeting you now see the name of the tile you're targeting and you can use SHIFT to actually see what an item is from a distance (basically doubling as a typical roguelike look mode). We'll add more enemy information to this mode at some later point in time too.

Issue with time passage and terminals/stations has also been resolved, as well as terminal and inventory no longer exiting on action (the latter only if there are no enemies in sight).

Full fixes and changes follow:

Code: [Select]
Beta   0.9.1 - Callisto - June 2, 2020
NEW    #0947 - new enemy - Sentry bots! 3 variants
NEW    #1171 - new tileset - Callisto habitat
NEW    #1170 - new branch - Mimir Habitat
NEW    #1170 - new special level - CalSec Central!
NEW    #1179 - rare ammo manufacture stations
CHANGE #1168 - improved Callisto lighting
CHANGE #1164 - targeting acts as look mode
CHANGE #1164 - you can use SHIFT item compare while targeting
CHANGE #1163 - krak and frag grenade damage doubled
CHANGE #1163 - 50% initial damage increase to gas grenades
CHANGE #1163 - 25% more smoke time on smoke grenades
CHANGE #1163 - EMP lasts 50% longer, EMP grenade +50% damage
CHANGE #1162 - Callisto bots nerfed health and damage a bit
CHANGE #1162 - post-Europa bots more health and speed
CHANGE #1153 - you can no longer hit things beyond vision range
CHANGE #1159 - terminal/station commands pass time
CHANGE #1159 - terminals don't close after option pick
CHANGE #1160 - equipment doesn't close after drop if no enemies
CHANGE #1169 - Anomaly and Containment summons skip first turn
CHANGE #1169 - Tyre and Command minimal spawn range increased
CHANGE #1161 - Tyre station always has sidearm/sniper/katana
CHANGE #1162 - Callisto L1 enemies will spawn a bit further
CHANGE #0947 - Wizard T2 summons sentry bots
CHANGE #1168 - no more annoying corner turret
CHANGE #1167 - no Finisher and Cleaner on high-damage ADVs
CHANGE #1154 - reduced hack/disable cost of CRI bots
CHANGE #1154 - Onslaught accuracy penalty removed
CHANGE #1154 - Entrenchment DR - 30/50/70 -> 30/40/50
CHANGE #1154 - Wizard smoke screen cooldown doubled
CHANGE #1179 - new terminal model
FIX    #1178 - prevent a lot of atlas related crashes
FIX    #1175 - fixed skeleton bug (lidless boxes, dead fans)
FIX    #1172 - fixed pipe placement in gaps
FIX    #1154 - Gun Kata and Onslaught properly fire before move
FIX    #1157 - ADV plasma shotgun name was "dual"
FIX    #1155 - Angel of Marksmanship unlocks at rank 2 properly
FIX    #1158 - regenerated levels will wipe old style patches
FIX    #1159 - fixed health station pain exploit
FIX    #1159 - fixed hints not appearing on station actions
FIX    #1159 - spilling blood requirement is spilling blood

What's next

The next update might come as soon as in two weeks, tentatively it's named 0.9.2 Vision, and will have further improvements to the variety of early game and possibly an improvement pass on Europa. Stay tuned and tell us what you think of this release!

Do you have 0.9.0c installed?

"Flying drones over pits" is actually already on our Todo list ;)

Because if it were yellow on the minimap it would be indistinguishable from wall tiles.

Hah, I just realized that AoMoFo is basically top-tier for AoV. I'm beginning to see what the Platinum badge for AoV will be :P.


You were lucky with the CRI phase device :P. A "encyclopedia" is planned, but someone would need to write all those entries. Unlockable entries by those found actually sounds kinda nice.

Mortem archivisation as well as better score tables are planned!

I do have several ideas related to hacking and not control, but JH is still more Doom than Aliens. That said if the hacking related builds are enough popular then I'd gladly focus an update on improvements to it. Direct control might be bit to slow pace wise, but who knows!

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