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Messages - LuckyDee

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 124
Interesting strategy - been a while since I played A100 or a pistol build (or much at all), but I have fond memories of Sharpshooter builds for that challenge. Combine that with HR and INT and you can get yourself out of harms way and snipe a ton of enemies off before they become a problem. That worked on HNTR though, don't think I ever tried higher difficulty A100 runs.

Discussion / Re: Build Tier List
« on: December 31, 2024, 22:40 »
Nice summary, I'll go through it in detail when I plan to do another run. Question though - what do you mean by floors and ceilings?

Off Topic / Re: Signs of life
« on: December 25, 2024, 00:02 »
Yeah I unfortunately wasn't involved much in the community side pre-JH, only making about a dozen forum posts here and then sporadically editing the wiki over the years. Aside from playing, just had its first beta come out (check out JH's discord channel to get it), and getting more help with testing it would be swell.

Well seems you built up quite some steam in the meantime, nice work. And thanks for the invite for beta-testing, but one of my personal pitfalls is saying yes to stuff I just don't have time for, so I'll have to politely decline.

I did manage to scrape together some courage and run 9.9.8 for the first time - visuals seem to have been cleaned up somewhat, some of the commands are different than I remember, and I like how you can actually save and quit at any point. And I didn't do too badly either, I just forgot what special level went where, and how much of a pain in the ass the city of skulls can be D:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Do I count as an oldie? :D I suppose I'm more of a middle era player, although I mostly just lurked for years.

Nice to hear from you again as well! I don't recall you being that active either, indeed, but I do know you did some wonderful work on creating a manual.

Apart from the four of you, things generally seem quiet, but that's ok. I'll just keep sneaking in from time to time and pick up my mod / admin duties as if I was never gone, if the 'forge lets me.

Off Topic / Re: Signs of life
« on: December 02, 2024, 00:16 »
Without wishing to bring the mood down or anything, Diamond sadly passed away a few years ago, pre-pandemic time.  Autopsy was inconclusive about what caused it, though it did reveal that Diamond was female and I had been misgendering her all along.  :P  It happened suddenly and mysteriously while I was at a New Year's party;  I came home to find she'd been coughing up blood all night.  It was a very gory and upsetting thing to come home to.  :(

Aw man, that sucks. Bit late to still offer my condolences, but they're yours if you want them.

I came back around about a year and a half ago after getting the itch to play DRL again, which was probably going to be a month or two burst that ended after getting a few more Diamonds, but then development on finally started back up after all this time and so I remained around since, both playing the game a lot and helping around where I can on here, beta testing, and on the wiki.

Hey man, good to hear from you too - I don't think we were in touch much before either of us temporarily dropped out, but I hear ya on the DRL itch. Recently moved to a new house and still working to get my office/studio set up (I finally have a room to myself rather than occupying space in the living room), but I'll be sure to give 998 a spin once it's up.

... and there's more to come.

I bet you say that to all the girls :x

Off Topic / Re: Signs of life
« on: November 27, 2024, 13:34 »
Hey dude, good to hear from you - how's Diamond doing? I hear you on getting anxious about daily affairs - things aren't really looking better when you live in Europe instead of Canada, but at least I'm still a dab hand at creating my own problems so I can blame myself most of the time XD

I found out DRL actually has its own TvTropes page, which triggered me into wanting to fire up the game again, not to mention I still have a JH Steam key to cash in. It's just that we moved into a new house a month and a half ago, and my setup is currently waiting for my own room to be furnished, so it'll be another couple of weeks.

Regardless, I thought it'd be good to get reacquainted with the Forge again. It's been good to me pre-JH, and I don't easily forget where I came from.

Looking forward to seeing what else is going on here.

Off Topic / Signs of life
« on: November 26, 2024, 05:08 »
Hey all,

Been a while since I last dropped in, but I figured I'd have another look seeing as how activity has been picking up again due to more TLC for DRL. How's everyone doing? Any people from the pre-JH era still around?



General Discussion / Re: My first impressions
« on: October 24, 2021, 23:22 »
Thanks for sharing, it's fun listening to your ravings over the gameplay :)

Announcements / Re: Jupiter Hell 1.0.0 - Full Release!
« on: August 10, 2021, 23:09 »
Congrats on the release man. Now I just need to wait until I get a better pc to enjoy it...

Off Topic / Re: Music + Berserk
« on: July 15, 2021, 22:31 »
Not my kind of noise, but nice find :)

Discussion / Re: How Dead is this Game?
« on: March 27, 2021, 02:06 »
Welcome back dude, for what there is to come back to...

DiabloRL / Re: Welcome to the DiabloRL board!
« on: December 01, 2020, 10:44 »
Is it dead?  Do we have hope for an eventual completed diabloRL?  If not did anyone offer to pursue it?

Dead may not exactly be the case yet, but with Jupiter Hell still being in development, all other projects are at least suspended indefinitely. But if you want to take up the glove, best get in touch with KK directly.

Off Topic / Re: Global crises and how to deal with them
« on: October 22, 2020, 08:17 »
Hey, great to hear from you too!

While I'm not in that dire a situation as many folks (I still have a job), it has been taking a toil on my mental health as well.

Is bad.  Remembering DON'T PANIC is non-trivial.

Here's to hoping that 2021 would be less horrific than 2020 ever was.

Hear, hear. And no, I probably don't have it half as bad as a lot of other people, especially if you consider all the luxury still left to me, the stuff we tend to take for granted. I hope that you find a way to positively channel that energy and turn destructive into creative, much like I did. Good to know you're still up and about!

Off Topic / Global crises and how to deal with them
« on: October 21, 2020, 09:53 »
Sooooo... 2020 is not a good year when you're in a band and want to go out on stage. Not that it's a good year when you're not in a band, but hey. I personally went through a rough patch starting mid March, when the effects of virus control measures were rearing their heads. So I did what I usually do - I did a song. A solo effort again, with the big difference with previous stuff being a more pop/electro twist to due to using Renoise to program some drums, bass and synths, and supplement that with live guitars, piano, vocals and (sampled) drums.

Best thing though: I had a blast making a video for it, based around the appropriate theme of 'living room fitness'. Thankfully I found a lot of people around me willing and able to contribute, and I'm very pleased with the result.

If you find yourself in a situation where the current global madness is getting to you, please know that you're not alone, and like reading the big and friendly letters spelling DON'T PANIC, watching this video may soothe you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it. Love, D.

P.S. The title's a pop culture reference. Bonus points if you can guess where it's from and why it ended up being the title for this track.

Bug Reports / Re: [ Linux x64] Segfault on startup
« on: August 25, 2020, 11:36 »
Wish I could be of service, but I have the relevant technical savvy of a donut. Think Kornel's your best bet at the moment, but naturally most of his attention currently goes to JH.

Off Topic / Re: Crusade show online
« on: May 03, 2020, 09:49 »
Hey laps,

Good to hear from you. I guess all of us are in the same boat to some extent and I'm certainly not defeated yet. One more week and I'll have a well earned holiday. And a nice bunch of violence tonight of course.

As far as JH goes, my graphics card is the bottleneck and so far I couldn't be bothered to take any action on it. Luckily there's loads of people here giving valuable feedback (my thanks to all of you <3) so I'll pick it up sometime in the future, when the official release is out.

Take care dude.

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