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Discussion / Finally got to mod the biggest fucking gun
« on: March 12, 2014, 06:40 »
In my quest to get the dragonslayer (berserker armor already found) I came across a BFG. At first, it was just going to be storage space for energy ammo for the railgun, but then I found the firestorm pack. I figured, might as well get that mod done, and later on I found another firestorm pack. As luck would have had it, I found a nano pack shortly after that, and I gotta say that this is pretty fun.
So unless the floor has a valuable item on it, what I'd do is fire the biggest fucking gun on a crowd, fire it at another crowd, and then hold on to the period key until I recharge the thing. If anyone gets close, usually a bruiser brother or a cyberdemon, I just melee them to death. And so far, it pretty much kills the majority of the crowd. From normal archviles to barons of hell. So much fun.
So unless the floor has a valuable item on it, what I'd do is fire the biggest fucking gun on a crowd, fire it at another crowd, and then hold on to the period key until I recharge the thing. If anyone gets close, usually a bruiser brother or a cyberdemon, I just melee them to death. And so far, it pretty much kills the majority of the crowd. From normal archviles to barons of hell. So much fun.
Discussion / Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« on: March 01, 2014, 23:49 »
Unless my memory played tricks on me, I had picked up the DS a long time ago on another run. Two runs at least, both runs on Ao666... I think. Now, here I am with a finally melee build on my technician, and I find it early (27th floor... not exactly the best floor to find it on a 666 run, considering the length.)
So I pick it up. And then I realized that I couldn't. I have no idea, as I can no longer remember how to. Eeep.
So I pick it up. And then I realized that I couldn't. I have no idea, as I can no longer remember how to. Eeep.
Discussion / Ao666, the Dragonslayer, the Berserker Armor, and me
« on: February 22, 2014, 07:47 »
So, that just happened. The Berserker armor appeared somewhat early on, and since I had an extra slot in inventory I was like sure why not? A hundred or so levels later, whilst deeply entrenched on my pistol-only build, I find the DS. I found one, but not the other in multiple ventures in Ao100, and I've managed to figure out how to nab the damn sword. This was the first occasion where I can get both... and I end up not getting the sword. The problem with Ao666 is that it's got 666 floors, hahaha... and with nearly 300 floors left to go, and no levels in brute, I decided that trying to kill everything in every floor until the end would be too damn long.
le sigh... makes me wish I went with Ao100 instead.
le sigh... makes me wish I went with Ao100 instead.
Discussion / Using weapons other than melee+shotguns feels... freeing
« on: February 16, 2014, 09:14 »
For the longest time ever, I stuck with pretty much a similar build. Shotguns and close range weapons, usually with skills aimed at the berserker, and all was well. I like playing Ao100, and usually I find all I need. Sometimes the Jackhammer, sometimes the butcher's cleaver. If I'm lucky I'd mod a nano shrapnel from a super shotgun and slowly but surely kill everything on the floor. And on a very lucky run, I even got to wield the Dragonslayer (unfortunately, I didn't find the berserker armor). However, a long while back I tried that on Arch666 on Hurt Me Plenty and I saw the fatal flaw on what I've been doing. It takes way too long to clear a floor. Not to mention it was noisy as hell blasting a shotgun from a safe distance.
So I went and tried pistols first. And I gotta say it was a ton of fun using gun kata. I can clear crowds of enemies at such a fast speed that it felt too easy. Though my previous encounter with an agony elemental soon showed some problems, it was still a ton of fun.
Of course, not having the screen on a near-permanent berserk state of red-ness was good too.
I should start trying out other weapons as well. Maybe rockets or energy weapons on my next run. Any suggestions on a specific weapon build for fun times?
So I went and tried pistols first. And I gotta say it was a ton of fun using gun kata. I can clear crowds of enemies at such a fast speed that it felt too easy. Though my previous encounter with an agony elemental soon showed some problems, it was still a ton of fun.
Of course, not having the screen on a near-permanent berserk state of red-ness was good too.
I should start trying out other weapons as well. Maybe rockets or energy weapons on my next run. Any suggestions on a specific weapon build for fun times?
Discussion / Agony Elementals are... well, agonizing
« on: February 15, 2014, 07:11 »
So here I was, running a pistol build on Ao666. I was past the 100th floor, and all was well. Had my trusty speedloader pistol on one hand, and the grammaton cleric beretta on the other (a lucky find, too, considering I found it quite early on). I had nothing to fear for most part, since in time I got a fireproof energy shield with extra defense thanks to a power mod. I was able to clear crowds while surrounded with ease (thanks to gun kata) and only get hit once or twice (and thanks to the armor, that didn't matter much.) Hell, nightmare arachnotrons posed little threat as they went down in two shots. All I needed to do was make sure I stock up on as much ammunition I could find, and that was easy enough.
And then it happened.
It was hubris. A cave full of agony elementals, and I thought I could take them on before they land a hit. I was only able to bring down one. Just one. The lost souls were easy enough. The full auto fire of the beretta can kill a number of them when lined up. Aiming for the agony elemental was not. Since I relied on gun kata to do the reloading for me, the moment when I couldn't finish the agony elemental in one clip spelled my doom. Soon enough, I was surrounded. All the skills I invested in for most part focused on shooting, and due to the large amount of ammunition I had, I only had few medpacks.
I could have escaped, but it was a matter of being obsessive that I tried to take down every enemy on each floor, and I wasn't going to run away from that. With steely eyed determination, I tried to take down as many lost souls as I can. On a corner in the cave where only three enemies could attack me, I made my final stand. It was hubris that ended the life of my player... well, that and probably a hundred lost souls swarming upon me.
Man, in hindsight, it's such a waste.
And then it happened.
It was hubris. A cave full of agony elementals, and I thought I could take them on before they land a hit. I was only able to bring down one. Just one. The lost souls were easy enough. The full auto fire of the beretta can kill a number of them when lined up. Aiming for the agony elemental was not. Since I relied on gun kata to do the reloading for me, the moment when I couldn't finish the agony elemental in one clip spelled my doom. Soon enough, I was surrounded. All the skills I invested in for most part focused on shooting, and due to the large amount of ammunition I had, I only had few medpacks.
I could have escaped, but it was a matter of being obsessive that I tried to take down every enemy on each floor, and I wasn't going to run away from that. With steely eyed determination, I tried to take down as many lost souls as I can. On a corner in the cave where only three enemies could attack me, I made my final stand. It was hubris that ended the life of my player... well, that and probably a hundred lost souls swarming upon me.
Man, in hindsight, it's such a waste.
Discussion / A short review on DoomRL
« on: May 10, 2013, 20:27 »
Ah, not quite sure where to put this. So... basically, I'm a member and mod of a place called Freakin' Awesome Network. It was formerly a place called Wrestlecrap, which was one huge wrestling forum. Eventually, it grew to the point where it became a forum for a lot of random topics, mostly pertaining to pop culture and whatnot, so the site and forum changed. The site itself is slowly trying to built up its content with all sorts of article, reviews included. Since I'm part of the writing team, I went and decided to do some reviews on roguelikes, starting with Doom.
Here it is: http://www.freakinawesomenetwork.net/2013/05/doom-the-roguelike/ - frankly, I'm afraid I am a bit too sloppy with it, and I think that sometime later on I'll make a more polished review or guide to it.
And, if anyone is interested, here's the forum of the site: http://officialfan.proboards.com/ - gonna try to get more people interested in the game later on with a thread.
Here it is: http://www.freakinawesomenetwork.net/2013/05/doom-the-roguelike/ - frankly, I'm afraid I am a bit too sloppy with it, and I think that sometime later on I'll make a more polished review or guide to it.
And, if anyone is interested, here's the forum of the site: http://officialfan.proboards.com/ - gonna try to get more people interested in the game later on with a thread.
Discussion / What I've learned from Ao666
« on: May 10, 2013, 07:11 »
Greetings, all. Well, since it's my first post and all, I figure I should post about my experience in surviving 666 levels of hell.
-In hindsight, I should have picked at least Hurt Me Plenty. I went with the lower difficulty to have an idea of what to expect, but by the time I reached level 200, it became a matter of killing everything on sight as fast as I can.
-Barons become much more accurate later on, and they can take a chunk of armor away so fast. Early on, the lava armor was very useful alongside the cerberus boots, but against Barons they quickly go down to zero durability.
-The Inquisitor set is a near game breaker. Arch-Viles, Mancubi, Revenants... all three are weaker than former humans at a long range fight by the virtue of the set having a 100 percent resistance to fire.
-Of course, Barons still require caution. Nightmare Arachnotrons are by far the toughest enemy. The caves of them are pure hell.
-Using a scout, I thought of going melee with blademaster. With the butcher's cleaver, there's no need to get that skill, and the weapon serves as a fantastic melee weapon from start to end.
-The Nano Shrapnel mod is another game breaker, if you're patient. This is especially the case if you use a super shotgun for that mod. The reduced damage is fixed from the double hit nature of the shotgun, without the limited range of the double shotgun. You might as well shoot in the dark until you know the enemy in the distance is dead. No reloads, just an endless stream of shotgun blasts.
-Whether it's the shotgun or the cleaver, everything gets killed fairly quickly. From Cyberdemons to Agony Elementals.
-Of course, it was all made much easier with the berserker trait.
-Getting the items for the nano shrapnel, thanks to so many levels, is usually just a matter of when than if. Got very lucky that I got most of what I needed before level 200, though I did not realize the benefits of the Inquisitor set until much later.
-However, getting the Dragonslayer is still outside my reach. I got the berserker armor, and I figured that I need that for the sword, but finding the latter was impossible.
-In hindsight, I should have picked at least Hurt Me Plenty. I went with the lower difficulty to have an idea of what to expect, but by the time I reached level 200, it became a matter of killing everything on sight as fast as I can.
-Barons become much more accurate later on, and they can take a chunk of armor away so fast. Early on, the lava armor was very useful alongside the cerberus boots, but against Barons they quickly go down to zero durability.
-The Inquisitor set is a near game breaker. Arch-Viles, Mancubi, Revenants... all three are weaker than former humans at a long range fight by the virtue of the set having a 100 percent resistance to fire.
-Of course, Barons still require caution. Nightmare Arachnotrons are by far the toughest enemy. The caves of them are pure hell.
-Using a scout, I thought of going melee with blademaster. With the butcher's cleaver, there's no need to get that skill, and the weapon serves as a fantastic melee weapon from start to end.
-The Nano Shrapnel mod is another game breaker, if you're patient. This is especially the case if you use a super shotgun for that mod. The reduced damage is fixed from the double hit nature of the shotgun, without the limited range of the double shotgun. You might as well shoot in the dark until you know the enemy in the distance is dead. No reloads, just an endless stream of shotgun blasts.
-Whether it's the shotgun or the cleaver, everything gets killed fairly quickly. From Cyberdemons to Agony Elementals.
-Of course, it was all made much easier with the berserker trait.
-Getting the items for the nano shrapnel, thanks to so many levels, is usually just a matter of when than if. Got very lucky that I got most of what I needed before level 200, though I did not realize the benefits of the Inquisitor set until much later.
-However, getting the Dragonslayer is still outside my reach. I got the berserker armor, and I figured that I need that for the sword, but finding the latter was impossible.
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