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Messages - Skynet 2.0

Pages: [1]
Berserk! / Re: Making missile damage constant
« on: February 03, 2009, 11:04 »
Maybe not entirely remove the randomness, just make it over a smaller range of damages. For example, change 2-9 damage to 5-6. That way the average damage would be about the same, and the individual missiles wouldn't have a large range of damages.

Discussion / Re: I want my wall!
« on: January 27, 2009, 00:44 »
Some special levels, such as The Wall and Hell's Armory, aren't always generated. The Wall, however, has a very good chance of appearing, and most of my characters have it generated. You probably just got unlucky four times in a row.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: January 25, 2009, 01:21 »
I like the idea of being able to gain a trait through some other way than a level up, and being able to graft on an arm cannon. The monster corpse thing wouldn't work out though, as then it would have to address if the abilities of the monsters came from their biology, or some hellish influence, which the games left open-ended.

Berserk! / Re: Highest Berserk Killcount
« on: January 23, 2009, 11:02 »
Code: [Select]
-- Berserk! (0.8.5 ) Post Mortem -------------------------------------

  Character name  : Skynet
  Game type       : Massacre
  Monsters killed : 291

  STR: 10  DEX: 17  END: 10  WIL: 10
  Speed: 112  HP: 0/115  EN: 100/100
  Base damage: 1d6+5  Weight: 10

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Crossbow (12/21)  Knives (10)  FairyDust (1)

-- Kills (291) -------------------------------------------------------

  2 demons
  21 bulldemons
  168 beasts
  8 mandagores
  32 imps
  5 phasehounds
  43 skeletons
  2 wraiths
  10 townspeople

-- Skills (3) --------------------------------------------------------

  Ironman (level 3)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 The beast dies!
 The beast misses you.
 You hit the beast!
 The beast dies!
 You evade.
 You hit the beast!
 The beast dies!
 The beast hits you!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 9
  Longest killing sequence : 10 kills in 2 turns.
  Survived for             : 985 turns
  Died on                  : Town
  Reason of death          : killed by a beast

I normally use balanced stats, but I decided to try just Dexterity this time, with all my skill points in Ironman. It made all those imps a lot easier to kill, and really helped out once when I had 5 firing at me from all different directions.

I think that specifying the weapon would be a bit too specific. but Rank 2 Whizkid giving you the "You sense something to tinker with" message sounds fine to me.

Bug Reports / Nuke issue
« on: January 19, 2009, 21:25 »
Not sure if this is meant to be possible or not, but if you activate a thermonuclear bomb, you can then use the Angel Arm special reload of the Trigun. Instead of the "Are you out of your mind???" message you get when trying to arm a second nuke, the Trigun nukes the level, destroying the already-armed nuke.

Requests For Features / Re: A tiny request
« on: January 19, 2009, 21:05 »
Considering its source, maybe you have to be berserk to pick it up? Or some combination of the two?

Discussion / Re: Doom maps in DoomRL
« on: January 19, 2009, 19:59 »
Doom E1M8: Phobos Anomaly

!    ######       #########...............................................#  !
!    #....#      ##..{|..##...............................................#  !
!    #.@..#      #c..||..c#.........c==============c......................#  !
!    #....#      #c......c#.......c==================c....................#  !
!    ##++##      ##......##......=============####=====...................#  !
!   ##....##      ##....###......=======......#..#=====...................#  !
!  ##..00..##      ##..## #.....=======.......+B.#======..................#  !
! ##.0c==c0.#########..################.......####======........#######...####
! #.0c====c0......+..^...+............+.......==========............**#...#*.#
! #.0c====c0......+...[..+............+.......==========............**#...#^>#
! ##.0c==c0.#########..################.......####======........#######...####
!  ##..00..##      ##..## #.....=======.......+B.#======..................#  !
!   ##....##      ##....###......=======......#..#=====...................#  !
!    #++.^#      ##......##......=============####=====...................#  !
!    ######      #c......c#.......c==================c....................#  !
!                #c..||..c#.........c==============c......................#  !
!                ##..{|..##...............................................#  !
!                 #########...............................................#  !

The teleporters all have the * as their destination, and all walls are indestructible. It would appear around level 7-8, so the two Barons of Hell would be challenging but not too difficult. On ITYTD and HNTR, the Barons of Hell would be replaced with Hell Knights, and the demons around the Hell Knights, as well as the ones near the weapons, would be replaced with Lost Souls. After all the enemies are dead, the reward would appear in the empty space surrounding the Barons of Hell. The liquid surrounding them would most likely be pools of blood.

Discussion / Re: Share your tales of RAGE
« on: January 19, 2009, 00:57 »
I was trying to clear a path between an Invulnerability Globe and the stairs, so that I would max out my invulnerable time. It was at about level 20, so it would have helped in case the game decided to spawn multiple Arch-Viles next to a group of Revenants. This very thing had happened twice to me already, one of those on my current level. I had very low health, below 15% I believe, and was planning to grab the Invulnerability Globe rather than waste one of my precious Large Med-Packs. I was moving some barrels next to walls to blow a path through, as I lacked a Rocket Launcher. I normally use either a pistol build, with Son of a Gun, Eagle Eye, and Dualgunner, or a chaingun build with Son of a Bitch, Eagle Eye, and Triggerhappy, so I don't normally keep the Rocket Launcher after I used it to blow my way through The Wall. I was not paying much attention at the moment, as I was thinking about how I was to reposition the next barrel I needed to use, and pushed my current one right into some lava. So because of my extreme stinginess with Invulnerability Globes (am I alone in this, or does anyone else treat them similarly?) I inadvertently caused the death of my character.

Requests For Features / Message when a unique is destroyed
« on: January 17, 2009, 00:57 »
I would like to see a message of some sort appear whenever a unique or artifact item is destroyed, something like "A sense of loss comes over you", or "You feel the presence fade away...". That way, when a unique is spawned, you wouldn't have to search through the entire level for the item once all the enemies are dead, before concluding that it was destroyed in a barrel explosion or some similar fate. The player's character can already sense when a unique is nearby ("You feel there is something really valuable here!"), so he would most likely be able to sense when that valuable item is no longer there. I don't know how hard this would be to code, but if it wouldn't be too much, this would be a nice feature to avoid spending time needlessly searching. It would be especially useful in the later levels when, unless you have an extra Envirosuit Pack, it can take several minutes to search through the level because of all the lava you have to tread carefully around.

Requests For Features / Re: AoB improvement discussion
« on: January 14, 2009, 11:08 »
Well....why not just add a bonus to-hit to the combat knife? it'd make getting to the chainsaw easier, and then not affect anything after that.

Smartest thing I've read today.

Maybe start out the player with a combat knife as well, since they don't get the starting pistol? Many of my early AoB characters have died trying to dash to a combat knife on level 2-3 while a Former Sergeant is firing at them.

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