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  • January 15, 2025, 22:47
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Topics - void*

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I tried running the game under windows 10 on a late 2015 iMac 4k that ran the game fine under mac os and i get the following error with the game crashing at startup:
Code: [Select]
00:00:00.01 [NOTICE  ] Jupiter Hell  0.9.0c (beta) Logging started
00:00:00.01 [NOTICE  ] Detected application pref dir: len: 0
00:00:00.01 [NOTICE  ] library "steam_api64.dll" : loading...
00:00:00.14 [INFO    ] nv-steam : SteamAPI initialized
00:00:00.19 [INFO    ] nv-steam : Hello, ido.yehieli!
00:00:00.19 [NOTICE  ] Configuring...
00:00:00.19 [TRACE   ] Lua state created
00:00:00.19 [NOTICE  ] Loading Lua buffer 'lua::configuration::scheme'
00:00:00.19 [TRACE   ] Lua state created
00:00:00.19 [NOTICE  ] Loading Lua buffer 'lua::configuration::scheme'
00:00:00.19 [INFO    ] Loading module "jh"...
00:00:00.19 [NOTICE  ] Creating World...
00:00:00.20 [TRACE   ] Lua state created
00:00:00.20 [NOTICE  ] Creating Interface...
00:00:00.20 [NOTICE  ] library "discord_game_sdk.dll" : loading...
00:00:00.31 [INFO    ] Cannot connect to discord!
00:00:00.31 [NOTICE  ] audio_interface : Creating FMOD audio engine...
00:00:00.31 [NOTICE  ] library "fmod64.dll" : loading...
00:00:00.42 [TRACE   ] Lua state created
00:00:00.42 [NOTICE  ] Loading Lua buffer 'style'
00:00:00.42 [NOTICE  ] library "SDL2_64.dll" : loading...
00:00:00.44 [NOTICE  ] Creating device...
00:00:00.44 [NOTICE  ] Creating window...
00:00:00.46 [INFO    ] sdl::window_manager - autodetected 4096x2304
00:00:00.46 [INFO    ] sdl::window_manager : platform - Windows
00:00:00.46 [INFO    ] sdl::window_manager : video driver - windows
00:00:00.46 [INFO    ] sdl::window_manager : display - Generic PnP Monitor
00:00:00.46 [INFO    ] sdl::window_manager : number of displays 2
00:00:00.46 [INFO    ] sdl::window_manager : number of drivers 2
00:00:00.57 [CRITICAL] Video mode set failed: Getting Vulkan extensions failed: vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties returned VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED(-3)
00:00:00.57 [DEBUG   ] 0: ???: 0000000000000000:0000000000000000[0000005A5254ED68,0000000000000000]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 1: ???: 0000000000000000:0000000000000000[0000005A5254ED68,0000005A5254ED60]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 2: jh: 00007FF7949C0000:00000000002B3F15[0000005A5254ED70,0000005A5254EDB0]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 3: jh: 00007FF7949C0000:00000000002B3FBD[0000005A5254EDC0,0000005A5254F010]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 4: jh: 00007FF7949C0000:000000000023A688[0000005A5254F020,0000005A5254F040]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 5: jh: 00007FF7949C0000:0000000000239024[0000005A5254F050,0000005A5254F070]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 6: jh: 00007FF7949C0000:0000000000238F71[0000005A5254F080,0000005A5254F0D0]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 7: jh: 00007FF7949C0000:00000000002388A2[0000005A5254F0E0,0000005A5254F1A0]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 8: jh: 00007FF7949C0000:0000000000096561[0000005A5254F1B0,0000005A5254F300]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 9: jh: 00007FF7949C0000:00000000000CB011[0000005A5254F310,0000005A5254FE30]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 10: jh: 00007FF7949C0000:000000000026BED6[0000005A5254FE40,0000005A5254FE70]
00:00:00.58 [DEBUG   ] 11: KERNEL32: 00007FFDC8440000:0000000000017BD4[0000005A5254FE80,0000005A5254FEA0]
00:00:00.58 [CRITICAL] Game has crashed! Please send this crash report to chaosforge team!

This is the computer model (I7-5775R, Iris Pro 6200, 16gb ram).

Discussion / My Roguelike Cardinal Quest is finally online!
« on: August 11, 2011, 03:43 »
My game Cardinal Quest is now finally available on for windows, mac & linux!

Cardinal Quest is an arcade-style dungeon-crawler inspired by 1980s classics such as Gauntlet, Red-Box D&D and Golden Axe: Choose your champion and begin your quest to slay the Evil Minotaur!

Three distinct characters await you, each providing their own unique experience:

The Fierce Fighter - who can stir himself into a berserk frenzy.
The Stealthy Thief - a mysterious assassin who dispatches his foes from the shadows.
The Mystical Wizard - able to bend the forces of the elements to his will.

Have fun,

Off Topic / 7DRL Challenge 2010: March 6th to March 14th
« on: January 27, 2010, 17:05 »
What is it: Seven Day Roguelike Challenge.

When is it: March 6th to March 14th 2010.

Official announcement:

Bug Reports / Linux version displays characters wrong
« on: December 19, 2006, 13:12 »
in the linux version, it seems the characters for some of the floor (not the red ones) are a '?' on the gnome console, and are simply not desplayed on konsole.

Also, some of the keyboard shortcuts don't work.

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