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Topics - Anticheese

Pages: [1] 2
AliensRL / Mortem - Arrgh!
« on: March 21, 2007, 00:03 »
-- AliensRL (DAY 7+) Post Mortem -------------------------------------

  Name     : Ryan
  Class    : Scout
  Rank     : Experienced
  Result   : Deceased
  Died on  : Civilian Tower, level 7

  Total Experience : 6720
  Experience left  : 180
  Game length      : 77675 truns

  Armor   : Flak armor [2]
  Sidearm : M4A3 pistol (8/12)
  Primary : M41-A pulse rifle (60/60)
  Medpacks: 0

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
  Sidearms      : expert
  Light weapons : basic
  Heavy weapons : untrained
  Technical     : untrained
  Medical       : basic
  Fitness       : basic
  Perception    : basic

-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------

  9mm ammo      : 187/400
  .44 ammo      : 84/150
  M309 ammo     : 60/500
  M250 ammo     : 150/500
  60mm gren.    : 20/40
  12g. shells   : 200/200
  frag grenade  : 0/5
  inc grenade   : 0/5
  krak grenade  : 1/5

-- Kills (285) -------------------------------------------------------

  137 juveniles
  17 workers
  54 warriors
  68 hunters
  9 elites

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 shreds you!
 You perfectly hit the hunter! The
 hunter dies.
 Suicide? Too easy...
 You reload your weapon.
 You hit the warrior! The warrior
 shreds you!
 You heavily hit the warrior! The
 warrior shreds you! You die. Press

Sometimes I think that hunters were put in this game to spawn excessively in corridors and eat players.


Requests For Features / On demons and weapons
« on: January 04, 2007, 15:38 »
Monsters at the moment have no sense of teamwork at the moment - You kick in the door, the monsters are in a straight line, the imp at the front fireballs you, the cacodemon at the back fireballs everything else.

Thats fine on the earlier levels and indeed the easier difficulty settings, but as you get deeper into hell, shouldn't hurt-me-plenty become more apparant?

I am talking about teamwork here. Is it possible to have the AI avoid shooting their team members unless they judge appropriate risk? (Hm..he's pinned against a wall. My fireball attack will fry the Former Captain..but it might just kill that damn marine...)

Then what about the deeper denizens moving intelligently to spread out instead of sticking in clumps? At the moment you see a group of enemies in a tightly packed space - Great shotgun/launcher fodder. But at later levels deeper to Hell, shouldn't they gain the powers of intelligence and spread out into say, a half circle that pins the marine against a wall so that they wont all be affected by blast/multishot weapons and can all fire on the marine as opposed to each other?

It would be GREAT for Nightmare mode too.


Minor suggestion: At the risk of adding a rock paper scissors attribute to the game, can it be made so that certain creatures have weaknesses to certain types of weapons?

Take Lost Souls for instance, they would make perfect shotgun fodder. So they take just one extra damage point of (guess what) damage and are easier to hit with them.

The idea is that its subtle and not major in any way. Just adds a subtle background element. 

Requests For Features / Gameplay Recorder
« on: January 04, 2007, 15:01 »
I believe that a gameplay recorder would be a good addition to DoomRL.

Every roguelike player - and indeed, gamer - has had times where (s)he has played the most unexpectedly good game of their life, but only has their word to back it up. With a recording feature in place we can add new life to the postmortem board by adding a video of the best moments of gameplay and the final demise.

"But videos take up a lot of space!" I hear you ask.

Not necessarily. I believe that it will be possible to create full gameplay videos in a tiny amount of space by rendering the videos in DoomRL.

How it can work is by instead of recording the positions of everything on the screen, either in a text file or by image, the recording function would rather record what happened inbetween turns.

Say you have a 10x10 room with a boarder around it, one marine in the center and 10 barrels scattered around the map. The marine moves one step.

That is all the recorder would need to record. Video recorders would take the time to note the positions of the barrels AND the marine, but by working off the difference of the first round and the second round it would be possible to post an entire game in a tiny amount of space.

I realize that I have been rambling on for a bit, I have just had difficulties clearly describing it.

Hi, I was just playing Doom I a few moments ago and got up to level 5 on nightmare (Oh the pain!) and descided to start another game on nightmare but on a different episode.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's not even remotly fair."

NERF - Not Even Remotly Fair

For those who don't know, the term Nerf is applied mostly in online gaming where an item, skill or similar is overpowered and needs to be balanced to provide an equal playing experience for everyone.

Could that term have originated from doom?


Requests For Features / Minor suggestion RE ranks [FIXED]
« on: October 17, 2006, 22:50 »
I've just finished my first game on a fresh installation of DRL 0.9.8B4 on the school network, and have advanced to corporal (the first skill rank)

I died at phobos hell level 2 (or otherwise level 16.)

What gets me is that the game does not count the fact that I got past level 15 (a requiremen for the next skill rank0.

So my suggestion is this: When it comes to "Reach X level on X challenge setting/difficulty" and "Beat the game on X" have it count levels and wins that happened BEFORE the new challenge difficulty.

Announcements / DoomRL Featured in TotalGamer magazine!
« on: October 14, 2006, 02:53 »
Today a friend of mine came over bearing DVD's, and a copy of TotalGamer (an australian gameing magazine (even though we live in New Zealand)), The important part is that there is a segment on DoomRL in it!

Quoting: TotalGamer Magazine
Ever played those old ASCII, text-character based RPGs like NetHack and Rogue? Ever played the classic shooter Doom? Well, this is Doom done the ASCII and unofficial way. Download and bask and in its old-school glory.

Okay so it was on the DVD that came with the magazine, but it looks like people are really looking at it! Plus I am told that it has been featured in other TG magazines before

Kornel - The site contains a link to - Better make the site look slightly more active ;)

Off Topic / Gearhead forum up!
« on: July 23, 2006, 05:03 »
Kornel has kindly provided the Gearhead (Roguelike) comminity with a forum hosted on - Check it out!

Discussion / Armour - How does it work?
« on: June 20, 2006, 11:40 »
Playing DRL today, And I got a suit of red armour.

Leveled up, Looked at "Tough as Nails" and thought "Now how does DRL handle armour?"

My current guess is straight damage reduction (damage = damage roll - (armourlevel + Tough as Nails) ), But can anyone else offer a bit more insight?

Requests For Features / Request for forum feature [DONE]
« on: May 04, 2006, 05:52 »
Hello, Recently we have had a minor deluge of spam, I would like to propose that moderators can I.P ban unregistered posters.

This means that the next time a bot posts a link to porn, The moderating team can block the bots I.P adress from posting unregistered.

Or, An alternative would be for unregistered posters to have to type in an authorisation code, Similar to what you have to do to register on most forums but on a post-by-post basis.

Lets face it, No one wants spam.

Let us do something about it.

Discussion / D&D, Doom and You
« on: April 12, 2006, 10:41 »
Hi, Last week when I was drafting a few new adventures to use in a few weeks time I thought "Hey, What would Doom be like if it were ported to the D&D system?"

I reckon it would be a really nifty idea to have a Doom based D&D game played on the forums, I've seen similar things done...

Does anyone support this idea?

Discussion / 75% Offtopic - Roguelike development and Vault
« on: March 28, 2006, 12:26 »
Hmm..Where to start?

Ok, I know I allready posted something like this but could people please post links and information to resources that will enable me to build a Roguelike (I.E Compilers, Example RL's, Etc)

And second of all, I would like to throw out the idea for a project out into the open, See what you guys think of it.

I would like to ressurect an old game I was creating (Admittedly it was in Megazeux, So sue me) called "Vault", The basic idea is that at the start of a game a random number (10 digits or so) is generated, The vault is spun and then a unique game is created.

How it works is the first number determines when the game is set, The second number the Genre, And so on and so forth.

So the end result is a possible outcome of roughly 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion) different roguelikes that can come out of the same generator.

Basically its a random roguelike adventure generator.

I cant think of much to say here now, But its something I've wanted to make properly for quite a while..



In summery, Please give me a hand with breaking into the RL development business.

Thank you for reading through my waffle.

Discussion / Roguelikes for the DoomRL Soul
« on: March 25, 2006, 07:35 »
Hi, This is a 50% off-topic post (The other 50% being that all the other Roguelikes have nothing to do with doom)

So here is the big question:

What Roguelikes would you reccomend to the DoomRL Community?

Entry's must include a working link and brief review.

So I will kick this thread off with Gearhead Arena

-- (Under Gearhead 1 - Get the Windows ASCII version.)

Gearhead Arena is a neat game by Joseph Hewitt (You may recognise that name from the DoomRL Credits) that is set in the far future, It is post-apocalypse in the sense that the Earth got nearly blasted to pieces a few thousand years before the story starts, But what matters is that the earth is now a happy place, Full of trees, Flowers, Lovely oceans and of course: Giant robots.

Thats right, You get to own and operate your very own Mecha.

I'll let you guys see for yourself.

Dont give up on your first game, It has a steep leaning curve but an even greater platau of fun!


Now, Share your reccomendations!*

*DoomRL does not count.

Discussion / Getting into Roguelike Development
« on: March 07, 2006, 19:39 »
Hi, I would like to get into Roguelike Development...

Could people here please post helpful compilers, tutorials and similar?


Requests For Features / Composite Look
« on: March 03, 2006, 09:25 »
Hi, I was thinking, And I think that I have a nifty feature that could be really..nifty.

Ok, Piciture this: You are playing DoomRL, And you are walking down a narrow corridor, You switch to Composite View mode and you are given an 3D ASCII rendition on what you see in a 180 degree arc based off your last facing direction.

How it will work is off tilesets.

The game detects what is there, And adds in the elements as it sees fit.

So say you are traveling down a corridor, It will render close in walls, Ranging from greyish with the odd high-tech spec for early levels to a more hellish setting for the later levels.

Say there is a bloodstain, No problem! It just adds over a bloodstain. Composite view.

In summary, It takes all of the information in a 180 degree arc from a FPS point of view, Where the 180 degree arc is facing the direction you last moved to. From then on it has a checklist if you will that will overlay, add and subtract elements as the viewpoint changes.


Now I know this is a bit of an ask, But really..Its Doomish and its ASCII...What more could you ask for? :D

Discussion / Which is the greatest Doom level?
« on: February 27, 2006, 08:22 »
Hi, I saw the oppertunity for an offtopic, But DOOM related post, So here it is:

Which DOOM level (Be it Ultimate Doom, Doom II or Final Doom) do you feel is the best, Feel free to put in multiple choices!

To start it off I would like to say that I find levels 7 and 9 of DOOM 2 my pick of choice (The levels are named: "Dead simple" and "The Pit")

Now, Post yours and try not to make this post seem stupid! :-D

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