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Messages - fyonn

Pages: [1]
Requests For Features / Re: font and borders
« on: August 20, 2019, 14:33 »
Feedback is definitely wanted, but between the Steam pages, GoG comments, Discord, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch and the like, the effort becomes much diffused.

that's a good point and I first made my comment on twitter and then getting no response I came here thinking that this would be *the* place for discussion... as you say, it would be good if there was one spot for primary discussion, would make things easier anyway.

We're currently at Gamescom, so the only thing I can do is check the phone from time to time - both borderless and a black outline for UI text is planned!

ahh, okay, thanks for responding. I'll look forward to seeing both :) good luck.

Requests For Features / Re: font and borders
« on: August 18, 2019, 11:19 »
I'll be honest, I was hoping that my feedback might result in some other people saying "yeah, the text is a bit hard to read" and "actually, borderless mode would make life easier" and then the developer would pitch in and tell me that he's going to make the changes I've suggested in the next release. I mean that's what I'd *like*.

people might even want to disagree with me and say that they love the text and that being half-unreadable (IMHO) adds the to atmosphere of the game. discussion is good.

of course no-one is obligated to respond but this is a game in early access, isn't feedback wanted at this stage? views of users that might improve the game? I thought that was the point of the forum?

Requests For Features / Re: font and borders
« on: August 16, 2019, 10:07 »
so.. err.. anyone reading these? anyone think I'm right or wrong?

Requests For Features / font and borders
« on: August 03, 2019, 18:46 »

I'm a kickstarter and got the early code to this game the other day. I've given it a quick play and it looks very promising. not had that much time to get into it but two immediate things came to mind as requests.

1) Can you support borderless windowed mode. I've got 2 screens running here and it's ncie to be able to swipe my mouse to the other screen for a browser window, IM client, music app etc. right now I'm running it windowed and using borderless gaming and it does work, but it would be better if it didn't need that.

2) can we make the text a bit easier to read? I know it's kinda in theme but on my 34" UW screen, it's a bit big and hard on the eyes... maybe an option for something a bit smaller and easier?

otherwise, it's looking pretty good. I'll give it some time a bit over the next week I think. I'll also spin it up on my macbook at some point in front of the telly. I've played angband like that for many years...

PS. all these verification steps are a bit much aren't they? I'm struggling to read these letter and I'm logged in already, I did this to register an account...

Pages: [1]