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Discussion / Re: Scavenger Topic
« on: April 05, 2012, 14:29 »...but you get the ability so late in the game...
You do? I can't say for sure at which point in the game you'll reach level 6, depends on the difficulty of course, just make sure you kill as much as you can. And up until Hell, the shotgun - which requires no skills whatsoever to use effectively - gets most of the job done properly. Save up a couple of uniques for when you get there, and start stripping and rebuilding right away.
Discussion / Re: Scavenger Topic
« on: April 05, 2012, 13:36 »
Tried it once and wasn't really too displeased - although it didn't get me anywhere near a win. Don't see the problem with WK 2 - if you're getting mods, you're going to want to be using them to the full extent of their powers anyway - and it's not too hard to get since you don't need to build up Fin first. Add to that the fact that it requires Int (my current precious), it's not too bad a build. You lose DG and Ber, which is no big deal; TH would be nice but you have plenty of other options, not to mention that you can build stuff to compensate for your shortcomings al lot more easily.
I was indeed thinking of saving it for an A100 run, but I'm actually tempted to give it a try now...
I was indeed thinking of saving it for an A100 run, but I'm actually tempted to give it a try now...
Requests For Features / Re: Animation
« on: April 05, 2012, 04:13 »
Let me be the voice of the opposition then: I think the graphics version is excellent just because it's not animated but still resembles the original game. I don't think animations would do the different spirit of the RL justice.
1804 / Re: [M|AoOC|100%|YAFW] Well, it's hard to resist the UC..
« on: April 04, 2012, 13:24 »
A general question: maybe it's because I never played the console version, but how do I read the graveyard in the mortems? In know the meaning of a lot of the symbols, and can detect the general layout, but are clueless as to how this relates to the game you just played...
Oh and what does the "He saved himself N times." stem from?
Oh and what does the "He saved himself N times." stem from?
Bug Reports / Re: DoomRL typos
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:01 »
A lot of them do yeah, but most explicitely state so (Win This And That Game, Complete Angel Of Whatsit), or the implication is too obvious (Obtain All Medals, Defeat Mastermind w/o Damage). In the Medal of Prejudice, both the explicit and implicit requirement for a win is absent (since you can actually achieve a 100% kill-rate without winning, QED).
Requests For Features / Re: Damage report
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:49 »
Exactum. As I said, having the char info keep track of the damage you took isn't even the real feature I'd like to see; just a total damage suffered (or come to think of it, both total damages suffered and dealt) in each mortem would be grand in my book.
Requests For Features / Re: Damage report
« on: April 03, 2012, 08:05 »
Yeah, you can, by pressing '@'. Don't know if it keeps track of time as well.
As I said, to be able to see it here would be an added bonus, I'd mostly like to see it in the mortems.
As I said, to be able to see it here would be an added bonus, I'd mostly like to see it in the mortems.
Requests For Features / Re: Damage report
« on: April 03, 2012, 07:06 »
Yeah well as Klear pointed out, some achievements are easier to keep track of than others. I thought the damages related ones in particular could use a little help. Don't have the time to look into the rest at this point, but I don't believe there are any ones of the same caliber.
Requests For Features / Re: Damage report
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:37 »
....no sorry, you lost me there. What exactly do you mean? Gatekeeper for example is very straightforward; you've either completed the Anomaly, or you haven't. Please elaborate, thanks.
Forum / Filtering Recent Posts
« on: April 02, 2012, 23:26 »
Is there anyway to control from which boards the Recent Posts list on the Info Center pane gets updated? I think it's really useful, but feel I get spammed from the Play-By-Forum board (no offense, I play Vampire with a couple of friends most Saturdays so I get my RPG-fix somewhere else). I've gone through my user settings but couldn't find anything...
Requests For Features / Re: Damage report
« on: April 02, 2012, 23:19 »
Iron Skull is what I meant yeah. I'd just like to get a feel for how much (or little) damage I'm taking with each run before trying to attempt either the Untouchable or Iron Skull.
Bug Reports / Re: DoomRL typos
« on: April 02, 2012, 23:16 »
See the kill-rate bug report for further details. According to the Player Info/Wiki, the Medal of Prejudice requires you to get 'a perfect kill-rate', but only getting 100% kills isn't enough - maybe a win is required as well? If the settings for this achievement are correct, please adjust the description.
Bug Reports / Re: [ Win] Visual failure INT2
« on: April 02, 2012, 23:10 »
Thanks for the pointer. Back to the main bit, however: what about the camouflaged crosses?
Bug Reports / [ Win] Visual failure INT2
« on: April 02, 2012, 11:13 »
See http://forum.chaosforge.org/index.php/topic,5504.0.html for further details (and on a sidenote, please inform me how I disguise the link within another word, thanks). The purple crosses that INT2 displays for enemies out of LOS turn black in berserk mode (and possibly when envirosuited as well). This makes them really hard or impossible to spot in unseen and unexplored terrain respectively. Localization on the mini-map still works. I've been informed that the console version doesn't suffer from this problem.
As indicated in the discussion thread, I don't think this should be changed (for berserk at least) per se, but I do think both G and C versions should operate in the same way.
As indicated in the discussion thread, I don't think this should be changed (for berserk at least) per se, but I do think both G and C versions should operate in the same way.
Bug Reports / Re: [|Win|C] Killed all enemies. Said I did not kill all enemies.
« on: April 02, 2012, 11:03 »
True. So there are differences - albeit rather small ones imo - but then maybe the description should be revised? Klearly Clearly, a 100% killrate isn't enough.