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Post Mortem / [0.9.10c|H|AoV|Ma|YAAM] Blood Gold
« on: July 05, 2021, 06:57 »
Got the last of the steam achievements with Blood Gold. Survivalist seemed an obvious choice, and its 'prevent death' ability saved me once when hit by medusas.
YAAM, but not conquerer, was feeling a bit low on health to run across the entire map to the limbo entrance (I was right next to the exit when I cleared the level)
Found a few relics (all of which had downsides I thought would hurt my chances for this challenge, so were dropped), and my two favourite weapons so far (both new):
Would be overjoyed to find either of these in any run, they are just so much fun. Looking forward to finding more!
Mortem inside spoiler as it contains two new item names!
YAAM, but not conquerer, was feeling a bit low on health to run across the entire map to the limbo entrance (I was right next to the exit when I cleared the level)
Found a few relics (all of which had downsides I thought would hurt my chances for this challenge, so were dropped), and my two favourite weapons so far (both new):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Would be overjoyed to find either of these in any run, they are just so much fun. Looking forward to finding more!
Mortem inside spoiler as it contains two new item names!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Post Mortem / [0.9.9|U|AoLT|Te|YAAM] Hacker/Sniper/Blademaster
« on: May 23, 2021, 16:53 »
My first Platinum, and achieved Major rank.
Only having 4 inventory slots made heading towards Blademaster seem like a good idea. Since Blademaster doesnt kick in until level 8, I went for Hacker L2 and Remote Hack for the first upgrades. Many tough fights were won with the help of friendly turrets and short lived friendly bots (this was useful for a LOT of the game).
While heading towards blademaster, I avoided melee, and played as a sniper while searching for Katanas. A .44 rifle was my weapon of choice for most of the early game, eventually upgrading to a very nice cold modded AV3 .44 hunter rifle. If I got an enemy at a good range, the Freeze meant they could usually not close the distance before dying. I played sniper style until I had Blademaster and two AV2 katanas, then switched to combo sniper/melee. Once the melee traits were all maxed, I switched to full melee all the way to the end. Blademaster is amazing fun when it gets going!
I almost got Conqueror, but chickened out of Limbo, since it was not needed for the Platinum, and I was so close to the end after so many previous failed attempts.
Only having 4 inventory slots made heading towards Blademaster seem like a good idea. Since Blademaster doesnt kick in until level 8, I went for Hacker L2 and Remote Hack for the first upgrades. Many tough fights were won with the help of friendly turrets and short lived friendly bots (this was useful for a LOT of the game).
While heading towards blademaster, I avoided melee, and played as a sniper while searching for Katanas. A .44 rifle was my weapon of choice for most of the early game, eventually upgrading to a very nice cold modded AV3 .44 hunter rifle. If I got an enemy at a good range, the Freeze meant they could usually not close the distance before dying. I played sniper style until I had Blademaster and two AV2 katanas, then switched to combo sniper/melee. Once the melee traits were all maxed, I switched to full melee all the way to the end. Blademaster is amazing fun when it gets going!
I almost got Conqueror, but chickened out of Limbo, since it was not needed for the Platinum, and I was so close to the end after so many previous failed attempts.
Mark Taggart, level 17 Technician, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 20485 turns.
The run time was 4h 22m 39s.
He scored 6760 points.
He was an Angel of Light Travel!
CALLISTO L2 -> Mimir Habitat L1
Mimir Habitat L2 - Low Power
Mimir Habitat L3 -> CalSec Central
CalSec Central - cleared
CALLISTO L6 - Secure Vault
EUROPA L2 - Lockdown
EUROPA L2 -> Europa Ruins L1
Europa Ruins L1 - The Hunt
Europa Ruins L3 -> Frozen Temple
Frozen Temple - cleared
Io Nexus -> Shadow Halls L1
Shadow Halls L1 - Exalted Curse
Shadow Halls L2 -> Dark Cathedral
Dark Cathedral - cleared
BEYOND L2 - Exalted Summons
Medal of Prejudice (+200)
* Won with 100% kills
Lightfoot Platinum Badge
* Complete AoLT on UV with 100% kills
He killed 607 out of 597 enemies.
43 archreavers
21 plasma ravagers
24 exalted ravagers
14 fiends
21 exalted fiends
5 turrets
11 rocket turrets
2 military sentrys
1 former CRI grunt
8 security sentrys
12 exalted reavers
11 CalSec bots
1 former CRI soldier
2 corrupted guards
1 Summoner
2 corrupted sergeants
6 exalted kerbeross
14 ravagers
1 hellish sergeant
11 former soldiers
2 combat drones
22 former guards
10 siege ravagers
7 fire fiends
24 exalted soldiers
9 former sergeants
13 CRI marines
5 corrupted heavys
13 cryobeross
12 hellish soldiers
4 former CRI commandos
4 hellish heavys
24 corrupted soldiers
25 ice fiends
28 toxic reavers
46 former grunts
2 former CRI heavys
12 hellish commandos
22 armored ravagers
4 former CRI sergeants
5 CRI bots
13 reavers
11 toxic fiends
10 corrupted commandos
4 security drones
11 cybeross
46 cryoreavers
6 kerbeross
10 CalSec sentrys
4 former commandos
11 security bots
10 toxibeross
Skilled L2
Powerjack L1
Hacker L2
Juggernaut L3
Toxicologist L1
Remote Hack L1
Bladedancer L3
Trait order
Slot #1 : AV2 chaingun AE
* Calibrated 1
* Disruptive 3
* Ripper 4
* Molten 3
* Spin-up
Slot #2 : AV3 .44 hunter rifle PC
* Freezing 2
* Hunter 4
* Longshot 6
* Sustain
Slot #3 : AV2 katana PB
* Ripper 5
* Guarded 10
* Barbed 10
* Resilient
Slot #4 : AV2 katana PA
* Resilient
* Hunter 5
* Frenzy 10
* Ripper 30
Body : meditech armor A
* Swift
* MediTech
* Heated
Head : battle helmet
* Battle hardened
* Plated
Utility : AV2 utility AMP
* Carrier
* Powerful
smoke grenade (x1)
CRI phase kit (x2)
military stimpack
large medkit
Post Mortem / [0.9.6|UV|Ma|YAAM] CRI Gold
« on: January 24, 2021, 16:25 »
My first UV win in JH! Took 175 tries, since all of them were attempting to get 100% kills for the badge. Had severe ammo shortage part way though. I picked up Army Surplus in desperation, and shortly after found an Ammo terminal which set me up for the rest of the game.
The cold mod on the Chaingun was amazing, saved me many times.
Arrived in Precipice with no armour, 30% health, and no healing items. Was down to my last sliver of health, dodging and trying to get the last few hits in on the summoner before being worn down. Onslaught allowing me to move and fire saved the day, and the summoner died moments before I would have (I dont think I would have survived even one more action!).
Really enjoying Jupiter Hell!
The cold mod on the Chaingun was amazing, saved me many times.
Arrived in Precipice with no armour, 30% health, and no healing items. Was down to my last sliver of health, dodging and trying to get the last few hits in on the summoner before being worn down. Onslaught allowing me to move and fire saved the day, and the summoner died moments before I would have (I dont think I would have survived even one more action!).
Really enjoying Jupiter Hell!
Flynn Taggart, level 13 Marine, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 18180 turns.
The run time was 3h 37m 54s.
He scored 5967 points.
CALLISTO L2 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L2 - Low Power
Valhalla Terminal L3 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1 - Volatile Storage
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
IO L2 - Volatile Storage
BEYOND L3 - Exalted Summons
Medal of Prejudice (+200)
* Won with 100% kills
CRI Gold Badge
* Win a UV or higher game with 100% kills
He killed 478 out of 478 enemies.
21 archreavers
34 fiends
1 exalted ravager
10 plasma ravagers
31 exalted fiends
14 rocket turrets
28 turrets
2 security sentrys
4 former CRI grunts
19 CalSec bots
2 CRI guards
7 former CRI soldiers
1 Summoner
6 exalted kerbeross
4 corrupted sergeants
42 ravagers
2 combat drones
18 former soldiers
20 former guards
4 former heavys
18 fire fiends
15 siege ravagers
3 former sergeants
4 exalted soldiers
10 cryobeross
1 corrupted heavy
17 CRI marines
3 guardian bots
2 hellish soldiers
1 hellish heavy
6 corrupted soldiers
2 hellish commandos
4 former grunts
8 toxic reavers
14 ice fiends
1 former CRI sergeant
20 armored ravagers
17 CRI bots
33 reavers
6 corrupted commandos
2 cybeross
6 security drones
20 cryoreavers
2 kerbeross
8 former commandos
14 CalSec sentrys
2 toxibeross
2 security bots
Furious L1
Hellrunner L2
Tough as Nails L1
Reloader L2
Army Surplus L1
Reload Dance
Trait order
Slot #1 : chaingun PBC
* Freezing 2
* Swap Harness
* Hunter 1
* Spin-up
Slot #2 : JS .44 revolver P
* Fresh Mag 3
* Point Blank 5
* Finisher 5
Slot #3 : rocket launcher PB
* Longshot 8
* Swap Harness
Body : combat armor
Head : - NONE -
Utility : AV3 utility AMP
* Improved adrenaline
* Auto-med 10
* Carrier
energy cell (x22)
rocket (x10)
12ga shell (x50)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x48)
.44 ammo (x50)
.44 ammo (x23)
9mm ammo (x16)
smoke grenade (x1)
Post Mortem / [0.8.11|H|AoSh|Te|YAVP] Shottyman Gold - Made Captain!
« on: April 11, 2020, 15:44 »
I'm very pleased to have made Captain Rank!
I gave up on YAAM for this run since I was worried about being very low on ammo, so just pushed on to the end instead of clearing Beyond. Jackhammer is very ammo hungry! Summoner went down very quickly to the jackhammer, easiest summoner fight so far.
Remote hacking bots is great fun, bots have been the downfall of all my previous AoSh attempts, so was nice to be able to get them on my side instead.
I gave up on YAAM for this run since I was worried about being very low on ammo, so just pushed on to the end instead of clearing Beyond. Jackhammer is very ammo hungry! Summoner went down very quickly to the jackhammer, easiest summoner fight so far.
Remote hacking bots is great fun, bots have been the downfall of all my previous AoSh attempts, so was nice to be able to get them on my side instead.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Bug Reports / Callisto Crash
« on: October 19, 2019, 16:45 »
Entering elevator to go to Calisto Anomaly:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Nightmare! / [N!|AoOC+AoMC|93%|YAVP] Daredevil Diamond
« on: June 14, 2017, 15:37 »
Took about 20 tries until I didnt die on lvl 1, and had some pretty close shaves in the first half, but overall fairly straightforward. Now I need 1 more platinum to gain a rank!
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Igor Savin, level 10 Arch-Vile General Scout,
defeated the Mastermind at the City of Dis.
He survived 189620 turns and scored 287560 points.
He played for 1 hour, 36 minutes and 28 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 370 out of 394 hellspawn. (93%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He was an Angel of Max Carnage!
He was also an Angel of Overconfidence!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 4
Levels visited : 0
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Mastermind's Brain
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Daredevil Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 75/50 Experience 47536/10
ToHit Ranged +12 ToHit Melee +12 ToDmg Ranged +2 ToDmg Melee +2
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Finesse (Level 1)
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Son of a bitch (Level 2)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Triggerhappy (Level 1)
Cateye (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
[b] [ Weapon ] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [19/40] (T1)
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] assault shotgun (7d3) [3/6] (T1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1]
[b] minigun (1d6)x8 [191/200]
[c] nuclear BFG 9000 (8d6) [40/40]
[d] green armor [1/1] (24%)
[e] red armor [4/4] (100%) (T)
[f] 10mm ammo (x91)
[g] 10mm ammo (x100)
[h] 10mm ammo (x100)
[i] shotgun shell (x50)
[j] shotgun shell (x50)
[k] shotgun shell (x50)
[l] rocket (x2)
[m] power cell (x50)
[n] power cell (x4)
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] large med-pack
[r] large med-pack
[s] large med-pack
[t] phase device
[u] shell box (x100)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Plasma - internal 0% torso 20% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
57 former sergeants
21 former captains
70 imps
18 demons
21 lost souls
23 cacodemons
2 hell knights
35 barons of hell
58 arachnotrons
14 former commandos
2 pain elementals
8 revenants
16 mancubi
14 arch-viles
10 nightmare imps
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
On level 2 he ran for his life from lava!
On level 7 he assembled a tactical boots!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 8 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
flinched! The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
flinched! The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
flinched! The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
You reload the plasma rifle.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
You hear the scream of a freed soul! Congratulations! You defeated the Spider
Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
2052 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1890 of those were killed.
13 of those were killed by something unknown.
17 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 70 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
62 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
47 killed the bitch and survived.
11 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Nightmare! / [N!|Ao100|99%|45|YASD] Killed by run/wait
« on: June 13, 2017, 15:04 »
Well, I feel pretty stupid now. No close shaves since lvl20 - I seemed to have everything set for going the distance. Encountered an armed nuke on lvl 45. Cleared the level except 1 enemy (really fast, I went in invulnerable in a huge bunch of enemies). Knocked him out of vision range (from a nice corner-shooting position), and on automatic pilot I hit run/wait (which I have set to a very high number - I like camping).
Instant death.
Instant death.
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Rahul Chandra,
level 20 Arch-Vile General Marine,
nuked himself on level 45 of Hell.
He survived 5669843 turns and scored 1602046 points.
He played for 3 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes and 55 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 2536 out of 2537 hellspawn. (99%)
A natural born killer!
He was an Angel of 100!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 0
Levels visited : 0
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (gold cluster)
Experience Medal
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/60 Experience 362370/20
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +3 ToDmg Melee +3
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Finesse (Level 3)
Hellrunner (Level 3)
Son of a bitch (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Juggler (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Whizkid (Level 2)
Badass (Level 2)
Triggerhappy (Level 2)
Ammochain (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] phaseshift armor [4/4] (182%) (ABP)
[b] [ Weapon ] laser rifle (1d9)x5 [40/40] (P2T2)
[c] [ Boots ] phaseshift boots [4/4] (100%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] tactical shotgun (9d3) [5/5] (P1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1] (A1B1T1)
[b] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [88/88] (B3T1)
[c] super shotgun (9d4)x2 [2/2] (P1)
[d] fireproof red armor [6/6] (100%) (P)
[e] Malek's Armor [3/3] (100%)
[f] shotgun shell (x46)
[g] rocket
[h] power cell (x2)
[i] power cell (x50)
[j] power cell (x50)
[k] power cell (x50)
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] large med-pack
[r] homing phase device
[s] homing phase device
[t] envirosuit pack
[u] shell box (x87)
[v] rocket box (x20)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Melee - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
243 former humans
366 former sergeants
282 former captains
365 imps
83 demons
178 lost souls
49 cacodemons
74 hell knights
229 barons of hell
133 arachnotrons
40 former commandos
19 pain elementals
124 revenants
145 mancubi
137 arch-viles
28 nightmare imps
32 nightmare demons
2 nightmare arachnotrons
1 elite former human
6 bruiser brothers
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
On level 12 he found the Acid Spitter!
He sounded the alarm on level 19!
Level 20 was a hard nut to crack!
On level 22 he found the Necroarmor!
On level 24 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 26 he assembled a fireproof armor!
Level 28 was a hard nut to crack!
On level 33 he found the Malek's Armor!
On level 35, hell froze over!
On level 36 he found the Trigun!
On level 37 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
On level 40 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
On level 45 he encountered an armed nuke!
On level 45 he finally nuked himself.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Warning! Explosion in 60 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 50 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 40 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 30 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 20 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 10 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 9 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 8 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 7 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 6 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 5 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 4 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 3 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 2 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 1 seconds!
You die!... Press <Enter>...
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
2023 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1864 of those were killed.
13 of those were killed by something unknown.
16 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 69 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
61 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
46 killed the bitch and survived.
11 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Nightmare! / [N!|YAVP|92%] Demonic Platinum Badge
« on: May 18, 2017, 15:31 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Rahul Chandra,
level 17 Arch-Vile General Scout,
defeated the Mastermind at the City of Dis.
He survived 3044557 turns and scored 834690 points.
He played for 4 days, 8 hours, 8 minutes and 19 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 1946 out of 2100 hellspawn. (92%)
He held his right to remain violent.
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 11
Levels completed : 5
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (gold cluster)
Explorer Badge
Hell Champion Medal
Demonic Platinum Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 53/70 Experience 144442/17
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Ironman (Level 2)
Finesse (Level 3)
Hellrunner (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 3)
Juggler (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Shottyman (Level 1)
Gunrunner (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] phaseshift armor [1/2] (40%) (T)
[b] [ Weapon ] laser rifle (1d8)x5 [25/40] (P1)
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] missile launcher (6d6) [3/4] (T1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] double shotgun (9d3)x2 [2/2] (T1)
[b] tactical shotgun (8d3) [5/5]
[c] assault shotgun (8d3) [6/6] (P1)
[d] Anti-Freak Jackal (5d3) [6/6]
[e] red armor [4/4] (200%) (B)
[f] energy-shielded vest [3/3] (100%) (P)
[g] 10mm ammo (x90)
[h] shotgun shell (x50)
[i] shotgun shell (x50)
[j] shotgun shell (x27)
[k] rocket (x9)
[l] power cell (x5)
[m] power cell (x50)
[n] power cell (x50)
[o] small med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] shockwave pack
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 15% feet 0%
Melee - internal 0% torso 15% feet 0%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 15% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
187 former humans
316 former sergeants
85 former captains
309 imps
119 demons
427 lost souls
64 cacodemons
69 hell knights
56 barons of hell
30 arachnotrons
19 former commandos
41 pain elementals
46 revenants
32 mancubi
35 arch-viles
19 nightmare imps
15 nightmare cacodemons
63 nightmare demons
9 nightmare arachnotrons
2 bruiser brothers
1 agony elemental
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 7 he sneaked into the Phobos Lab.
On level 7 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
He broke through the lab.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 9 he entered Deimos Lab.
On level 9 he assembled a tactical boots!
He fought hard, but decided the reward was not worth it.
On level 10 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 11 he arrived at the Containment Area.
Not knowing what to do, he left.
On level 12 he romped upon the Abyssal Plains.
He slaughtered the beasts living there.
On level 14 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 17 he assembled a tactical armor!
On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
On level 19 he entered the Vaults.
On level 19 he found the Anti-Freak Jackal!
He managed to scavenge a part of the Vaults treasures.
On level 20 he was foolish enough to enter Limbo!
He managed to escape from Limbo!
On level 22 he arrived at Mt. Erebus.
He decided it was too dangerous.
On level 23 he ran for his life from lava!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the
Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the
Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider
Mastermind flinched!
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind dies. Congratulations! You defeated the
Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1903 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1750 of those were killed.
13 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 64 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
61 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
46 killed the bitch and survived.
11 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Pushing my comfort zone with this one - a lot of special levels visited that I normally skip. Many not as bad as I feared! Would have finished Limbo, but ran out of ammo - there are a LOT of enemies there! First real go with Gunner Master trait too - its much better than it looks on paper, pulled off some awesome start of level runs with it.
Messed up YAAM in chained court when phase device took me to the exit room - blocked off from all enemies - was NOT expecting that. The speed of the lava in Halls of Carnage was a nasty surprise too, I would have been in big trouble if I didnt have an envirosuit.
Nightmare! / [N!|AoSh|98%|YAVP] - Hell Arena Pwnage + Shottyman Diamond
« on: May 11, 2017, 13:33 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Igor Savin, level 16 Arch-Vile General Scout,
defeated the Mastermind at the City of Dis.
He survived 2740089 turns and scored 786768 points.
He played for 2 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes and 46 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 1849 out of 1880 hellspawn. (98%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 5
Levels completed : 3
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Cyberdemon's Head
UAC Star (gold cluster)
Hell Arena Pwnage Medal
Shottyman Gold Badge
Shottyman Platinum Badge
Shottyman Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 56/60 Experience 134766/16
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Ironman (Level 1)
Finesse (Level 2)
Hellrunner (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Juggler (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Whizkid (Level 2)
Shottyman (Level 1)
Shottyhead (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] fireproof phaseshift armor [2/2] (65%) (A)
[b] [ Weapon ] tactical shotgun (8d3) [0/5]
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] focused double shotgun (9d4)x2 [0/2] (P1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] fireproof red armor [6/6] (98%) (P)
[b] red armor [6/6] (200%) (ABP)
[c] shotgun shell (x35)
[d] shotgun shell (x50)
[e] small med-pack
[f] large med-pack
[g] large med-pack
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] phase device
[n] phase device
[o] blood skull
[p] Arena Master's Staff
[q] shell box (x100)
[r] shell box (x100)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Fire - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
254 former humans
418 former sergeants
141 former captains
263 imps
66 demons
289 lost souls
58 cacodemons
50 hell knights
81 barons of hell
32 arachnotrons
24 former commandos
37 pain elementals
35 revenants
18 mancubi
29 arch-viles
15 nightmare imps
4 nightmare cacodemons
10 nightmare demons
7 elite former humans
5 elite former sergeants
7 elite former commandos
2 bruiser brothers
1 agony elemental
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 5 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
On level 7 he marched into the Military Base.
On level 7 he assembled a tactical boots!
He purified his fellow comrades.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 9 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 9 he entered Hell's Armory.
He left the Armory without drawing too much attention.
On level 11 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
On level 12 he romped upon the Abyssal Plains.
He barely escaped the trap set for him.
On level 15 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 15 he assembled a focused double shotgun!
On level 15 he found the Medical Powerarmor!
On level 15 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
He sounded the alarm on level 22!
On level 22 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 23 he ran for his life from lava!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Boom! You are hit! You are hit! Boom!
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
You swap your weapons instantly!
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : out of vision
You hear the scream of a freed soul! Congratulations! You defeated the Spider
Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1825 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1674 of those were killed.
13 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 63 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
60 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
45 killed the bitch and survived.
11 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
This run started well, when I got Hells Arena Pwnage medal :-)
Gave up on YAAM when level 2 had a large area blocked off with a big pool of acid - no rockets (AoSh) and no handy barrels to make alternate routes. And not enough healing to just wade through. For the rest of the run, I tried to kill everything for the XP, but stopped trying to destroy every corpse, so probably left a few alive on each level.
Did my first ever CC+ on nightmare, went smoothly enough (probably a lot of luck here - hard to tell after the first try at it!)
Had a near YASD in the Military Base caused by an Elite Commando with a nalpalm launcher (used my only phase device when I was stuck in a pool of lava at 10% health).
Anomaly was terrifying - no rocket launcher jumping (AoSh), no berserk, no invuln, no phase devices. Ran back to the start room naked with a double shotty, really appreciating the move/reload from ShottyMan and the reduced fire time from ShottyHead. Mostly managed to move so that Imps shots hit friendlies (HR helped), and the double shotty knockback was great at keeping the demons from getting too close.
Hells Armory went badly wrong - I was flanked by a Revenant and a Baron simultaneously, and ended up knocked back into lava. Lost my fireproof red armor, my only enviro suit, and all my med packs (one small, one large) AND had to take the supercharge to get out of that mess. Think I need to find a better camping spot in future. Finished the level, but ended up too weak to try killing the shambler, so no nice mods for me.
First P mod on level 11 - built a Tac Shotty for a big spike in DPS.
Abyssal Plains was *fun* with this build - the 'trap' was a pure slaughter with the double shotty and all the AoSh traits - nothing got anywhere near me. Left in good shape with a large medpack and some skulls.
Skipped the rest of the special levels, as I just wanted to get the win!
Post Mortem / [M|YAFW|YAAM] Gargulec Medal -> Heroic Platinum
« on: May 05, 2017, 16:51 »
Made it to 32 different medals, by getting AoB 100% kills. General Rank at last! Had a nuke and lava element so made it a Full Win, because why not. Found Maleks armour again, very happy about that. The Revenant Complex was a bit of a surprise, dont remember getting one of those before. Suddenly Marshal rank doesnt look too far away :-)
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Moog, level 11 Arch-Vile Lt. General Marine,
nuked the Mastermind at the Hell Fortress.
He survived 569568 turns and scored 113379 points.
He played for 4 hours, 38 minutes and 38 seconds.
He didn't like it too rough.
He killed 456 out of 456 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He was an Angel of Berserk!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 3
Levels completed : 3
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
Gargulec Medal
Heroic Platinum Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 116/60 Experience 50396/11
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +9
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Finesse (Level 2)
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Brute (Level 3)
Berserker (Level 1)
Badass (Level 2)
Vampyre (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Malek's Armor [3/3] (97%)
[b] [ Weapon ] Longinus Spear (8d8)
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] combat knife (2d5)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] nanofiber blue armor [1]
[b] red armor [6/6] (100%) (P)
[c] large med-pack
[d] large med-pack
[e] large med-pack
[f] large med-pack
[g] large med-pack
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] envirosuit pack
[q] envirosuit pack
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 85% torso 95% feet 85%
Fire - internal 85% torso 95% feet 85%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 90% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
58 former humans
49 former sergeants
15 former captains
73 imps
45 demons
118 lost souls
18 cacodemons
21 hell knights
7 barons of hell
9 former commandos
5 pain elementals
14 revenants
11 mancubi
6 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 lava elemental
1 Angel of Death
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 John Carmack
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 10 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 10 he assembled a fireproof armor!
He sounded the alarm on level 13!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 17 he found the Longinus Spear!
He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 19 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 20, hell froze over!
On level 21 he assembled a nanofiber armor!
On level 22 he stumbled into a complex full of revenants!
On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
On level 22 he found the Malek's Armor!
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
Then at last he found Dis!
He nuked level 24!
He defeated the Mastermind and found the TRUE EVIL!
Then finally in Hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Carmack raises his hands and summons hellspawn!
You use an envirosuit pack. You feel protected!
You start running!
You dodge! The missile hits the lost soul.
You hit the lost soul. The lost soul dies.
John Carmack reloads his rocket launcher.
Carmack raises his hands and summons hellspawn!
You hit the lost soul. The lost soul dies. You feel like a killing machine!
You're going berserk! The lost soul hits you. The lost soul hits you. You
need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You hit John Carmack. The lost soul hits you. You need to taste blood!
You hit John Carmack. You're going berserk! You need to taste blood!
You hit John Carmack. John Carmack dies. Congratulations! You defeated John
Carmack! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1797 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1647 of those were killed.
13 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 63 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
59 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
44 killed the bitch and survived.
11 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Post Mortem / [E|YAAM] Sunrise Iron Fist
« on: May 05, 2017, 11:39 »
So, punching everything to death is fun. Now I need one more medal to get my Heroic Platinum - and reach 'General' rank. Or perhaps I could try for Strongman Platinum, as this run went so well. Once again, no invuln on Hell7, so carrying two nukes around for nothing. SO MANY med kits left by the end - Powered Red armour + Tan + Berserk + Vampyre means most things just get steamrolled.
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Moog, level 9 Arch-Vile Lt. General Marine,
defeated the Mastermind at the City of Dis.
He survived 485602 turns and scored 38861 points.
He played for 19 hours, 7 minutes and 59 seconds.
He was too young to die!
He killed 251 out of 251 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He saved himself once.
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 7
Levels visited : 1
Levels completed : 1
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
Sunrise Iron Fist
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 104/60 Experience 33424/9
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +9
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Finesse (Level 1)
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Brute (Level 3)
Berserker (Level 1)
Badass (Level 1)
Vampyre (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] powered red armor [5/5] (69%)
[b] [ Weapon ] nothing
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] chainsaw (4d6)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1]
[b] assault shotgun (7d3) [6/6] (T1)
[c] fireproof blue armor [1/2] (27%)
[d] plasma shield [0/0] (74%)
[e] shotgun shell (x50)
[f] rocket (x10)
[g] large med-pack
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] large med-pack
[r] large med-pack
[s] large med-pack
[t] homing phase device
[u] thermonuclear bomb
[v] thermonuclear bomb
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 85% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Fire - internal 60% torso 95% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
48 former humans
39 former sergeants
5 former captains
48 imps
42 demons
17 lost souls
7 cacodemons
9 hell knights
9 barons of hell
6 arachnotrons
5 former commandos
1 pain elemental
2 revenants
7 mancubi
2 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 10 he assembled a tactical boots!
Level 12 was a hard nut to crack!
Level 13 was a hard nut to crack!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 19 he assembled a tactical armor!
On level 19 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 21 he assembled a power armor!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
The Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You're going
berserk! You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
The Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind dies. Congratulations!
You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now. You're going berserk!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1793 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1645 of those were killed.
12 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 63 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
58 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
44 killed the bitch and survived.
10 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Nightmare! / [N!|YAAM] Elite Diamond
« on: May 03, 2017, 13:04 »
My first standard Nightmare win! No Sereging, no Max Carnage, just standard nightmare, 100% kills. Found a Super Shotgun in Hell, which was perfect for MSh. Cleared City of Skulls damageless! Now I just need 1 more Platinum to reach 'General'.
This was enormously satisfying, I feel like I have joined an exclusive club :-)
This was enormously satisfying, I feel like I have joined an exclusive club :-)
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Charchian, level 15 Arch-Vile Lt. General Scout,
defeated the Mastermind at the City of Dis.
He survived 2357266 turns and scored 662117 points.
He played for 2 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes and 50 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 1721 out of 1721 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 2
Levels completed : 2
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (gold cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
UAC Platinum Badge
Veteran Gold Badge
Elite Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 106/80 Experience 108384/15
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Ironman (Level 3)
Finesse (Level 1)
Hellrunner (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Juggler (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Shottyman (Level 1)
Shottyhead (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] fireproof blue armor [2/2] (91%)
[b] [ Weapon ] super shotgun (9d4)x2 [0/2] (P1)
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] combat shotgun (7d3) [5/5] (T1)
[b] laser rifle (1d7)x5 [40/40]
[c] red armor [4/4] (100%) (A)
[d] fireproof phaseshift armor [2/2] (92%)
[e] fireproof duelist armor [2/2] (100%)
[f] energy shield [0/0] (99%)
[g] shotgun shell (x44)
[h] shotgun shell (x50)
[i] shotgun shell (x50)
[j] shotgun shell (x50)
[k] rocket (x10)
[l] rocket (x4)
[m] power cell (x50)
[n] power cell (x50)
[o] power cell (x50)
[p] large med-pack
[q] large med-pack
[r] large med-pack
[s] large med-pack
[t] large med-pack
[u] phase device
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Melee - internal 0% torso -30% feet 0%
Fire - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Plasma - internal 0% torso 20% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
199 former humans
336 former sergeants
66 former captains
246 imps
91 demons
412 lost souls
76 cacodemons
34 hell knights
40 barons of hell
35 arachnotrons
25 former commandos
46 pain elementals
49 revenants
16 mancubi
18 arch-viles
15 nightmare imps
4 nightmare cacodemons
8 nightmare demons
2 bruiser brothers
1 agony elemental
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
Level 11 was a hard nut to crack!
On level 11 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 12 he found the City of Skulls.
He wiped out the City of Skulls.
On level 13 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 17 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 22 he assembled a fireproof armor!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : green wall
You reload the super shotgun.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Spider Mastermind (mortally wounded) | floor | [ m ]ore
You reload the super shotgun.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : green wall
You reload the super shotgun.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | blood | [ m ]ore
You reload the super shotgun.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : green wall
You hear the scream of a freed soul! Congratulations! You defeated the Spider
Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1787 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1641 of those were killed.
12 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 63 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
56 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
42 killed the bitch and survived.
10 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Post Mortem / [E|13%|YAVP] Compet-n Platinum Cross 5m 24s
« on: April 24, 2017, 14:03 »
My fastest game ever! Wanted a break from Nightmare, and had never got this medal, so gave it a go. This was my 3rd try. Standard chainsaw stairdive, and spent most of it invulnerable.
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Adrian Carmack,
level 5 Arch-Vile Lt. General Scout,
defeated the Mastermind at the City of Dis.
He survived 5722 turns and scored 22514 points.
He played for 5 minutes and 24 seconds.
He was too young to die!
He killed 35 out of 258 hellspawn. (13%)
Who gave him the ticket to Hell, anyway?
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 7
Levels visited : 2
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Mastermind's Brain
Major Icarus Cross
Compet-n Platinum Cross
Untouchable Medal
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 56/50 Experience 7774/5
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +4 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +6
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Brute (Level 2)
Berserker (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] green armor [1/1] (100%)
[b] [ Weapon ] chainsaw (5d6) (B)
[c] [ Boots ] nothing
[d] [ Prepared ] pistol (2d4) [6/6]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] shotgun (8d3) [1/1]
[b] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[c] 10mm ammo (x5)
[d] shotgun shell (x8)
[e] shotgun shell (x50)
[f] small med-pack
[g] small med-pack
[h] small med-pack
[i] small med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 75% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 75% feet 60%
Acid - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Fire - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
9 former humans
4 former sergeants
1 former captain
1 imp
10 demons
3 lost souls
3 cacodemons
2 bruiser brothers
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
He left level 3 as soon as possible.
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
He left level 7 as soon as possible.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
He left level 14 as soon as possible.
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
He left level 22 as soon as possible.
On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
He decided it was too hot there.
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You miss the Spider Mastermind. You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You
are hit! You are hit! You are hit!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind hits you.
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You feel like
a killing machine! You're going berserk! You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind dies. Congratulations!
You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now. You're going berserk!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1714 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1570 of those were killed.
12 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 63 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
54 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
40 killed the bitch and survived.
10 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Post Mortem / [U|38%|YAVP] Lightfoot Platinum (Untouchable Badge!)
« on: May 16, 2013, 13:27 »
This was fast! Running to stairs, only detouring for power ups/medpacks, using shotgun to clear way if required. Made sure to pickup Chainsaw at usual location. Would have got another Compet-n Gold Cross if I didn't have to answer the door :-)
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Stephen Ward, level 6 Arch-Vile Br. General Scout,
defeated the Mastermind at the City of Dis.
He survived 13219 turns and scored 101460 points.
He played for 22 minutes and 3 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 257 out of 670 hellspawn. (38%)
He was an Angel of Light Travel!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 1
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Major Icarus Cross
Compet-n Silver Cross
Untouchable Badge
Lightfoot Platinum Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 28/50 Experience 13453/6
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +4 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +6
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Brute (Level 2)
Berserker (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] nothing
[b] [ Weapon ] chainsaw (5d6) (B)
[c] [ Boots ] protective boots [2/2] (79%)
[d] [ Prepared ] shotgun (8d3) [1/1] (T1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] shotgun shell (x49)
[b] small med-pack
[c] large med-pack
[d] large med-pack
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 60% torso 60% feet 85%
Fire - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
44 former humans
27 former sergeants
15 former captains
38 imps
8 demons
101 lost souls
1 cacodemon
4 hell knights
3 barons of hell
5 former commandos
6 pain elementals
2 revenants
1 mancubus
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
He left level 17 as soon as possible.
He left level 18 as soon as possible.
On level 19 he stumbled into a complex full of arch-viles!
He left level 19 as soon as possible.
He left level 20 as soon as possible.
On level 23 he ran for his life from lava!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
taste blood!
The Spider Mastermind hits you. That hurt! You' going berserk! You need to
taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You're going
berserk! You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind dies. Congratulations!
You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
655 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
591 of those were killed.
6 of those were killed by something unknown.
6 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 21 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
31 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
24 killed the bitch and survived.
6 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Post Mortem / [U|96%|YAVP] First UV win, made Br. General :-)
« on: May 15, 2013, 10:01 »
I was hoping to get Conqueror as well, but ran away from the Angel of Death when my zerk wore off. Gave up on YAAM after that as well. Maybe next time. Played Shotty for most of it, switched to Railgun once I found it :-) The Fireshield armour was much better than I was expecting, especially in Hell.
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Thomas Parasiuk,
level 15 Arch-Vile Colonel Scout,
nuked the Mastermind at the Hell Fortress.
He survived 620741 turns and scored 384566 points.
He played for 2 days, 5 hours, 18 minutes and 35 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 1237 out of 1284 hellspawn. (96%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He saved himself 5 times.
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 9
Levels completed : 7
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (gold cluster)
Hell Armorer Badge
Hell Champion Medal
UAC Gold Badge
Veteran Platinum Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 80/80 Experience 113769/15
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Ironman (Level 3)
Finesse (Level 2)
Hellrunner (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Juggler (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Whizkid (Level 1)
Shottyman (Level 1)
Shottyhead (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] fire shield [4/4] (2%)
[b] [ Weapon ] Railgun (8d8) [10/40]
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4] (T1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] tactical shotgun (8d3) [0/5]
[b] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [52/52] (B1)
[c] blue armor [4/4] (100%) (P)
[d] chainsaw (5d7) (BP)
[e] shotgun shell (x44)
[f] rocket (x14)
[g] rocket
[h] power cell (x70)
[i] power cell (x70)
[j] power cell (x70)
[k] power cell (x70)
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] envirosuit pack
[p] thermonuclear bomb
[q] grappling acid-proof boots [1/1] (100%)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Fire - internal 0% torso 95% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
74 former humans
106 former sergeants
55 former captains
140 imps
68 demons
402 lost souls
55 cacodemons
27 hell knights
106 barons of hell
9 arachnotrons
26 former commandos
32 pain elementals
55 revenants
26 mancubi
38 arch-viles
1 nightmare cacodemon
9 nightmare demons
2 bruiser brothers
1 shambler
1 agony elemental
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 John Carmack
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 5 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 5 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 9 he entered Hell's Armory.
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 11 he witnessed the Wall.
He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
On level 12 he found the City of Skulls.
He wiped out the City of Skulls.
On level 14 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 14 he assembled a fire shield!
On level 15 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
On level 19 he entered the Vaults.
On level 19 he found the Railgun!
He cracked the Vaults and cleared them out!
On level 20 he was foolish enough to enter Limbo!
He managed to escape from Limbo!
On level 21 he stumbled into a complex full of arch-viles!
On level 21 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
On level 21 he assembled a grappling boots!
Then at last he found Dis!
He nuked level 24!
He defeated the Mastermind and found the TRUE EVIL!
Then finally in Hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You see : John Carmack (severely wounded) | blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : John Carmack (mortally wounded) | blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack. Carmack raises his hands and summons
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : John Carmack (mortally wounded) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the revenant. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile
hits the revenant.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : John Carmack (almost dead) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the revenant. The revenant dies. The missile hits John
Carmack. John Carmack dies. Congratulations! You defeated John Carmack! Press
You feel relatively safe now.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
589 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
531 of those were killed.
5 of those were killed by something unknown.
5 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 19 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
29 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
22 killed the bitch and survived.
6 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
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