Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Requests For Features => Topic started by: Generic on December 15, 2008, 05:50

Title: A tiny request
Post by: Generic on December 15, 2008, 05:50
I run. A LOT. Therefore, I get very pissed off when my character gets hit by something 50 times, but still keeps running. Could you have it so that your character stops when hit? It would save me a lot of frustration, and keyboards.
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: ParaSait on December 15, 2008, 06:01
Do you mean pressing Tab, or holding down a directional key?
If you mean the second thing, yeah, I pisses me off too ;)
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: Captain Trek on December 15, 2008, 06:04
I run. A LOT. Therefore, I get very pissed off when my character gets hit by something 50 times, but still keeps running. Could you have it so that your character stops when hit? It would save me a lot of frustration, and keyboards.

It's your own stupid fault for holding the movement keys down...
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: Generic on December 15, 2008, 07:28
Do you mean pressing Tab, or holding down a directional key?
If you mean the second thing, yeah, I pisses me off too ;)
I mean holding down the arrow keys.

I'm just gonna ignore the previous poster.
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on December 15, 2008, 08:55
Generic, that's NOT running. Running is pressing ',' (comma sign) and then direction -- this running is "safe" :). Note that in running mode you can stop any time, and that the run speed is configurable in the ini file.

CT, please don't flame newcomers.
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: ParaSait on December 15, 2008, 09:00
Oh, I didn't even know of that very handy feature!
Does it also prevent stepping into hazardous terrain?
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on December 15, 2008, 09:46
Yes :). And it's quite old, and the work of a tentacle (I can almost swear that I never wrote it...)

I might start someday a "DoomRL secret of the week" post spree, I'm sure there are a few things that no one noticed... The culumination would be the revelation about actually making use of the Dragonslayer ^_^ ( AFAIK only Blade found out how ).
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: rekenne on December 15, 2008, 13:39
... there actually is a way?
Holy crap.
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: Thomas on December 16, 2008, 00:42
I don't know, but I'm assuming it requires a specific trait combination (As the only time I found it was during my video-mortem game which clearly wasn't a melee run)
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: rekenne on December 16, 2008, 14:40
I'd assume so, yes.
Maxed out Brute/Berserker/Badass, maybe?
Those are the only ones I can think of that would make sense.
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: Skynet 2.0 on January 19, 2009, 21:05
Considering its source, maybe you have to be berserk to pick it up? Or some combination of the two?
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: Behrooz Wolf on January 20, 2009, 11:49
Seriously, though.  It would be nice if you had the option to disregard additional movement input for X milliseconds after taking damage, with any additional button presses during that time re-setting the timer and flashing the screen.   I'm too impatient for my own good, and I never notice the imp in the corner when I'm running over to pick up a globe...
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: raekuul on January 20, 2009, 14:38
On the one hand, I would support such a feature.

On the other hand, movespamming in any roguelike will get you killed very quickly. I think DoomRL is the only roguelike out there where there is no single enemy that can kill you without making you run out of HP, but even then, movespamming is not adviseable until the floor indicator in the lower right is blue.

Quote from: Not said yet
Pot, this is Kettle. Stop calling me black.
Title: Re: A tiny request
Post by: 007bistromath on January 20, 2009, 17:08
CT, please don't flame newcomers.
What about everyone else, who should know better? All you have to do to find out about , is look in the manual. :p