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Discussion / Manual aim
« on: April 05, 2010, 22:00 »
So I'm playing a game (what else would I possibly be doing) and, as usual, the bullet pathing can sometimes be a little screwy when it comes to walls. The example that happened just now:
The original scenario (1) has the player peering down a hallway with an imp on the other side in another doorway: naturally you'd want to just aim for the imp and fire. however, if I do that, I get an impossible pathing (2) that will simply shoot into the wall if I try to do it. If I instead aim in a manner that's short of the target (3) but will continue on according to the "slope" of the bullet, I hit the imp just fine.
Another case I can think of involves single-tile walls:
The original case (1) has the player hiding from a baron (the baron is also hidden from sight but the player knows it's there). Firing within the normal sight range of three tiles past the wall (2), the aiming is perfectly fine. Go farther than that (3) and the aim tries to shoot INTO THE WALL. I'll be honest, I have died on a couple of occasions at The Wall because of this problem (and trying this shot with a rocket launcher). Unfortunately, unlike the first example, you can't simply aim short, as the target isn't close enough to shoot here.
While this is an annoying problem, I could see of it as a way of becoming yet another aspect of the game: limited aim. This could be done in two ways of varying scope:
1) Quite literally decrease the range of firing. The shot will continue on until it hits something, but you can only fire as accurately as your to-hit chance. Everything within the to-hit chance has a maximum chance of hitting (98% currently, could be more or less as balancing requires), whereas everything else not only scales down in accuracy, but is impossible to "aim" at. Eagle Eye suddenly becomes a lot more useful, as the +2 to-hit increases your aiming by two. For shotguns I would suggest enforced limits based on the spread of the weapon (as an example: two for the normal shotgun, three/four for the combat, one for the double).
This first option has a few implications, such as enemies having the same problem...their own to-hit chances will correspond to firing ranges. Another consideration is that, outside of your aim there is a distribution of where the bullet will land, a cone of possibilities; the surest path is the most likely, but straying from the path is possible (and will have to be, if you ever want to hit anything with an unmodded rapid-fire) and should be taken into consideration when firing. In such a setup, the best chance of shooting an enemy is in the eight standard directions, whereas other regions are blurred. Considering this game is completely square in its format, I don't think this is asking for too much sacrifice in terms of realism. Naturally you'll be able to shoot better along a wall with an inaccurate weapon (something to line up your shot against) as opposed to out in the open. Another consideration, obviously, is what to reset all the to-hit chances to. Two is a bit low, three makes more sense for chainfire...double pistols should probably have less to-hit than a single: furthermore, aiming would become an extremely beneficial attribute to the weapon.
2) Make shots outside of your visibility impossible. This doesn't mean you can't shoot things outside of your range, but wall-shots, for instance, would basically be impossible. They should be, to be honest: trying to shoot down a hallway you're standing in either means your weapon is still in the hallway (and is therefore capable of being shot at) or you're shooting at an angle, which can only go so far. If, on the other hand, you want to shoot at a ridiculous angle like that, there should be a tactic (probably not in the same bunch as Cautious/Running/Tired, but you should know what I mean) that sacrifices movement for an increased vision along the walls...something along the lines of Prone or Mounted. Of course, you'll have full vision against the wall, but it takes a couple seconds to get into position and a couple seconds to get out, so it's entirely meant for when you're sure you only have to worry about the heavy angles.
Of course, the original setup is fine the way it is. I'm just throwing some ideas out there (which is why this is neither in Bug Reports in spite of the buggy aiming, nor Requests for Features as it's more of something to think about than direct add to the game) that would make this game stand apart from other roguelikes. Certainly either of these options would change a ton in terms of strategy, for better or harder. In any case, I'm interested in other peoples' thoughts on the current aiming system and what could be changed to improve the system.
EDIT: Fixed up some issues with the graphics.
(1)i.# (2)X.# (3)i.#
#.# #X# #.#
#.# #.X #X#
#.# #.X #X#
#.@ #.@ #.@
The original scenario (1) has the player peering down a hallway with an imp on the other side in another doorway: naturally you'd want to just aim for the imp and fire. however, if I do that, I get an impossible pathing (2) that will simply shoot into the wall if I try to do it. If I instead aim in a manner that's short of the target (3) but will continue on according to the "slope" of the bullet, I hit the imp just fine.
Another case I can think of involves single-tile walls:
The original case (1) has the player hiding from a baron (the baron is also hidden from sight but the player knows it's there). Firing within the normal sight range of three tiles past the wall (2), the aiming is perfectly fine. Go farther than that (3) and the aim tries to shoot INTO THE WALL. I'll be honest, I have died on a couple of occasions at The Wall because of this problem (and trying this shot with a rocket launcher). Unfortunately, unlike the first example, you can't simply aim short, as the target isn't close enough to shoot here.
While this is an annoying problem, I could see of it as a way of becoming yet another aspect of the game: limited aim. This could be done in two ways of varying scope:
1) Quite literally decrease the range of firing. The shot will continue on until it hits something, but you can only fire as accurately as your to-hit chance. Everything within the to-hit chance has a maximum chance of hitting (98% currently, could be more or less as balancing requires), whereas everything else not only scales down in accuracy, but is impossible to "aim" at. Eagle Eye suddenly becomes a lot more useful, as the +2 to-hit increases your aiming by two. For shotguns I would suggest enforced limits based on the spread of the weapon (as an example: two for the normal shotgun, three/four for the combat, one for the double).
This first option has a few implications, such as enemies having the same problem...their own to-hit chances will correspond to firing ranges. Another consideration is that, outside of your aim there is a distribution of where the bullet will land, a cone of possibilities; the surest path is the most likely, but straying from the path is possible (and will have to be, if you ever want to hit anything with an unmodded rapid-fire) and should be taken into consideration when firing. In such a setup, the best chance of shooting an enemy is in the eight standard directions, whereas other regions are blurred. Considering this game is completely square in its format, I don't think this is asking for too much sacrifice in terms of realism. Naturally you'll be able to shoot better along a wall with an inaccurate weapon (something to line up your shot against) as opposed to out in the open. Another consideration, obviously, is what to reset all the to-hit chances to. Two is a bit low, three makes more sense for chainfire...double pistols should probably have less to-hit than a single: furthermore, aiming would become an extremely beneficial attribute to the weapon.
2) Make shots outside of your visibility impossible. This doesn't mean you can't shoot things outside of your range, but wall-shots, for instance, would basically be impossible. They should be, to be honest: trying to shoot down a hallway you're standing in either means your weapon is still in the hallway (and is therefore capable of being shot at) or you're shooting at an angle, which can only go so far. If, on the other hand, you want to shoot at a ridiculous angle like that, there should be a tactic (probably not in the same bunch as Cautious/Running/Tired, but you should know what I mean) that sacrifices movement for an increased vision along the walls...something along the lines of Prone or Mounted. Of course, you'll have full vision against the wall, but it takes a couple seconds to get into position and a couple seconds to get out, so it's entirely meant for when you're sure you only have to worry about the heavy angles.
Of course, the original setup is fine the way it is. I'm just throwing some ideas out there (which is why this is neither in Bug Reports in spite of the buggy aiming, nor Requests for Features as it's more of something to think about than direct add to the game) that would make this game stand apart from other roguelikes. Certainly either of these options would change a ton in terms of strategy, for better or harder. In any case, I'm interested in other peoples' thoughts on the current aiming system and what could be changed to improve the system.
EDIT: Fixed up some issues with the graphics.
Discussion / Badges, badges, badges!
« on: March 30, 2010, 14:13 »
Feel free to talk about how much you hate, or have tried to get, or find entirely impossible, whatever badge(s) you're working on.
For me, I look at badges like "Complete Angel of Masochism" for Gold and think, that's fair, and then badges like "Clear Lava Pits on AoMs" which should not be all that much easier, if not harder (you'll need a lot of envirosuits to stay safe) but see it placed as Silver. If you're thinking, well I can just nuke Lava Pits, then yes, you could. You can also nuke Cybie when you get to him...in another TWO FLOORS, which is by no means grueling. If Lava Pits weren't so far down I wouldn't mind, but it should probably be placed at the same difficulty level as completing AoMs. Especially when I read on the Wiki that it's supposedly buggy and that you aren't supposed to be able to use envirosuits in AoMs.
Another pain is Brick Silver. Again, maybe it's just me, but the luck required to not only reach the other side of the Wall, but somewhere that isn't going to insta-kill you, AND enough to make it out alive (so at the very least, one phase and one homing, the latter of which is really unlikely that early), feels like it's on the same luck magnitude as, say, Angel of Pacifism. This is not even mentioning that you need to kill (at the very least) eight HKs and six Barons, in a large room, with nothing but pistols and chainsaws. I'll be honest, I haven't really tried for this badge all that much, but I don't feel like wasting time on a Silver that requires the RNG of a Gold+. Jackal is another possibility, but again: Gold+ RNG I'm not wasting time on, and I SURE as hell am not doing Wall on AoMr N!, Jackal or no.
Shotty Platinum has been avoiding my grasp for some time now, but lately it's felt like one of the easier N! challenges. You have a better shot at Hell's Arena than most builds, you're basically done building offensive traits at level 7, and you are provided with a nice range of weapons. Only downside is possible lack of shells, but at least they aren't used up as quickly as...just about every other ammo type.
Does anyone else feel like the Centurial Platinum/Diamond should be toned down? I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that Centurial Diamond is 100% impossible (or certainly will be the last badge ever gotten by anyone, ever). A100 N! doesn't exactly sound all that easier, either. Maybe set Plat as A100 UV and Diamond as A100 N! w/ 70% kill rate? (A high enough number to force players to kill through every map possible, but not impossibly high for 100 floors.)
For me, I look at badges like "Complete Angel of Masochism" for Gold and think, that's fair, and then badges like "Clear Lava Pits on AoMs" which should not be all that much easier, if not harder (you'll need a lot of envirosuits to stay safe) but see it placed as Silver. If you're thinking, well I can just nuke Lava Pits, then yes, you could. You can also nuke Cybie when you get to him...in another TWO FLOORS, which is by no means grueling. If Lava Pits weren't so far down I wouldn't mind, but it should probably be placed at the same difficulty level as completing AoMs. Especially when I read on the Wiki that it's supposedly buggy and that you aren't supposed to be able to use envirosuits in AoMs.
Another pain is Brick Silver. Again, maybe it's just me, but the luck required to not only reach the other side of the Wall, but somewhere that isn't going to insta-kill you, AND enough to make it out alive (so at the very least, one phase and one homing, the latter of which is really unlikely that early), feels like it's on the same luck magnitude as, say, Angel of Pacifism. This is not even mentioning that you need to kill (at the very least) eight HKs and six Barons, in a large room, with nothing but pistols and chainsaws. I'll be honest, I haven't really tried for this badge all that much, but I don't feel like wasting time on a Silver that requires the RNG of a Gold+. Jackal is another possibility, but again: Gold+ RNG I'm not wasting time on, and I SURE as hell am not doing Wall on AoMr N!, Jackal or no.
Shotty Platinum has been avoiding my grasp for some time now, but lately it's felt like one of the easier N! challenges. You have a better shot at Hell's Arena than most builds, you're basically done building offensive traits at level 7, and you are provided with a nice range of weapons. Only downside is possible lack of shells, but at least they aren't used up as quickly as...just about every other ammo type.
Does anyone else feel like the Centurial Platinum/Diamond should be toned down? I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that Centurial Diamond is 100% impossible (or certainly will be the last badge ever gotten by anyone, ever). A100 N! doesn't exactly sound all that easier, either. Maybe set Plat as A100 UV and Diamond as A100 N! w/ 70% kill rate? (A high enough number to force players to kill through every map possible, but not impossibly high for 100 floors.)
Requests For Features / Backpack as an Exotic Powerup
« on: March 29, 2010, 21:37 »
You know, like Megasphere. In addition, the Backpack could also give you small amounts of every type of ammo (ala the original game), inventory space notwithstanding, as to have a purpose once it's already been obtained a first time. Maybe half a slot of each (including the Backpack's space, so 70 12mm, 7 rockets, etc). Since exotics now exist, and Megasphere looks just like an exotic, I was hoping that Backpack could be reorganized as to allow for the possibility of AoMr or AoSg players to get that extended space.
Alternatively, limit it to floors 26-100 on A100 as a way for Centurial players to get one.
Alternatively, limit it to floors 26-100 on A100 as a way for Centurial players to get one.
Nightmare! / [N!|AoSg|23|YASD] YARGHBABLE
« on: March 29, 2010, 05:52 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Shot Hunter, level 11 Hell Baron Lt. Colonel, killed by a arachnotron
on level 23 of the Phobos base.
He survived 47272 turns and scored 317208 points.
He played for 58 minutes and 8 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 581 out of 969 hellspawn. (59%)
He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/80 Experience 53450/11
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Ironman (Level 3)
Tough as nails (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Badass (Level 1)
Shottyman (Level 1)
Army of the Dead (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Necroarmor [0/6] (0%)
[b] [ Weapon ] modified double shotgun (8d3)x3 [2/2] (T1)
[c] [ Boots ] modified protective boots [2/2] (96%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] combat shotgun (7d3) [3/5]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] shotgun shell (x49)
[b] shotgun shell (x50)
[c] shotgun shell (x50)
[d] shotgun shell (x50)
[e] shotgun shell (x50)
[f] shotgun shell (x50)
[g] shotgun shell (x50)
[h] shotgun shell (x50)
[i] shotgun shell (x50)
[j] shotgun shell (x50)
[k] large med-pack
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
95 former humans
88 former sergeants
24 former captains
130 imps
62 demons
35 lost souls
33 cacodemons
13 barons of hell
17 hell knights
48 arachnotrons
8 former commandos
2 pain elementals
6 arch-viles
2 mancubi
12 revenants
1 nightmare imp
2 nightmare cacodemons
3 nightmare demons
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 12 he found the Necroarmor!
On level 13 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 15 he encoutered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 16 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
On level 19 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
He fled the Lair, knowing how to fear Arachnotrons!
On level 23 he finally was killed by a arachnotron.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
are hit! You are hit! Your Necroarmor is damaged! You are hit!
Boom! You are hit! The arachnotron hits you. The arachnotron fires! You are
hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! The
arachnotron fires! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You
are hit! The arachnotron fires! You are hit! You are hit! You are
hit! You are hit!
The arachnotron hits you. Your Necroarmor is damaged! The arachnotron
fires! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! Boom! The
arachnotron fires! You are hit! You dodge! The missile hits the
arachnotron. You are hit! You are hit! You dodge! The missile hits
the arachnotron.
The arachnotron fires! You are hit! Your Necroarmor is damaged! You are
hit! You are hit! You are hit! You dodge! Boom! The arachnotron
fires! You are hit! You are hit! Boom! You dodge! Boom! You are hit! The
arachnotron fires! You are hit! You are hit! Boom! You dodge! Boom!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
Before him 158 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
135 of those were killed.
2 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 10 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
Is he immortal? 11 souls claim to have killed him...
1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
8 killed the bastard and survived.
2 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
I have one word for this death: DAMN. Seriously, I would have been fine if I had run for the stairs in the first place (I'm standing on one pair in that deathshot, btw...guess there was Lava Pits) but, for whatever reason, I wanted to spend some time shooting the spiders. By the time I DID run for it, my Necroarmor was already halfway gone, and was completely useless about two tiles away. Even with TaN(x3) and Iro(x3) it took just about all of my health to use a large med-pack and turn on running. I'm pretty sure I only barely died, too, unless the mortem doesn't count shots after the "You die!" message...either way they had just about finished shooting when I croaked.
To be fair, however, this was my second run getting (about) this far in a row, so I may be getting decent at this particular method. Or getting lucky with invincibility, hard to say for sure until I play it more. Both times I beat Arena, seems to be significantly more possible when you focus on MAD instead of, say, a Cateye-type build. As long as I get a combat/double combo going (or ANY exotic/unique, really) I should be fine up until Arch-viles. MAD makes things go dead nice and fast. Diamond still seems like a dream though, I'll probably need Jackhammer for it to be plausible...monsters don't gib enough, even with the double.
65 / [M|AoMs|92%|YAFW] Uncanny Coincidences
« on: March 27, 2010, 22:34 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
S&M Hunter, level 11 Hell Baron Major, nuked the Cyberdemon.
on level 26 of the Phobos base.
He survived 117933 turns and scored 113936 points.
He played for 1 hour, 32 minutes and 52 seconds.
He didn't like it too rough.
He killed 548 out of 593 hellspawn. (92%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He was an Angel of Masochism!
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
Masochist Gold Badge
Scavenger Gold Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 78/80 Experience 50254/11
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Ironman (Level 3)
Tough as nails (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Badass (Level 1)
Shottyman (Level 1)
Army of the Dead (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Malek's Armor [1/3] (18%)
[b] [ Weapon ] Jackhammer (8d3)x3 [6/9]
[c] [ Boots ] modified protective boots [2/2] (100%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] modified super shotgun (9d4)x3 [2/2] (B1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]
[b] modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [10/130] (B1)
[c] green armor [1/1] (55%)
[d] shotgun shell (x26)
[e] shotgun shell (x70)
[f] shotgun shell (x70)
[g] rocket (x14)
[h] rocket (x14)
[i] rocket (x14)
[j] power cell (x20)
[k] power cell (x70)
[l] power cell (x70)
[m] power cell (x70)
[n] power cell (x70)
[o] power cell (x70)
[p] homing phase device
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
87 former humans
69 former sergeants
23 former captains
113 imps
49 demons
73 lost souls
39 cacodemons
37 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
24 hell knights
17 arachnotrons
1 John Carmack
4 former commandos
4 pain elementals
2 mancubi
3 revenants
2 bruiser brothers
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 8 he witnessed the Wall.
He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 12 he found the Jackhammer!
On level 15 he encoutered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 21 he entered the Vaults.
On level 21 he found the Malek's Armor!
He managed to clear the Vaults completely!
On level 23 he entered the Lava Pits.
He decided it was too hot there.
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
He nuked level 25!
He defeated the Cyberdemon and found the TRUE EVIL!
Then finally in hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
John Carmack reloads his rocket launcher.
You wear/wield : a modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [130/130] (B1) John Carmack
fires! You dodge! The missile hits the baron of hell.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the baron of hell. You hear the
scream of a freed soul! John Carmack reloads his rocket launcher.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the baron of hell. The baron of
hell dies. You hear the scream of a freed soul! You hear the scream
of a freed soul! You hear an explosion! You hear the scream of a freed soul!
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits John Carmack. You hear the
scream of a freed soul! You hear the scream of a freed soul! John
Carmack fires! You are hit! Your Malek's Armor is damaged!
You wear/wield : a Jackhammer (8d3)x3 [0/9] John Carmack reloads his rocket
John Carmack fires! You are hit!
Fire -- Choose target... You hear the scream of a freed soul!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
Before him 152 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
130 of those were killed.
2 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 10 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
Is he immortal? 10 souls claim to have killed him...
1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
8 killed the bastard and survived.
1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
And I thought my AoP run was unusually awesome. I swear that, just prior to this run, I was running ideas through my head on how to tackle AoMs, and the only thing that felt possible enough to pull off after TaN/Iro was shotty. For higher difficulties I might have gone MFa and ignored the Ironman levels instead, but the idea is the same: Badass ASAP, then consolidate some offense, preferably something with knockback. MAD will give knockback with armorless combat shots and MFa lets you avoid a lot of damage, but either way you're a lot better off. (I'd definitely do MFa for a N! run, for instance.) Getting off track...anyway.
So I thought to myself, "You know what'd be awesome for such a build? Super shotty and Pancor." Sure enough, my FIRST RUN, floor 8 super shotgun, floor 12 Pancor. The rest showed only minor diffiiculties. Other crazy things:
- The Wall was a large risk, what with how dangerous all that splash is, but I'm learning that a sufficient number of rockets makes that level rather easy.
- The Vaults! I can't believe I even went for it, but shotty run + no medikits = AMPLE room for phases. Five normals and two homings. Considering I pulled off Halls of Carnage as well, BFG made short work of the enemy there. Malek's Armor was a nice reward for clearing it.
- Full Victory! Honestly? I think I was just plowing through with overconfidence and decided "SURE, WHY NOT." Most of the damage came from Pancor, BFG for the Barons. And I had ample BFG just in case.
Sorry that this isn't a challenging victory, but I do like to post wins when they're interestingly lucky. I just wish I could have also cleared Lava Pits (it's the main reason for non-100%) but, alas, I used my envirosuits and space on Carnage, Vaults, and phases. Lieutenant Colonel, woo.
Nightmare! / [N!|68%|16|YASD] First decent N! Run
« on: March 26, 2010, 19:31 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Game Hunter, level 10 Hell Knight Major, killed by a arch-vile
on level 16 of the Phobos base.
He survived 50407 turns and scored 248424 points.
He played for 1 hour, 17 minutes and 25 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 557 out of 815 hellspawn. (68%)
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
Arena Platinum Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/50 Experience 43922/10
ToHit Ranged +4 ToHit Melee +4 ToDmg Ranged +3 ToDmg Melee +3
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Finesse (Level 1)
Tough as nails (Level 3)
Son of a bitch (Level 3)
Eagle Eye (Level 2)
Badass (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] blue armor [1/2] (22%)
[b] [ Weapon ] modified plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [40/40] (T1)
[c] [ Boots ] modified protective boots [2/2] (100%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] modified chaingun (1d6)x4 [40/40] (T1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] missile launcher (6d6) [2/4]
[b] modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [100/100] (F1)
[c] 10mm ammo (x116)
[d] 10mm ammo (x140)
[e] 10mm ammo (x140)
[f] rocket (x14)
[g] rocket (x14)
[h] rocket (x14)
[i] rocket (x8)
[j] power cell (x28)
[k] power cell (x70)
[l] large med-pack
[m] phase device
[n] envirosuit pack
[o] thermonuclear bomb
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
64 former humans
66 former sergeants
35 former captains
126 imps
41 demons
92 lost souls
47 cacodemons
30 barons of hell
11 hell knights
2 arachnotrons
12 former commandos
9 pain elementals
2 arch-viles
1 mancubus
7 revenants
2 nightmare imps
1 nightmare cacodemon
7 nightmare demons
2 bruiser brothers
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 8 he witnessed the Wall.
He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
On level 10 he found Hell's Armory.
On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 15 he encoutered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 16 he finally was killed by a arch-vile.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You close the door.
It doesn't seem to move there.
You push the barrel.
You push the barrel.
You push the barrel.
You push the barrel.
You push the barrel.
You open the door.
You close the door.
You open the door.
You open the door. You are engulfed in flames!
The revenant fires! You dodge! The barrel explodes! The barrel explodes!
The barrel explodes! The barrel explodes! The barrel explodes! The
revenant dies. You hear the scream of a freed soul! Your blue armor is
damaged! Boom! The revenant dies. The revenant dies. The arch-vile
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
Before him 144 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
124 of those were killed.
2 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 9 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
Is he immortal? 9 souls claim to have killed him...
1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
7 killed the bastard and survived.
1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
Managed to get a berserk just outside of HA, so it seemed like a good chance to get the Arena Plat, and so I did. Really came down to the wire, though, with minimal green armor and no medis left. Other stuff:
- I had the berserk heat from Chained Court carry me through to The Wall, killed everything before it wore off. MAN, it really makes that level easier.
- I was really pissed that Hell's Armory didn't even spawn so much as an exotic. As it is, the Armory seems to be really rare these days (I don't think The Wall should overlap with it in terms of level-finding) and to go in, on N!, without getting anything useful was not a good omen. All in all, though, I came out rather well in terms of ammo and armor (didn't take too much damage, either).
- My death was (basically) stupid. Lemme try to draw a map of what the room looked like the turn before I died:
(From what I could see, anyway.)With me only having blue armor and ~100%, I only barely died (though I wouldn't be surprised if one of the Viles had time for another attack). Sure, I had a phase, but it was either take my chances on there (which didn't look so horrible considering the barrels) or warp somewhere randomly. On Nightmare!. I felt safer with the enemy I COULD see, but I haven't done N! enough to have the definitive intuition for these situations.
All in all a fun run.
Bug Reports / Game crash on ITYTD knife run
« on: March 23, 2010, 16:05 »
An unhandled exception occurred at $004C1F6B :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
$004C1F6B TBEINGAI__SCAN, line 227 of doomai.pas
$004C077B TBEINGAI__RUN, line 38 of doomai.pas
$004AAC95 TBEING__ACTION, line 622 of dfbeing.pas
$0041B146 TDOOM__RUN, line 409 of doombase.pas
$004020B7 main, line 92 of doomrl.pas
Put the whole thing down just in case. As stated above, it was an ITYTD run using only knives (ie, Strongman Silver), Phobos Hell Level 3. The only thing odd was the very large number of enemies all packed into one area of the map: a couple pain elementals, four cacos, a few imps, and a baron. A barrel exploded right before this happened. Savefile was successful after restart.
EAccessViolation : Access violation
$004C1F6B TBEINGAI__SCAN, line 227 of doomai.pas
$004C077B TBEINGAI__RUN, line 38 of doomai.pas
$004AAC95 TBEING__ACTION, line 622 of dfbeing.pas
$0041B146 TDOOM__RUN, line 409 of doombase.pas
$004020B7 main, line 92 of doomrl.pas
Put the whole thing down just in case. As stated above, it was an ITYTD run using only knives (ie, Strongman Silver), Phobos Hell Level 3. The only thing odd was the very large number of enemies all packed into one area of the map: a couple pain elementals, four cacos, a few imps, and a baron. A barrel exploded right before this happened. Savefile was successful after restart.
68 / [M|AoP|13%|YASV] Yet Another Stupid Victory
« on: March 22, 2010, 23:21 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Peace Hunter, level 10 Cacodemon 1st Lieutenant, sacrificed himself to kill the Cyberdemon
on level 25 of the Phobos base.
He survived 16221 turns and scored 45790 points.
He played for 18 minutes and 27 seconds.
He didn't like it too rough.
He killed 59 out of 444 hellspawn. (13%)
Who gave him the ticket to hell, anyway?
He was an Angel of Pacifism!
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Major Icarus Cross
Compet-n Gold Cross
Pacifism Gold Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health -5865/65 Experience 8354/10
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Ironman (Level 3)
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Tough as nails (Level 3)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Badass (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
[b] [ Weapon ] Trigun (3d6) [6/6]
[c] [ Boots ] plasteel boots [4/4] (98%)
[d] [ Prepared ] Grammaton Cleric Beretta (2d6) [18/18]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
[b] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[c] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[d] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[e] small med-pack
[f] large med-pack
[g] large med-pack
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] phase device
[r] envirosuit pack
[s] thermonuclear bomb
[t] thermonuclear bomb
[u] thermonuclear bomb
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
6 former humans
5 former sergeants
12 imps
6 demons
8 lost souls
9 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
3 hell knights
8 arachnotrons
1 pain elemental
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
On level 12 he witnessed the Wall.
Not knowing what to do, he left.
On level 13 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 14 he found the Trigun!
On level 15 he encoutered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 16 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
On level 20 he entered the Vaults.
On level 20 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
He managed to clear the Vaults completely!
On level 23 he entered the Lava Pits.
He decided it was too hot there.
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
On level 25 he finally sacrificed himself to kill the Cyberdemon.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
advance to level 10! Press <Enter>...
You start running!
There is a Small Health Globe lying here.
You feel better.
You start running!
You stop running. There are stairs leading downward here.
There are stairs leading downward here.
You enter a big arena. There's blood everywhere. You hear heavy mechanical
Do you want to use the dangerous Angel Arm?? [y/n] You activate the Angel
Arm! Your life is drained! You hear an explosion! You hear an
explosion! You hear an explosion! You hear an explosion! You hear an
explosion! You hear an explosion! You hear an explosion! You feel
relatively safe now. Congratulations! You defeated the Cyberdemon! Press
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
Before him 79 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
67 of those were killed.
2 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 5 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
Is he immortal? 5 souls claim to have killed him...
4 killed the bastard and survived.
1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
Nothing to say about this one except the sheer ridiculousness of items I found: two extra nukes AND Trigun/Grammaton combo. If I didn't know any better I'd think the game just decided to give me the win for this one. I like the Major Icarus/Compet-n Gold medals, too. (I nuked the Vaults if you're wondering how I cleared them.)
The level progression for AoP is really weird. I didn't keep exact track, but I do recall leveling up at the following levels: 3, 6, 9/10(one or the other), 12, Wall(from 12), 15. The pattern really seems to be (roughly) every three floors, and while I'm not concerned with more traits, I think the description should be modified to address how it actually works. Honestly I wouldn't mind being rewarded for going into the demon (read: special) levels, since you'd have to hunt them down, even avoid normal stairs, for the sake of faster leveling early on.
I'll do my best not to post any more mortems unless they're really good. This run was actually a breather for my current project: UV A100. Been having some bad luck with health items and Arch-vile/Mancubus packs. One day, one day I'll move up to Nightmare!.
Oh, I also found that you can go past 200% health, which makes the normally-blue boosted name appear with a yellow background and gray health. Got a screenshot if it's a bug that should be reported.
Discussion / New Fireangel reqs, better or worse?
« on: March 22, 2010, 15:59 »
Old Fireangel requirements:
Ironman(1), Juggler(req. Finesse(1)), Badass(req. Tough as Nails(2))
New Fireangel requirements:
Dodgemaster(req. Hellrunner(2)), Shottyman(req. Reloader(2))
Considering MFa is heavily favored towards a Shotty build, I tried out a AoSg run on UV with Fireangel in mind. Inevitably the lack of health got to me and I died without so much as a small med-pack to my name on around floor 8 or 9: this could have been either from lack of Badass to keep the globes or lack of TaN to absorb damage, but I can say that the dodging only helped marginally, not much better than the typical running around. As it was, the fact that it takes at least 1.0s (1.2s for double) to fire means that the enemy almost always attacks after you do, making Dodgemaster worthless. This could be reconciled by getting much closer (forcing some knockback which sometimes flinches the enemy into moving forward) but still unreliable for a shotty when compared to straight-up damage absorption.
I then took a step back and tried it on HNTR instead, covering the original problems of the first run with the following build:
I quite literally completed this only after finishing level 24 (too many caves) but I did get to try it out. All in all, it worked fairly well: building up towards the typical AotD and then switching to Fireangel was surprisingly capable. I absorbed damage and kept my health high for much of the first half, then I was able to run up to the harder enemies later on with superior speed and some built-in dodging. Dodgemaster ends up making a shotty run in Arach caves as easy as an MGK run, a very nice benefit. Bruisers took forever but with the chokepoint in the middle of the map I didn't take damage. Cyberdemon was very easy with this build, as I simply stayed within two tiles of him, sidestepped until he fired a rocket, then blasted him with the double. Given enough shells (probably about 50 or so) he was downed without me ever eating a rocket.
The nice thing about MFa is that it doesn't block a couple of remarkably useful traits for a shotty run, namely HR and Finesse. HR for the reasons stated before; Finesse is useful not only with the faster firing (which prevents undodgable retaliation) but the potential WK can be great for power mods, making up for the lack of armor-piercing rounds.
Has anyone else tried out Fireangel with a shotty run in mind?
Ironman(1), Juggler(req. Finesse(1)), Badass(req. Tough as Nails(2))
New Fireangel requirements:
Dodgemaster(req. Hellrunner(2)), Shottyman(req. Reloader(2))
Considering MFa is heavily favored towards a Shotty build, I tried out a AoSg run on UV with Fireangel in mind. Inevitably the lack of health got to me and I died without so much as a small med-pack to my name on around floor 8 or 9: this could have been either from lack of Badass to keep the globes or lack of TaN to absorb damage, but I can say that the dodging only helped marginally, not much better than the typical running around. As it was, the fact that it takes at least 1.0s (1.2s for double) to fire means that the enemy almost always attacks after you do, making Dodgemaster worthless. This could be reconciled by getting much closer (forcing some knockback which sometimes flinches the enemy into moving forward) but still unreliable for a shotty when compared to straight-up damage absorption.
I then took a step back and tried it on HNTR instead, covering the original problems of the first run with the following build:
I quite literally completed this only after finishing level 24 (too many caves) but I did get to try it out. All in all, it worked fairly well: building up towards the typical AotD and then switching to Fireangel was surprisingly capable. I absorbed damage and kept my health high for much of the first half, then I was able to run up to the harder enemies later on with superior speed and some built-in dodging. Dodgemaster ends up making a shotty run in Arach caves as easy as an MGK run, a very nice benefit. Bruisers took forever but with the chokepoint in the middle of the map I didn't take damage. Cyberdemon was very easy with this build, as I simply stayed within two tiles of him, sidestepped until he fired a rocket, then blasted him with the double. Given enough shells (probably about 50 or so) he was downed without me ever eating a rocket.
The nice thing about MFa is that it doesn't block a couple of remarkably useful traits for a shotty run, namely HR and Finesse. HR for the reasons stated before; Finesse is useful not only with the faster firing (which prevents undodgable retaliation) but the potential WK can be great for power mods, making up for the lack of armor-piercing rounds.
Has anyone else tried out Fireangel with a shotty run in mind?
70 / [U|AoMC|100%|YAFW] One after another...
« on: March 20, 2010, 18:12 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Max Hunter, level 14 Imp Warrant Officer, nuked the Cyberdemon.
on level 26 of the Phobos base.
He survived 133113 turns and scored 329814 points.
He played for 3 hours, 14 minutes and 7 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 916 out of 916 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He was an Angel of Max Carnage!
He saved himself once.
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
Veteran Platinum Badge
Destroyer Bronze Badge
Destroyer Silver Badge
Destroyer Gold Badge
Skull Bronze Badge
Skull Silver Badge
Arachno Silver Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 46/70 Experience 91724/14
ToHit Ranged +12 ToHit Melee +12 ToDmg Ranged +3 ToDmg Melee +3
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Ironman (Level 2)
Finesse (Level 2)
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Tough as nails (Level 3)
Son of a bitch (Level 3)
Whizkid (Level 1)
Badass (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] modified onyx armor [4] (AP)
[b] [ Weapon ] modified plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [22/52] (B1T2)
[c] [ Boots ] modified plasteel boots [8/8] (74%) (P)
[d] [ Prepared ] modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [129/169] (B2)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] modified missile launcher (6d6) [1/4] (F1)
[b] BFG 9000 (10d8) [100/100]
[c] rocket (x14)
[d] rocket (x14)
[e] rocket (x12)
[f] power cell (x70)
[g] power cell (x70)
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] thermonuclear bomb
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
78 former humans
88 former sergeants
32 former captains
108 imps
89 demons
225 lost souls
34 cacodemons
67 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
22 hell knights
70 arachnotrons
1 John Carmack
14 former commandos
26 pain elementals
21 arch-viles
5 mancubi
33 revenants
2 bruiser brothers
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 10 he witnessed the Wall.
He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
On level 14 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 15 he encoutered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 17 he found the City of Skulls.
He wiped out the City of Skulls.
On level 18 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
On level 19 he found the Butcher's Cleaver!
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
He nuked level 25!
He defeated the Cyberdemon and found the TRUE EVIL!
Then finally in hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Fire -- Choose target...
You swap your weapon.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits John Carmack.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits John Carmack.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits John Carmack. John Carmack
fires! You are hit!
You wear/wield : a modified plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [34/52] (B1T2) John
Carmack reloads his rocket launcher.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits
John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John
Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits
John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John
Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. John Carmack dies. You feel
relatively safe now. Congratulations! You defeated John Carmack!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
Before him 57 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
48 of those were killed.
2 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 4 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
Is he immortal? 3 souls claim to have killed him...
3 killed the bastard and survived.
What the hell. Level 24 rolls around, I have three nukes and two homing and two phases, and I get an invuln: the rest is pretty standard. With all my phases I still couldn't find the stairs in time to nuke JC, but on AoMC it really didn't matter: barons died to a single BFG shot, and I didn't budge in my onslaught.
I wish this was no saves, but a friend really wanted me to play some League of Legends, so I took a two-hour break for that. Anyway, some things to mention:
- Exotic onyx armor is AWESOME. Onyx armor modded with power and agility is more awesome than I can describe with words. Combined with HR(x2) and TaN(x3), it's like a never-gone Angelic. Even on Max Carnage, I was able to handle full-on rocket blasts and acid balls like it was a shotty.
- Four arach caves and Spider's Lair gave me more plasma than I could ever use. I kept my chaingun around for the longest time, but after a while I just had to make room for the cells. After I finally got SoaB(x3) I was able to one-hit arachs anyway, so more cells for me.
- Butcher's Cleaver? Really? That can be forgiven, though, 'cause of the onyx armor and, to some extent, the firestorm missile launcher.
Most of the run was actually pretty easy, save a few health droughts. After onyx armor, it was just a matter of technique (didn't mod it until 20-21, at which point I was just waiting for it to end).
I've been having a lot of success lately due to exotics. It certainly makes the RNG more forgiving.
71 / (H|98%|AoLT|YAVP) Look ma, no ammo!
« on: March 20, 2010, 11:22 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Weak Hunter, level 13 Imp Corporal, defeated the Cyberdemon
on level 25 of the Phobos base.
He survived 141506 turns and scored 194586 points.
He played for 4 hours, 47 minutes and 24 seconds.
He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty.
He killed 742 out of 750 hellspawn. (98%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He was an Angel of Light Travel!
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Grim Reaper's Badge
Hell Champion Medal
Lightfoot Bronze Badge
Lightfoot Silver Badge
Lava Bronze Badge
Arachno Bronze Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 45/70 Experience 74311/13
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +3 ToDmg Melee +3
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Ironman (Level 2)
Finesse (Level 2)
Hellrunner (Level 1)
Son of a bitch (Level 3)
Whizkid (Level 2)
Triggerhappy (Level 2)
Ammochain (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Necroarmor [6/6] (67%)
[b] [ Weapon ] modified plasma rifle (1d9)x6 [0/40] (A3P2)
[c] [ Boots ] modified plasteel boots [1/4] (2%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] modified missile launcher (6d8) [4/4] (P2)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [169/169] (B2)
[b] Angelic Armor [7/7] (100%)
[c] rocket (x14)
[d] power cell (x20)
[e] large med-pack
[f] phase device
[g] phase device
[h] homing phase device
[i] thermonuclear bomb
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
70 former humans
68 former sergeants
42 former captains
115 imps
107 demons
92 lost souls
47 cacodemons
39 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
40 hell knights
48 arachnotrons
12 former commandos
5 pain elementals
17 arch-viles
14 mancubi
23 revenants
2 bruiser brothers
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 9 he witnessed the Wall.
He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 15 he encoutered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 18 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
On level 21 he entered the Vaults.
On level 21 he found the Necroarmor!
He managed to scavenge a part of the Vaults treasures.
On level 22 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
On level 22 he found the Angelic Armor!
He managed to clear the Mortuary from evil!
On level 23 he entered the Lava Pits.
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
On level 25 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You use a large med-pack. You feel fully healed. The Cyberdemon hits you.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the
Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the
Cyberdemon. The Cyberdemon hits you.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the
Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the
Cyberdemon. The Cyberdemon dies. You feel relatively safe now.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
Before him 32 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
27 of those were killed.
And 4 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
Is he immortal? 1 souls claim to have killed him...
1 killed the bastard and survived.
Ridiculous amount of time to complete came from AFK for class.
This is a typical run for Lightfoot Silver, nothing special about the victory (I can't really imagine using anything BUT Ammochain for a run like this, especially on harder difficulties). What was interesting about this run was that I decided to get the backpack on The Wall, despite having only 100 bullets (including what was in my chaingun), combat w/50 shells, a fully-loaded plasma rifle (no mods = horrible aim), and about 14-19 rockets for non-wall use. No Arch-viles means every hit at least counts for something, but I must have been insane to try it with that kind of ammo. Amazingly (from my perspective) I ended it with all the cells, most of the shells, a scant three rockets, and Ammochain under my belt.
As usual, my greed to enter the Vaults with limited phases cost me YAAM, but the Necroarmor was well worth it (and is the reason I chose Ironman later on). Mortuary was pretty fun, especially with my super-modded plasma and bulked BFG. I'm not really sure if the assault shotgun is a worthy item for the Mortuary though: perhaps another missile launcher or a nuclear plasma would make sense. The nuclear BFG at least doubles as a nuke, so there's another guaranteed cybie-killer (along with clearing Spider's Lair).
72 / (U/100%/AoMr/YAAM) Blaster Smackdown
« on: March 20, 2010, 01:34 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Kata Hunter, level 14 Imp Sergeant Major, defeated the Cyberdemon
on level 25 of the Phobos base.
He survived 143662 turns and scored 280502 points.
He played for 2 hours, 29 minutes and 38 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 944 out of 944 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He was an Angel of Marksmanship!
He saved himself once.
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
Veteran Bronze Badge
Veteran Silver Badge
Veteran Gold Badge
Marksman Bronze Badge
Marksman Silver Badge
Marksman Gold Badge
Arena Gold Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 39/50 Experience 83238/14
ToHit Ranged +4 ToHit Melee +4 ToDmg Ranged +3 ToDmg Melee +3
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Finesse (Level 2)
Son of a bitch (Level 3)
Son of a gun (Level 3)
Eagle Eye (Level 2)
Dualgunner (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Whizkid (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] blue armor [2/2] (78%)
[b] [ Weapon ] modified pistol (2d5) [1/10] (B2P1)
[c] [ Boots ] modified protective boots [2/2] (94%) (AT)
[d] [ Prepared ] modified blaster (2d6) [19/20] (A1P2)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] green armor [1/1] (100%)
[b] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
[c] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
[d] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
[e] modified red armor [4/4] (200%) (AB)
[f] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[g] 10mm ammo (x49)
[h] 10mm ammo (x100)
[i] 10mm ammo (x100)
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] phase device
[n] phase device
[o] phase device
[p] homing phase device
[q] envirosuit pack
[r] technical mod pack
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
72 former humans
67 former sergeants
67 former captains
186 imps
107 demons
153 lost souls
56 cacodemons
53 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
42 hell knights
29 arachnotrons
9 former commandos
25 pain elementals
19 arch-viles
25 mancubi
31 revenants
2 bruiser brothers
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 9 he found Hell's Armory.
On level 12 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 15 he encoutered the Phobos Hellgate.
He nuked level 21!
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
On level 25 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Fire -- Choose target...
Fire -- Choose target... Find a more constructive way to commit suicide.
Fire -- Choose target...
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon.
Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
hits the Cyberdemon. The Cyberdemon dies. You feel relatively safe
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
Before him 56 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
48 of those were killed.
2 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 4 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
Is he immortal? 2 souls claim to have killed him...
2 killed the bastard and survived.
This is my first UV win ever, too. I've gotten a few decent UV runs in a standard game, but none fruitful, and certainly none compare to the relative ease of this run. Here's a quick rundown:
- Normal first couple of levels, lvl2 Hell Arena (surprise!). I went in with a decent amount of supplies, 3-4 small medis, an extra green armor, nothing fancy but I still needed Arena Gold.
- Did really well in Arena, took very little damage up until the second baron (burned through at least two medis on him alone). I swear I thought I was going to die, as he was standing right next to me as I hopelessly shot at him at 12%. Somehow I managed four bullets at that distance without taking a hit, and he died. Arena Gold cleared for version, that's a good sign.
- Very next level I get a vault: computer map reveals there's an exotic ranged weapon inside. I VERY CAREFULLY complete the level ('cause I know there are most certainly a horde of demons in there and I didn't want to release them until everything else was taken care of) and cross my fingers. Behold, a blaster sits in the middle of the room.
- At this point I saved my game, just because it was such an amazing beginning to a UV AoMr: maybe I'll use it later to test out other builds (currently I'm only level 4 with SoaG(x3) and DG, so it's basically barebone). See attachment for the save if anyone cares to try it out.
The rest of the run was fairly uneventful, aside from it being the first time I cleared Hell's Armory on UV (three plasmas and a combat, wtf), first time I reached/cleared Hellgate on UV (spoiler: there are Arch-viles at that difficulty), and first run into the last leg of the game on UV. There were some ridiculous instances, like:
- burning all my medis in an Arach cave somewhere in the 11-13 region
- two Hell arenas in a row (21-22): nuked the first, second was nothing but some number of Revs and a FOUR vile-pack
- pain elemental cave on 24, which was laughably easy with my offensive build/infinite shot
Cyberdemon, too, was laughably easy, as I came in with so much gear and used none of it (especially that AB red, I'm wondering why I forgot to equip it). There were times when I would simply remove the other pistol and hit the enemy with the blaster: at 2d6+6, they would be pushed back half the time, and the fire rate was at a ridiculous 0.20 per shot, so I never took damage like that. Hell, maybe I should have gotten rid of the other weapon altogether, the damn thing was slowing me down (0.29, so slow).
Overall, I'm superbly pleased with this run, especially after missing what would have been a unique pistol from level 2 on a previous run (damn enemies wouldn't stop coming). Blaster + offensive build = absolute domination. Just...don't ever move around, because compared to your blaster, you yourself move like a turtle.
EDIT: Oh, and it's my first YAAM ever, too. Which is weird for a UV AoMr game, but hey, it's my first blaster, gotta celebrate with a parade of badges.