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Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / [] nanofiber green armor is useless
« on: February 22, 2011, 02:45 »
I used [some mods] on a green armour and ended up with nanofiber green armour: 0 armour, -30% movespeed. The nanofiber recipe should probably exclude green armor, hehe.
-Edited to remove spoiler. Tavana
-Edited to remove spoiler. Tavana
DiabloRL / B1h Ironman YAVP
« on: June 11, 2010, 06:54 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DiabloRL 7DRL PRERELEASE roguelike postmortem character dump
fwoop, level 10 warrior, entered Catacombs,
after 6977 turns.
He scored 188897 points, killing 379 hellspawn.
He advanced to level 10 gaining 64957 experience.
He found 3615 gold coins.
He killed the Butcher.
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Strength 50/40
Magic 20/20
Dexterity 40/40
Vitality 30/30
Life 97/97 Mana 29/29
Armor 14 ToHit 70
-- Spells ----------------------------------------------------
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[ Head ] nothing
[ Neck ] nothing
[ Body ] hard leather armor [14]
[ Wpn ] the Butcher's Cleaver (4-24)
[ Shld ] nothing
[ RRng ] nothing
[ LRng ] nothing
-- Quickslots ------------------------------------------------
[ Slot 1 ] potion of full healing
[ Slot 2 ] potion of rejuvenation
[ Slot 3 ] potion of full healing
[ Slot 4 ] potion of full healing
[ Slot 5 ] potion of full healing
[ Slot 6 ] scroll of healing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
composite staff of Firebolt (5-10) {44/44}
short staff of Healing (2-4) {31/38}
hunter's bow (2-5)
falchion (4-8)
long sword (2-10)
axe (4-12)
composite bow (3-6)
claymore (1-12)
3615 gold coins
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
skeleton 29
corpse axe 2
burning dead 19
horror 5
skeleton captain 17
corpse captain 18
burning dead captain 2
horror captain 6
skeleton archer 5
corpse bow 3
burning dead archer 10
horror archer 8
scavenger 36
plague eater 22
shadow beast 14
bone gasher 17
fallen one 42
carver 17
devil kin 6
dark one 23
zombie 17
ghoul 9
rotting carcass 22
black death 4
fiend 2
blink 5
flesh clan archer 1
hidden 12
overlord 4
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Didn't find any major bugs during this play, the game is really quite stable now.Gave myself the challenges of "don't go back up any stairs, ever" combined with "clear floors entirely of enemies"; so no town trips or clearing deeper floors prior to Butcher. This didn't turn out to be difficult - there's plentiful amounts of health potions; Butcher and overlords can be cheesed using bows from behind barrels; and repair skill was useful, although I didn't realise I had it until near the end.
Used a buckler[5] for most of the game until I got tired of un/re-equipping it each time I wanted to use a bow or the healing staff.
Never found any rings this version, I presume they are disabled?
Anyway much fun was had; I actually found it more fun than non-ironman actually, since I don't care for the tedium of repeatedly backtracking into town and haggling piles of junk. Would be interesting if a future version had an ironman challenge mode built in, similar to the challenge modes in DoomRL.
Modding / Map Painter
« on: May 09, 2010, 15:32 »
Some people expressed interest in the map painting functionality from cellular automata mod, so here is a barebones version. The world cell type tracker and other stuff have been excised.
Bugs related to turning off edge wrapping fixed.
Bugs related to turning off edge wrapping fixed.
Modding / Cellular Automata
« on: May 09, 2010, 07:00 »
This mod lets you play around with cellular automata in doomRL! You can play with any classical 2D cellular automata, just modify the survival/birth/etc rules in the top variable section.
1) You'll want to use the Pause staff prior to fiddling with the Maker staff.
2010/05/10 Edition - Now you can paste any arbitrary map mid-game onto the level, with optional transparency!
Bugs related to turning off edge wrapping fixed.
1) You'll want to use the Pause staff prior to fiddling with the Maker staff.
2010/05/10 Edition - Now you can paste any arbitrary map mid-game onto the level, with optional transparency!
Bugs related to turning off edge wrapping fixed.
Pages: [1]