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Messages - TFoN

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 39
Off Topic / Re: Why the Doom Movie Failed
« on: September 10, 2010, 19:07 »
Dunno. I really liked the Doom movie.

And Planet Terror.

Oh, and Zombie Strippers, I REALLY liked that one - saw it at a con, in a theater full of geeks.
'Twas lovely. :)

But I horribly digress.

We need a NetHack movie.
It'll be like Cube, Matrix and Kill Bill, all in one, on steroids, ritalin and LSD.

Off Topic / Re: Now Playing: ...
« on: July 30, 2010, 14:58 »
Behemoth - all of Satanica

(In loving memory of a crazy childhood :) )

quite the opposite:

I was having,

Discussion / Re: Donation driven development
« on: May 09, 2009, 16:11 »
I haven't taken the time to read through the entire thread, as I'm pretty busy right now, but-

Years, literally, of playing DoomRL and of lurking in this site have made me morally obligated, not to mention wholly interested, to contribute in whatever way I can.
I haven't forgotten promising a couple years back that I'd donate - I simply haven't been able to yet.
I have my own financial problems to deal with :)
However, I hope I'll be able to fulfill that promise soon, but at the very worst it'll take longer.

DoomRL is, without a doubt, one of my favorite computer games.
I have every interest that it'll be kept alive :)
Naturally, this goes with an enormous "Thank You" to Kornel for having developed it and for having kept it free all these years.

Requests For Features / Re: Green? GREEN?!
« on: March 30, 2009, 16:27 »
.ini-definable is always my ideal answer in these cases (that is, where art and practicality clash), but realistically the current setup is best, because it's simple and effective, which is fitting for a very tactical game.
Patience, Kornel said the source'll eventually be revealed, right? After that, .ini-definable it should become, IMHO :)

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [H|98%|YAVP] First win on hard for me - pistols!
« on: February 11, 2009, 23:01 »
Thanks, Styro! I don't know what raekuul's complaining about - I love good statistics in the morning! XD

Anyway, I think this gives the edge to Damage mods - even if Speed mods had an overall edge, Damage mods make ammo usage more efficient. That would probably make it a tie. However, as they're pretty evenly matched, I'd take Damage and never miss the Backpack on AoMr.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: February 05, 2009, 18:04 »
Quote from: rekenne
Skarczew, you are being paged by the Department of Redundancy Department: paging skarczew.
Heheheh, cute :P

Requests For Features / Re: Pickup quotes for uniques
« on: January 31, 2009, 09:31 »
Anti-Freak Jackal:
"Releasing Control Art Restriction to level three... level two... level one. Situation A. The Cromwell approval is now in effect. Hold release until target is silenced."
"Jesus Christ is in Heaven now", as engraved on the gun.

"This world is made of love and peace... Tee-hee-hee..."

If you're going to cheat, at least note it somewhere in the title.
I, for one, don't bother reading cheat-laden mortems unless the cheating was done for an objectively very good reason (testing, or being extremely amusing :) ).
So you just stole 15 minutes from my life! :P

I hope you discarded the Blaster after very careful consideration - it doesn't require ammo, meaning it doesn't require precious slots reserved for ammo. Put a rank or two in SoaG, and with your CG build (i.e. EE and SoaB), you'll have quite a killer weapon, *at least* as a sidearm for when your ammo runs out, and/or you're looking not to waste it on fodder.

Consider its stats: 2-10 damage, firing twice as fast as a CG, means 4-20 damage when a CG does 5-30. That's decent competition, *before* SoaG(2).

Discussion / Re: The Big Jump Poll
« on: January 18, 2009, 14:16 »
I voted "sure".

I've hardly been playing DoomRL lately, and when I thought about why, I figured it's really not that the game "got old", or anything like that. It's just that there've been so many promises for a new and improved DoomRL, that I've been waiting patiently, instead of making a lot of progress, just to lose it to a change just like this one. So, I have no player.dat to lose :)

Looking forward to a new and improved DoomRL! :)
Though I don't know how you've managed to avoid naming it 1.0.0 after all this time - the game's been great for ages, even if you'd like it greater. I think it has long deserved the recognition :)

Requests For Features / Re: Message when a unique is destroyed
« on: January 18, 2009, 13:53 »
Sounds good.

Discussion / Re: Doom maps in DoomRL
« on: January 08, 2009, 03:17 »
BTW, how about a contest for a ( DoomRL size ) special level to be included in the game? :D

Original special level or DoomRL version of FPS Doom level? In any case, I'm all for it.

My thoughts exactly.

Requests For Features / Re: Inventory slot Trait
« on: January 02, 2009, 13:36 »
Even if it gave you 5 more slots, it would still be pointless, because it would only promote picking up more stuff than is really useful. Either picking up things that are not useful at all or picking up stuff that you need less of. In both cases - you're doing it wrong.
I disagree. 5 more slots means a CG char can safely pick up a backup dblSG w/ammo and/or a chainsaw and/or more 10mm ammo so he can swap a rank of EE for one of SoaB, for whatever reason he has. Unbalanced or not, it certainly isn't pointless.

ok i see what you mean
however im just throwing out ideas just like anyone else
no need to go into great detail why its a bad idea
Look at it this way: someone paid your idea enough attention to give you feedback, and did so respectfully. That's a good thing :)
This kind of feedback will give you the tools to improve your ideas in the future.

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