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Modding / Re: Got an error (crash on startup). Can anyone help? (possibly music related)
« on: April 28, 2014, 21:42 »
Duh! I feel like an idjit!
The reason it didn't work in the first place was because I forgot to put commas after the track names when I added tracks. *face-palm! (-‸ლ)
The second error I got was because the .lua script I called to was a new one that I somehow managed to ommit the tables all together. (-‸ლ) (-‸ლ)
Anyways, thanks LuckyDee and yaflhdztioxo for the replies and help.
The reason it didn't work in the first place was because I forgot to put commas after the track names when I added tracks. *face-palm! (-‸ლ)
The second error I got was because the .lua script I called to was a new one that I somehow managed to ommit the tables all together. (-‸ლ) (-‸ლ)
Anyways, thanks LuckyDee and yaflhdztioxo for the replies and help.
Modding / Re: Got an error (crash on startup). Can anyone help? (possibly music related)
« on: April 28, 2014, 18:59 »
Ok. As someone else on the Rogue Temple pointed out, I was missing commas after a few of the track names which was causing the original error I believe.
I added the missing commas but now I get a new error though. :(
I added the missing commas but now I get a new error though. :(
Code: [Select]
Timestamp : 4/28/2014 17:55:03
Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $004B1963 :
ELuaException : EntryFeed(Music) target not a table!
$004B1963 TLUACONFIG__ENTRYFEED, line 156 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluaconfig.pas
$0042D18F TDOOMIO__CONFIGURE, line 327 of src/doomio.pas
$0041E8BC TDOOM__LOAD, line 142 of src/doombase.pas
$0041F059 TDOOM__RUN, line 259 of src/doombase.pas
$00401CC5 main, line 111 of src/doomrl.pas
Modding / Re: Got an error (crash on startup). Can anyone help? (possibly music related)
« on: April 28, 2014, 13:16 »Don't say I didn't warn you :P
What I mean is this:Code: [Select]ELuaException : F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\config.lua:9: require "F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\musichq.lua" failed!
It looks to me like you could have written anything you wanted in the musichq.lua, since the exception is caused in the config at the moment it calls the music lua - not in the musichq itself. If that's not it, the only advice I can give you is to double-check all paths, filenames and {} (those last ones always kill me if I ever get involved with any form of programming).
Ok. Yeah, the error reads "whatever I name it".lua failed! no matter what I name it and call it. I have already double checked the paths and they are all correct.
As for the {}'s, I'm not sure where to find the proper format to double check them. Although, I copied it exactly as it was in v996 where it worked fine. The only difference is that v997 has a couple more tracks in the musichq.lua that were not present in v996. I just added some more mp3's to those parts.
Modding / Re: Got an error (crash on startup). Can anyone help? (possibly music related)
« on: April 28, 2014, 12:39 »
Not sure what you mean by how it is refered to. The config file calls to the mp3 lua file. And all the song tracks are called by their directories. All of which are inside the mp3 folder. A couple times I tried renaming the mp3 lua file and calling it in the config file as named, but no luck.
Not sure what you mean by how it is refered to. The config file calls to the mp3 lua file. And all the song tracks are called by their directories. All of which are inside the mp3 folder. A couple times I tried renaming the mp3 lua file and calling it in the config file as named, but no luck.
Modding / v997 crash when using random music script
« on: April 28, 2014, 12:03 »
Sorry for cross-posting, but I thought maybe I could get more help in the modding section. It didn't really seem like a bug so I figured it made the most sense here.
I only just now got around to trying v997. But it keeps crashing on startup.
I was using a script that game hunter showed me to make music play randomly for each level. This worked perfectly in v996 but not at all in v997 and crashes when I try to start the game.
Here is a link to the thread with the error log and the script I am using.
Could anyone please take a look and tell me why the script now seems to be broken with v997?
Thank you very much for any help and sorry again for cross-posting.
I only just now got around to trying v997. But it keeps crashing on startup.
I was using a script that game hunter showed me to make music play randomly for each level. This worked perfectly in v996 but not at all in v997 and crashes when I try to start the game.
Here is a link to the thread with the error log and the script I am using.
Could anyone please take a look and tell me why the script now seems to be broken with v997?
Thank you very much for any help and sorry again for cross-posting.
Modding / Re: Got an error (crash on startup). Can anyone help? (possibly music related)
« on: April 24, 2014, 21:50 »
I can't take much credit for the config. Gamehunter helped me with it in this thread for making the music play randomly:
And yes, it does work if I set the config to the default ones. I've tried editing things out and in, but no luck. It worked perfectly in v996.
I cannot find a link to more information on the functions used in it either to try to get a better understanding either.
And yes, it does work if I set the config to the default ones. I've tried editing things out and in, but no luck. It worked perfectly in v996.
I cannot find a link to more information on the functions used in it either to try to get a better understanding either.
Modding / Got error (crash on startup). Can anyone help? (random music related) [SOLVED]
« on: April 24, 2014, 18:03 »
Just tried playing 997 for the first time but I got this error:
I also should mention that I changed up the music settings like I did for 996. Here is the copy of my musichq file:
Is there something I missed that is causing it to crash in the musichq.lua?
Code: [Select]
Timestamp : 4/24/2014 16:53:30
Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $004B1748 :
ELuaException : F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\config.lua:9: require "F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\musichq.lua" failed!
$004B1748 TLUACONFIG__LOAD, line 140 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluaconfig.pas
$004B181F TLUACONFIG__LOADMAIN, line 149 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluac----------------------------------------------------------------------
Timestamp : 4/24/2014 16:55:19
Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $004B1748 :
ELuaException : F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\config.lua:9: require "F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\musichq.lua" failed!
$004B1748 TLUACONFIG__LOAD, line 140 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluaconfig.pas
$004B181F TLUACONFIG__LOADMAIN, line 149 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluaconfig.pas
$004AEE7A TDOOMCONFIG__CREATE, line 107 of src/doomconfig.pas
$0041EE23 TDOOM__CREATE, line 221 of src/doombase.pas
$00401BCE main, line 86 of src/doomrl.pas
Timestamp : 4/24/2014 16:56:10
Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $004B1748 :
ELuaException : F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\config.lua:9: require "F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\musichq.lua" failed!
$004B1748 TLUACONFIG__LOAD, line 140 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluaconfig.pas
$004B181F TLUACONFIG__LOADMAIN, line 149 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluaconfig.pas
$004AEE7A TDOOMCONFIG__CREATE, line 107 of src/doomconfig.pas
$0041EE23 TDOOM__CREATE, line 221 of src/doombase.pas
$00401BCE main, line 86 of src/doomrl.pas
Timestamp : 4/24/2014 16:57:06
Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $004B1748 :
ELuaException : F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\config.lua:9: require "F:\Stuff\Roguelike\doomrl\musichq.lua" failed!
$004B1748 TLUACONFIG__LOAD, line 140 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluaconfig.pas
$004B181F TLUACONFIG__LOADMAIN, line 149 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluaconfig.pas
$004AEE7A TDOOMCONFIG__CREATE, line 107 of src/doomconfig.pas
$0041EE23 TDOOM__CREATE, line 221 of src/doombase.pas
$00401BCE main, line 86 of src/doomrl.pas
I also should mention that I changed up the music settings like I did for 996. Here is the copy of my musichq file:
Code: [Select]
-- High quality remixes of the original Doom music are a courtesy of Sonic
-- Clang ( http://sonicclang.ringdev.com/ ) used with permission.
-- Doom the Roguelike theme, Unholy Cathedral, Final Showdown, Hells
-- Weapons, Something Wicked, Of Skull And Bone, The Brick Song, and
-- Too Hot Down Here tracks composed by Simon Volpert (thanks!)
dofile "random.lua"
local function rand_music(music_array,song_num)
local song_tot = table.maxn(music_array)
local song_count = 1
local music_list = {}
for i=1,math.ceil(song_num/song_tot) do
local loop_itr = math.min(song_tot,song_num)
song_num = song_num - song_tot
local song_list = music_array
for j=1,loop_itr do
idx = math.random(song_tot-j+1)
song = song_list[idx]
music_list[song_count] = song
song_count = song_count + 1
local title_playlist = {
local reg_playlist = {
local spec_playlist = {
"mp3/Qmusic/03 PA02Intermission.mp3"
"mp3/Qmusic/04 PA03Whispers.mp3"
"mp3/qmusic/05 PA04Grizzly_Grotto.mp3"
"mp3/qmusic/06 PA05Slipgate_Complex.mp3"
"mp3/qmusic/07 PA06Underearth.mp3"
"mp3/qmusic/08 PA07damned.mp3"
"mp3/qmusic/09 PA08Necropolis.mp3"
"mp3/qmusic/10 PA09Ziggurat_Vertigo.mp3"
"mp3/qmusic/11 PA10Gloom_Keep.mp3"
local boss_playlist = {
local titlemus = rand_music(title_playlist,1)
local regmus = rand_music(reg_playlist,23)
local bossmus = rand_music(boss_playlist,4)
local specmus = rand_music(spec_playlist,11)
Music = {
start = titlemus[1],
interlude = "mp3/PSX_Doom_Music/fdoom_04combine.mp3",
bunny = "mp3/d2end.mp3",
intro = "mp3/DSoP_00_WelcomeToHell(Intro).mp3",
hellgate = bossmus[1],
level2 = regmus[1],
level3 = regmus[2],
level4 = regmus[3],
level5 = regmus[4],
level6 = regmus[5],
level7 = regmus[6],
level8 = regmus[7],
level9 = regmus[8],
level10 = regmus[9],
level11 = regmus[10],
level12 = regmus[11],
level13 = regmus[12],
level14 = regmus[13],
level15 = regmus[14],
level16 = regmus[15],
level17 = regmus[16],
level18 = regmus[17],
level19 = regmus[18],
level20 = regmus[19],
level21 = regmus[20],
level22 = regmus[21],
level23 = regmus[22],
level24 = regmus[23],
level25 = regmus[24],
hells_arena = specmus[1],
the_chained_court = specmus[2],
military_base = specmus[3],
halls_of_carnage = specmus[4],
hells_armory = specmus[5],
spiders_lair = specmus[6],
city_of_skulls = specmus[7],
the_wall = specmus[8],
unholy_cathedral = specmus[9],
the_mortuary = specmus[10],
the_vaults = specmus[11],
the_lava_pits = specmus[12],
phobos_lab = specmus[13],
deimos_lab = specmus[14],
containment_area = specmus[15],
abyssal_plains = specmus[16],
limbo = specmus[17],
mt_erebus = specmus[18],
tower_of_babel = bossmus[2],
hell_fortress = bossmus[3],
dis = bossmus[4],
victory = "mp3/Motorhead - Hellraiser.mp3",
Is there something I missed that is causing it to crash in the musichq.lua?
Requests For Features / Re: Allow old versions to be downloaded
« on: June 13, 2012, 21:37 »
I'd love to try the first public release.
Requests For Features / Re: More music?
« on: April 21, 2012, 15:35 »
I would assume it could be possible since Ao100 loads level music randomly.
Requests For Features / Re: More music?
« on: April 19, 2012, 16:21 »
I tried out the batch file work around. And though I did get different song results when starting it up different times, They wouldn't change while playing. As in unless I exited the program after every death, then the songs would be the same for every level when I started a new game without exiting.
Requests For Features / Re: More music?
« on: April 18, 2012, 20:15 »The code looks good, so I guess really the only thing to try would be to set the seed.Code: [Select]math.randomseed(some_number)
Speaking of which, what does DoomRL use for the random seed? Since I can't seem to get a time function...
Not sure how exactly or where to use the random seed in the code.
Requests For Features / Re: More music?
« on: April 18, 2012, 14:23 »
Just tried changing the song_num variable and I still only get the same song playing over and over. Although, that song that plays is different depending on what number I use for the song_num variable. I tried 1-4.
I tried increasing the index too and it made no difference.
When I mentioned the mortem screen, I was talking about the "bunny" one. Would I have to use a specific tag like with the other ones? Like boss_playlist/mus, spec_playlist/mus, etc.
I actually just played through till hell's arena about 10 times in a row and dying on purpose just to check. It doesn't seem any of the levels are playing music randomly. :( Not sure why I thought it did work now. Maybe because I am using ambient psx soundtrack so it's harder to tell. The songs that play are coming from the correct playlist arrays but are not randomizing.
Here's the config:
Did I not copy something over from your example correctly or forgot to edit? Sorry, I really don't know anything about lua script.
I tried increasing the index too and it made no difference.
When I mentioned the mortem screen, I was talking about the "bunny" one. Would I have to use a specific tag like with the other ones? Like boss_playlist/mus, spec_playlist/mus, etc.
I actually just played through till hell's arena about 10 times in a row and dying on purpose just to check. It doesn't seem any of the levels are playing music randomly. :( Not sure why I thought it did work now. Maybe because I am using ambient psx soundtrack so it's harder to tell. The songs that play are coming from the correct playlist arrays but are not randomizing.
Here's the config:
Code: [Select]
-- You can get much higher quality Doom MP3 tracks from
-- http://www.sirgalahad.org/paul/doom/
-- To use them, edit config.lua, and change music.lua to musicmp3.lua
-- MP3's need to be put in a directory named mp3.
local function rand_music(music_array,song_num)
local song_tot = table.maxn(music_array)
local song_count = 1
local music_list = {}
for i=1,math.ceil(song_num/song_tot) do
local loop_itr = math.min(song_tot,song_num)
song_num = song_num - song_tot
local song_list = music_array
for j=1,loop_itr do
idx = math.random(song_tot-j+1)
song = song_list[idx]
music_list[song_count] = song
song_count = song_count + 1
local title_playlist = {
local reg_playlist = {
local spec_playlist = {
local boss_playlist = {
local title_mus = rand_music(title_playlist,1)
local reg_mus = rand_music(reg_playlist,23)
local boss_mus = rand_music(boss_playlist,4)
local spec_mus = rand_music(spec_playlist,11)
Music = {
start = title_mus[1],
interlude = "mp3/PSX_Doom_Music/fdoom_04combine.mp3",
bunny = "mp3/d2end.mp3",
intro = "mp3/DSoP_00_WelcomeToHell(Intro).mp3",
hellgate = boss_mus[1],
level2 = reg_mus[1],
level3 = reg_mus[2],
level4 = reg_mus[3],
level5 = reg_mus[4],
level6 = reg_mus[5],
level7 = reg_mus[6],
level8 = reg_mus[7],
level9 = reg_mus[8],
level10 = reg_mus[9],
level11 = reg_mus[10],
level12 = reg_mus[11],
level13 = reg_mus[12],
level14 = reg_mus[13],
level15 = reg_mus[14],
level16 = reg_mus[15],
level17 = reg_mus[16],
level18 = reg_mus[17],
level19 = reg_mus[18],
level20 = reg_mus[19],
level21 = reg_mus[20],
level22 = reg_mus[21],
level23 = reg_mus[22],
level24 = reg_mus[23],
the_chained_court = spec_mus[1],
halls_of_carnage = spec_mus[2],
hells_armory = spec_mus[3],
hells_arena = spec_mus[4],
spiders_lair = spec_mus[5],
city_of_skulls = spec_mus[6],
the_wall = spec_mus[7],
unholy_cathedral = spec_mus[8],
the_mortuary = spec_mus[9],
the_vaults = spec_mus[10],
the_lava_pits = spec_mus[11],
tower_of_babel = boss_mus[2],
hell_fortress = boss_mus[3],
dis = boss_mus[4],
victory = "mp3/Motorhead - Hellraiser.mp3",
Did I not copy something over from your example correctly or forgot to edit? Sorry, I really don't know anything about lua script.
Requests For Features / Re: More music?
« on: April 17, 2012, 20:36 »
ok. Just tried it. I do get title music now but it is always the same one. the cdoom.mp3 listed second in the title_playlist. I restarted and exited the game 20 something times in a row and it has yet to change.
Also, haven't tried it yet but, the mortem screen music should be randomizable too right?
Also, haven't tried it yet but, the mortem screen music should be randomizable too right?
Requests For Features / Re: More music?
« on: April 17, 2012, 14:59 »
Ok. Thanks.
It still crashes. It makes it to the fullscreen query, but then crashes out. "Reason: invalid variant type cast"
Here is What I have now:
If Hell gate and intro are both already covered in the boss and special levels, do they need to be specified at the beginning of the file? Would Hellgate be the boss would it be the same as? Should I start Hellgate at boss_mus [1] and go to boss_mus [2] for tower of babel?
For the title music, will it go to a different song when I start a new game without exiting?
Tried again with the console version. The console version starts and everything seems to work fine except no title music plays at all. The graphics version crashes without starting.
****Edit 2***
ok. figured out why it started in console but not graphic. It's because I had "start = title_mus," when I started graphic version, but I changed it to "start = title_mus[1]," before I tried console. So I can get the graphic version to start that way, but I'm still not getting any title music. Everything else seems to work fine except the title music.
It still crashes. It makes it to the fullscreen query, but then crashes out. "Reason: invalid variant type cast"
Here is What I have now:
Code: [Select]
-- You can get much higher quality Doom MP3 tracks from
-- http://www.sirgalahad.org/paul/doom/
-- To use them, edit config.lua, and change music.lua to musicmp3.lua
-- MP3's need to be put in a directory named mp3.
--music_array is a table of pathnames to songs (like what you'd put in Music{})
--song_num is the total number of songs you want to output (size of playlist)
local function rand_music(music_array,song_num)
local song_tot = table.maxn(music_array)
local song_count = 0
local music_list = {}
--if song_num > music_array, we want to loop through
--randomization of the array more than once
for i=1,math.ceil(song_num/song_tot) do
--if song_num < music_array, we want to loop less than the full playlist
local loop_itr = math.min(song_tot,song_num)
song_num = song_num - song_tot
--make a temporary array of music
local song_list = music_array
for j=1,loop_itr do
--pick a random song from the temporary array...
idx = math.random(song_tot-j+1)
song = song_list[idx]
--...add it to the playlist...
music_list[song_count] = song
--...and remove it from the temporary array
song_count = song_count + 1
local title_playlist = {
local reg_playlist = {
local spec_playlist = {
local boss_playlist = {
local title_mus = rand_music(title_playlist,1)
local reg_mus = rand_music(reg_playlist,23)
local boss_mus = rand_music(boss_playlist,4)
local spec_mus = rand_music(spec_playlist,11)
Music = {
start = title_mus,
interlude = "mp3/PSX_Doom_Music/fdoom_04combine.mp3",
bunny = "mp3/d2end.mp3",
intro = "mp3/DSoP_00_WelcomeToHell(Intro).mp3",
hellgate = boss_mus[1],
level2 = reg_mus[1],
level3 = reg_mus[2],
level4 = reg_mus[3],
level5 = reg_mus[4],
level6 = reg_mus[5],
level7 = reg_mus[6],
level8 = reg_mus[7],
level9 = reg_mus[8],
level10 = reg_mus[9],
level11 = reg_mus[10],
level12 = reg_mus[11],
level13 = reg_mus[12],
level14 = reg_mus[13],
level15 = reg_mus[14],
level16 = reg_mus[15],
level17 = reg_mus[16],
level18 = reg_mus[17],
level19 = reg_mus[18],
level20 = reg_mus[19],
level21 = reg_mus[20],
level22 = reg_mus[21],
level23 = reg_mus[22],
level24 = reg_mus[23],
the_chained_court = spec_mus[1],
halls_of_carnage = spec_mus[2],
hells_armory = spec_mus[3],
hells_arena = spec_mus[4],
spiders_lair = spec_mus[5],
city_of_skulls = spec_mus[6],
the_wall = spec_mus[7],
unholy_cathedral = spec_mus[8],
the_mortuary = spec_mus[9],
the_vaults = spec_mus[10],
the_lava_pits = spec_mus[11],
tower_of_babel = boss_mus[1],
hell_fortress = boss_mus[2],
dis = boss_mus[3],
victory = "mp3/Motorhead - Hellraiser.mp3",
If Hell gate and intro are both already covered in the boss and special levels, do they need to be specified at the beginning of the file? Would Hellgate be the boss would it be the same as? Should I start Hellgate at boss_mus [1] and go to boss_mus [2] for tower of babel?
For the title music, will it go to a different song when I start a new game without exiting?
Tried again with the console version. The console version starts and everything seems to work fine except no title music plays at all. The graphics version crashes without starting.
****Edit 2***
ok. figured out why it started in console but not graphic. It's because I had "start = title_mus," when I started graphic version, but I changed it to "start = title_mus[1]," before I tried console. So I can get the graphic version to start that way, but I'm still not getting any title music. Everything else seems to work fine except the title music.
Requests For Features / Re: More music?
« on: April 17, 2012, 13:41 »
Finally got around to trying this out.
Are interlude and hellgate still used? Intro is the phobos base entry level right?
This is what I have right now. About to try it in a minute:
Does it look right?
Just tried and the game crashed on start up. :( Which part did I do wrong?
Are interlude and hellgate still used? Intro is the phobos base entry level right?
This is what I have right now. About to try it in a minute:
Code: [Select]
-- You can get much higher quality Doom MP3 tracks from
-- http://www.sirgalahad.org/paul/doom/
-- To use them, edit config.lua, and change music.lua to musicmp3.lua
-- MP3's need to be put in a directory named mp3.
--music_array is a table of pathnames to songs (like what you'd put in
--song_num is the total number of songs you want to output (size of
local function rand_music(music_array,song_num)
local song_tot = table.maxn(music_array)
local song_count = 0
local music_list = {}
--if song_num > music_array, we want to loop through
--randomization of the array more than once
for i=1,math.ceil(song_num/song_tot) do
--if song_num < music_array, we want to loop less than
the full playlist
local loop_itr = math.min(song_tot,song_num)
song_num = song_num - song_tot
--make a temporary array of music
local song_list = music_array
for j=1,loop_itr do
--pick a random song from the temporary array...
idx = math.random(song_tot-j+1)
song = song_list[idx]
--...add it to the playlist...
music_list[song_count] = song
--...and remove it from the temporary array
song_count = song_count + 1
local title_playlist = {
local reg_playlist = {
local spec_playlist = {
local boss_playlist = {
Music = {
start = rand_music(title_playlist, 1),
interlude = "mp3/PSX_Doom_Music/fdoom_04combine.mp3",
bunny = "mp3/d2end.mp3",
intro = "mp3/DSoP_00_WelcomeToHell(Intro).mp3",
hellgate = "mp3/PSX_Doom_Music/doom_credits.mp3",
level2 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level3 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level4 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level5 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level6 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level7 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level8 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level9 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level10 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level11 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level12 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level13 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level14 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level15 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level16 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level17 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level18 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level19 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level20 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level21 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level22 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level23 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
level24 = rand_music(reg_playlist, 20),
the_chained_court = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
halls_of_carnage = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
hells_armory = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
hells_arena = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
spiders_lair = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
city_of_skulls = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
the_wall = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
unholy_cathedral = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
the_mortuary = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
the_vaults = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
the_lava_pits = rand_music(spec_playlist, 12),
tower_of_babel = rand_music(boss_playlist, 4),
hell_fortress = rand_music(boss_playlist, 4),
dis = rand_music(boss_playlist, 4),
victory = "mp3/Motorhead - Hellraiser.mp3",
Does it look right?
Just tried and the game crashed on start up. :( Which part did I do wrong?