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Messages - Moonshine Fox

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Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.8|U|AoSh|Te|10|YASD] Shottyman Bronze
« on: February 10, 2020, 23:09 »
The Mines entrance spawns on Callisto L2, Valhalla Spaceport on L3 and the Barracks on L4.

Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.8|U|AoSh|Te|10|YASD] Shottyman Bronze
« on: February 10, 2020, 09:38 »
Well, for one, Mines is easier on a Shotgun run due to unarmored demons (for the most part) and while the rewards are less varied, they are still often relatively useful.

Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.8|U|AoSh|Te|10|YASD] Shottyman Bronze
« on: February 10, 2020, 04:11 »
I haven't tried AoSh since the updates. I've been having too much fun trying to break Gunslinger. Perhaps it's time to give it a run.

Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.8|U|Te|AoMr|YAVP] - pistol frenzy
« on: February 07, 2020, 17:26 »
I'm seriously considering that, but with the current OP Gunslinger that would make it even more OP. Maybe after I nerf Gunslinger a bit, I'll buff plasma pistols to 1 energy?
Sounds reasonable to me. It's also a bit more intuitive and doesn't artificially inflate cell piles.

Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.8|U|Te|AoMr|YAVP] - pistol frenzy
« on: February 06, 2020, 13:18 »
I think you're right...  I'm not at my computer right now, but if memory serves, plasma shotguns do 60 damage with 4 cells, so 15 damage per cell...  plasma rifle does 12 damage per cell, and the plasma pistol does 22 damage per 2 cells, so 11 damage per cell.  That makes the pistol the weakest of them, which seems backwards; generally, the pistols are supposed to be the more ammo efficient weapons, that fire slower than rifles, but do more damage per shot.  Some re-balancing is probably in order.

Honestly, with how rare cells are overall (unless you're suicidal and brave the bot-ridden hellhole that is CRI Labs), simply giving the pistols a cell use of 1 seems like a good idea to me.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Was doing great. Two decent weapons, and well on my way to Gunslinger L2 when I enter Callisto 4.

I spawn inside a room. I opened the door and was face to face with a security bot. It was a two-size door, so no way to get to cover quickly. Outside and to the left were two former soldiers.

I stealthed to get away and turned to the right and around the corner. The door on that side opens. Another Security bot. Are you serious? I keep running to try and find some cover to fight this onslaught of murder. Stealth wore off. Start taking tons of damage.

Dove around the second corner of the box I started in, now down to 40% HP after using two healthpacks. Two drones. Out of tricks.


Thanks RNG. Yet Another Annoying Death.
That's just unwinnable. I can't see what I could've done differently, aside from possibly take two facefull salvos from the first security bot in order to get to cover and heal up, then take it down. But I doubt I would've survived that either.

Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.8|U|Te|AoMr|YAVP] - pistol frenzy
« on: February 04, 2020, 13:52 »
once you get into io, it seems like the logical choice would be to just ditch 9mm altogether and throw everything into two plasma pistols
Well, I would've done that in my last run but only one ever dropped. And to be fair, if you don't go to the CRI Labs, you are probably going to be ammo-starved before the end of Beyond. There's not as much energy cells as you think there is. It looks like it's everywhere, but enemies drop small amounts and *every* plasma weapon just chunks cells. Shotgun is 4, Rifle is 3, Pistols are 2. I'd say the pistol is the worst one for damage vs cells spent, but I haven't actually done the math on it so I might be wrong.

But just the pure fact that even with pistols, your cell count is 50% of what it looks like is a pretty nasty hit. And with Gunslinger, you're now chonking two guns, so 4 per shot. Same as the shotgun.

Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.8|U|Te|AoMr|YAVP] - pistol frenzy
« on: February 04, 2020, 05:43 »
Any .44 weapon is going to start running dry about halfway through Europa. But I did find a lot more of it in my last run and considered picking up two adv revolvers because of it, but opted not to. With enough P mods I think at least one 44 could take you all the way.

The 50% max is for Pinpoint itself, so it stacks to 90% :P

Takes off glasses

Mother of God.

salivates in gun

Post Mortem / [0.8.8|M|Sc|13|YAVP] - So Gunslinger is pretty hot.
« on: February 03, 2020, 12:47 »
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Yeah so, Gunslinger is *really* strong. I spent most of the game using that advanced pistol, only adding mods as I found them, and a 9mmC for bots. I murdered most things before they got a chance to shoot and accuracy seemed decent.

I swapped the 9mmC for a Plasma pistol in Io 1, hoping to get another one to throw mods at, but never saw another one for the entire run (hence the piles of Cells in my inventory).

Now that I've played Gunslinger once, I feel that it has potential but it might just be a touch too strong. It remains to be seen. I'm gonna run a fair few more Gunslinger runs and see if this was just a fluke or if it might need a nerf somewhere.

Also, am I wrong in thinking that Pinpoint lacks a purpose when you have SoG 2? You're already at +40% crit chance with SoG 2, and Pinpoint caps at +50%, meaning you'll gain it after a single shot even with with PP 1.

Or are they separate stacks, so the +40% from SoG 2 stacks with PP?

Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.7|U|AoV|Ma|13|YASD] Whimper...
« on: February 02, 2020, 22:50 »
That's a shame. Would've been a nice trophy to finish AoV on UV!

I'm gonna take a look at post-Io monster generation to add some more variety to the compositions. Any variety will reduce the amount of armored ravagers so in turn should make stuff a bit more counter-playable. I.e. I think Kerberi should be more present, also in pairs. Maybe also move the first appearance of armored ravagers a bit further into the game.
It's worth a shot. They're an interesting enemy, but there's just so many of them they become a real issue since they unavoidably chip your health down unless you use gimmicky strategies, like aforementioned blind shooting (which I know you hate).

Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.7|M|Ma|13|YAVP] - Carried by launchers
« on: February 01, 2020, 15:13 »
So, if you like blasting stuff, next step is Angel of Carnage -- lot's of rockets, most likely there won't be shortage on Medium. Marine's Reload Dance is super cool when using rocket launcher.
I've finished AoC a couple of times. It's kinda fun, but late Beyond gets a bit iffy on the ammo sometimes. This run was absolutely carried by the overpowered Adv Launcher I have found.

Maybe it would be more balanced if these guys, especially armored ravagers, were more rare. Of course there should be very dangerous enemies. (And of course it should be risky to walk with half health or no armor.) But they should not be so dominant in the middle to late game, I think.

Yeah, the amount of splash damage you take from stray misses, considering how tight the levels are, is too damn high without some extremely gimmicky build (high range, high damage weapon and wall hunkering) or excessive blind shooting. Of course, vigorous use of smoke/gas grenades or a toxic/haze launcher can help facilitate this, but I feel there should be more options for dealing with those guys beyond relying on luck or dull tactics.

Post Mortem / [0.8.7|M|Ma|13|YAVP] - Carried by launchers
« on: January 31, 2020, 17:42 »
Flynn Taggart, level 13 Marine, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 9224 turns.
The run time was 1h 41m 17s.
He scored 4058 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.

CALLISTO L4 -> Military Barracks
Military Barracks - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
IO L4 -> Io Warehouse
Io Warehouse - cleared
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared

  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels

He killed 408 out of 411 enemies.

  1 former CRI soldier
  1 military bot
  17 former soldiers
  15 reavers
  6 hellish soldiers
  8 corrupted soldiers
  17 turrets
  3 exalted fiends
  26 armored ravagers
  6 plasma ravagers
  2 siege ravagers
  10 security drones
  9 CRI bots
  20 CRI marines
  1 summoner
  48 fiends
  32 fire fiends
  9 exalted reavers
  7 toxic reavers
  8 security bots
  13 former grunts
  2 corrupted guards
  5 hellish grunts
  3 corrupted grunts
  25 ravagers
  8 former guards
  24 archreavers
  6 former CRI commandos
  1 former CRI grunt
  6 corrupted commandos
  2 corrupted sergeants
  4 hellish sergeants
  11 corrupted heavys
  2 former commandos
  2 hellish heavys
  2 kerbeross
  7 former sergeants
  2 former CRI sergeants
  4 cryobeross
  1 toxiberos
  14 rocket turrets
  6 combat drones
  12 cryoreavers
  3 cybeross

  Skilled L2
  Hellrunner L2
  Reloader L2
  Sustained fire L1
  Angry Motherfucker
  Reload Dance

  Slot #1 : CRI plasma rifle P
  Slot #2 : CRI plasma shotgun P
  Slot #3 : ADV rocket launcher
  Body    : ADV red armor
  Utility : CRI rifle power control

  multitool (x1)

Got carried *hard* by that advanced Launcher. The ability to stun turrets and shroud enemies in toxic gas, doing chip damage and blinding them was crucial to making it through the later parts of Io and Beyond.

I made the questionable decision to drop my Adv Autoshotgun and Adv 7.62 Assault Rifle on Io 1 and replace them both with plasma weapons. I've always wanted to try a plasma run, so here I go.

I was struggling with ammo throughout. I was never comfortable on ammo ever, and diligent usage of barrels and the launcher got me through Beyond, but when I saw the door to Limbo, I made the choice to head through there. Limbo is largely populated by Archreavers. Easier to kill than fat ravagers, so I figured I would expend less ammo going through there.

I barely got through and slogged my way through the last Beyond level and made it to the Summoner. First time I've fought him since the changes, and him teleporting away made things difficult, but I persevered and chased him down. Ended up in a complete melee slug with him, and he quickly capped my pain at 75%, giving me a whopping 3% hit chance on him.

Not good. I used my last CRI teleport thingy and ended up far enough away to use my last health kit and wait for the Summoner, giving me a good aim bonus for when he reached me. Two salvos later, he was dead.

And there I was. In the Precipice of Defeat, with a nearly empty inventory, an empty plasma shotgun, an empty launcher and a plasma rifle with one salvo left in it.

But I fucking did it.

Unfortunately, I seem to have missed 3 enemies, which is weird, since every level I left was blue. I guess the reavers in PoD count towards the kill percentage?

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