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Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.7|U|AoCo|Te|11|YAAM] I'm in. (Confident Gold Badge)
« on: January 31, 2020, 06:39 »To each, there own, I guess. I prefer the 7.62 rifle over the chaingun, myself. Better accuracy, especially at range, and more ammo efficient, since it does more damage per bullet. It also suits my usual strategy better, since I frequently target enemies at the edge of my range, or beyond.
Same. But it's sometimes hard to pass up the raw dakka of a P2 Chaingun, if you have the option.
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.7|U|AoI|Ma|13|YASD] Mental note, Archreavers are fast
« on: January 31, 2020, 06:39 »
Blind shooting is virtually required to deal with all the splash-damage denizens of late Europa and beyond. Armored Ravagers will rip you to shreds unless you have Rocket/Chain combo with Juggler OR blind shoot like a maniac. The strategies to deal with them are slim.
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.7|M|Ma|9|YASD] I really hate Heavies and A-Ravagers...
« on: January 31, 2020, 06:34 »You call and I answer. :DThank you!
Similar to DoomRL, the strategy here is to not let them get a shot off in the first place. Fortunately, Armoured Ravagers are slow, so you can always outrun them. If you spot one, move away from it and shoot it from outside of its visual range. This can be done with a rifle if you very carefully watch what square they're standing on and target it, but my weapon of choice for this strategy is the rocket launcher, in which case, I'll usually fire at the wall next to where I know they're standing. It takes three rockets, or two rockets plus one rifle volley to deal with them this way, and you can get that down to two rockets by power-modding the rocket launcher.
This makes Juggler really useful for being able to switch to the rocket launcher on the fly, or if you're using Marine, I'm discovering that the new trait, Bloodhound, is really useful for knowing exactly where they're standing.
I assumed this was the solution. I've been unwilling to adopt this strategy because of my inherent dislike of radar shooting and such. It's a real shame we can't outrange them visually, but I guess it would be far too easy then. It also feels like a bit of an ammo waste, particularly if you're using a weapon that is already low on ammo that far down (Shotgun/9mm).
I think the main reason I've been having issues is because I've mostly played Scout and going for a SoG build, and that just flat out doesn't work in late Europa/Io. You do not kill fast enough to avoid return fire, and everything down there shreds you in seconds.
*sigh* back to automatics it is then, I guess. It just feels so bland that the only really viable strategy is Rocket/Chain. At least it feels like it.
Post Mortem / [0.8.7|M|Ma|9|YASD] I really hate Heavies and A-Ravagers...
« on: January 30, 2020, 12:26 »Flynn Taggart, level 9 Marine, killed on
Europa Central Dig by a cryoreaver.
He survived for 5439 turns.
The run time was 50m 15s.
He scored 1520 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
CALLISTO L4 -> Military Barracks
Military Barracks - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
He killed 220 out of 230 enemies.
2 combat drones
3 armored ravagers
5 ravagers
9 cryoreavers
26 fiends
5 rocket turrets
1 archreaver
26 former guards
10 former grunts
12 former sergeants
7 hellish soldiers
10 security drones
3 toxic reavers
10 turrets
3 exalted soldiers
1 former heavy
2 corrupted guards
23 fire fiends
8 corrupted soldiers
5 corrupted sergeants
1 military drone
3 corrupted commandos
4 hellish grunts
12 corrupted heavys
3 hellish sergeants
18 former soldiers
7 security bots
1 former commando
Skilled L2
Reloader L2
Whizkid L2
Reload Dance
Slot #1 : chaingun BA
Slot #2 : ADV 12ga shotgun P2
Slot #3 : rocket launcher P
Body : ADV blue armor P
Utility : - NONE -
rocket (x9)
12ga shell (x50)
12ga shell (x50)
12ga shell (x17)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x68)
gas grenade (x1)
multitool (x2)
So, about 95% of my runs for the last month has ended due to Heavies or Armored Ravagers. Not necessarily by killing blow, but the definitive cause of death. I just don't know how to deal with them if I don't have a hilariously overpowered weapon capable of oneshotting them. Sure, Heavies can *usually* be oneshotted before the fire, not always, but most of the time. These are only a problem if you step into their LOS if you haven't seen them first.
Armored Ravagers though. How the hell do you deal with them? No matter what I always get hit by them. It doesn't matter what I do, they always get at least one shot off at me, and with how cramped most levels are, this means taking damage. And considering almost half of all enemies on late Europa are ARs, they bleed my healthbar to the point where I don't have staying power and just get murdered by stray shots.
I'm genuinely looking for advice on how to *deal* with ARs. Not run away and ignore them, because I'm currently trying for 100% kills. How do you deal with them?
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.7|U|AoCo|Te|11|YAAM] I'm in. (Confident Gold Badge)
« on: January 28, 2020, 02:01 »
Callisto swarms are a problem in every mode, but on AoC you can't use cover to at least mitigate the bulletstorm that comes your way. A Phase Device could work, tbh.
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.7|U|AoD|Sc|14|YAAM] Angel of running around (Doomed Gold Badge)
« on: January 21, 2020, 01:08 »
I agree with EMP grenades. I rarely pick up anything but those. But then I play Tech most of the time, so I have a smoke grenade on demand, pretty much.
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.6|U|AoV|Ma|10|YASD] Almost got 'em
« on: January 07, 2020, 01:16 »
Dodging feels really weak in Jupiter Hell. In DRL it felt like I had a real chance to actually dodge my way to cover, especially with Hellrunner. In Jupiter Hell it feels more like if I'm caught in the open I'm just SOL.
Am I imagining this? Tormuse, you have way more experience than me. What's your thoughts?
Am I imagining this? Tormuse, you have way more experience than me. What's your thoughts?
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.6|U|AoV|Ma|10|YASD] Almost got 'em
« on: January 01, 2020, 23:34 »
Oof, that's a shame but an impressive feat getting there at all!
General Discussion / Re: Best place for giving feedbacks ?
« on: December 18, 2019, 04:17 »
Action log is not as great as it sounds. DRL and AliensRL both have it, and it's most often completely unusable as its packed with single-shot denotions. If it packed similar messages together with a <Message x15> then that might make it more useful.
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.5d|U|AoLT|Ma|14|YAVP] I finally won! :D
« on: December 18, 2019, 04:13 »
Welp. My hopes of beating UV before Tormuse have officially been shattered. :)
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.5d|H|Ma|13|YASD] Not over yet
« on: December 04, 2019, 03:43 »
Close to a win! Not bad!
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.5d|H|AoCa|Sc|11|YASD] I'll win some day. :P
« on: December 04, 2019, 03:41 »
Tormuse, are you trying to say that you have "accuracy by volume"? :) Winning a lot through the sheer volume of games.
AliensRL / Re: [0.8.2|Ma|YAVP] Flamethrower is pretty devastating
« on: November 27, 2019, 07:36 »
It's just a silly play on the obnoxious noise the pulse rifle makes. :)
AliensRL / Re: [0.8.2|Ma|YAVP] Flamethrower is pretty devastating
« on: November 27, 2019, 02:11 »
The flamethrower is indeed amazeballs. I don't discount the drtdrt, but the flamethrower is just all kinds of neat for clearing crowds.
Post Mortem / Re: [0.8.5b|H|Sc|10|YASD] Reached Io for the first time! :)
« on: November 27, 2019, 02:08 »
Io is a pretty big spike in difficulty. Especially because of the CRI Bots that litter the place. You can still find relatively solid amounts of rockets and 7.62 ammo from formers and Ravagers, but yeah, shotgun shells and 9mm is going to be in real short supply. Also, if you're still using a .44 weapon by the time you get to Io, you're gonna have a bad time. That ammo type is *real* rare.
I'm not going to spoil anything without asking, but do you want to know what the keycards are for?
I'm not going to spoil anything without asking, but do you want to know what the keycards are for?