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Messages - ih8regin

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Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: April 01, 2020, 00:32 »
1. Yes, you can. If you find them of course. I recall being able to nuke with Trigun on AoSh.
2. Weird, it indeed is not written anywhere but really scout's stair sense is disabled on AoPc. Not sure if intended or just mis-described.
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And a question at your side:
How to deal with IMPS on AoB? Anything else and I can cornershoot em into oblivion, with AoB I can only whack them, and they too often can either hit me in return (with MVm as target I'm always slower than them!) or even shoot at me while I can't see them, say if I'm hiding my @$$ behind a door shifted to the side. And they hurt, especially at level 2 and 3 when you are not yet berserking from attacks, and they are too dam many to simply ignore and try to dodge - again it's hard to dodge them without HR. Ultra-Violence implied.

Well, basically yet another "first angelic" post over there. Spent about 180 tries with about 70 ending with a mortem before finally getting some nice invulnerabilities chained long enough to last until Dis. Of course was stupid and impatient enough to spend a nuke before meeting Spidey, although I did not believe I'd get a white sphere at lv7 to try a full win. Also was impatient enough to not earn me her brain, that would be kinda worth it I believe - especially with a character that excels at cornershooting. But, one mistap of F and I was pummeled almost to death, thankfully I had my red armor on to not get killed. And, BOY how I like when I get tossed around while invulnerable and just LAUGH at mancubi, viles, trons and former commandoes as they get OBLITERATED by friendly fire. Ha, ha, ha.

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"SEVERAL" times isn't too much regarding any challenge in DoomRL. Actually, starting a normal game on UV or N! would take several tries just to reach say Anomaly, then several more tries to pass it through (luck dependent, sadly). My last challenge (AoB+AoLT) took no less than 50 tries to get off the ground, then got killed in Anomaly by the ambush, so... However, grats with a resilience challenge!

Discussion / Re: Just beat HTNR, got screwed out of my Mortem
« on: March 25, 2020, 21:07 »
Nice! Regarding an issue with mortems, check permissions on your DoomRL folder and check if you can write there. If not, change them so you can, or copy the entire folder elsewhere then grant yourself write permissions on it.

Not being the brightest mind over there, I tried to perform an UV AoPc run for several hours, the best attempt ending at Anomaly with BBs getting me rekt with ease. Maybe I can't just pass them properly, and should use another tactics, but I then decided to go for luck-based approach with AoOC. This game ended up being very lucky with level 7 stairs being close enough after having to use a homie (yay! A homie in reach in AoPc!) on level 6 vs a ton of arachnotrons. Then of course it went BAM. I wonder if someone can actually to a full win with AoPc? Also having no benefit with UV over HNTR for AoPc is kinda strange. Also got a gold badge outta this run - nice.
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Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: March 22, 2020, 01:13 »
I wonder, does AoPc really require a megaton of reloading to ever get finished? I have spent a good deal of 4h this morning to be able to finish one AoPc (mind you, I went for UV AoPc, with best attempt ended at bruiser brothers, I couldn't past them even with running - maybe I'm doing it wrong?), in the end I went for AoPc+AoOC UV and did 50 more rerolls for a non-revenant start and stuff.

There are two ways of going through N! without tedium. One is stairdiving, doable should you not care about 100%/90%/whatever% badges, or if you're AoPc - but, AoPc on N!? The other is rocketing stuff around, gibbing corpses as they are made. Berserking with a Longinus Spear or maybe with a double chainsaw also often does not leave a corpse, also with meleeing you more often have an opportunity to fight an enemy over an open door. There may be other ways to tackle N! without this issue, but I'm not a serious N! player (or AoD if this matters, AoD also involves respawning monsters).

Nightmare! / Re: [N!|23%|YAVP] UAC Diamond
« on: March 19, 2020, 21:52 »
Nice run! I'd not hunt angelics, even if Shotgunner is the easiest of them, I can even do something in order to try to acquire it, I'd first accommodate self to N! as a difficulty. But, since this is already a speedrun... maaaybe you're ready to tackle an angelic indeed.

Got some free time while being on a sick leave, coupled with all-over closing of stuffs, uncovered DoomrL after another hiatus - found out my hands and brain still have wires optimised for this! Checked my badges, found that I'm missing a Marksman Platinum - but I'm very fond of pistols in 0997, thus went for it. After about twenty tries of fruitless Sereging that badge, with best try ending at Hell lv5 with three packs around the start, and the only phase device to drop me right between them... I went with normal way, spent another twenty tries bootstrapping to either Int-Int or SoG3, failed all of them and cried myself to sleep. Next morning things turned to my favor, and I've got me a combat pistol at Deimos5, and a real ton of 10mm chains to supply my 2d4 "B" pistol with power needed to faceroll barons and pain elementals. Got two caves of spiders back to back, but with a P-red they were somewhat easy, although it took a full chain to wreck em all. Had no nukes, but a homie and an invulnerability on Hell7 - this could as well be a full win should the RNG give me one. Hum. Anyway I'm happy.
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Oh I see a win button outta there - grats on getting one! (nano super shotty/P, it even says so in the wiki)

About nuking the UC - you can use the nuke while standing in lava - it'll BLOW UP at once :D and there's lava just beside the starting position in UC. Also grats with them nukes - last time I had to resort to trigunning a couple of Hell levels instead XDDD

Nightmare! / Re: [N!|AoMC|92%|YAVP] How come I didn't PWN?
« on: September 07, 2018, 06:48 »
Not a big deal P-modding a blue, saving 1 damage from 15 otherwise hitting you, anyway 4-hit kill. Maybe this would be enough to kill one shambler should he drop at the edge of your vision with MCe, but wrecking 205HP takes 5 volleys (TH1 SoB2, 4 if consecutive and full hits - I've seen bullets miss on AoMC vs a demon that was 2 squares away, so expect 4-hit to never proc), quite a lot of time to have a threesome, and then it would be them to take the active stance. About health - not too easy, a full medpack vs two bolts (from 2 shamblers) is not enough to spare a turn, even as a scout. A technician would have a better survival rate since they eat medpacks quite fast, but a technician doesn't have MCe... and on AoMC the thing that rules is DPS rather than being able to quickly heal. But, next time I'll try to pop a shambler, if I'd be already with Cateye.

Regarding N! respawn, I have once met info that respawn ticks are area wide, and they happen at equal intervals, then each existing corpse (seems that not archviles, thankfully) rolls dice if it stands up separately. Maybe these dice get altered from time spent on the level. Really, there should be docs about this mechanics somewhere.

Nightmare! / Re: [N!|AoMC|92%|YAVP] How come I didn't PWN?
« on: September 06, 2018, 22:06 »
halls of carnage is brutal on N! especially if you have no completely fire resistant boots

this run i usually build to int 2 right off the bat and take cateye ASAP as the vision boost really helps, especially when max carnage negates the accuracy penalties
To get fire-immune boots you need an onyx pack, this in turn means you need to wipe the shambler(s) in armory/deimos lab, and trading fire with that fatso on AoMC - nooooo, just no. Even with two levels of Fin and a T-mod on the weapon. I did wipe the shambler on AoMC once however, on UV IIRC, when it ported a good deal of squares away from me and I had MCe back then - now I prefer to deviate to get Jug and DM beforehand, maybe should keep one level of HR as deviation if running in tac shoes... quite a thin line of balance, even with additional experience on N!.

And yes, without Int-Int AoMC is a frikking lottery, or a cornershoot fest, neither allows wiping corpses efficiently. This works on UV but doesn't on N!.
It's actually both.  They respawn more and more frequently, the longer you spend on the level, (that's why I don't like to spend too much time camping at N! difficulty) and they have a bad habit of respawning at the most inconvenient moments.  :P
Go8d thing RNG was kind enough to give me an universal eraser this time XDDDD Also, any info on how often does the respawn happen?

Nightmare! / [N!|AoMC|92%|YAVP] How come I didn't PWN?
« on: September 06, 2018, 13:38 »
Well, N! is frikking stressful. Not just you're unable to save, but monsters replenish their ranks with tremendous speed. And, is it just me, or N! respawn speed increases over time? The run was never decided won, once I managed to survive with 1HP left (2%) vs a mancubus, wiped him for good then ate a medkit and went onward. But, I was granted a single piece of equipment that pretty much carried me through Hell (albeit as a support device) - the ever-desired Plasma Shotgun. Dam, it was a lifesaver in the Mortuary, which I cleared well and tidy as a result, while not having access to that nuclear BFG. For some reason a homing phase device decided to land me on top left set of stairs instead of top right where BFG rests, so I had to wade through a lot and a real lot of enemies. I managed to stockpile a really big set of weapons and ammo off them formers, but an ever-increasing stream of mancubi, revenants and viles cut me out of that pile of phat lewt so I eventually ran out of every kind of ammo - except rockets, as I had a revenant in my rear periodically reviving and supplying me with rockets. I managed to cut me out of an avalance of barons and hell knights with about 20 rockets, and ran out of them as well - but a former sergeant was kind enough to not get plasmated, so I grabbed all the shells he donated and played wall of force. Sadly, with a tac and no Rel the force wasn't enough to cover all sides, so while I was fighting the upper left, a former managed to sneak up on me from below, dropping me to 38% and damaging me my red armor. I blasted him with whatever that remained in my ever-unloaded tac shotty, looted his plasmagun and FINALLY managed to touch the ammo - yaaaay, back to full power! BLAST'EM! Then it was rather simple, with AoMC up MY sleeve and about 1000 power cells from all sources, I was wrecking any single monster with a volley of plasma bolts then a cleanup with shotty - rest in pieces, har har. That battle lasted me a good deal of 40 minutes of careful evaluation of what can shoot me and what can't, and one mistake could easily be the end.

Here, behold the mighty pile of loot:
Code: [Select]
There is a chaingun (1d6)x4 [40/40] lying here.                               
 There is a plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [0/40] lying here.                             
  Linuxusers Buy Games       Armor : blue armor [2/2] (100%)                   
  Health: 100% Exp: 14/62%   Weapon: nuclear BFG 9000 (8d6) [40/40]             
  cautious                                                    The Mortuary     
Should have pressed F10 I think - colored, it looks a whole lot better.

Overall, the run was pretty fruitless - a SINGLE A-pack, three P-packs (first on lv17 went into a tac shotty, two more on BFG and plasma shotty, just in case), 4 or so bulk and a slew of tech packs, one vest, a plasma shotgun, and that's ALL. Dam, Hell, maybe you should be a lil more generous next time? And this with all levels walked through - I didn't bother with YAAMing, after all it's Nightmare! and my first relatively successful run (there was another but I went to Halls of Carnage and N! halls have nightmare cacos that fried my doomguy, so this time I skipped it), just finishing is already good enough.

And... how come I didn't get Hell Arena Pwnage badge? What hit me when I wasn't looking? I thought I did get it this time.

 DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Linuxusers Buy Games,
 level 15 Arch-Vile Br. General Scout,
 defeated the Mastermind at the City of Dis.
 He survived 133290 turns and scored 678737 points.
 He played for 8 hours, 17 minutes and 37 seconds.
 He opposed the Nightmare!

 He killed 1522 out of 1643 hellspawn. (92%)
 He held his right to remain violent.
 He was an Angel of Max Carnage!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 11
  Levels visited   : 3
  Levels completed : 2

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Cyberdemon's Head
  Mastermind's Brain
  UAC Star (gold cluster)
  Grim Reaper's Badge
  Hell Champion Medal
  Gatekeeper Platinum Badge
  Reaper Platinum Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 65/50   Experience 107984/15
  ToHit Ranged +12  ToHit Melee +12  ToDmg Ranged +2  ToDmg Melee +2

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Scout

    Finesse          (Level 2)
    Hellrunner       (Level 3)
    Son of a bitch   (Level 2)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Dodgemaster      (Level 1)
    Intuition        (Level 2)
    Whizkid          (Level 2)
    Triggerhappy     (Level 1)
    Cateye           (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Angelic Armor [7/7] (96%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   gatling gun (1d7)x6 [18/60]
    [c] [ Boots      ]   steel boots [1/1] (100%) (A)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   nuclear BFG 9000 (9d6) [40/40] (P1)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] tactical shotgun (8d3) [4/5]
    [b] rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1] (B1)
    [c] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [40/40] (T1)
    [d] plasma shotgun (8d3) [30/30] (P1)
    [e] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
    [f] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [g] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [h] 10mm ammo (x60)
    [i] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [j] shotgun shell (x45)
    [k] shotgun shell (x50)
    [l] rocket (x10)
    [m] power cell (x50)
    [n] power cell (x50)
    [o] power cell (x43)
    [p] power cell (x50)
    [q] power cell (x50)
    [r] large med-pack
    [s] large med-pack
    [t] phase device
    [u] phase device
    [v] envirosuit pack

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Bullet     - internal 0%    torso 50%   feet 0%   
    Melee      - internal 0%    torso 50%   feet 0%   
    Shrapnel   - internal 0%    torso 50%   feet 0%   

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    185 former humans
    201 former sergeants
    124 former captains
    204 imps
    87 demons
    151 lost souls
    141 cacodemons
    44 hell knights
    54 barons of hell
    94 arachnotrons
    78 former commandos
    14 pain elementals
    54 revenants
    49 mancubi
    28 arch-viles
    10 nightmare demons
    2 bruiser brothers
    1 Cyberdemon
    1 Spider Mastermind

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He left the Arena as a champion!
  On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
  On level 9 he entered Hell's Armory.
  He left the Armory without drawing too much attention.
  On level 11 he assembled a gatling gun!
  On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
  On level 17 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
  He nuked level 19!
  On level 20 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
  On level 20 he found the Angelic Armor!
  He managed to clear the Mortuary from evil!
  On level 21 he ran for his life from lava!
  Then at last he found Dis!
  On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : a Spider Mastermind (mortally wounded) | floor | [ m ]ore
 The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
 Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
 flinched! The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
 flinched! The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
 flinched! The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
 flinched! The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | floor | [ m ]ore
 The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
 Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
 flinched! The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind dies.
 Congratulations! You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 93 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 74 of those were killed.
 1 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 3 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 15 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 2 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 9 killed the bitch and survived.
 4 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.


Post Mortem / [U|AoSh|92%|YAVP] Gatekeeper Diamond and out of ammo
« on: September 06, 2018, 00:15 »
First, I wished this to be a YAAM, but had to flee a caco cave at lv19, thankfully started a few steps away from the stairs. Skipping a few, no need to wipe everything, so I went to Mortuary - hum, no, too hot, I tapped a homie and ended up in a mob, but jumping down the stairs saved my ass from being ripped apart. Then I've got two pain elem caves in a row at 22 and 23, with measly two packs of shells total. But I managed to keep one box intact for Spidey.

Otherwise, the game was smooth at first, to my amusement I have found that Shottyman and Double Shotty allows me to tackle them nightmare demons in Phobos Lab without too much hassle, even if they don't get full blast in their face. I tried the same in Hell's Armory, but had to chew medpacks like candies while that brute decided to constantly fire at me at wrong moments. It also shone in Abyssal Planes, even if that agony elemental had a ton of HP and some armor, everything else got wiped out, the best property of shotguns :P I wish I'd build me an elephant gun, but sort of fumbled early, then wanted to wait for WK2, then was in a distress and made a FDS/P instead, however that puppy was a lifesaver at the very next level, with as few as 4x15 walkable squares and two BV packs right off the bat.

The funniest thing was Hell lv1 (also lv17) with "You need to run", and 0.33s walking speed with phaseshift/A and tac boots with HR2. I was able to sprint, wipe everyone then get almost to the start of the level to collect ammo. The hardest encounter was Spider's Lair, they triple-teleported me when I was finally at a cornershooting position, and that Medical Powerarmor which I managed to strip off a former commando at 8% was the ultimate heal that allowed me to survive (I had 4HP left when hunting for the last arachnotron), then a reward supercharge allowed me to continue. Sadly, missed Mastermind Brain by a single move in the middle of a fight, show have covered self. Well, maybe next time.

And finally, the GK Diamond was a result of a very lucky phase into the middle of the level and spamfiring from a tac shotty first into that door on the left, then into bruisers on the right. The Cyberdemon is all about timing, but firing a double from 2 squares away right after he throws a rocket is easy with huge runspeed.

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Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: September 05, 2018, 23:58 »
Wow, need to check that game for tips. I normally still have a shell box from wiping Hell Arena, as with AoSh an Int2 arena is sort of a cakewalk unless you get swarmed in an instant at the start of the next wave. But a combat shotgun is not a frequent drop on Phobos lv5, and even if I do get that AND a P-mod to augment it at once, I seem to get cornered by barons pretty often. I have managed to get some of them with relative safety, but then that moment happens when a baron enters left doors with you engaged in damaging one (or two!) other barons, you have to flee as in cramped quarters that baron has an advantage, and you normally can't push it back out of the doors and maybe into the lava... OW, OW, AAAAAHHHHHH! And since there's no cover outside, you're pretty much screwed. Then yet again, the Vile. I couldn't down it last time on UV with zerk on at first and a double shotty plus Shottyman AND HR2 (no combat shotgun for me that time), got it to mortally wounded before it fried me.

I start to clear Deimos Lab and NOT releasing the shamblers, they are too dam tough and mobile to tackle, perhaps if I'd be a zerker then maaaybe I'd decode to communicate to them my need of packs (:D), but likely not on any other setting. The location where they appear is too small for ranged combat and too hot for melee, should they start teleporting (which I think they never do if engaged, still one needs to close the distance first). One Shambler is doable, esp if you can take some cover after it teleports. Just did a successful AoSh run tho, gonna post a mortem as it has something to boast on my skill level.

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