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Discussion / News from the Forge vol. 4: DoomRL BETA status thread
« on: November 03, 2011, 10:27 »
...or how the world was changed.
Well, well, about time. Doom the Roguelike BETA is now out to donators, but you should have realized that by just reading the header here, so before I go into details, allow me to start with something related: GOOD FOLK OF CHAOSFORGE! Bid welcome to a new co-developer of Chaosforge games, noble and renowned Game_Hunter. He joined Almighty Kornel and tehtmi in their work, and together, the world will be theirs, in due time, of course.
But in the meantime, they managed to create this new wonderful, beautiful beta. Why wonderful and beautiful? Let us just say that it is groundbreaking release, as fitting for a .9.9.5 version. And reasons for it? Well. See for yourself, for I am going to allow facts to speak over an overly elaborate PR crap.
Apart from creating a huge number of changes-related bugs, this version gives us a few neat fixes already. First of all: difficult medals give you easier medals of the same series if you haven't already received them, which is something many wanted for a long time now. Second off: trying to fire with not enough (but non-zero) ammo is now instant. One less weirdness of the engine to worry about now. Neat. And, apart from that, a bunch of other minor fixes (mostly challenge) related was introduced, but them you will have to see for yourself.
New Features
And now....
So... huge, huge things, as you can clearly see. Especially the nerf. Things worth seeing, worth playing. DoomRL changes, DoomRL evolves. And that is but the first step. And if you can't stand the wait and the teasers, maybe consider donating?
Stay tuned for more information, they should appearing shortly.
I think I forgot to mention the graphical version beta... damm it.
Well, well, about time. Doom the Roguelike BETA is now out to donators, but you should have realized that by just reading the header here, so before I go into details, allow me to start with something related: GOOD FOLK OF CHAOSFORGE! Bid welcome to a new co-developer of Chaosforge games, noble and renowned Game_Hunter. He joined Almighty Kornel and tehtmi in their work, and together, the world will be theirs, in due time, of course.
But in the meantime, they managed to create this new wonderful, beautiful beta. Why wonderful and beautiful? Let us just say that it is groundbreaking release, as fitting for a .9.9.5 version. And reasons for it? Well. See for yourself, for I am going to allow facts to speak over an overly elaborate PR crap.
Apart from creating a huge number of changes-related bugs, this version gives us a few neat fixes already. First of all: difficult medals give you easier medals of the same series if you haven't already received them, which is something many wanted for a long time now. Second off: trying to fire with not enough (but non-zero) ammo is now instant. One less weirdness of the engine to worry about now. Neat. And, apart from that, a bunch of other minor fixes (mostly challenge) related was introduced, but them you will have to see for yourself.
New Features
And now....
- MAJOR RESTRUCTURING OF THE GAME! - instead of simple progressing through Phobos Base into Phobos Hell, now we have something much truer to the source material: three episodes - Phobos Base, Tower of Babel and Dis, each culminating with a climatic boss encounter!
- New final boss! Yeah, that is right: good ol' Cybbie will no longer be the one that capstones the game. Something more monstrous will be there, waiting for you!
- New AIs! As of now, mancubi and arch-viles received a cool new AI, and as the new betas shall appear, all creatures will receive a similiar upgrade.
- Last but not least, the long awaited nerf to the the much maligned Arch-Viles is here. You wanted, you have it now. After like a five years or so.
- Tweaks of special level spawning, to go along with new level structure.
So... huge, huge things, as you can clearly see. Especially the nerf. Things worth seeing, worth playing. DoomRL changes, DoomRL evolves. And that is but the first step. And if you can't stand the wait and the teasers, maybe consider donating?
Stay tuned for more information, they should appearing shortly.
I think I forgot to mention the graphical version beta... damm it.
Graveyard / Ride Across The River IC
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:58 »
You still could not get used to the fact that the FTL drive just hummed when engaged, instead of roaring as it used to before Mai installed her latest upgrades. Still, it did make your life much more comfortable - though the the attempts to go to sleep still failed. So, having nothing better to do (unless you really wanted to watch that asari flick Mai was so ecstatic about) you just replayed the message from your current employer.
'Three weeks ago, my idiot's brother daughter was kidnapped by a band of ascended thugs who apparently believed that they could use her to blackmail me. As if I'd care for some asari.'
After hearing those words, you did not even have to look at the holo to see the face of the turian businessman before your eyes. He sounded just so palvean. Besides, you knew his voice and face from before. Trak Na'Qun was his name, and he was... well, an owner of a small, but well-prospering company and one of the most vocal nationalists out there in the Hierarchy.
'But of course I must not allow them to go unpunished for their arrogance. And thankfully, that so called 'mercenaries' proved to be as sloppy as my brother's security, and we have managed to track them down to a system in Terminus Systems. I want you' his tone was visibly used to giving orders 'to go there, find them, and kill them all. Every single of them is to get a bullet to the head, no matter if they are women, children or children with women. No one dares to mess with me. Especially not some thugs from Omega. And quite frankly, I want nothing more. If that asari girl lives, all the better, but their deaths come first. Of course, I will pay you extra for her being alive. But you will have to deliver her to me personally, because she has to learn a few things before I even start considering her a member of my family again. And you have my permission to do whatever you want with her as long as you get her to me alive and not crippled. I have no use for cripples. Ah, and it goes without mentioning that if any details of this mission ever make their way to the extranet, you both are facing a certain death. I will not allow myself to be disgraced!'
The message ended with that cheerful note. Enclosed, there were coordinates of a star system in Terminus, a file on that asari kidnapee and an another one on the mercenaries responsible. And, of course, information on the payment. One hundred and fifty thousands credits plus twenty five thousand extra for the girl being rescued alive and delivered to the given location.
'He is a kind of dick, is not he?'
You turned around to see Mai standing in the doorway, yawning and flexing her blue-skinned limbs. She had it good, she had no problems sleeping with a FTL on.
'Three weeks ago, my idiot's brother daughter was kidnapped by a band of ascended thugs who apparently believed that they could use her to blackmail me. As if I'd care for some asari.'
After hearing those words, you did not even have to look at the holo to see the face of the turian businessman before your eyes. He sounded just so palvean. Besides, you knew his voice and face from before. Trak Na'Qun was his name, and he was... well, an owner of a small, but well-prospering company and one of the most vocal nationalists out there in the Hierarchy.
'But of course I must not allow them to go unpunished for their arrogance. And thankfully, that so called 'mercenaries' proved to be as sloppy as my brother's security, and we have managed to track them down to a system in Terminus Systems. I want you' his tone was visibly used to giving orders 'to go there, find them, and kill them all. Every single of them is to get a bullet to the head, no matter if they are women, children or children with women. No one dares to mess with me. Especially not some thugs from Omega. And quite frankly, I want nothing more. If that asari girl lives, all the better, but their deaths come first. Of course, I will pay you extra for her being alive. But you will have to deliver her to me personally, because she has to learn a few things before I even start considering her a member of my family again. And you have my permission to do whatever you want with her as long as you get her to me alive and not crippled. I have no use for cripples. Ah, and it goes without mentioning that if any details of this mission ever make their way to the extranet, you both are facing a certain death. I will not allow myself to be disgraced!'
The message ended with that cheerful note. Enclosed, there were coordinates of a star system in Terminus, a file on that asari kidnapee and an another one on the mercenaries responsible. And, of course, information on the payment. One hundred and fifty thousands credits plus twenty five thousand extra for the girl being rescued alive and delivered to the given location.
'He is a kind of dick, is not he?'
You turned around to see Mai standing in the doorway, yawning and flexing her blue-skinned limbs. She had it good, she had no problems sleeping with a FTL on.
Graveyard / Ride Across The River - Mass Effect PbF - OOC
« on: August 17, 2011, 13:03 »
Welcome to the OOC thread for a Mass Effect game of Traveller RPG.
For now, there are two players here:
-Almighty Epyon
For the curious: the game is about the (mis)adventures of a small band of a guns-for-hire in the Terminus Systems, where all is possible and a bullet to the head is most likely. Timeline-wise, it is set slightly after the events of Mass Effect 2, though it does not affect the setting much.
That is the premise, anyway. I have two players already, though I'd be willing to accept one or two more, so, any volunteers?
And finally, character creation guidelines:
- Basic character creation as per Traveller core rulebook, material from other books mostly allowed, as long as you reference it. No limit to the number of terms, though I would ask for characters that do have a reason for freelanching as mercenaries.
- Council Space races allowed, for character creation guidelines for non-humans, ping me via Private Messages so that we can work out details.
- No biotics, please.
That is all for now, more details will follow if necessary.
For now, there are two players here:
-Almighty Epyon
For the curious: the game is about the (mis)adventures of a small band of a guns-for-hire in the Terminus Systems, where all is possible and a bullet to the head is most likely. Timeline-wise, it is set slightly after the events of Mass Effect 2, though it does not affect the setting much.
That is the premise, anyway. I have two players already, though I'd be willing to accept one or two more, so, any volunteers?
And finally, character creation guidelines:
- Basic character creation as per Traveller core rulebook, material from other books mostly allowed, as long as you reference it. No limit to the number of terms, though I would ask for characters that do have a reason for freelanching as mercenaries.
- Council Space races allowed, for character creation guidelines for non-humans, ping me via Private Messages so that we can work out details.
- No biotics, please.
That is all for now, more details will follow if necessary.
Discussion / News from the Forge vol. 3: DoomRL BETA status thread
« on: June 29, 2011, 16:24 »
It is that time again! After few long months of deathly stillness, Chaosforge lunges back to life: and its life is epitomised by newest marvel from our beloved Majesty hands: Doom The Roguelike BETA 1. This version will bring a number of new features, never seen before, and it will shake the foundation of earth and sky, and when it is released, doom will rain from heavens upon the heathen...
So convert quickly, make a donation and observe the cool new features as they are added.
And if you can't: here is the run-down on what is new so far.
Sidenote: interestingly, this is one of the stablest betas ever seen by the betatesters, and almost entirely free of bugs.
Let us see: two bugs that were visible and prominent (Armory level being destroyable, and Armory being completed without Shambler biting the dust) - squashed.
One very little known, yet ancient bug (armor and player name colors at extreme value starting to turn into weirdest of colors) - squashed.
Number of bugs so insanely obscure that nobody ever knew of them - squashed.
Yes, bug-cleansing of the game is proceeding as planned.
New Features
And again, a number of features you might be interested in:
So far, the changes has not been that numerous, right? But wait! There is more to come, and this more will be earthshaking! Just wait until His Majesty Kornel, Almighty Forgemaster puts, for example, character classes upon his anvil and adds them!
And if you want to see this changes before anyone else, seriously, appreciate his omnipotence and donate!
So convert quickly, make a donation and observe the cool new features as they are added.
And if you can't: here is the run-down on what is new so far.
Sidenote: interestingly, this is one of the stablest betas ever seen by the betatesters, and almost entirely free of bugs.
Let us see: two bugs that were visible and prominent (Armory level being destroyable, and Armory being completed without Shambler biting the dust) - squashed.
One very little known, yet ancient bug (armor and player name colors at extreme value starting to turn into weirdest of colors) - squashed.
Number of bugs so insanely obscure that nobody ever knew of them - squashed.
Yes, bug-cleansing of the game is proceeding as planned.
New Features
And again, a number of features you might be interested in:
- Ammo packs, as suggested in RFE forums.
- Three new level events!
- Items on explored squares are now visible - and while this change is still experimental, it was met with wide acclaim among testers.
- Bridges are now (finally, I'd say) guaranteed to spawn on rivers. So fear not their rushing sound. Which is not actually yet implemented.
- A few more cosmetic changes - including higher number of Pain Elemental spawns and Cyberdemon being immune to lava/acid.
So far, the changes has not been that numerous, right? But wait! There is more to come, and this more will be earthshaking! Just wait until His Majesty Kornel, Almighty Forgemaster puts, for example, character classes upon his anvil and adds them!
And if you want to see this changes before anyone else, seriously, appreciate his omnipotence and donate!
Requests For Features / New level event ideas
« on: May 04, 2011, 14:41 »
.9.9.3 brought us a number of new, shiny level events that spice the game up. But still, those events are few. Thus, I call you to arms, citizens of the Forge, come here and invent new interesting additions to level generation that will make DoomRL grow in variability, power and shiny.
Yesss... shiny.
And allow me to start:
"You see the back of your head for a moment" - every X turns, every being on this level randomly teleports.
"You can hardly see a thing here" - no level memory on this floor, as per old Angel of Darkness.
"This place seems sturdy" - walls on this level cannot be damaged.
Yesss... shiny.
And allow me to start:
"You see the back of your head for a moment" - every X turns, every being on this level randomly teleports.
"You can hardly see a thing here" - no level memory on this floor, as per old Angel of Darkness.
"This place seems sturdy" - walls on this level cannot be damaged.
Discussion / News from the Forge vol. 2: DoomRL BETA status thread
« on: February 20, 2011, 17:10 »
...nobody expects Spanish Polish developers!
Well, we can safely said that it was fast. Very fast. In less than a month since the release of .9.9.2 the beta of a new version found its way into the hands of the trusted (that is those who donated, in case you are new to this thread). You did not see that coming, did you?
Well, anyway, DoomRL BETA 1 is currently being tested, and it has already brought huge changes to the very foundations of the goriest and most doomish rougelike that is- but, first thing first.
Not much of them, a few bugs concerning assemblies has been squish under His mighty coding feet, but apart from that, nothing. Mostly due to the fact that .9.9.2 is still fresh, and bug-reports from it are still flowing in. We can safely guess that He is just waiting for Bug Report forum to swell a bit before embarking on code mistakes expunging crusade!
Any claims of Him being just lazy are considered major heresy and hold a punishment consisting, but not limited to a) tweaking RNG so that it spawns numberless Viles upon the infidels, b) auto da fe, c) boiling alive in vegetable oil. Fear the Inquisition!)
New Features
The new beta brings many, many new exciting things for all DoomRL players, including:
Well, we can safely said that it was fast. Very fast. In less than a month since the release of .9.9.2 the beta of a new version found its way into the hands of the trusted (that is those who donated, in case you are new to this thread). You did not see that coming, did you?
Well, anyway, DoomRL BETA 1 is currently being tested, and it has already brought huge changes to the very foundations of the goriest and most doomish rougelike that is- but, first thing first.
Not much of them, a few bugs concerning assemblies has been squish under His mighty coding feet, but apart from that, nothing. Mostly due to the fact that .9.9.2 is still fresh, and bug-reports from it are still flowing in. We can safely guess that He is just waiting for Bug Report forum to swell a bit before embarking on code mistakes expunging crusade!
Any claims of Him being just lazy are considered major heresy and hold a punishment consisting, but not limited to a) tweaking RNG so that it spawns numberless Viles upon the infidels, b) auto da fe, c) boiling alive in vegetable oil. Fear the Inquisition!)
New Features
The new beta brings many, many new exciting things for all DoomRL players, including:
- Additions and changes to level and room generation- much needed and much neglected. The rooms of DoomRL will never be the same- the fights will be no wrought upon and among mighty crates, rivers of water, magma and acid and so on and so on
- New level events... I won't spoil. I will just show you: Spoiler (click to show/hide)