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Messages - emulord

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: August 02, 2012, 18:35 »
Lets add this weapon!
Get kills while its in the prepared slot to charge it.

Requests For Features / Re: Polished product
« on: August 01, 2012, 15:58 »
Using a mouse is not my first instinct in a roguelike. I very briefly tried using it. It was jerking all around on the menu screen and I didnt want my character charging chaotically toward his death, so I put it aside. Still not the best workaround, but It'll do.
Definetly for graphical version put character info on the bottom more than the side. Right now the screen diameters are so far off for width vs height.

Requests For Features / Re: Polished product
« on: August 01, 2012, 12:18 »
Ah I didn't realize about needing crazy screen resolution. Id rather have smaller+uglier sprites and be able to see everything. Maybe have a option for graphic type, or maybe autodetect resolution and use the best available?
If you can't do that, at least being able to scroll the map with looking would be acceptable.

Heres why the music has less mojo. The midis are in a sense flawless. They convey the appropriate feeling and play it mechanically and exactly. The tones are mathematically generated. All this adds to the evil atmosphere.
Also since this is a roguelike, a tactical, precise, evil atmosphere is the goal. You can play DoomFPS sloppily, but DoomRL requires you to be more of a evil machine than the demons.
The versions with real instruments in comparison sound like a garage band trying to play metallica songs. I honestly believe midi or similar is the best artistic choice for the game's mood. Fixing any midi looping issues is probably a great idea because it would remove the only tiny source of imperfection in the midi soundtrack.

Wait, wasn't Doom 1 released as open source semi-recently? Including data files and music?

Requests For Features / Re: Polished product
« on: August 01, 2012, 09:20 »
It doesnt tell you all the information, and the overlay of a minimap ontop of the overhead view is disconcerting. Plus the 1 pixel per tile is pretty awful in the translucent minimap.
Yeah, you dont play graphics version. My point exactly.

Requests For Features / Polished product
« on: July 31, 2012, 19:15 »
Heres the thing, I play console mode and do the "small" download because I have a better experience that way.

The graphics are great, but you can only see a fraction of the map. Why not have the whole level map be visible? It'd be way better for finding the exit when the level's cleared, long term planning of powerup pickups, Computer map visibility, etc.
The "high quality" music loops badly and has way less mojo than the midi versions. Midi still fits with 90s style graphics, so its totally fine.

I voted Hey Not Too Rough. I like Angel challenges, but I die too often on higher difficulties. I can play a standard game on Hurt me plenty, but no challenges pretty much.
I bet a LOT of people who dont vote play on I'm too young to die, so it looks like all difficulties are pretty awesome.

On N! should always be harder than UV, I don't think so. N! is supposed to be more crazy and brutal, but not necessarily harder.

Angel of Fire (modified from angel of explosives earlier)

Fists / explosives only.
Start with Rocket launcher + 1 stack of rockets, red armor.
Firestormed weapons okay, BFG okay.

Otherwise, regular game. Have fun!

============EDIT: Ooops known bug. Sorry!
Still, should be fixed since it looks like you can crash-lose from winning! I had a chainsaw in my weapon slot.

Error log.
I died right after the bruiser brothers. Hurt me plenty difficulty. Console version
Code: [Select]
Timestamp   : 7/10/2012 21:00:56
Error level : ERROR
Message     : Lua hook OnAction caught ELuaException!

Call path     : beings[revenant].OnAction
Call params   : ()
Error message : Get( failed!

Timestamp   : 7/10/2012 21:01:08
Message     : Fatal exception encountered

An unhandled exception occurred at $004624B9 :
ELuaException : LuaError: beings[revenant].OnAction -- Get( failed!
  $004624B9  TDOOMLUA__ONERROR,  line 608 of src/doomlua.pas
  $00450DE7  TLUASYSTEM__PROTECTEDRUNHOOK,  line 539 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluasystem.pas
  $004A719B  TTHING__CALLHOOK,  line 141 of src/dfthing.pas
  $0049E4D4  TBEING__ACTION,  line 1170 of src/dfbeing.pas
  $0049E5EB  TBEING__CALL,  line 1188 of src/dfbeing.pas
  $0041EFDA  TDOOM__RUN,  line 369 of src/doombase.pas
  $00401B15  main,  line 71 of src/doomrl.pas


Requests For Features / Allow old versions to be downloaded
« on: June 05, 2012, 13:45 »
I never got to try .91, even tho I've heard good things about it.
Probably .91, .94, .95, .96 should be available to download at least.

Even if you like the newer versions, there is stuff that was removed from the old versions, and I want to experience that content.
Plus I dont like the new graphics and music :/

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