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Messages - Sambojin

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Requests For Features / Re: Weapon hotkey & multiple weapons
« on: March 24, 2011, 19:32 »
Probably because as has been said, it would be far too powerful. Juggler is a truly amazing trait as it is, on par with the other advanced traits (or better) yet is also available one experience level earlier. It also has the advantage of being in the WK chain, which is great with all the new assemblies. Nothing fixes poor tactics, weapon choice or reloading like Juggler. Even just the instant shotgun availability is awesome for double/sing/combat decisions and the loaded gun in each hand thing.

If you do have two exotics/uniques then just put them in the equipped and prepared slots. It's not as though you can't immediately switch out to two different "normal" weapons you'd rather use. The BFG9k is an exotic that even has its own quickkey(as is the chainsaw?). I'm a fan of twin combat shottys early on or assault shotty/missile launcher for later myself. Switch in bigger single target guns as needed.

I actually think Juggler could afford to be toned down a little. Maybe make it 0.3 seconds for weapon swaps, or a two level trait with first level giving 0.4 secs and level 2 giving 0.2 secs weapon slots. Fast, but not free. The way it is, it's probably a bit too good. It's probably the only part of DoomRL that allows you to accidentally press the wrong key with no disadvantages, and can keep mashing those keys until your heart's content. It's also a wonderful tactics checker, where you can slowly decide just what you want to blast the baddies with. Every other non-juggler build, you have to know before hand, or pay the consequences of poor weapon choice and reloading tactics.

Bug Reports / Re: [] unofficial fix for win9x...
« on: March 09, 2011, 18:26 »
Oh damn, and there's quite a few people out there that have gotten win98 (and 95) to work under a nokia s60v3 dosbox.  I'm going to have to look it up. DoomRL Mobile Edition here we come :D

I've even got an e71, so mapping out the keys should be a snap :)

Discussion / Re: Shottyman - help me out here.
« on: March 06, 2011, 06:20 »
I've been playing around a fair bit with MFa and it does play a lot differently to MAD. I'm assuming (probably incorrectly) that you're playing AoS or shotgun only runs as you can otherwise just waste the bigger guys with a better weapon.  The boost to HR is nice with the 15% per level dodge chance now (which really adds nicely to running's dodge chance and perfect shotgun accuracy). Really the shottyman trait is just a bonus for MFa, the build really is for the lack of splash damage in it. Which is pretty much the only dangerous thing in the later game.

The new tactical boots are your friend in early game. Whilst they contain anti-knockback (a bad thing), the extra run speed does really help you get into position for shotty blasts and running away from daemons early on. I also find that putting in Fin->Jug--....-->MFa at the start of the MFa chain pretty much makes the build both liveable and very powerful. You can then run-and-gun or become a high-dodge-weapons-platform whenever you need too. Juggler is actually probably a fair bit better than shottyman for AoS runs anyway if you're not going MAD. But then again, I'm of the opinion that juggler is probably a lot better than most traits for most things than a pistol build anyway.

Other than that, just ALWAYS use your diagonals unless you have a very good reason not to, and run diagonally at the enemies if you think you can shotty them out more quickly by doing so. Sometimes it'll help keep your shotgun damage high enough, sometimes not. It's one of the few builds where a tech mod probably is better on a shotgun than a power. Speed is of the essence.

Discussion / Re: Poll : Favorite Advanced Traits
« on: March 06, 2011, 05:43 »
Not necessarily my most picked, but certainly my favourite in order of perceived greatness:

#1 Juggler. It's just amazing. At level 2 you can get a skill that makes you the most adaptable marine you can get. It's like it's your own little "get out of jail free" card with the ability to whip out a RL whenever you need to or switch to your DB shotty for close range. You also become an absolute gun ammo platform with this skill, dual wielding combat shotties or plasma rifles (even without MAc that's plenty of ammo). It even beats shottyman for shotgun usage but is still useful with any weapon. The more weapons you have, the more it scales, so it gets better and better as you go deeper into the game. It's almost at the level of a master trait in terms of usage and you get it so early. It is that good.

#2 Badass. Just for the synergy and the lovely passive defense it offers. You've already got an extra two armour before you get this, so why not have more health to round out the "will-not-die-factor"? It lets you collect those health globes pretty much whenever you want and scales nicely with the inevitable ironman levels in late game. 160 health and +2 armour? Yes please!

#3 Whizzkid. It used to be good for a lot of reasons before. Modding, backpack space (to use up "useless" mods) and it was on the way to Mac. Now in it's even better with assemblies. And it will probably get better still as new versions are released and we get even more advanced and master versions of them. But still, who doesn't want the biggest gun, the spiffiest armour and the sparkliest shoes they can get as they trudge their way through hell?

I've actually been playing a bit of AoI recently and I'm finding I can't rely on a master trait build or even a good no-master-trait trait build very easily. But advanced trait builds rock. Going for something like Fin->Jug->Fin->WK->Ir->Ir->BA or Fin->Jug->Ir->Ir-BA-Fin-WK scales so quickly and is so good that the build is over before you know it. You either grab WK early if the mods are kind to you and special levels spawn nicely, or go the passive build and mod out near the end. The build also performs brilliantly in a full game except you still have usually another 3-6 levels of traits up your sleeve before destroying cybie with a barrage of BFG, rocket and plasma fire. Juggler FTW :)

Yeah, I did. Still, it's just one more option I guess. I'm going to have to stop whimping out on the lava pits though. I've never actually seen the lava elemental fire at me. I'm assuming he does some kind of napalm launcher type damage. Does someone have some stats on him to update the wiki? Or is it still "wait until more people finish it"?

And does he only spawn in the southern section of the second island from the left or is it random? He's spawned there all the times I've killed him AFAIK.

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: March 02, 2011, 17:00 »
Yeah, firing off all your rounds of a chaingun and trying to quickswap to the chaingun in your inventory doesn't work. Quickswap always puts the gun with the lowest amount of ammo left into your prepared slot to avoid abuse.

But one from your inventory in 1.0secs isn't bad considering the normal reload time of chainguns. Or shotguns/rocket launchers for that matter.

I've been playing a fair bit of the new version recently and I've noticed something. You are MEANT to nuke the Cyber-daemon. It's not random, it's not a maybe, it's a given. You have the items to do it every time as long as you do the special levels. And it seems that the levels to do it ALWAYS spawn.

Let me explain. Everyone knows how good the arena/chained court/the wall run is. You get some nifty weapons, a good melee weapon for berserkers, some very handy mods and a missile launcher/backpack. In fact, these three levels when all completed give you the weaponry and items that you have no excuse to not get to hell.

But now there's another run. It's the mortuary/unholy cathedral/lava pits run. In the mortuary you get a nuclear BFG and some angelic armour. In the unholy cathedral you get the longinus spear. In the lava pits you get the lava-element. Admittedly you can skip the cathedral if you're not a H2H character. This means that as long as you do the mortuary and the lava pits you ALWAYS have a nuke(overcharged nuclear BFG) and an invulnerability(lava-element) to nuke the cybie. ALWAYS.

Thus JC isn't just for that lucky "I got a white globe at level 24" kind of run. You are meant to kill him on every run if you can. There's no excuses any more. You've got the nuke, you've got the invulnerabilty, you've got some spiffy armour you won't need until JC and a good melee weapon if you want it. Nuke that cybie and kill some iDsoftware arse!

Requests For Features / Re: Light amp visor
« on: March 02, 2011, 15:54 »
BoomRL : The game where arch-smiles are your worst enemies.

N(tm)VFG : The Non-Trademark-Violating-Fucking-Gun :)

Still, if you do end up deciding to release source after 1.0 then I'm sure there'd be heaps of people willing to try and port it. I'm not asking you to though. I'm sure people seem to think game designers and programmers are meant to release source for an essentially free game for no reason. They're not unless they want to.

Probably best to get back OT though.................

I don't think it's designed to shoot. Just to store power cells for when you need them. Kind of makes 1 inventory space equivalent to 6 for cell storage, with the problem that you have to drop it and unload.

Not a bad idea really. It'd be more fun if the 1d1 still shot just like a BFG though. Uses 40 cells, about 10 radius explosion, destroys items, secondary explosions. Not for any actual combat use, but it would be pretty. No damage, no special effects, but so much fun :)

Requests For Features / Re: Ironman needs more love
« on: March 01, 2011, 20:02 »
And following on from Behemoth for a master trait:


Circus Freak
Requires: Juggler, Behemoth(2).
Blocks: Whizzkid, Brute, TAN, Reloader.

You ARE working at a circus. A circus of freaks and daemons. You can lift a baron with one hand as you juggle shotguns while sticking your head down a daemon's throat. And survive. You are the ringmaster, they are your clowns.

You may use or equip all inventory items instantly. When fighting in melee you may use any non-explosive weapon as a melee weapon, ranged or not(dealing physical damage to the attacked foe).

A weird jack-of-all-trades build. Nothing fancy in the end. High life, high carrying capacity, instant switch and use of all items and weapons and slightly faster firing. No need for brute because you're using anything as a melee weapon. You can still use EE for accuracy, but it might be worthwhile blocking the damaging traits so it doesn't get too good (SoB, SoaG). Be a fun alternative to ammochain/no-master runs in Ao100. Might be a bit too powerful really.

edit: Reworded and reworked so it doesn't make a mockery of AoB runs and would be way easier to program. Shotguns are better than normal in melee, plasma weapons significantly worse. Reload of such weapons is still a problem which nullifies the huge bonus a DB shotgun has over a chainsaw. It's only one shot and a bit of backpack space. AoLT may be a problem, but it's probably no worse than ammochain or vampyre.

Requests For Features / Re: Light amp visor
« on: March 01, 2011, 19:25 »
Running on cells does make sense in the realms of background realism, but only if you think of power cells as batteries. I tend to assume that power cells are more like POWER cells, barely contained ionised plasma, explosives and electricity in a shell. More like a bullet than a battery, explode-y not "plug my phone into when playing DoomRL Mobile Edition" (it's got to happen sometime. I can't wait until the source is released and we can all start hacking/porting it to java or C for our nokias/androids. Either that or Kornel can make a fortune on android market).

The idea of power-up collection is cool but a little limiting for some ideas. Invisibility could easily be like that (and a few others) but I'm still all for the alternative envirosuit idea. 20-30 turns of power-up when you want it, but taking up inventory space to do so.

Requests For Features / Re: Ironman needs more love
« on: March 01, 2011, 18:52 »
Just a little go for ironman upgrades:
requires Ironman (2)

Not only are you big and tough, you're strong. So god-damned strong that those bullets, cells and weapons are lighter than a feather to you. You can lift a whole backpack with one finger while slaughtering your way through hell.

For each level of this trait you can carry an extra 15% ammo than normal. Level (2) also gives an extra inventory slot in your backpack.

Gives a nice little backpack-esque boost to characters, removes the "need?" for ammochain for chainfire weapons. Just a nice little boost really. Two levels are a 30% increase, with a backpack its 70% which is pretty massive(maybe make it percentile multiplicative?). The extra inventory slot also makes it worth taking the extra level of it. There IS room on the inventory screen for it. The percentages for ammo upgrade could perhaps be even higher (20%?).

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: February 27, 2011, 23:19 »
The question of whether or not to do them on AoMr is just a difficulty level thing. On HMP or less, then definately do both. On UV or N! it really does depend on equipment and experience.

But you do get a supercharge, a large healthpack, 2 agility mods and the staff after you've finished them, and a lot of XP as well. On HMP or less the new arena is pretty easy really. Grab the chainsaw, grab the berserk packs, change back to pistol and head left. Kill the arena master whilst totally ignoring everything else. Then kill everything else. Get either some nice tactical boots or agility modded pistols for your troubles. You can kill the arena master whilst still berserk almost every time (saving you stacks of health while peons shoot you).

It's a very nice bonus early in the game if you do both levels on AoMr.

Discussion / Re: Assemblies thoughts
« on: February 27, 2011, 20:28 »
- TA/TB set will get you to 0.64 without HR, 0.45 WITH HR. This is a simple calculation: +20% MS boost for each, so 1.0-(1.0*0.2) = 0.8-(0.8*0.2) = 0.64. HR2 adds another 30%, which brings us to 0.64-(0.64*0.7)=0.45 (roughly). This isn't to say that it isn't still good, but that would be OP the way you mention it. The only potential issue with TA/TB is that they can still deteriorate to nothing, so you still need to be careful walking large expanses of lava or into VRM packs.

Yeah, I probably should have emphasised the run very quickly part of the post. I tend to do a fair few shotgun and melee runs, so I'm running quite a bit. I'm pretty sure from memory that the 0.45secs a move while running still holds. I'm not sure if it all goes multiplicative with HR levels. I'm doing an AoMr run now (aiming for MGK) so I'll post a definate figure for tactical boots and armour whilst running soon. 0.31secs a move whilst running with tactical boots, tactical armour and 2 levels of HR.

I guess the rest of what you say is pretty much correct and I may have rated a few things too highly compared to their extreme rareness and WK requirements. I chucked a post together here of what we almost definately get through the game here:,3741.msg33120.html#23

It makes some assemblies look all the better and some worse really. The info could be slightly wrong and depends on special levels spawning. It's just there to highlight what could seem like an average assembly to be too awesome and reliable as others put their thoughts up. I know that you know this, but it could be handy for other people thinking that 3 agility mods and a power mod should equal a super-mega-death-cannon. I still think a normal rocket launcher with any one mod is better than the micro launcher though. And a missile launcher is better than a TRL even without the multi-reload. YMMV

edit: Errrmmm, its 0.31 seconds a move while running. That's with tactical armour, tactical boots, two levels of hellrunner and with run on. The maths works normally (being multiplicative and not subtractive or any other strange stuff). Still, pretty fast in my opinion. Makes the elephant gun look quite good as a replacement for a combat shotgun for a fireangel run. And I guess the elephant gun won't actually fire any further than a normal shotgun (the dropoff % still hits zero at the same time). I wasn't thinking. It still will have a bit more damage until it hits zero though.

Discussion / Re: What the...the Arena Master? *SPOILERS*
« on: February 27, 2011, 18:10 »
Unless you're in a Chaingun build, in which case it's two-thirds of an Assault Rifle.

Which unfortunately is only about 3/4 of a plasma rifle. I'd rather a set of tactical boots and an agility modded plasma rifle than an Assault Rifle. Plus I don't need WK levels to do it :)

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