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Messages - LuckyDee

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 124
Off Topic / Crusade show online
« on: May 03, 2020, 06:41 »
Almost titled this topic 'hardcore live stream', but didn't want to get anyone's hopes up :D

I've been mostly silent over here over the past year, with what me not having the hardware to join in the exploration of Jupiter Hell. Besides that, current affairs - the coronavirus - have seriously impacted my life over the last couple of months, one of the most bitter pills being no band practice.

As some of you may know, I'm the drummer for a hardcore/punk band. Tonight, we have the opportunity to play an empty venue - won't be the first time actually, but in this case at least it was planned. Local organizations have been offering live streams of concerts of all kinds of local bands, and our number's up tonight. You are herewith cordially invited to attend. Show will be presented through Facebook (I hope that doesn't deter too many people), and can be found through the venue's webpage here. Noise will start at 9pm CET, little under 6 and half hours from the time this is posted.

I sorely need this moment of catharsis. I hope some of you can enjoy it with me.



Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: April 01, 2020, 00:31 »
2) I've tried starting Angel of Pacifism as a Scout but I can't seem to see the stairs? Angel of Red Alert says areas can't be scouted, but AoPc doesn't say that.

Yeah, that's not a bug. Stair sense was considered akin to cheating on this challenge, so it was disabled.

As for the other two, it's been too long and I never got into the game enough to give you the answers.

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: March 07, 2020, 08:34 »
Depending on how much you want to use spoilers for assemblies, medals and unique/exotic items, Technician, Heroic and Armor can be all tedium. Some of the medals will still depend on luck, though, as will the drop of mods and uniques/exotics. If you can confidently play UV, Centurial Platinum should be doable too.

Check out some of Sereg's mortems too; he's cheesed his way into a lot of badge by dualing with AoOC. It's tedium meets luck, from what I understand: you spend quite the number of tries getting killed horribly (starting on Hell 1 on a high difficulty), but once it takes off the xp is insane, leveling you up at breakneck speed.

* LuckyDee seriously starts considering buying a new computer... D:

Post Mortem / Re: [M|AoB|YAAM|YAFW] New recruit reporting!
« on: August 14, 2018, 23:45 »
Has it been that long? Good to see you've returned, and kudos on the effort. That's some impressive comeback :D

Announcements / Re: Jupiter Hell Alpha 0.2.0 Released!
« on: August 13, 2018, 00:57 »
For anyone who wants to see what the latest Alpha looks like, I recorded a video here!  :)

This needs to go on social, if you ask me :D

Post Mortem / Re: [M|ArchAoLT|YAAM] Full victory!
« on: July 03, 2018, 22:03 »
LuckyDee, we've talked about this...

You know, in the back of mind some alarm bell was indeed going off as I was typing. I should be paying more attention here, it seems.

Post Mortem / Re: [M|ArchAoLT|YAAM] Full victory!
« on: July 02, 2018, 23:34 »
Valid point. Carry on!

Post Mortem / Re: [M|ArchAoLT|YAAM] Full victory!
« on: July 02, 2018, 13:04 »
You've all the reason to be proud, not in the least because you've awoken me from my slumber long enough to post something again. Great stuff, and good choice of master trait. But did you consider that taking levels in IRO actually decreases your chances of going berzerk? I suffered a painfully stupid YASD at the hands of the Mastermind once, and have subsequently been very careful of taking this on melee builds. Although opinions will likely differ on this matter...

Nice and comprehensive. You almost make it sound easy :(

@LD, I see a demolition pistol in the prepared slot. This makes short work of any corpses.

I saw it too, but it must have taken a couple of levels to obtain that - hence my question.

Fun fact, though: it took me 90 tries. 89 poor (would-be) Sharpshooters died to secure that victory.

Sharpshooters are awesome (I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it), but tough to get going even on lower difficulty levels. Raising one for a 100% full win on Nightmare! is ace. What did you do for corpse disposal?

Geez, talk about your grand entry... Congratulations, that's some collection of achievements there. And welcome!

Discussion / Re: We're all still here...
« on: February 09, 2018, 05:27 »
I feel like someone more worthy than I will need to inherit the Chaos Fanatic! title... I don't hang out on IRC, let alone Discord, much these days...

Chaos Fanatic!sism is in what you are, not in what you do.

Besides, no one else around here is remotely evil enough.

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: February 06, 2018, 09:13 »
I'm not sure about the application of knockback and damage reduction from aoe attacks, but to rule out the most obvious thing that springs to mind: does this happen when you have the Survivalist trait?

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