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Messages - Valkeera

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9
Requests For Features / Re: New Traits
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:44 »
Theres something I don't like about basher... oh wait, it's the fact that it makes melee even easier. (90% chance at level 3 for 90 turns? Come on! Melee is doable, AoM is impossible right now.)

I think that from the description Basher is not for melee only (that's why there's 2 SoaB), it might apply to all other weapons too (or perhaps limited up to chaingun? BFG has a really bashing effect on its own already ;-)).

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: Commandos are death.
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:39 »
Yeah, commandos are nasty, but they do have a weakness...

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Requests For Features / Re: New Traits
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:36 »
I should've probably specified that Stalker only increases your CHANCE being undetected (by 10% per trait level?), and of course would apply only to monsters that are not aware of your presence. Might save your life when you push the wrong lever ;-)

And I like the Basher trait, too - though I'd decrease the duration to 10 turns only, and chance to 10%/tr.level.

Requests For Features / New Traits
« on: December 11, 2006, 10:24 »
Suggestions for two new traits.

advanced, req. 2 Hellrunner
This trait will allow you to dodge missile and melee attacks more effectively - by 10% per trait level.

Allows you to sneak past monsters in their LOS undetected in coward or cautious tac setting. This should probably be an advanced trait too (2 Hellrunner?), as it is very powerful.

Requests For Features / Re: Game Menu sound fx
« on: December 11, 2006, 10:16 »
Yeah, I guess it would be kinda cool... ;-)

Discussion / Re: Strategies
« on: December 11, 2006, 09:32 »
No, reaching the Court is relatively easy. Well, not easy easy, but doable. But getting from Court to Cathedral is pretty much impossible.

I think it's doable with good tactics.
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Of course this won't help you if you find youself in a room with four hell knights and/or hell barons :-/

Discussion / Re: Strategies
« on: December 11, 2006, 04:44 »
Anyone who can reach the Cathedral on UV AoB - is a maniac. Not to mention very much luck dependant.
For a mixed melee game...i dont know.

Agreed. You would be dead a dozen times before reaching the Chained court.
(Perhaps combat knife could be beefed up a little bit? *nudge*)

Discussion / Re: Doom2RL?
« on: December 10, 2006, 14:04 »
Neat! *does a happy dance* I have nothing against graphics, but I like DoomRL for its characteristic ASCII lookout :-)

Discussion / Re: Doom2RL?
« on: December 10, 2006, 13:49 »
I wonder... Will it still be available in ASCII, even after graphics is added?

Discussion / Re: Undoomish, but DoomRLish
« on: December 10, 2006, 13:46 »
I have mixed feelings about this idea. I believe that DoomRL has been originally meant as a tribute to the original Doom (ah, the game of my youth! ;-)), and it should probably stay as it is, with some enrichments like modified but original weapons, original monsters and original story (AoD is a nice feature, but I wouldn't want DoomRL to grow too much fantasyish).

However, for a DoomRL2, or someting like "Greater than Doom", it might not be bad - I'd probably want to stick to original Doom atmosphere, but in addition to RPG incorporate some adventure features: an extended storyline about eternal fight between Good and Evil, in which our unfortunate marine is caught, a concept of hubs similar to Hexen (you can re-visit previous levels within one "hub"), solving puzzles, monsters to interact (e.g. Angel of Death might tempt you to join him), etc....

Of course, Kornel is the ultimate authority - he will decide what turn DoomRL (and its potential successors) will ultimately take ;-)

Let the player choose his/her starting weapon

I'm not sure what you mean here... AoM already starts with an advanced pistol, why would you want to change that for something else?

Place special pistols to Hell's Armoury, so that the player can choose pistol(s) of his choise

I like that very much. One advanced and/or rapidfire pistol in Armoury - or Halls of Carnage - wouldn't hurt.

Let the player switch his/her main weapon on the go

Agreed. Methinks player should be able to switch the weapon if he has another pistol in the "prepared" slot.

Make Dualgunner a 2 level trait and/or add +dmg and/or reloading bonus to it

Bonuses are better.

Add those weapon enchancement things you were talking about at #DoomRL

I don't know what those weapon enhancements were, but I'm all for it :-).
I also remember there was a suggestion about a plasma pistol, and that the feelings toward it were generally positive. Perhaps you could put such weapon in Mortuary (*evil chuckle*), or even create a new special shoot-out level where it could be found ;-)

Requests For Features / Re: Tutorial mode
« on: December 10, 2006, 06:06 »
Well... I guess so. Though there's not really that much keybindings in DoomRL for new players to need a tutorial, IMO; when I started playing ADOM, for example, I had to learn many more keybindings without tutorial :-)

Requests For Features / Re: Traits order in mortem
« on: December 09, 2006, 12:22 »
Wouldn't that hurt the visibility of the mortem? I mean, the traits are neatly stacked together now... Besides, people who want to learn from others' experience are always free to ask ;-)

Requests For Features / Re: New Feature: Non-exploding Barrels
« on: December 09, 2006, 11:55 »
Well, the possibilities are endless ;-)

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Though I must admit that bottling a hell baron with exploding barrels and then blowing them all up has its charms too, heh heh :-D

Requests For Features / New Feature: Non-exploding Barrels
« on: December 09, 2006, 11:30 »
Please create non-exploding barrels to replace some of the exploding ones. The non-exploding barrels would be colored red, and would be destructible by normal ranged or melee attack, but don't hurt the player and don't destroy everything in their vicinity.

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