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Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 24, 2014, 13:46 »
"Enough you wretched simpleton!" Gosok's voice booms like a peal of thunder. A strong gust forms around him kicking up flurry of snow and lifting him off the ground ever so slightly "I AM THE WIND! AND I WILL NOT BE MOCKED!" Seething, Gosok bears down on Armos, "WHAT NERVE; THAT YOU WHO FLEES SO READILY FEELS WORTHY TO JUDGE US WHO FACE SUCH PERILS. YOU SPEAK TO ALIIR, MESSENGER OF THE STORM AND YOU- YOU!!!
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 24, 2014, 13:46 »
Btw, those who witness Gosok's break down can feel free to 'Hold me back bro. Hold me back before I wreck this fool!'
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 24, 2014, 10:59 »
Malek, quick! Make the crowd do more offensive things. It might make Gosok angry enough to start yelling.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 24, 2014, 09:47 »
Play? Gosok's face begins to twitch. Do they think this is a game?
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 23, 2014, 20:45 »
Gosok gives Isirius a dirty glare. This was what he wanted to avoid. A snort of resignation leaves him as he steps forward to the crowd. Meticulously he crafts a single enormous glyph in the air
Depending on the response to this I'll add something tomorrow. Too tired atm
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 22, 2014, 20:30 »
Giving Isirius a tap on the shoulder, Gosok gestures to the Warden
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Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 22, 2014, 18:32 »
I don't want to spoil why Gosok doesn't speak. Fluff wise its the same runes I write to use my powers. I'll try to keep the messages terse enough to be reasonable. I'm not going to lecture with the damn things.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 22, 2014, 08:23 »
I would say you guys are able to at least. Whether anyone else can is up to Malek but I would think anyone with a religion check could as well.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 21, 2014, 13:04 »
Putting his weapon away, Gosok looks around for the Warden and his guards. This blighted winter is bad enough but now between the undead, a talking boat, an ice scepter and a Winter King; things are getting out of hand.
╬╢╣╔╣ ╡╩ ╦╢╣ ╬╜╔║╣┼└
Gosok retraces the runes until his allies take notice.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 19, 2014, 12:21 »
Spinning around Gosok hews into the zombie.
Standard Action: Attacking K21 with Rune of Diminishment vs AC: 1d20+12 27
Rune of Diminishment Damage: 1d8r1+5 13 Lightning Damage
Rune of Destruction: Until EoNT, Target has Vuln 2 vs Everything or Vuln 5 vs OAs
Runestate of Destruction: Allies adjacent to me get +1 to their attack rolls.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 18, 2014, 12:14 »
A strong gale builds, lifting Gosok into the air. Without hesitation he follows Quill, swooping to flank the skeleton. This must end quickly. Striking fiercely, Gosok drives the skeleton back towards Quill before closing the gap. Taking this moment he ponders the meaning of this so called ice scepter.
Standard Action: Wind Fury Assault; Fly to L21, provoking skeleton if able.
Wind Fury Assault vs Skeleton (L20) : 1d20+12 19 vs AC; 1d8r1+5 10: Lightning Damage
Move Action: Shift to L20
Religion Check: 1d20+7 16
Nightmare! / Re: [N!|AoB+AoMs|49%|YAVP] Masochistic Vampyre! :D (Berserker Angelic)
« on: February 18, 2014, 00:08 »
Yet another mind boggling achievement. Has anyone done a N! AoHu+AoMs run? I would love to see that from you, because lets face it: You are probably the only one who could pull it off.
Century Lounge / Re: [U|ArchAo666|99%|YAFW] Three got away
« on: February 17, 2014, 23:54 »
Agreed. I fully cleared the first 200ish levels and just said fuck this and sprinted the remaining 466 levels. Which reminds me I never did post that mortem, oops.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 16, 2014, 19:10 »
History, Religion, Arcana, Nature, Dungeoneering and Streetwise
and sorry for the lack of clarification in my actions. Normally I'm the guy with meticulous formatting.
and sorry for the lack of clarification in my actions. Normally I'm the guy with meticulous formatting.
Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 16, 2014, 18:00 »
Ice Scepter? Winter King?
Gosok pondered for a moment before returning his attention to the battle. The were more questions than answers but they would have to wait for the time being. Perhaps the Warden would know.
Gosok pondered for a moment before returning his attention to the battle. The were more questions than answers but they would have to wait for the time being. Perhaps the Warden would know.